MJ LAPD Investigation: Authorities taking their time in Jackson case


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tampa, Florida
From Yahoo News:

Authorities taking their time in Jackson case

AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch, Ap Special Correspondent – 2 mins ago

LOS ANGELES – It's been almost three months since Michael Jackson's shocking death, and while Los Angeles police are close to wrapping up their investigation, the decision on whether to bring criminal charges is at least weeks and perhaps months away, legal experts say.

Last month the Los Angeles County coroner ruled Jackson's June 25 death a homicide caused primarily by the powerful anesthetic propofol in combination with the sedative lorazepam. Both were administered in Jackson's mansion by his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray.

Murray is the target of what police term a manslaughter investigation but the probe is far broader, encompassing a half-dozen doctors who treated Jackson over the years. Police and federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents are trying to reconstruct Jackson's extensive drug history, a task made more difficult because the pop star used pseudonyms to obtain medications.

Tracking down where Jackson got drugs, who provided them, how much his prior drug use contributed to his death and lining up experts to distill complex medical information into layman's terms for a jury is time-consuming.

"There's no reason for anyone to jump the gun on this," said Greg D. Lee, a retired supervising DEA agent. "Time is on their side. There's no imminent danger to the public from Dr. Murray."

The decision on criminal charges will come from the Los Angeles County district attorney's office. Spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said a request for charges comes after a police investigation is completed and prosecutors examine the evidence themselves. "We haven't been presented with anything," she said.

Except for a brief video posted to YouTube, Murray has not spoken publicly since Jackson's death. In the video, he said: "I told the truth and I have faith the truth will prevail."

Murray's attorney, Edward Chernoff, did not return a message seeking comment but previously has said nothing Murray gave Jackson "should have" killed him.

Murray has been interviewed twice by police. According to court records, he told investigators that over about six hours he injected Jackson with two doses each of lorazepam and midazolam. Finally, around 10:40 a.m. on June 25, Murray said he succumbed to Jackson's demands and administered propofol, a drug Murray said he had given Jackson every night for six weeks to allow him to sleep.

Propofol commonly is used to render patients unconscious for surgery. It's only supposed to be administered by anesthesia professionals in medical settings and, because of its potency, requires the patient be closely monitored at all times. Using propofol strictly as a sleep agent violates medical guidelines.

The coroner's finding of homicide, or death at the hands of another, does not automatically mean a crime was committed. To bring a manslaughter charge, prosecutors must show there was a reckless action that created a risk of death or great bodily injury. If a doctor is aware of the risk, there might also be an issue of whether the patient knows that risk and decided to take it.

Dr. Jayson Hymes, an anesthesiologist and specialist in pain medication and addiction, said authorities are confronted with a central question: "It's not illegal to be a bad doctor but when does it go from bad medicine to so unbelievably stupid it's criminal negligence?"

He said investigators may be questioning Murray's claim that he was trying to "wean" Jackson off the powerful anesthetic by giving him decreasing doses.

"It makes no sense," said Hymes. "You don't wean people off propofol. People don't go around craving propofol. What he needed to be weaned off of were all the other drugs."

As for Jackson's demand for propofol, he said, "He didn't understand that anesthesia is not sleep. If he wanted restorative sleep, he was going in the wrong direction."

Los Angeles attorney Harland Braun, a celebrity defense attorney who also has represented doctors in court, suggested prosecutors may take the case to a grand jury and let it investigate the evidence and recommend action.

Loyola University Law School professor Laurie Levenson said history hangs over prosecutors as they build the case. The district attorney's office is shadowed by memories of the O.J. Simpson and Robert Blake murder acquittals and the Phil Spector case that took two trials to win a second-degree murder conviction.

Prosecutors will want to make sure they have a very strong case before proceeding.

"There's no question that a bad thing happened," she said of Jackson's death. "But you need to prove to 12 jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that it is manslaughter. That's a very high threshold."

Vesna Maras, a former Los Angeles deputy district attorney who spent 12 years trying medical and pharmacological cases for the office, noted it is not illegal to simply administer propofol.

"If he didn't research the drug that would be conscious disregard of the risk to human life, which is second-degree murder," she said. "If he did research it, was aware of the risks and didn't exercise due caution and circumspection before administering it, that is involuntary manslaughter."

Criminal defense attorney Steve Cron cited the fact other agencies including the DEA have simultaneous probes involving other doctors who prescribed medications to Jackson and pharmacies that filled the prescriptions. If all investigations must be completed before charges are filed, it could take considerable time.

In the Anna Nicole Smith drug case, it took authorities 2 1/2 years to bring charges against her doctors and boyfriend. And the counts were less serious — supplying drugs to an addict.

Lee noted once charges are filed, "the clock starts ticking" on statutory time limits for prosecution. So, "what's the rush?" he said. "I don't see any urgency on the part of the government."
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Oh fucking great! :mat: I don't know if they will ever charge the doc or docs that killed Michael. They better be gathering more evidence, I have a huge hunch that no one will be charged. :cry:
Dr. Nick {Elvis Presley's "doctor"} never went to jail. So probably the same thing will happen here. No one ever really investigated Jam Master Jay's murder and that happened 7 years ago.
...as though nothing had happened...
I'm scared there'll be no justice for Michael. Seems like they don't care what happens. . :(
Criminal charges... weeks or months away??!! :bugeyed "...finding of homicide, or death at the hands of another, does not automatically mean a crime was committed." So, there's even a slight possibilty that no charges are pressed? NO WAY! Don't even entertain such a thought! :ranting I appreciate the case is complex but... Arrgh! This is... :notworking: JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL!
Oh gosh people please. You want them to take there time. This story is nothing you have not heard before. It is true that a homicide does not mean a crime has been committed such has a cop shooting and killing someone or killing someone that broke into your home things of that nature. Just wait can we do that please? They are not on a timeline they are not going to lock someone up just because you want them too
LOS ANGELES – It's been almost three months since Michael Jackson's shocking death, and while Los Angeles police are close to wrapping up their investigation, the decision on whether to bring criminal charges is at least weeks and perhaps months away, legal experts say.
Folks, this is just analysis of the situation by parties external to the case. There's nothing here from the LAPD or district attorney's office except this:

The decision on criminal charges will come from the Los Angeles County district attorney's office. Spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said a request for charges comes after a police investigation is completed and prosecutors examine the evidence themselves. "We haven't been presented with anything."
...which tells us almost nothing.
I hope something is done and done soon. The fact that they are so late worries me but I'm hoping it is only so that they can gather as much evidence as possible and build a tight case against Murray.

My fear is though that he will never face any charges and never get the punishment he deserves.
we need to let the LAPD know that we are watching them and awaiting their investigations. We cannot let this go like that..We have to do something. I am getting pissed off. I hope taking their time means justice will be served.
The difference with Elvis doctor is that he did not inject Elvis until he died like Murray did to Michael. Why did Michael had that sleazy Klein around in the first place. Damn. man, I am so angry.
I hope something is done and done soon. The fact that they are so late worries me but I'm hoping it is only so that they can gather as much evidence as possible and build a tight case against Murray.

My fear is though that he will never face any charges and never get the punishment he deserves.

Thats why we got to keep the heat to the authorities. Enough of these negligent doctors who commit murder and get away with it. ENOUGH NOT THIS TIME!!!!!.We are the onces to make a difference.
Dr. Nick {Elvis Presley's "doctor"} never went to jail. So probably the same thing will happen here. No one ever really investigated Jam Master Jay's murder and that happened 7 years ago.
You can not compare a case from the 70's compare to now. investigations are better now. As for Master Jay, it may come one day. it depend who is still on the case. I still will not give up on MJ case.

I think it's time us MJ fans started demanding some SPEEDY JUSTICE for Michael.

Anyone have Reverend Al Sharpton's number?

He would just piss them off and they would take even longer..
Murray's attorney, Edward Chernoff, did not return a message seeking comment but previously has said nothing Murray gave Jackson "should have" killed him.----------- I am sick of this comment. If you did not give him nothing that would not kill him, why isnt' Michael alive? Idoit.
"It makes no sense," said Hymes. "You don't wean people off propofol. People don't go around craving propofol. What he needed to be weaned off of were all the other drugs."

I think this should say it all, but of course, the authorities really do not care about what happenend or why, sadly. Its beginning to look like justice won't prevail after all. :no:
Better to take time and do this thoroughly, than rush it and possibly ruin the chances of charges being brought.
I think this should say it all, but of course, the authorities really do not care about what happenend or why, sadly. Its beginning to look like justice won't prevail after all. :no:
It's the LAPD. A blond woman wasn't the victim like in the O.J. Simpson, Robert Blake, Scott Peterson, & Phil Spector cases.
I really want to no the full story, and for the doctors to be charged, but i cant keep my mind on it! Justice wont bring him back even though justice is needed!
"It makes no sense," said Hymes. "You don't wean people off propofol. People don't go around craving propofol. What he needed to be weaned off of were all the other drugs."

This is unbelievable an expert is saying Murray messed up and they are taking their time to arrest him. I know the LAPD don't care about Michael but it is quite clear to me that if he was not given propofol he would be alive today. So the person who gave it to him which was Murray needs to be arrested.

What does the other doctors has to do with this now.They weren't there the night MJ died. If anything they should be investigated later on. This is just an excuse to not to anything on the part of the LAPD.
article tells us nothing new so not sure why some are seeing this as negative news
I am very angry about this. Dr. Murderer and who ever else was involved with my beloved's death. Needs to be arrested and lock up now instead of later. It is like the police doesn't even care about Michael's horrible death.