MJ LAPD Investigation: Authorities taking their time in Jackson case

OK, I knew it will happen. Now fans have to come together and go to protest in front of LAPD building till it is not too late imo
They are not building the case they are taking their sweet time. They arrested Michael for no reason very fast.
Dr.Hoefflin already said that LAPD is very corrupted organization. What else we need to hear?
you keep talking about other doctors prescribing meds to mj , from the search warrants only three drugs were found at mj's house beside the drugs murray was prescribing to mj to "wean him off his so called addcition to propofol", non of them was that serious, two by Metzeger and one by klien .

yes Klien's records were subpoenaed , they found Omar arnolds name only no other aliases according to TMZ in klien's records. the pharmacy raided in LA was providing self prescribed drugs to klien over a period of three years , it is really absurd to think that klien was getting drugs in his name to give to mj , when mj was supposedly using aliases , why would klien rescue his career to do something as stupid as self prescribing when mj could have alternatives as using aliases.

as for the pharmacy , sneddon was so interested in mj's so called drug addition , he even had Chris carter prepared to testify about the aliases and the drug abuse , you would think if indeed they had any real evidence they would have accused him of more charges .

even the GA said that the number of doctors they are investigation is not as high as some people might believe , that was in reponse to stories about 6 doctors being under investigation. we thought first Adams was one of them , from his attorney they did not even subpoena his medical records .

I do believe they are only focusing on Murray in relation to mj's death .

I also forget to mention that the LAPD were not present when the pharmacy klien was using was raided , that tells you the raid had nothing to do with mj's death .
Asedora - sometimes we disagree - but this time I am with you 1000%.

As MJ fans, we need to get more pro-active just like we did at the trials.

F-k everybody - we need to stop feeling bad for the LAPD and DEMAND ANSWERS.

We as citizens, as MJ fans, deserve the truth!!!

We pay the LAPD & District Attorney's salaries through our taxes - so they are accountable to US.

I want somebody arrested!!!

OK, I knew it will happen. Now fans have to come together and go to protest in front of LAPD building till it is not too late imo
They are not building the case they are taking their sweet time. They arrested Michael for no reason very fast.
Dr.Hoefflin already said that LAPD is very corrupted organization. What else we need to hear?
the problem is, what they found in the houes may not match what they found in records. they need to prove that if it is just speculation that he had massive amoutns of rx drugs, then they have to prove it.

public perception is a butt....so theyneed irrefutable proof. if not, he'll walk
u can't picket for nothing if u don't know what's going on. the time to picket is if, god forbid, they can't get an indictment or they don't charg ehim or charge him w/ something weak. but right now, u can't cuz you're not informed and don't know what they're doing or what they'renot doing
u can't picket for nothing if u don't know what's going on. the time to picket is if, god forbid, they can't get an indictment or they don't charg ehim or charge him w/ something weak. but right now, u can't cuz you're not informed and don't know what they're doing or what they'renot doing

The voice of reason speaks again!

But we don't have to physically stand in front of the LAPD building - we can do an email campaign demanding justice in the meantime.

It's our citizens' rights is what I'm asking for.
The voice of reason speaks again!

But we don't have to physically stand in front of the LAPD building - we can do an email campaign demanding justice in the meantime.

It's our citizens' rights is what I'm asking for.
It's the LAPD, not Mayberry.
another thing , from Adams lawyer we knew now that Murray was with mj in march , Lee stopped working with mj in 19th of April , what do you make of this ? tha's probably when murray heard about lee, and he wants to blame her for administring propofol to mj as he accused Adams too.

Dr.death lied alot ,ALOT .
another thing , from Adams lawyer we knew now that Murray was with mj in march , Lee stopped working with mj in 19th of April , what do you make of this ? tha's probably when murray heard about lee, and he wants to blame her for administring propofol to mj as he accused Adams too.

Dr.death lied alot ,ALOT .


Yes he did lie! Murray has many, many inconsistencies in his version of the account VERSUS the evidence found. Even Law & Order can figure this one out.

Had Murray done things the proper medical way, Michael would be finished with his 1st round of O2 shows & resting with the MJ3.

Lee NEVER administered Propofol to Michael, she refused to because she knew that only a doctor can do that under the strict, proper medical conditions.
another thing , from Adams lawyer we knew now that Murray was with mj in march , Lee stopped working with mj in 19th of April , what do you make of this ? tha's probably when murray heard about lee, and he wants to blame her for administring propofol to mj as he accused Adams too.

Dr.death lied alot ,ALOT .

I agree with you. But what did Murray say to put the blame on Lee? I didn't hear about that. Or maybe I wasn't paying as close attention.
he claimed she was administering propofol to mj , he also claimed Dr.Adams gave mj propofol while he was present . he was trying to say that mj was addicted to propofol and everyone from the medical profession associated with mj was providing him with propofol . you know h wanted to back up his explanation as to why he gave mj all those drugs that night .
Last month the Los Angeles County coroner ruled Jackson's June 25 death a homicide caused primarily by the powerful anesthetic propofol in combination with the sedative lorazepam. Both were administered in Jackson's mansion by his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray.

Okay, I'm having trouble with this. Michael's death was ruled a HOMICIDE, caused by PROPOFOL, administered to him by MURRAY, and yet, he's still walking around free. He's living his life. No, he wasn't the only one involved, but shouldn't he be arrested for what they know for a fact that he did??? While they continue investigating??? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the reality is that we are going to a wait a year..
and by then LAPD just might not screw it up so bad that the DA will take it to court..
then the DA will be so incompetent that Dr. Death will walk.

sorry to be the lone pessimist but i am just so disgusted.
"It makes no sense," said Hymes. "You don't wean people off propofol. People don't go around craving propofol. What he needed to be weaned off of were all the other drugs."

This is unbelievable an expert is saying Murray messed up and they are taking their time to arrest him. I know the LAPD don't care about Michael but it is quite clear to me that if he was not given propofol he would be alive today. So the person who gave it to him which was Murray needs to be arrested.

What does the other doctors has to do with this now.They weren't there the night MJ died. If anything they should be investigated later on. This is just an excuse to not to anything on the part of the LAPD.

I agree with you. It looks like they are determined to stick Murray with a "prescribing to an addict" charge as well. They claim they're having a hard time rounding up MJ's "medical history" becuz of the aliases but, imo, what they really mean is they're having a hard time proving Michael's addictions versus a possible dependency due to legitimate causes.

The article here claims they plan to use this "addiction" to show it led to his death. Uhhh, what led to his death was too much propofol and an overload of benzos...all given to Michael by hands other than his own.

I never thought the LAPD were genuinely interested in Michael's case as a possible homicide. I feel they were forced to follow up when information became too public for them to ignore. From day one, they took MJ's death as a celebrity addict overdose case. Never securing the scene was the first indication they were ready to wrap this ish up and call it a day.

Not only was Conrad Murray deadly reckless while administering drugs that he had no formal experience administrating (in an environment that no doctor should have ever considered medically safe), but he outright lied to investigators about so many key facts surrounding the case. In all likelihood his grand misbehavior after finding Michael is what ultimately led to Michael not being with us all today. By not calling 911 for a minimum of 82 minutes following his alleged discovery of an unconscious Michael, by claiming he didn't know the address of the house, by still making it a priority to call his own offices instead of 911 to seemingly protect his own ass, he absolutely acted in ways unthinkable that are criminal in and of themselves.

Not only did he lie but he purposely left out information. He didn't tell the paramedics on the scene he gave Michael propofol and he failed to tell police he made phone calls that morning. His attorney claimed the police never asked Murray if he made phone calls that morning which goes to show Murray was already playing the game of "if they don't ask, you don't tell" with the police. That's not something a man who wanted to tell the truth would do. If they asked him to recount what he did that morning and he conveniently left out making those calls, he was purposely being deceitful. A jury will wonder WHY the need for omission. It makes you wonder what else the police didn't ask Murray and he didn't volunteer.

exactly, he admitted he administered propofol to mj , he admitted he gave him all the other drugs which were found in his body , OTHER DOCTORS HAVE NOTHING TO DO with the homicide case . all the drugs which were found in mj's body were prescribed by murray. what more evidence they need. they are looking to find exonerating evidence , not incriminating.

I'm inclined to agree with you about exonerating evidence over incriminating...at the very least something to soften Murray's blow with a jury. As for looking at other doctors, they could also be looking for the doctor who showed Murray how to administer propofol. That may explain Murray's need to meet with Dr. Adams.

Agwara wouldn't say what took place during the meeting, but he said his client did not administer propofol or anything else to Jackson during the meeting. "Murray has never witnessed my client administer propofol to anyone," Agwara said. "He's never witnessed my client administer anything to anyone."

Really pay attention to the bolded part. Agwara doesn't say what took place during the meeting (of course) but is adamant propofol was not administered to Michael or anyone during that meeting. He doesn't say whether or not Adams discussed HOW to admininster it with Murray? Talking about administering propofol and doing the act are 2 separate things. The thing is this...someone had to show Murray what to do if he didn't already know. Who better than an actual anesthesiologist? Who knows if Murray tried to recruit Adams in some way, but Adams-- having the good sense the good Lord gave him wasn't having it. Teaching Murray may have been the next best thing, imo. If anything, it's going to be a case of Murray against Adams about what happened that day, but Imma say Adams has the upper hand.

Adams- all his patients woke up; no credibility issues thus far
Murray- Michael died; crapload of lies behind him

And that brings me to my last points.

From Yahoo News:

The coroner's finding of homicide, or death at the hands of another, does not automatically mean a crime was committed. To bring a manslaughter charge, prosecutors must show there was a reckless action that created a risk of death or great bodily injury. If a doctor is aware of the risk, there might also be an issue of whether the patient knows that risk and decided to take it.

What we do know is, according to Nurse Lee (if you believe her), altho Michael was aware, he knew that he needed to be monitored for this to be safe. I doubt he had any expectation that he would be left "unmonitored" and therefore, "unsafe" by Dr. Murray at any time. So even IF he was aware of the risks and decided to take it, he had the expectation of safety under the watchful eye of someone he deemed a professional...someone who presented themselves as a capable professional. That has to count for something, imo.

Vesna Maras, a former Los Angeles deputy district attorney who spent 12 years trying medical and pharmacological cases for the office, noted it is not illegal to simply administer propofol.

"If he didn't research the drug that would be conscious disregard of the risk to human life, which is second-degree murder," she said. "If he did research it, was aware of the risks and didn't exercise due caution and circumspection before administering it, that is involuntary manslaughter."

Uhh... "involuntary" generally means someone had no intention of doing something or rather something happened for which they had very little or no control over. IF he researched it (a voluntary act) and he was aware of the risks (consciousness), YET didn't excercise due caution and circumspection before administering it (another voluntary act), how in the hell is it IN-voluntary manslaughter? Come on, now. Get otta here with that nonsense.

To me, involuntary manslaughter would have been IF he had done everything in his power to insure Michael was properly monitored, proper equipment to resusitate him was available, AND he had not done a single thing (like say, pump Michael with other drugs which might accelerate propofol's effect) during the administration of the drug. THAT would be involuntary manslaughter becuz it would mean this doctor did everything correctly and did everything in his power to protect, preserve and restore Michael's life and all efforts failed despite that. That's what I would categorize as being beyond someone's control.

That wasn't the case here. We have a doctor who pumped Michael with benzos and propofol and then left the room to make 45 minutes worth of phone calls during the time he claims he was trying to save Michael's life. Chernoff tried to clean it up and say Murray didn't have to leave the room to make the calls but poor thing forgot he initially told ABC that his client "fortuitously" entered Michael's room and found him not breathing. Uhhh in case Chernoff didn't know, one has to be OUT of the room before one can ENTER it. DUH! So was Murray out or was he in?? Make up your lying little minds, eh? :smilerolleyes: Making the conscious decision to leave the room (another voluntary act) while a person is under propofol sounds like conscious disregard for human life to me. Every anesthesiologist and expert I've heard talk about this subject has said a patient shouldn't be left unmonitored under zero circumstances. Murray will never find an expert to side with him and agree it was okay for him to do so...even to take a 2-minute pee. Second Degree Murder...clear as day. And if lividity shows time of death was earlier than suspected, it would show he delayed calling for help long before he claimed and covered up.

Justice may be slow but it'll come. Murray's not going to get away with this by a longshot. If he does, the Jackson family should consider putting the LAPD on their list of ppl to sue for incompetence. How can a man who admits what he's done, which is clearly wrong no matter how you slice it, and has told obvious lies, walk? Even Dr. Kevorkian was locked up and his victim asked to die.

Translation: The victim has nothing to do with it when his life is taken or harmed by the hands of another. If that's the case you'd have ppl getting away with murder everyday. "Oh you shot Johnny in head becuz he cut you off in traffic? Well, Johnny was a known a-hole anyway, so we won't prosecute." Uhh I don't think so.
They are never going to arrest Murray. This was always the plan.

Whos involved

AEG(the carrot/ bait)
SONY(we will kill for that catalog)
The entire Media(drugs drugs drugs)
LAPD(You know which group they frame and hate and MJ is a member of this group)
Murray( I'll do anything for money)
Branca ( I'll sell my soul to the devil for miney)
Dileo(The fixer)
Faye (The makeup coverup)
Thome((returned 5.5 million kept untold tens of millions)
Klien (Murray's back-up)

The trial would expose the whole thing so we get this. Look at how fast police arrested the Lab guy in the Yale murder. Of course he is not the murderer. It was her Fiance who put her in the wall; he will get away with it just as Murray will. His millions and Island retreat arewaiting for him .

He wont do 1 day in jail.
I think people will go to jail but it will be a few years before anyone is charged because of the multiple doctors in multiple states being involved. I also think or hope they are looking into people like Dr. Tohme Tohme.
Everytime I read how Murray been trying to cover his tracts and blame other people , I get so angry, he is a real low life weasel.
Murray's deliberate decisions and his explanations for them aren't the only thing the LAPD have to go on. That's if they care. There were other people involved here. The EMT's observations of the bedroom surroundings, the condition they found Michael's body, temp of body and room etc, Many factors play an important role in the investigation. Michael's employees at the house...UCLA staff....all of the people who came in contact with Michael's body have observed something and have some knowledge of the situation and what they witnessed if one is being thorough in finding the truth. Murray's medical license will probably be taken from him at the very least just to make it look good. Big deal...he won't have any patients anyway. His cardiology practice is over. Who would want him as a doctor after this...his money will have to come from somewhere, but where? Off shore?

LAPD raided an innocent man's house over false allegations of child abuse. The media dogged him for years why should they care to speak the truth now about his death? Sony wanting control over a Bil $ catalogue, lots of players here and they all have egg on their faces regardless. How deep are they going to delve in to find the truth, and of what value is Michael's life to them? All angles should be pursued, the question is will they be?
And another thing, I remember the media did a long segment on a news show awhile back after Michael died with people claiming to have been addicted to propofol and getting cleaned up before it was too late. But now, we've found out people can't get addicted. So what's up regarding that news segment?
"There's no question that a bad thing happened," she said of Jackson's death. "But you need to prove to 12 jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that it is manslaughter. That's a very high threshold."

they knew it, didnt they when planning this murder :evil:

nobody cares about Michael except for fans. nobody
u rush, u leak, and u essentially are helping the defense.

what's making this take so long?

mj's extensive medical history

all the doctors breaking the law prescribing him things

rx drugs he may have taken days before or the day before that have to be removed as potential reasons y he died.

how, and where murray got the diprivan. who gave it to him, who toldhim how to administer it.

who did he call andwhy

the cpr timeline

the 'i found him not breathing' timeline

the dosage of 25mL story and sitting w/ mj for ten minutes...factually impossible.

there's a lot of things they need to have iron clad so that they will get this man and he'llhave no excuse.

they need to be able to say (and this is just a statement, not truth) it doesn't matter how much mj used and who gave it to him, all that matters is what happened that night/morning, what happened after his death, and the attempts to cover it up.

they need that, fact, point blank end of story so that he can't have a defense. that takes time

Thank you!!
I'd rather they do it right, than do it fast and bugger it up.

That said, if after all this they still don't get anything done, I'll be a very angry individual...
And another thing, I remember the media did a long segment on a news show awhile back after Michael died with people claiming to have been addicted to propofol and getting cleaned up before it was too late. But now, we've found out people can't get addicted. So what's up regarding that news segment?

all the propofol addiction cases are related to people who work in the medical profession , because for the addict to enjoy " the fruits" of addiction to propofol you have to inject yourself over and over and over again , most of the people who are addicted to propofol re inject themselves over one hundred times a day . mj was not re injecting himself with propofol endless times .
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I think people will go to jail but it will be a few years before anyone is charged because of the multiple doctors in multiple states being involved. I also think or hope they are looking into people like Dr. Tohme Tohme.

the LAPD wish that was the case. what happened does not have anything to do with other doctors since all the meds found in mj;s body and caused his death were prescribed by murray .

and you really have to stop believeing t the dotors who administered propofol to mj before are going to be charged with anything . It was not a controlled substance,when it was administered , instructions provided by the manufacturor were met , professional people administered it, equipment were present , there was nothing illegal at all . Murray was not a specialist, he did not follow the instructions put by the manufacturor , he obviously showed no regard to human life by not follwoing the instructions on the propofl bottles especially with a medication with ZERO MARGIN OF ERROR.

Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.
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I think people will go to jail but it will be a few years before anyone is charged because of the multiple doctors in multiple states being involved. I also think or hope they are looking into people like Dr. Tohme Tohme.

the LAPD investigation covers only Murray and that how it should be , hell they were not even present when the DEA raided the Mikey pharmacy ,

the LAPD asked the DEA to investigate the other doctors to see WHETHER they did something wrong BEFRORE mj's death , becuase their investigation only covers murray i mean the homicide case ofcourse. and the fact that Dr.Adams records were not subpuaned tells me they know all these stories about doctors shopping and long term addcition to drugs are really bullshit to say the least.

MJ had medical conditions that would justify his usage of the meds prescribed ,THEY KNOW THAT BY NOW. stop listening to the media and the jackson family they are liars.:yes:
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Really pay attention to the bolded part. Agwara doesn't say what took place during the meeting (of course) but is adamant propofol was not administered to Michael or anyone during that meeting. He doesn't say whether or not Adams discussed HOW to admininster it with Murray? Talking about administering propofol and doing the act are 2 separate things. The thing is this...someone had to show Murray what to do if he didn't already know. Who better than an actual anesthesiologist? Who knows if Murray tried to recruit Adams in some way, but Adams-- having the good sense the good Lord gave him wasn't having it. Teaching Murray may have been the next best thing, imo. If anything, it's going to be a case of Murray against Adams about what happened that day, but Imma say Adams has the upper hand.
seems to me mj and murray went to abrams to ask him about how to administer the drug. to teach murray. question is when did murray come on board, we now have a date of march. how much further does it go back?
the LAPD investigation covers only Murray and that how it should be , hell they were not even present when the DEA raided the Mikey pharmacy ,

If the DEA had a search warrant, that's federal jurisdiction so the LAPD & the State of California have no power over that and cannot interfere or act on behalf of the DEA - otherwise that would be obstruction of justice.