Michael's Flight Meals (Timid Flyer)

He really did love KFC.

So funny to read this.

I remember the bodyguards say that when MJ was in drive in for KFC, he himself ordered/talked to the person taking the order! I would regonice his voice right away and jump into the car. :lol:

its sweetcorn hun

Ah, thank you both :yes:
God how I miss American KFC. I miss having mashed potatoes, and biscuits with butter and honey! UK menu is different. I'm hungry now. I miss Michael.
Haha KFC for morn, noon, and night!:D "KFC chicken breast" written 3 times in a row like that!:) This brought a smile to my face.

I wonder what kind of drunk was MJ...the annoying one, the horny/flirty one, the funny one, the angry guy, the quiet "chill" type, the "cant handle his liquor" throw up kind, or the pass out one. :lol:
I'm gonna go with the horny/flirty type:shifty: I can picture him getting more chatty and bold than his usual self and yeah, trying to hit on somebody:happy: Some men say, when they get drunk, all women around them look attractive:rofl:
Thanks. It was nice to see this with my own eyes, I've heard so much about this menu from fans. :D
For some reason I went "Yay!" when I read he sometimes likes tequila. I like it too, but whisky, uh.
Haha KFC for morn, noon, and night!:D "KFC chicken breast" written 3 times in a row like that!:) This brought a smile to my face.

I'm gonna go with the horny/flirty type:shifty: I can picture him getting more chatty and bold than his usual self and yeah, trying to hit on somebody:happy: Some men say, when they get drunk, all women around them look attractive:rofl:

:lmao:....yeah I agree with ya...
He really should have made a KFC commercial lol. I just had KFC myself last week haha!!

The man also drank Tequila!? I heard he drank whine and once heard about him drinking liquors on occasion but never knew if it was true or not. That's awesome.
:lol: I LOVE THIS!!!! KFC ALL THE WAY!!!!:punk: lol

I Bought
BIG RED today and it's spicy as h*ll! :lol: But It has a good taste...Thankyou Mike for introducing me to BIG RED! :lol:


lol I tried some of that gum and yeah it is really super spicy. Michael sure liked his spicy food. ;) I can't have this gum anymore because it totally destroyed my mouth. :laugh:
He really should have made a KFC commercial lol. I just had KFC myself last week haha!!

The man also drank Tequila!? I heard he drank whine and once heard about him drinking liquors on occasion but never knew if it was true or not. That's awesome.

Mike would have had a great time sharing a few bottles with us isn't that right Stacey and Becca? :D
:lol: I LOVE THIS!!!! KFC ALL THE WAY!!!!:punk: lol

I Bought
BIG RED today and it's spicy as h*ll! :lol: But It has a good taste...Thankyou Mike for introducing me to BIG RED! :lol:


Ugh, I have tasted Big Red and didn't like it one bit! Too spicy for my taste *yack*
Lol Big Red is pretty nasty! Had it when I went to the States and it was horrible! I am pertubed by gum that doesn't taste of mint!
This reminds me of that story Magic Johnson told at the memorial about what happened when he went over for a meeting at Michael's house to talk about the Remember the Time video- the chef brought out grilled chicken for Magic but brought out a bucket of KFC for Michael. Magic couldn't believe Michael ate KFC. They ended up sitting on the floor eating the bucket of chicken. lol. Magic said he had so much fun and that was one of the best moments of his life. Considering his life that's saying alot.

Miss you Michael.
Wow he he he thanks for posting! :wub:
And KFC for three meals straight!?! He ate soo much KFC I am surprised he didnt trn into a KFC chicken bucket :lol:

i think it's in one interview where MJ said the children tell him their family should win a Guinness for eating the most chicken :kickass:
i think it's in one interview where MJ said the children tell him their family should win a Guinness for eating the most chicken :kickass:
Eh? Never heard that before. Can you give us a link to the interview you're talking about? :scratch: