MJ Estate Statement Re: Justin Bieber Slave To The Rhythm Recording. [Merged]

I just can't get over how much of a waste this song would be if it gets released as a duet. unbelievable!!
Thanks Zakk, I was just about to repost that.

I understand our anger -- hey, I was pretty pissed off when I heard this too -- but we all need to take a breath. The statement clearly dictates that the Bieber mix of Slave to the Rhythm was not authorized for release, which in itself implies that it will not be released in the future.

i too am glad of the estate clearing this up for the fans, it shows that they do care about how we feel :) which enlightens my soul with joy, i am still very much hoping to hear the 1989 demo.. as my petition shows (with more than 2,000 signatures) i think it will be included in dangerous 25 as the hysteria in the world over the duet has died down. which i think is for the best! looking forward to the next upcoming album now and it's time to move on from this :)
For me, this may be indication that a new album could surface this year. Production work on Michael didn't cease until late September/early October 2010, if I'm not mistaken. Hopes high!
For me, this may be indication that a new album could surface this year. Production work on Michael didn't cease until late September/early October 2010, if I'm not mistaken. Hopes high!

from new hints, it does sound it's going to be some song's from the sessions with Michael Prince and Brad Buxer, and some song's that are being Produced by timbaland! their could be announcement very soon. hope to hear from the estate and sony, and for an announcement around september-october :)

What I find interesting is you think you know who or what I'm referring to.. If you read the posts I've ,made about "hating" you would know I'm talking about those who attack bieber as a person.. His character to be specific..
KOPV, I misunderstood your post. I thought you were referring to criticism of this remix in general. My apologies.
"It is unauthorized and therefore there is no intention to release it.” is this statement legit??
I just can't get over how much of a waste this song would be if it gets released as a duet. unbelievable!!
The Estate said the song was not authrorized for a release of any sort. Meaning they never were going to authorize this song be released .. they didn't just say not authorized but not authorized for any sort of a release.
For most people (including me) its not the fact that Justin Bieber is on the track that pisses us off. Its the fact that this was even contemplated to be released as a duet. As I've said before I don't have a problem with Justin Bieber. I DO have a problem with people taking MJs (finished) songs and re creating them as duets when he never intended them to be. That's what the issue is.

I actually agree with this. Personally, I liked the Justin Bieber duet* version and I don't really mind it. If they were to release STTR, I would strongly prefer it without Bieber though. I have no issue if they include another artist on a Michael Jackson song, so long as Michael made it known that he wanted another artist to be on the song (be it just them doing just a verse, or performing a duet with him).

We don't know if Slave to the Rhythm was meant to be a duet, because none of us have seen any notes/heard what MJ really wanted for the track. HOWEVER judging by the sort of song it is, I think we can all be pretty sure that it was not intended to be a duet.

*Unpopular opinion, but it is not a mashup. A mashup is a song or composition created by blending two or more pre-recorded songs. While they were recorded at two different times, they are both singing the same song. Perhaps it is not a duet, but it seems to be the term that is the most accurate for this case. Featuring... perhaps ? Hmm.
The Estate said the song was not authrorized for a release of any sort. Meaning they never were going to authorize this song be released .. they didn't just say not authorized but not authorized for any sort of a release.

Then shouldnt they go after justin bout this? it just seems like they make this statement but yet they do nothing bout it
Then shouldnt they go after justin bout this? it just seems like they make this statement but yet they do nothing bout it

They already have a stupid trial to worry about, and going after Bieber will probably cause the Barbra Streisand effect, which is the last thing most of you want. The song isn't really making headlines anywhere but suddenly the Michael Jackson Estate sues Justin Bieber. The tabloids are going to have more of a field day with this, then suddenly a lot of people will look into this duet. Which, as I said, seems to be the last thing you guys want.
Actually, this song is gaining quite a bit of coverage. It was in the News section of the Yahoo! home page today (the link itself mostly focused on the fact that MJ fans are PISSED OFF), and a search of Justin's name popped up several websites talking about it.
Actually, this song is gaining quite a bit of coverage. It was in the News section of the Yahoo! home page today (the link itself mostly focused on the fact that MJ fans are PISSED OFF), and a search of Justin's name popped up several websites talking about it.

I haven't seen much coverage, personally. I saw it on a prominent news website for where I live, but it was tucked away in a corner to be honest (it even said MJ wrote the song shortly before he died or something haha). I haven't really seen it on the tabloids though, which is the first place I thought I would see it. Least I haven't seen it on the Daily Mail.

Not saying this song hasn't got coverage, just saying I personally haven't seen much.
They already have a stupid trial to worry about, and going after Bieber will probably cause the Barbra Streisand effect, which is the last thing most of you want. The song isn't really making headlines anywhere but suddenly the Michael Jackson Estate sues Justin Bieber. The tabloids are going to have more of a field day with this, then suddenly a lot of people will look into this duet. Which, as I said, seems to be the last thing you guys want.

Ummm yes it is making headlines

But if the estate dont do something bout this then every tom dick & harry wil dol the same thing that justin did and do u really think that is what michael would want??!
But if the estate dont do something bout this then every tom dick & harry wil dol the same thing that justin did and do u really think that is what michael would want??!

I highly doubt that would happen. It's been almost half a decade since Michael's death (wow times flies) and this is the only time such a thing has happened so the chances of it happening often are quite slim.
For most people (including me) its not the fact that Justin Bieber is on the track that pisses us off. Its the fact that this was even contemplated to be released as a duet. As I've said before I don't have a problem with Justin Bieber. I DO have a problem with people taking MJs (finished) songs and re creating them as duets when he never intended them to be. That's what the issue is.
Ironic, just saw your post on YouTube and totally clicked thumbs up on it. Irks me nobody is listening to our reasoning.
Max Methods, the DJ / producer who remixed Michael Jackson’s “Slave To The Rhythm” as a duet with Justin Bieber, has revealed exclusively to me how the track came to be.
“I work with Tricky Stewart. He signed me to his label Red Zone Ent, and had me re-produce the record,” the DJ told me.
“He also had Justin [Bieber] record new vocals. I do not know how it leaked.”

marc_vivien;3891055 said:
Max Methods, the DJ / producer who remixed Michael Jackson’s “Slave To The Rhythm” as a duet with Justin Bieber, has revealed exclusively to me how the track came to be.
“I work with Tricky Stewart. He signed me to his label Red Zone Ent, and had me re-produce the record,” the DJ told me.
“He also had Justin [Bieber] record new vocals. I do not know how it leaked.&#8221


What the hell!?!?
Even if this would cause more coverage, personally I think it's already gotten a lot coverage based on my MJ google alert that no more could hurt, I still find it fishy how lightly they're taking it that somebody was able to do this... I'd rather they go through with full justice for whoever did this without their authorization than this to be swept under the dust and for someone to unjustly go unpunished.
So tricky Stewart, the guy who produced the 2010 version is behind this!? Jeeze this just gets more and more bizzare..
marc_vivien;3891055 said:
Max Methods, the DJ / producer who remixed Michael Jackson’s “Slave To The Rhythm” as a duet with Justin Bieber, has revealed exclusively to me how the track came to be.
“I work with Tricky Stewart. He signed me to his label Red Zone Ent, and had me re-produce the record,” the DJ told me.
“He also had Justin [Bieber] record new vocals. I do not know how it leaked.”

Ohhh boy....
I was just about to post that Damien Shields post haha!

But this is bizarre. I for one am happy that we can finally take a breath and accept that the estate wasn't behind this.
the bad thing though is that if this song is released it most likely ain't gonna be the 2010 version.
For everyone who says apart from whiney MJ fans everyone else thinks this is soooooo great. Here is another article from Yahoo:

"Truth be told, the new tune doesn't do either of them justice. It's a heavy-handed dance number that's so heavily remixed it has lost any of its original charms. Bieber trades choruses with Jackson on the tune and tries his best to match the high-energy, spot-on vocals of his role model, but the result is forced and contrived. What's more, the driving backbeat is reminiscent of hundreds of other generic dance tunes."

I highly doubt that would happen. It's been almost half a decade since Michael's death (wow times flies) and this is the only time such a thing has happened so the chances of it happening often are quite slim.

It's enough if it happens "just" a couple of times - and with songs which otherwise would have had great potential. Now Bieber and Tricky Stewart ruined the chances of this good song.
It's enough if it happens "just" a couple of times - and with songs which otherwise would have had great potential. Now Bieber and Tricky Stewart ruined the chances of this good song.

The Estate have said that this recording (the recording, not the release) was unauthorised, so we can assume the Estate wasn't behind it, otherwise the recording would've been authorised - just not the release.

Therefore, we can strongly assume that if the Estate does release the song, which it probably will as it's a great song, it'll probably just be MJ's vocals (especially with most of the Michael Jackson fanbase not liking it with Bieber). This song still has great potential, and a leaked version with Justin Bieber wouldn't change that. If anything, it might generate a little extra interest when the MJ only version is released because more people will be aware of the song than they were before.

The exclusion of Justin Bieber may piss off Bieber's fans, but if they make a big deal out of it, it'll just give the track more publicity anyway. The majority of the general public seem to have a neutral to partly negative opinion of Bieber, so if they hear of a great track where Bieber was removed, they might just go check it out. As the saying goes, any publicity is good publicity.
Im not surprised Max methods works with tricky. The two versions are quite similar. The mj estate need to think twice about letting tricky or anybody associated with him work on any other mj material because this is the second time a version of this song has leaked and been associated with those guys. They can't be trusted to keep a lid on things.
the way this mix is done is not great (unauthorized and not high quality), but:
1. I'm glad young kids are listening to Michael on Youtube and discover how great he is:) It is wonderful hearing his voice again!
2.The Estate should start putting these unrealeased songs into albums and release new materials from time to time, there are hundreds and hundreads of songs and it is a shame for no one to listen to them and enjoy Michael's energy and talent