Michael's Flight Meals (Timid Flyer)

The first time I flew alone I was terrified (and that was just a few months BEFORE 9/11/01). But now I love flying. I look at it as an escape. I can read, listen to music and just tune everything and everyone out for a while.

Me too I love flying! Nervous as hell the first flight I took, it was to Italy, but I love it. Like you I see it as 'me time'. On longer flights I can watch a couple of movies and shorter flights I can read a magazine, book, etc. The year before last when I went to Krakow I was writing my essay! But everyone is different. My best friend hates flying and before every flight we've taken together we've had to go to the bar so he can get a drink of whiskey, even at 6am in the morning!
Love the wine in the pop can. He wanted to be discreet! Now I'm gonna think he was buzzed every time I see him getting off a plane in those videos. :)
I wonder what kind of drunk was MJ...the annoying one, the horny/flirty one, the funny one, the angry guy, the quiet "chill" type, the "cant handle his liquor" throw up kind, or the pass out one. :lol:
Hey, that's actually a really good way to look at it! I always think of flights as annoying because it takes ages to get where you want, but your theory is a very good one! :clapping:

And I forgot to mention sleeping/napping on the plane. That's nice too although not always easy for some. I can take short naps. :)
Love the wine in the pop can. He wanted to be discreet! Now I'm gonna think he was buzzed every time I see him getting off a plane in those videos. :)

Lol if he is, then he does a pretty good job going down the stairs :D.
Me too I love flying! Nervous as hell the first flight I took, it was to Italy, but I love it. Like you I see it as 'me time'. On longer flights I can watch a couple of movies and shorter flights I can read a magazine, book, etc. The year before last when I went to Krakow I was writing my essay! But everyone is different. My best friend hates flying and before every flight we've taken together we've had to go to the bar so he can get a drink of whiskey, even at 6am in the morning!

Hahaha, my friend and I flew to Germany in December and I had to hold her hand the entire flight because she is scared to fly like crazy. So she was holding my hand with one hand and hugging a bottle of whiskey with the other :D

I wonder what kind of drunk was MJ...the annoying one, the horny/flirty one, the funny one, the angry guy, the quiet "chill" type, the "cant handle his liquor" throw up kind, or the pass out one. :lol:

I think he's the funny one and probably the flirty one as well :wub: Not the annoying flirty, but the funny flirty :)
The let's dress up in disguises and go shopping one.
I wonder what kind of drunk was MJ...the annoying one, the horny/flirty one, the funny one, the angry guy, the quiet "chill" type, the "cant handle his liquor" throw up kind, or the pass out one. :lol:
Probably the 'flirty' kind, which (after many failed attempts) would turn into the "funny" one :lol:
Hey, did anyone else notice that they misspelled "dessert" as "desert"? The bit where they're talking about Michael and it says "rarely eats desert" made me LOL. I would hope he never ate deserts!!! -cough- Whoever wrote that also misspelled "sundae".

The KFC breakfast/lunch/dinner meal plan absolutely rocks! I think I shall adopt it! Except my plan will enable the consumption of chocolate and broccoli. :3

Paris cajoling for sugar also brought a laugh! She was a smart little girl, even at a young age!!! :)

Random cute facts about Michael (even the ones I've heard before hehe) really make my spirit cheer up a whole lot!
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Corn on the cob with most meals...oh God this is my "on the deserted island" only food. Just amazing!
The cajoling for sugar bit reminds me of the interview with the bodyguards and the kids used to say to them 'daddy said could you run down to the store and get us some cookies please.' Then they'd ask Mike, he'd say no and he'd then tell the kids off :lol:
I wonder what kind of drunk was MJ...the annoying one, the horny/flirty one, the funny one, the angry guy, the quiet "chill" type, the "cant handle his liquor" throw up kind, or the pass out one. :lol:

i think all the girls would want mj to be the HORNY/FLIRTY one :yes::D haha .. well he seemed like the type anyway lol :cheeky:
:lol: at this thread.. love it! :D

aww Michael really loves KFC!
hahaha....i think he'd be the funny one too....but I definitely think he'd be flirty, cuz he was flirty when he was sober....so it'd just be intensified! :lol:
Michael drunk - he'd SO be the flirty one. I mean...come one...just look at him on stage....even sober he teased us girls :p
The cajoling for sugar bit reminds me of the interview with the bodyguards and the kids used to say to them 'daddy said could you run down to the store and get us some cookies please.' Then they'd ask Mike, he'd say no and he'd then tell the kids off :lol:

Awww just love this thread, thats started from a flight menu and passenger profile!!:)
Typical of children to be canny and try to 'work' the adults to get what they want......and can just imagine Michael saying that they shouldnt say he said to buy cookies...........:love: he loved them so much and wanted to teach them that honesty was important.
The cajoling for sugar bit reminds me of the interview with the bodyguards and the kids used to say to them 'daddy said could you run down to the store and get us some cookies please.' Then they'd ask Mike, he'd say no and he'd then tell the kids off :lol:

Which interview was that?
The one that was on Good Morning America last week? Or the week before.
Ashamed to admit it but I don't even know what 'corn on the cob' means! lol
