MJ LAPD Investigation: Authorities taking their time in Jackson case

I hate to be so negative but I seem to me that if this was any other celebrity or rather any other white celerity Charges would have been filled months ago. I wait every day for charges to be filed...and yet, nothing. I think law enforcement has always been bias towards Michael Jackson. They tried to get him in 93' and again in 05'. I wish Michael would have never come back to the states, he might still be alive. No where in the world was Michael treated worse and now that he is gone, it continues. MJ had million of fans around the world. I wish there was something we could do. (maybe we could rally in front of LAPD and demand justice) it doesn't seem like his family, friends or lol, even the Rev. Al Sharpton is going to do anything. Vctimized in life and now in death. Sickening !!!
I hate to be so negative but I seem to me that if this was any other celebrity or rather any other white celerity Charges would have been filled months ago.

really?....cause it took 2 years for charges to be brought in the Anna Nicole Smith case.........blond and white!

I don't understand ...........would everyone rather they arrest him today, have a lackluster or incomplete case, and it be thrown out?.........so they arrest him now, and then what?

Please, we need to try and not get too worked up about NOTHING..., as elusive moonwalker said.........nothing new here, why let it get to you...it is just a news report with no real news in it?
"What's the rush?" :huh:

WHAT'S THE RUSH??????????????????

You have someone who killed (yes, I said it, KILLED) the world's most beloved human and they ask WHAT'S THE RUSH???

:banghead :banghead :banghead

If a doctor is aware of the risk, there might also be an issue of whether the patient knows that risk and decided to take it.

I don't believe this :blink:

So if someone pointing a gun at me knows the risk of pulling the trigger, and I know and agree, then it isn't murder anymore? :mello:

People may call it whatever they want - gathering evidence, building a case, you name it - but the truth is that they just don't care. They might not even try to get him.

Would be funny for them not to press charges and, 5 years from now, see Murray getting arrested for killing someone else with an overdose - someone normal :doh:
I am so upset Michael will NEVER get Justice he deserves. I remember Judge Joe Brown was talking on CNN about Michael’s death he said its Michael fault that he died people looking for someone to blame.
All I can say is I do hope that the LAPD is differnet from the Santa Barbara police and DA and does not make their investigations like that. I don´t know what to think. I hope they can be trusted. Maybe they should just chage him with negligence becauce it would be really hard to say that it isn´t. But I don´t know if he will be charged with man slaughter.
really?....cause it took 2 years for charges to be brought in the Anna Nicole Smith case.........blond and white!

I don't understand ...........would everyone rather they arrest him today, have a lackluster or incomplete case, and it be thrown out?.........so they arrest him now, and then what?

Please, we need to try and not get too worked up about NOTHING..., as elusive moonwalker said.........nothing new here, why let it get to you...it is just a news report with no real news in it?

Yeah for Anna Nicole, it took almost two years before they nailed her enablers, I hope that they nail that doc sooner than that.

I'll be patient about this, I am just hoping that use this time to build a strong case against the people who killed Michael.
He said investigators may be questioning Murray's claim that he was trying to "wean" Jackson off the powerful anesthetic by giving him decreasing doses.

"It makes no sense," said Hymes. "You don't wean people off propofol. People don't go around craving propofol. What he needed to be weaned off of were all the other drugs."

that's exactly what i have been trying to say since day one . the benzo drugs were the highly addcitive drug not propofol . they can't say mj asked for them , murray already admitted he gave him the benzo drugs to wean him off his "addcition" to propofol. he said he only gave him the benzo drugs two days before his death as part of his plan to stop using propofol. but what they found did not supprot the "last two days" story , Murray was hooking mj on benzo drugs because he knew once the concerts were over he would have stopped working for mj since PROPOFOL WAS NOT ADDICTIVE , he was trying to make mj develope an addcition to benzo drugs so his "efforts" would have been always needed .

well they found nine bottles of temazepam prescribed by murray

one empty bottle of lorazipam prescribed by murray
and another empty bottle of midazolepam prescribed by murray .
Will Michael ever get any justice?.......I really don't know.
that's exactly what i have been trying to say since day one . the benzo drugs were the highly addcitive drug not propofol . they can't say mj asked for them , murray already admitted he gave him the benzo drugs to wean him off his "addcition" to propofol. he said he only gave him the benzo drugs two days before his death as part of his plan to stop using propofol. but what they found did not supprot the "last two days" story , Murray was hooking mj on benzo drugs because he knew once the concerts were over he would have stopped working for mj since PROPOFOL WAS NOT ADDICTIVE , he was trying to make mj develope an addcition to benzo drugs so his "efforts" would have been always needed .

well they found nine bottles of temazepam prescribed by murray

one empty bottle of lorazipam prescribed by murray
and another empty bottle of midazolepam prescribed by murray

And Murray doesn't have a California License to prescribe medicine.

Harvey Levin said on his live TMZ chat that he expects arrests to be made the 2nd week of October ...

Let's see.
damn I missed it is that all he said?

What Harvey does is take questions in the comments section of the TMZ live chat thread & answers it in the live chat at 6:00pm EST.

Sometimes they start late - but it's worth seeing, most of the questions commenters pose are MJ related, and for the most part, Harvey does give clear and informative answers regarding the case.

He answered that at about 6:05pm EST.
Not only was Conrad Murray deadly reckless while administering drugs that he had no formal experience administrating (in an environment that no doctor should have ever considered medically safe), but he outright lied to investigators about so many key facts surrounding the case. In all likelihood his grand misbehavior after finding Michael is what ultimately led to Michael not being with us all today. By not calling 911 for a minimum of 82 minutes following his alleged discovery of an unconscious Michael, by claiming he didn't know the address of the house, by still making it a priority to call his own offices instead of 911 to seemingly protect his own ass, he absolutely acted in ways unthinkable that are criminal in and of themselves.

At this point it seems as if the LAPD is purposely dragging this out as long as they are so that it can be claimed that no single doctor was at fault. In any other case when the death is ruled a homicide, when you know that the victim died due to "lethal amounts" of a single anesthetic being administered, and when the person who administered the lethal dose admits to it the first day, you ARREST them as suspect.

I'm so disgusted...
if they're not going to make Murray and everyone involved pay for what they did to Michael I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I'm already a wreck.
The silence is just too creepy for me. As for the courts and the law...FFF=orget about em'...they've been screwing this case up ever since the beggining, what makes you think they'll actually do their job now? I'm just waiting on God's sweet vengeance against the wicked ones.or simply Karma. They never fail.
Not only was Conrad Murray deadly reckless while administering drugs that he had no formal experience administrating (in an environment that no doctor should have ever considered medically safe), but he outright lied to investigators about so many key facts surrounding the case. In all likelihood his grand misbehavior after finding Michael is what ultimately led to Michael not being with us all today. By not calling 911 for a minimum of 82 minutes following his alleged discovery of an unconscious Michael, by claiming he didn't know the address of the house, by still making it a priority to call his own offices instead of 911 to seemingly protect his own ass, he absolutely acted in ways unthinkable that are criminal in and of themselves.

At this point it seems as if the LAPD is purposely dragging this out as long as they are so that it can be claimed that no single doctor was at fault. In any other case when the death is ruled a homicide, when you know that the victim died due to "lethal amounts" of a single anesthetic being administered, and when the person who administered the lethal dose admits to it the first day, you ARREST them as suspect.

I'm so disgusted...[/quote]

exactly, he admitted he administered propofol to mj , he admitted he gave him all the other drugs which were found in his body , OTHER DOCTORS HAVE NOTHING TO DO with the homicide case . all the drugs which were found in mj's body were prescribed by murray. what more evidence they need. they are looking to find exonerating evidence , not incriminating.
everything in mj's body was prescribed by murray, murray admitted he gave him all the drugs, propofol + ativam caused mj's death not what klien was giving him or Abrams ...etc .
I am hoping that the fact that they are taking so long is an indication that they want to be sure they can get a conviction, and get everyone involved in wrongdoing.

It is frustrating and doesn't help anyone get closure, the only consolation is that Murrey must be suffering, waiting for the knock at the door, or some crazed fan taking the law into their own hands.

I have no doubt that Murrey at the very least acted with complete disregard for Michael's safety, that is evidenced by no EKG and oximiter monitoring, that would have sounded an alarm as soon as Michael's breathing and oxygen level and heart rate started to fail. Giving Michael propofol every night for six weeks was nothing more than pushing the drug, and we only have Murrey's word for it that Michael was demanding anything, after enough medication to sedate a horse, was he in any lucid enough state to demand anything.
hillivar, to be honest I don't buy his story at all. I mean who in his/her right mind believes he gave mj propofol at 10.40 am ?
He would just piss them off and they would take even longer..

hillivar, to be honest I don't buy his story at all. I mean who in his/her right mind believes he gave mj propofol at 10.40 am ?


Especially when Michael was the classic Virgo with his routine - breakfast with children & spend time with MJ3, - then tend to his grooming & business matters, then off to rehearsal/work.
thanks to getoutofmyface:

A Las Vegas anesthesiologist linked by Dr. Conrad Murray to the drug use of Michael Jackson did administer a sleeping drug to the pop star four times, but not under the conditions that Murray told investigators.

That account by Las Vegas attorney Libo Agwara came days after a search warrant was unsealed that revealed new details about the Los Angeles Police Department's investigation.
The warrant includes statements made by Murray, the Las Vegas doctor at the center of the investigation, who told authorities he administered propofol to Jackson minutes before he died. Murray told investigators that in March or April he witnessed Dr. David Adams administer the same drug to Jackson in a cosmetology office, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Agwara, Adams' attorney, said Murray's claims were false.

"My client has never been to a cosmetologist to do anything," Agwara said. "That doesn't make any sense."

Adams did administer the powerful drug to Jackson four times last year and did meet with Murray in March, Agwara said from his office on Sahara Avenue.

Adams, a roving anesthesiologist, has used the drug on more than 6,000 patients since he started practice in 2003. "All 6,000-plus people woke up," Agwara said.

Physicians in hospitals, medical centers and doctors offices contact Adams to put people under for surgeries and other medical procedures.

In 2008, a surgical dentist in Las Vegas contacted Adams for his services regarding a "VIP," Agwara said. The VIP was Jackson, and Adams was made to swear to confidentiality before doing the work. Agwara wouldn't say who the dentist was.

Jackson was undergoing "extensive dental work," Agwara said. Over the course of a few months, Adams administered the sedative four times for the dental procedures.

Adams didn't have contact again with Jackson until Murray called him in March. He did not know Murray, according to Agwara.

"Dr. Murray called, said 'Can we meet?'" Agwara said. "My client said, 'Who are you?' He said, 'Well, I'm Michael Jackson's personal doctor.' ... He said, 'Mr. Jackson remembered you from when you assisted in one of his surgical procedures.'"

Adams met with Murray and Jackson at Murray's office that month, Agwara said.

Agwara wouldn't say what took place during the meeting, but he said his client did not administer propofol or anything else to Jackson during the meeting. "Murray has never witnessed my client administer propofol to anyone," Agwara said. "He's never witnessed my client administer anything to anyone."

Authorities have subpoenaed medical records from Adams, the warrant states, according to the Los Angeles Times. But Agwara said his client has not been given a subpoena and has not been asked for medical records.

"The authorities have assured me time and again that my client has never been a target of any investigation, has never been under investigation, and they have not uncovered anything that will make him a target of any investigation," Agwara said.

Jackson died in June. A law enforcement official told The Associated Press this week that a coroner ruled the pop star's death a homicide and that a combination of drugs was the cause.

Agwara said Adams has not had any complaints or disciplinary action against him. The Nevada Board of Osteopathic Medicine's Web site shows Adams has not had any reports of malpractice or disciplinary issues.

Agwara said Murray has given propofol a bad name.

"It is a wonderful, wonderful drug for professionals who know how to use it in a medical setting," he said.

"It makes no sense," said Hymes. "You don't wean people off propofol. People don't go around craving propofol.
What he needed to be weaned off of were all the other drugs."

Finally, a medical expert, admits that Michael Jackson was not addicted to

To quote Dick Gregory:
Doctors make the best assassins.
Thank you for this article - this clearly proves Murray's recklessness and/or malice in administering TOXIC levels of Propofol (as per the LA Coroner).


thanks to getoutofmyface:

A Las Vegas anesthesiologist linked by Dr. Conrad Murray to the drug use of Michael Jackson did administer a sleeping drug to the pop star four times, but not under the conditions that Murray told investigators.

That account by Las Vegas attorney Libo Agwara came days after a search warrant was unsealed that revealed new details about the Los Angeles Police Department's investigation.
The warrant includes statements made by Murray, the Las Vegas doctor at the center of the investigation, who told authorities he administered propofol to Jackson minutes before he died. Murray told investigators that in March or April he witnessed Dr. David Adams administer the same drug to Jackson in a cosmetology office, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Agwara, Adams' attorney, said Murray's claims were false.

"My client has never been to a cosmetologist to do anything," Agwara said. "That doesn't make any sense."

Adams did administer the powerful drug to Jackson four times last year and did meet with Murray in March, Agwara said from his office on Sahara Avenue.

Adams, a roving anesthesiologist, has used the drug on more than 6,000 patients since he started practice in 2003. "All 6,000-plus people woke up," Agwara said.

Physicians in hospitals, medical centers and doctors offices contact Adams to put people under for surgeries and other medical procedures.

In 2008, a surgical dentist in Las Vegas contacted Adams for his services regarding a "VIP," Agwara said. The VIP was Jackson, and Adams was made to swear to confidentiality before doing the work. Agwara wouldn't say who the dentist was.

Jackson was undergoing "extensive dental work," Agwara said. Over the course of a few months, Adams administered the sedative four times for the dental procedures.

Adams didn't have contact again with Jackson until Murray called him in March. He did not know Murray, according to Agwara.

"Dr. Murray called, said 'Can we meet?'" Agwara said. "My client said, 'Who are you?' He said, 'Well, I'm Michael Jackson's personal doctor.' ... He said, 'Mr. Jackson remembered you from when you assisted in one of his surgical procedures.'"

Adams met with Murray and Jackson at Murray's office that month, Agwara said.

Agwara wouldn't say what took place during the meeting, but he said his client did not administer propofol or anything else to Jackson during the meeting. "Murray has never witnessed my client administer propofol to anyone," Agwara said. "He's never witnessed my client administer anything to anyone."

Authorities have subpoenaed medical records from Adams, the warrant states, according to the Los Angeles Times. But Agwara said his client has not been given a subpoena and has not been asked for medical records.

"The authorities have assured me time and again that my client has never been a target of any investigation, has never been under investigation, and they have not uncovered anything that will make him a target of any investigation," Agwara said.

Jackson died in June. A law enforcement official told The Associated Press this week that a coroner ruled the pop star's death a homicide and that a combination of drugs was the cause.

Agwara said Adams has not had any complaints or disciplinary action against him. The Nevada Board of Osteopathic Medicine's Web site shows Adams has not had any reports of malpractice or disciplinary issues.

Agwara said Murray has given propofol a bad name.

"It is a wonderful, wonderful drug for professionals who know how to use it in a medical setting," he said.

u rush, u leak, and u essentially are helping the defense.

what's making this take so long?

mj's extensive medical history

all the doctors breaking the law prescribing him things

rx drugs he may have taken days before or the day before that have to be removed as potential reasons y he died.

how, and where murray got the diprivan. who gave it to him, who toldhim how to administer it.

who did he call andwhy

the cpr timeline

the 'i found him not breathing' timeline

the dosage of 25mL story and sitting w/ mj for ten minutes...factually impossible.

there's a lot of things they need to have iron clad so that they will get this man and he'llhave no excuse.

they need to be able to say (and this is just a statement, not truth) it doesn't matter how much mj used and who gave it to him, all that matters is what happened that night/morning, what happened after his death, and the attempts to cover it up.

they need that, fact, point blank end of story so that he can't have a defense. that takes time
Ok DUDE!! THEY NEED to get their heads straight. Michael want asking for all those meds. to be injected into his body...He only wanted Propofol...but really who in their right mind give mixed drugs every 30-1hr. I HATE Judging but Really when it comes down to it, THERE's NOone to blame except the doctors who only Saw $$$$$ When Michael was concerned. They're like leaches! God will see this through!
I think there are many interesting things in the article getoutofmyface posted :

1.Murray is a liar and he yet again caught in another lie .

2.Dr. Adams records according to his attroney were not subpoenaed as we previously thought. I want to know something did any search warrant that was published mention that Dr.Adams records were subpoenaed ?

3. an interesting question posted by getoutofmyface need to be answered :
"The big detail is how Murray called this guy and asked to meet with him why would he do that? "

4.again eventhough propofol is not a drug to treat insomnia , we have an example here that if it is administered properly , it is a drug that makes wonders.