Michael's kids spend thanksgiving with! Joe.

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Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany
Michael Jackson's Kids Spend Thanksgiving In Las Vegas With Granddad Joe
By Lupe
Created 11/26/2009 - 5:20pm

Despite promises that Joe Jackson would rarely be involved with Michael's children -- that was part of the agreement that allowed them to live with granny Katherine Jackson -- Prince, Paris and Blanket went to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving, with none other than Joe as chaperone.
Also alone for the holiday jaunt were some of Jermaine's kids.

(link removed)
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Re: Michael's kids spend thanksgiving with Joe.

Michael Jackson's Kids Spend Thanksgiving In Las Vegas With Granddad Joe
By Lupe
Created 11/26/2009 - 5:20pm

Despite promises that Joe Jackson would rarely be involved with Michael's children -- that was part of the agreement that allowed them to live with granny Katherine Jackson -- Prince, Paris and Blanket went to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving, with none other than Joe as chaperone.
Also alone for the holiday jaunt were some of Jermaine's kids.

Omer is with them too. I don't know what Radar expects. I thought Joe wouldn't be helping to raise them, but do they seriously think those kids would never see their grandfather?
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Re: Michael's kids spend thanksgiving with Joe.

Omer is with them too. I don't know what Radar expects. I thought Joe wouldn't be helping to raise them, but do they seriously think those kids should or will never see their grandfather?

I know what you're saying.
It would be too good to be true!
Nothing wrong with that IMO, they're just spending time with their Grandfather. Michael didn't want him to have a hand in raising them for obvious reasons but he'd never want them to be kept apart, they're still family and isn't that what Thanksgiving's all about?
Amazing, if true. Michael left Joseph out of his will for a REASON. If Joseph ever, ONCE, raises a hand to those children the way he did to Michael, I hope a lightning bolt will knock him right out of his shoes. I hope they are never left unsupervised with him, for ONE second. Sorry, but that's my opinion and it will be permanent.
Nothing wrong with that IMO, they're just spending time with their Grandfather. Michael didn't want him to have a hand in raising them for obvious reasons but he'd never want them to be kept apart, they're still family and isn't that what Thanksgiving's all about?

I agree.
At 80 (or 81) years of age, Joe should be ready to just be there for his grandchildren: Omar, Prince, Paris, and Blanket, when they need him.
I hope they had a nice time with their grandad.

..............deleted all the confusion about dates/times.................

Oh and Grace was also there and looks like Randy Jr. aswell as Jermaine's children, so it looks more of a 'family thing', not just MJ3.

OP You might want to remove the link, as tabloids aren't allowed.. especially if they link to photos of the children.
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Amazing, if true. Michael left Joseph out of his will for a REASON. If Joseph ever, ONCE, raises a hand to those children the way he did to Michael, I hope a lightning bolt will knock him right out of his shoes. I hope they are never left unsupervised with him, for ONE second. Sorry, but that's my opinion and it will be permanent.

Lightning Bolt = Debbie Rowe.
I dont think we should make the children feel guilty or bad for wanting to spend time with their grandfather
he isnt going to lay a hand on them _ that was in the past the man is 80 yrs old ... times are different than
back when he was raising 9 children with an iron fist .. he is a kinder gentler Joe _ life does that to people

We need to butt out of thier relationship with their grandfather. Its really none of our business
and if they ever read any of the things fans say about thier family it could cause them to cringe
or harm to thier syc .. to hear all the hate_ we need to stop ALL the hate on the family _ we really do
for the sake of the children . .. if you really care about the children

bitching about Joe, threatening and hating on him is helping NOTHING.
I dont feel we should come between the children and thier family.
They are going to grow up hating MJ fan or a least having a uncomfortable
feeling about them _ if this is what they constantly will hear from fans about
the people they care about _ Think about it ??
At 80 (or 81) years of age, Joe should be ready to just be there for his grandchildren: Omar, Prince, Paris, and Blanket, when they need him.

Errrrr Omar? Its never been confirmed that Omar was Michaels son. I still dont think he was.
ha when did omer become a grandchild of joe's? hmmmmmmm

and they already had thanksgiving...they didn't celebrate it on the actual day...only once, i think, in 05 did they do it on the real day. jw...so they had to find a way to have a 'turkey dinner' but not call it thanksgiving.
Now that I re-read that and where it is from ..
I believe This is a tabloid article that Gary said he wouldnt allow
this site is trashy .. and trying to incite _ with tabloid headlines

a better link would be nicer for this story
instead of trying to make it appear evil that the family icluding Mjs children are
spending some time with their grandfather for thanksgiving _ Austin stated in
his twiiter they were all spending some time togther ..

It thankgiving people -The tabloids just wont give it a rest _
any thing to incite or cause gossip ..
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I see Omer/Omar's been selling info to the paparazzi again.

On TMZ they have the photo of Omer & Prince I, and Omer is SMILING right at the camera.

When is this going to stop???????????????
I see Omer/Omar's been selling info to the paparazzi again.

On TMZ they have the photo of Omer & Prince I, and Omer is SMILING right at the camera.

When is this going to stop???????????????

Now You dont see that _
Omer just likes the camera .. :) nothing wrong with that
seem like no one is safe from the attcks of Mj fans :innocent:_
we are worse then the tabloids sometime with all the negative
things we say and the rumors WE spread ...

The papz follow them from thier home all the time
they dont need any one to sell where they are at
they follow them just like they did Michael wheather
they like it or not
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Lightning Bolt = Debbie Rowe.

Absolutely, and thank you. Don't think for ONE second she wouldn't. . . . . she's watching. . . . .

Just because Joseph is older now, we don't have any way of knowing or not knowing if his "parenting" attitudes have changed. Very shortly after Michael's passing, he was right there on tv talking about how the children would make great "entertainers." We KNOW Michael would not want them robbed of their childhoods as he was, by putting them on stage. There was a REASON Joseph was left out of the will, and he and Katherine not both named as co-guardians. . . . .
Absolutely, and thank you. Don't think for ONE second she wouldn't. . . . . she's watching. . . . .

Just because Joseph is older now, we don't have any way of knowing or not knowing if his "parenting" attitudes have changed. Very shortly after Michael's passing, he was right there on tv talking about how the children would make great "entertainers." We KNOW Michael would not want them robbed of their childhoods as he was, by putting them on stage. There was a REASON Joseph was left out of the will, and he and Katherine not both named as co-guardians. . . . .

Well just look at what Joe has said and one can use that to see if his style of "parenting" has changed or if he is remorseful. Remember the "regurgitating all the way to the bank" and "I made no mistakes in raising those kids" statements?

Now You dont see that _
Omer just likes the camera .. :) nothign wrong with that

:brow: I doubt Prince, Paris and Blanket like the cameras in their faces. You can see it by how they respond to the papz.

The papz follow them from thier home all the time
they dont need any one to sell where they are at
they follow them just like they did Michael wheather
they like it or not

Sure they can follow them from Havenhurst, but I think what Sirena is referring to is that there are more pictures taken/more tabloid coverage (hence more paparazzi around) when they do something and Omer is around.
The kids always look so annoyed and unhappy when cameras are there, they obviously don't like being followed by the paps and I wish they'd stop following them.

So I was questioning why the poster I quoted was calling Omar one of Joe's grandchildren...................

I know I was agreeing with you. Lol :D. You read the tone of my post wrongly. This is the problem with the internet..
:brow: I doubt Prince, Paris and Blanket like the cameras in their faces. You can see it by how they respond to the papz.

Sure they can follow them from Havenhurst, but I think what Sirena is referring to is that there are more pictures taken/more tabloid coverage (hence more paparazzi around) when they do something and Omer is around.

Oh I know the Children dont like the cameras ..
But they are are always followed and photographed wheather he is
there or not _ Its possible but accusations fly so freely .. when
we just dont know .. It just bothers me .. that every one is attcked
and accused .. It just in my nature to defend that under dog or any
one under attack ... I dont know why Im like that ??

probably cause is depresses :( meeee :scratch:
I think at this point everyone needs to stay out of the Jackson's business. Some people claim they do not like the Jackson YEt they continue to follow them. Also keeping someone out of a will does not prove nothing. Maybe MJ know his mother will be more responsible. I have always said no one should judge thing all on paper. Some things are vocal agreed as well. I have no problem with Joe visiting these kids.
I hope they had a nice time with their grandad.

There was a family 'pre-thanksgiving' dinner at their grandmother's home on the 25th - thats from Austin and Genevieve's Twitter. I guess on thanksgiving day they go to their grandfather's home?

Edit: Ok.. the Daily Mail has this story published on the 26th Nov.. saying Joe held an early Thanksgiving in Vegas on the 25th Nov. So something isn't adding up. Oh and Grace was also there and looks like Randy Jr. aswell as Jermaine's children, so it looks more of a 'family thing', not just MJ3.

OP You might want to remove the link, as tabloids aren't allowed.. especially if they link to photos of the children.

Jermaine said on cnn news the family had a family gathering tues the 24th of nov
Jermaine said on cnn news the family had a family gathering tues the 24th of nov

well now im more confused. this is what i saw -

Goin to grandmas for pre-thanksgiving dinner 7:26 AM Nov 25th from web

@genevievejaxn I love you more Genevieve im stuffed from all that cake German Chocolate Cake 7:36 AM Nov 25th from web in reply to genevievejaxn

sooo just got done eating pre thanksgiving dinner...it was great! 7:26 AM Nov 25th from web


LOL. Actually I've just noticed the times and realised the time difference..haha.. don't think they were eating thanksgiving dinner at 7am! What an idiot I am. Sorrrry.
First, Radar is trash, and like others said, TMZ is the only site permitted. They do have a story up, it's short and simple. Second, so what? We may not be huge fans of Joe, but he is their grandfather, they don't look too tortured either. Omer (Omar, however you spell his name) obviously has a special place in the Jackson family. You can be family without being blood related so why question if he's there or not? He is also pretty obviously close to Prince. Last, WE don't know what is said behind closed doors. Debbie may have been very aware of what was happening, so why bring her up? Grace was there as well, while I do think there is something weird about her, I do think she truly lives the children as her own. She wouldn't let anything happen to those children. Okay, that's it. Go eat your left over turkey!!!!
First, Radar is trash, and like others said, TMZ is the only site permitted. They do have a story up, it's short and simple. Second, so what? We may not be huge fans of Joe, but he is their grandfather, they don't look too tortured either. Omer (Omar, however you spell his name) obviously has a special place in the Jackson family. You can be family without being blood related so why question if he's there or not? He is also pretty obviously close to Prince. Last, WE don't know what is said behind closed doors. Debbie may have been very aware of what was happening, so why bring her up? Grace was there as well, while I do think there is something weird about her, I do think she truly lives the children as her own. She wouldn't let anything happen to those children. Okay, that's it. Go eat your left over turkey!!!!
Exactly. These people do NOT have to please the public.
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