Michael's kids spend thanksgiving with! Joe.

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Well just look at what Joe has said and one can use that to see if his style of "parenting" has changed or if he is remorseful. Remember the "regurgitating all the way to the bank" and "I made no mistakes in raising those kids" statements?

:brow: I doubt Prince, Paris and Blanket like the cameras in their faces. You can see it by how they respond to the papz.

Sure they can follow them from Havenhurst, but I think what Sirena is referring to is that there are more pictures taken/more tabloid coverage (hence more paparazzi around) when they do something and Omer is around.

Damn straight - Universal pictures with Liz Taylor, the Karate class & ACCIDENT paparazzi swarm, "all with a smiling for the camera" Omer.

Sorry, but I think he's a leech and shouldn't be near the kids period. He's endangering them just so he can pop a smile & cash his checks from Splash News & X Online agencies, then brag to his friends in Norway about it.
The kids always look so annoyed and unhappy when cameras are there, they obviously don't like being followed by the paps and I wish they'd stop following them.

Yes, I noticed this too. Prince Michael especially looks bothered by it. However, they're children. I'm sure any child at their age would feel very uncomfortable around so many cameras during a typical day. The paps need to lay off. They're not Michael and they're not celebrities.

I hope they enjoyed their Thanksgiving or whatever it is that they like to call it. It's been five months without their daddy, I pray they're coping well. On the other hand, I really don't what Omer's intentions are with the paparazzi and all of that. He seems to genuinely care for the children though, from what I can tell anyway.

Sending a huge amount of L.O.V.E. to the kids. God bless them. :heart:
Hope the kids had a great Thanksgiving.

I think at this point everyone needs to stay out of the Jackson's business. Some people claim they do not like the Jackson YEt they continue to follow them. Also keeping someone out of a will does not prove nothing. Maybe MJ know his mother will be more responsible. I have always said no one should judge thing all on paper. Some things are vocal agreed as well. I have no problem with Joe visiting these kids.

Why is it ok for you to go on about Debbie Rowe and Lisa Marie, but when it comes to the family, suddenly you're sensitive to fans giving opinions? It ain't like some in the family keep their business private, so of course you're going to see fans be critical of those that put their shady behavior out there.
Hope the kids had a great Thanksgiving.

Why is it ok for you to go on about Debbie Rowe and Lisa Marie, but when it comes to the family, suddenly you're sensitive to fans giving opinions? It ain't like some in the family keep their business private, so of course you're going to see fans be critical of those that put their shady behavior out there.
Think. THIS IS HIS FAMILY which is BLOOD. When it came to Debbie and LMP are just women (and women/men are a dime a dozen plus those were NOT what I would call "real loves" of MJ. And I got a response was given to me from MJ when I said this and it made me laught and I will leave it at that. I do not share everything I know on this board). As for his family, YOu do NOT have to like his family but I think people should respect them.
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I hope they spent a good time with the family. They deserve so much happiness. God bless those children.
Errrrr Omar? Its never been confirmed that Omar was Michaels son. I still dont think he was.

Hey, yes! Even Joe's lawyer confirmed Omar is NOT a son of MJ. He was interviewed by a Chilean TV show and they mentioned that also.

Again: NO son of MJ. It's only MJ3... not MJ4...
Think. THIS IS HIS FAMILY which is BLOOD. When it came to Debbie and LMP are just women (and women/men are a dime a dozen plus those were NOT what I would call "real loves" of MJ. And I a response was given to me from MJ when I said this and it made me laught and I will leave it at that. I do not share everything I know on this board). As for his family, YOu do NOT have to like his family but I think people should respect them.

I hate to burst your bubble, but Debbie Rowe IS FAMILY and BLOOD. She's Prince I and Paris' mother.

You talk about respect, let's start with respecting Prince I & Paris' mom.
Hope the kids had a great Thanksgiving.

Why is it ok for you to go on about Debbie Rowe and Lisa Marie, but when it comes to the family, suddenly you're sensitive to fans giving opinions? It ain't like some in the family keep their business private, so of course you're going to see fans be critical of those that put their shady behavior out there.
Also, NO his family is not without thier issues and faults but the last time I check, that was said about Michael as well. I am not stopping you or anyone else from saying what you are saying however when you post it, you are opening YOURSELF up for a response as well like me.
I hate to burst your bubble, but Debbie Rowe IS FAMILY and BLOOD. She's Prince I and Paris' mother.

You talk about respect, let's start with respecting Prince I & Paris' mom.
No she is NOT family and she is NOT blood. SO what if she is the mother to the children. SHe had an AGREEMENT ARRANGEMENT with MJ, who is no longer here and who stop talking to her (so NO you did NOT bust my bubble dear. Sorry). I still say the Jackson should be respected regardless if you like them or not. I find it funny that the Jackson are now being treated the way Michael was treated when he was alive.:scratch:
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Nothing wrong with that IMO, they're just spending time with their Grandfather. Michael didn't want him to have a hand in raising them for obvious reasons but he'd never want them to be kept apart, they're still family and isn't that what Thanksgiving's all about?

I agree
No she is NOT family and she is NOT blood. SO what if she is the mother to the children. SHe had an AGREEMENT ARRANGEMENT with MJ, who is no longer here and who stop talking to her (so NO you did NOT bust my bubble dear. Sorry). I still say the Jackson should be respected regardless if you like them or not. I find it funny that the Jackson are now being treated the way Michael was treated when he was alive.:scratch:

That agreement never can change the fact that Debbie Rowe is Prince I and Paris' mother, aka, Family & Blood.

The Jacksons are respected by me and mostly everyone, that's not my point. My point is that you refer to having respect for "family & blood" yet you totally disrespect Prince I & Paris' mother, who outside of Michael himself, is the closest blood relative they have. Debbie is their MOTHER. And you, nor anyone can change that fact.

Also, your comments about "women" have a misogynistic tinge to them and they make me very uncomfortable as a woman reading them.

I'm leaving this thread before I'm accused of any troublemaking.
I hate to burst your bubble, but Debbie Rowe IS FAMILY and BLOOD. She's Prince I and Paris' mother.

You talk about respect, let's start with respecting Prince I & Paris' mom.

Of course she is, and those children are NOT orphans. Whatever agreement she had with Michael for him to raise the children ended when he died. She has consistently advocated for those children, and has stayed AWAY from the talk shows, and I totally respect her and her behavior since Michael's passing. I think its healthy for her to have visitations, and I hope that's working out for her and the kids. The more love in those children's lives, the better.
Think. THIS IS HIS FAMILY which is BLOOD. When it came to Debbie and LMP are just women (and women/men are a dime a dozen plus those were NOT what I would call "real loves" of MJ. And I a response was given to me from MJ when I said this and it made me laught and I will leave it at that. I do not share everything I know on this board). As for his family, YOu do NOT have to like his family but I think people should respect them.

They're women that haven't done what some in this family have done to MJ. Say what you want about Debbie but she has never sold MJ out to the media when she so many times could have. She also doesn't have her friends out there maligning MJ all over the media calling him a drug addict. MJ's own father sat right there on Larry King and let Leonard Rowe call MJ a drug addict right in his face and he said nothing. And it's also Joe's buddy that is suing the estate twice over some stupid BS.

It breaks my heart to know MJ was dealing with those losers in his last months.

Also, NO his family is not without thier issues and faults but the last time I check, that was said about Michael as well. I am not stopping you or anyone else from saying what you are saying however when you post it, you are opening YOURSELF up for a response as well like me.

No offense, but what you're mainly doing is telling fans not to pay attention to the scummy things some in the family are doing. All you get with you is, you love this family and don't like anyone speaking against them. The "the same thing was done to MJ" argument doesn't at all hold up with me because unlike some of the family, MJ wasn't publicly doing anything scummy.
The family are all individuals, and some have behaved honorably and decently, and some have not. Being a fan of Michael does not automatically mean one has to be a fan of everyone with the name "Jackson." What Michael's relationships were with them as individuals, we really don't know at this point, except that he kept a distance from all of them, except for Katherine.
Cool, he's still their grandpa. Joe is a tough guy, but he doesn't stike me as a mean guy. He will feel closer to Mike with the kids.
id rather the kids not be around Joe but that's just my opinion... Joe can be very persuasive if he wants something bad enough. But i hope the kids had a good time anyway.
The family are all individuals, and some have behaved honorably and decently, and some have not. Being a fan of Michael does not automatically mean one has to be a fan of everyone with the name "Jackson." What Michael's relationships were with them as individuals, we really don't know at this point, except that he kept a distance from all of them, except for Katherine.
And that is fine but I still think they need to be respected. Michael was no angel all the time either (ask Janet). But that is family (this goes on in ALL families). I could care one bit less if anyone like his sibling or (I do not think they care either. That is why some are going to keep talking because that is what they want to do); however, I do not like some things Jermaine do but I am not going to go all out and be nasty to guy out of respect of him being MJ's brother as some people are doing. TO me, if MJ was alive, would you talk about his siblings to his face in the manner some people are doing? I think not. that is my point.:D
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I don't care.

I think he is a better granddad than a father.
wait. Omer is not Mike's son! Mike just regarded him as a family member!
i just wanna know whether Kids celebrated thanksgiving when Mike was alive?
I am glad the children spent Thanksgiving at all and not being forced to adhere to the Jehovas Witness religion strictly, since that was not what Michael wanted.
That agreement never can change the fact that Debbie Rowe is Prince I and Paris' mother, aka, Family & Blood.

The Jacksons are respected by me and mostly everyone, that's not my point. My point is that you refer to having respect for "family & blood" yet you totally disrespect Prince I & Paris' mother, who outside of Michael himself, is the closest blood relative they have. Debbie is their MOTHER. And you, nor anyone can change that fact.

Also, your comments about "women" have a misogynistic tinge to them and they make me very uncomfortable as a woman reading them.

I'm leaving this thread before I'm accused of any troublemaking.
No do not leave. I like a discussion. Just because somone has kids with a person (however the agreement is) does NOT make that person FAMILY. Where do you think th term "baby moma" or "baby daddy" comes from? TO be FAMILY is based on the relationship with the family. I am sorry but NOT everyone who my brothers or sisters ran through or had kids with is considered family. Many of their ex's my family can not stand and we do not deal with them. My brother has an ex wife who we dislike because she is so nasty and made his life misery drops off the kids and take her @$$ home because she knows she is not liked or welcome. Is she family? NO, plus she has moved on with another man. My uncle has an ex wife who we all love and she comes over and he knows we still love (he did her wrong and they are divorced but we love her still and my grandmother was still close to her). Do we consider her as family? YES. So I guess everyone has their own view on what makes family. As for the "woman" comments (you seem to over look I also put "men"), that comment is true. Woman AND MEN are a dime a dozen. How many times people have people in and OUT of their lives? How many times people get divorce and get REMARRIED? HOw many people date/marry but hate each other after the break up? ALOT. Men/Women come and go even some who have children with others. And yes, I AM myself a woman so I stand by my remark.
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I don't care.

I think he is a better granddad than a father.
SO true. ANd you know what, in most cases, that is what often happen. My father did not do what he was suppose to do as a father but he SPOILS my brothers and sisters children (I do not have kids yet) And we look at him like "what! you did not do this for us".:scratch:.
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Raising them and spending the day with them are two different things. They don't live with Joe. The live with Katherine in California. They can visit their grandfather if they want to do that.
And that is fine but I still think they need to be respected. Michael was no angel all the time either (ask Janet). But that is family (this goes on in ALL families). I could care one bit less if anyone like his sibling or (I do not think they care either. That is why some are going to keep talking because that is what they want to do); however, I do not like some things Jermaine do but I am not going to go all out and be nasty to guy out of respect of him being MJ's brother as some people are doing. TO me, if MJ was alive, would you talk about his siblings to his face in the manner some people are doing? I think not. that is my point.:D

But it's unrealistic to expect fans not to be critical of some of them. Act a fool publicly, of course they will be called out on it. You keep talking about respect but where is some of the family's respect for MJ and his wishes?

I could understand your preaching more if fans were bashing Katherine and Rebbie.
But when you said this:

Think. THIS IS HIS FAMILY which is BLOOD. When it came to Debbie and LMP are just women (and women/men are a dime a dozen plus those were NOT what I would call "real loves" of MJ..

You are WRONG about Debbie. Because Debbie Rowe IS BLOOD, her blood runs through Prince I & Paris' blood. Heck, Paris is Debbie Rowe's mini-me! And Debbie Rowe still to this day, has parental rights over the kids. Debbie allowed her kids to remain with Katherine to respect MJs wishes in his will.

I get what you're saying about "family" - but Joe ain't "family, just as much as the examples you gave. Their grandfather is trying to get $$$$ out of his own grandchildren's inheritance. If that's "family" then the kids are better off with Grace & Katherine ALONE.

And as a woman yourself, you should check how you speak about other women. It's distasteful and yes, misogynistic. Just because you're a woman doesn't excuse you from being a misogynist. You can critique without being offensive.

No do not leave. I like a discussion. Just because somone has kids with a person (however the agreement is) does NOT make that person FAMILY. Where do you think th term "baby moma" or "baby daddy" comes from? TO be FAMILY is based on the relationship with the family. I am sorry but NOT everyone who my brothers or sisters ran through or had kids with is considered family. Many of their ex's my family can not stand and we do not deal with them. My brother has an ex wife who we dislike because she is so nasty and made his life misery drops off the kids and take her @$$ home because she knows she is not liked or welcome. Is she family? NO, plus she has moved on with another man. My uncle has an ex wife who we all love and she comes over and he knows we still love (he did her wrong and they are divorced but we love her still and my grandmother was still close to her). Do we consider her as family? YES. So I guess everyone has their own view on what makes family. As for the "woman" comments (you seem to over look I also put "men"), that comment is true. Woman AND MEN are a dime a dozen. How many times people have people in and OUT of their lives? How many times people get divorce and get REMARRIED? HOw many people date/marry but hate each other after the break up? ALOT. Men/Women come and go even some who have children with others. And yes, I AM myself a woman so I stand by my remark.
Cool, he's still their grandpa. Joe is a tough guy, but he doesn't stike me as a mean guy. He will feel closer to Mike with the kids.

Joe is tough and he's not my fave person to be honest, but he seems to have soften a bit with age and all his grandkids seem to love him. I think he's a good grandfather from everything i've read and heard, so i'm not too worried about the kids being with him. Besides, Joe used to visit MJ's kids on their birthday's and other occasions when Michael was alive, so they know him well. I think it's fine. I'm sure they enjoyed themselves, I hope so at least.

I don't care.

I think he is a better granddad than a father.

My God whoever wrote this article is very stupid. They don't seem to know the meaning of "rarely". Since most of us here know what "rarely" means I see nothing wrong with the children spending "Thanksgiving" or even Christmas with their Grandfather. MJ did not seem to have an issue with the children seeing him on a rare basis mostly on family occasions in life, so I don't see a prob in death. Especially since Kathleen does not celebrate such holidays.

From what I have been reading the Nanny and other Grandchildren were there also. Omer may not have been Michael's bio son but I believe the family realizes there is a close bond btwn the MJ3 and Omer, I appreciate them not breaking that bond.
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