Michael's Flight Meals (Timid Flyer)


Proud Member
Sep 11, 2009
LOL!! :wild:

KFC for breakfast, lunch and dinner! :lol: Michael!!

You got this is from Conspiracy right?
KFC for breakfast, lunch and dinner! :lol: Michael!!

You got this is from Conspiracy right?

Well this was posted somewhere else, but yeah I think it's in there too.
I find it ironic I'm sharing a bucket of KFC right now with some friends haha :D.
no chocolate, peanut butter, brocolli? Did Michael not like those? lol

That was cute, he really did loooove his KFC :lol:
baby gets mashed KFC as well? :lol: Oh what a cute little boy mashed KFC eating baby Blanket turned into :lol: and LOL@ cleaning up after he departs :lol:
Haha I love this! Michael is great :D

will try other forms of chicken.. but would still like the KFC :D haha

but white wine in a diet coke can !??
Haha I love this! Michael is great :D

will try other forms of chicken.. but would still like the KFC :D haha

but white wine in a diet coke can !??

That's old news. He never wanted his kids or any other kids seeing him drink wine as he didn't want them to try it so he put it in a diet coke can as he's a 'nervous flyer.' I know so many people that have to have an alcoholic drink when they fly as they don't like flying, it's perfectly normal.
I believe they meant he was scared of flying and nervous and that's why he would get out of his seat during the take off's and landings.

thanks alot.
it is the opposite for me since the best moments in my life is when the plane takes off.
The one for the children is so cute, lol.

Paris loves baking cookies, and will try and eat the sugar.

NO peanut butter, NO chicken skins.

Lol, Mike :)
I'm pretty sure this was a made up mealplan, wasn't it? Seen it before and heard that it's fake - nontheless it's a hilarious list! :lol:
David Guest said Michael had chicken without skin because he thought it was organic that way..:scratch:
I'm pretty sure this was a made up mealplan, wasn't it? Seen it before and heard that it's fake - nontheless it's a hilarious list! :lol:

Why the flight attendants would provide the court a fake passenger profiles? Those were given for the jury as an evidence. Flight attendants were asked to testify in court and Lauren Wallace, among other things, explained why the wine was always served in Diet Coke cans, which was told earlier in this thread.

There were also other profile sheets given to the court, which included for example other children (not the Arvizos), Michael's cousin Elijah, food preferences for Michael's bodyguard, Joe and his nanny, Grace and friend Al Malnick.
This is a great thread...Michael is far to cute...hey KFC rocks!!...:lmao:....
Aww....I love how Michael wanted KFC for breakfast, lunch and dinner...but the yoghurt and bagel must be low-fat! Hahaha

And the kids want whatever their daddy has for dinner. Cute!!!

I love when you miss Michael, and then someone posts something really cute about him like this :) Always brightens me up :)