MJ fans Jokes

'There'll be some stairs here so i can hug a couple of girls''


''A little more booty. That's funny''

''Be quiet you fat headed rascal''

Fans - ''We love you Michael''
Michael - ''I love you more''
Fans - ''No we love you more''
Michael - ''Ok ok i love you most! Got you''

Whats the one where he says 'so i can hug a couple of girls' from? that on youtube??:D

btw I like think that MJ is singing about me in 'Girl is Mine' ; wrote that for me.

Love it!!
ok stupid question but really is MJ really "drunk" ? or did the owner of the video just say that?? MJ was prob just messin around bein silly, not intoxicated at all.

lol! Nooo he wasn't drunk! this is one of the earliest demos of bilie jean ;) so he was improvising, not drunk! lol! I'm pretty sure the person who put the video up was just kidding ;)
hehehe...no he wasn't drunk, but when Michael sings some lyrics...Man, you have to wonder sometimes...lol....."I sit in a cup, in a ride..." lol

I love the pictures of the bears in the end.....Bear......Bear......Bear......OMG...that is hilarious!
indeed :D

From youtube :)

Chinese Man: You forgot to pay
Michael : GAH!
Cris Tucker: you forgot to COOK the food
Chinese Man Come back to pay
Cris Tucker: Food no Good


"I'm a NICE PERSON!! I just took a shower! And I washed my hair thoroughly!" :jump:
''I hope this puts to a rest a rumor that has been in the papers for to many years. Me and Janet really are two different people''

''He's gone from where is he? to here he is again''
*On cherry picker* "Weeeeeee!"

*On cherry picker* "Hi :)."


"More booty...haha, that's funny...

And "Mike Junior"...:cheeky:

Wait, I just realised all these are just funny moments, not jokes...oh well.
IIII would like to sing with youuuuu

Woouuld....you like to sing with meeee