Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

Thats not a demo thats the actual song. Which is 100% real.

This is the FAKE demo i'm talking about. The voice at the start could be Michael, but the vocals definately not.....

I actually cant stand looking at the comments on these videos and seeing people thinking its real. Normally I wouldnt mind, but there are fan in there saying things like 'If you think this is fake then you are not a real fan'.

I mean....my god! It is fake! If we go by their logic then they arent real fans. Of course I wouldnt doubt someone as a fan though for something like that.

This is the first time I actually hear this. You know, the voice really does resemble MJ a lot. But what made MJ truly special is his style and emotion. This demo has none, plus the vocal hiccups are just weak and... Yeah this is 100% fake no question.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

but good point there. would he have approved of those violins?? Michael really isn't here to approve of a single thing
how do you know the violins were added later? we don't know that, it's just an assumption.

This is a thing! This album is NOT Michael's vision. It is Branca's vision. And God knows what they did with those tracks using modern technologies.

well, Michael trusted Brance enough to appoint him an executor of his estate. And now Branca represents Michael.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

There are 2 snippets! the one with the music is real! but the other one without music is fake! and everyone knows that!

You would think so wouldnt you? But check the comments out on the video I posted. They have actually infuriated me.

I mean everything aside.

What are the odds that the demo clip this guy gets, features MJ practicing the exact same bit of the song that we already have a snippet off......I guess thats just a massive coincidence. -_-

Its a good impersonation, i'll give him that. I'm sure I remember the guy who made it actually coming out and admitting it was him who made it. I mean, he had to step forward and take the credit at some point when there are people actually believing he is MJ.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

Michael was ALIVE when Invincible and other albums were released and he approved each song in the album. This time I have no idea what they did. Violin was added and I can def hear that. It does not go with those perfect beats of the song.. It puts MJ song on a lower level imo. This is what I meant by "cheap". Such mix is not always a good idea.

But, you only heard 20 seconds of the song. How do you know the song is brought down by the production yet?

It's not unusual to add extra instrumentation to the original composition. For example, the song Dangerous, the finanl version is very different from the demo. And, the demo we all knew was already "cleaned" by Bill Botrell.

All the producers who worked on this albums, such as Teddy Riley and will.i.am, are very talented and trusted by Michael. Is it right to say they don't add any value, but bring down Michael's song? Give them benefit of doubt. Give them a chance. Give the album a chance. We all need to live with the fact that this album is not supervised by Michael. But, what can I ask more given the sad circumstances.

I can't fully enjoy this album if I keep asking the question "would Michael approve it?". Why ask? We all know he can't approve anything now. But, I don't feel guilty seeing This Is It or listening to the upcoming album. Becasue I know for sure if Michael knows his works bring so much joy to his fans, he would have a big smile on his face. He's a perfectionist, but he's also about love and bringing happiness to people.

I can tell whether the Estate is cashing in or working diligently to reinforce Michael's legacy. From what the Estate had done so far, I believe the Estate is treating every project with care and respect.

Is it right to make a conclusion so prematurely? Why can't we all make up our mind after hearing the whole song on Monday?

I say I love the beat and it sounds funky. That's all I can say at this moment because I haven't heard the complete song yet.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

no you're not.

A composition like that can be altered ... with different elements being added or removed at any time during the creation. Michael could've easily done this... you can't possibly make this statement because you fancy yourself as a music guru.

We've heard a 45 second intro... violins or no violins, wait before throwing around opinions... its ridiculous. How would we feel if we just heard the first 5 seconds of billie jean? It would sound rather bland.

everyone needs to get a grip, stop bitching and make the most out of this. It is still Michaels work.

Cartman, Please check your PM
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

I am not saying you are wrong, but spending 7 years in music school means nothing. I know people who have spent just as long studying music who are completely tone deaf and have no musical ear what so ever.

Again, i'm not saying your wrong. But I dont really think saying you have spent 7 years in music school really helps.

I do not know what kind of school it has to be that ppl are able to learn and play instruments being tone deaf. I am not tone deaf for sure.I can play music without notes, just from hearing. And it is nothing unusual about it. Anybody who has music degree should be able to do it.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

It was a great teaser, and it certainly has me looking forward to hearing the full song on Monday. :jump:
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

If spending time in music school has such significance, I guess Michael must not know anything about music.

Michael had no formal education in music. He didn't even write or read sheet music.

Yet, Michael Jackson is one of the best MUSICIAN ever lived.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

...I can't stop listening to it....and the infectious beat is just whirling around in my head...I just love it, and the strings are amazing...gives a dramatic, mysterious feel to it....It's totally Michael...no matter what anyone says...It's his work...I can FEEL it....
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

It sounds beyond awesome. Ive been listening to it on repeat with headphones for the past half an hour. CANNOT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY!!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

I am not making any assumptions and I am not calling Michael's music "cheap". I trust the Estate and I trust the producers who have been Michael's musical partners for many years and know his vision. I think Smooth told us that Teddy Riley was polishing the Cascio tracks. I trust Teddy Riley completely.

By the way he has a twitter. You can ask him if it was he who added the cheap violins.

Well I do not trust Estate and I am not calling MJ music cheap because this is not MJ music. At least what I heard it does not sound right to me. Simple as that.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

I have 2 questions,

First, is the news talks we heard in the very beginning of the teaser are parts of the actual song? Second was/will that teaser be the music video of the song "breaking news"?

Thanks :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

I do not know what kind of school it has to be that ppl are able to learn and play instruments being tone deaf. I am not tone deaf for sure.I can play music without notes, just from hearing.

Yea and I can sing ON KEY without notes, just from hearing?
I didn't attend to a music school for 7 years, does that make me worth nothing???

I'm not really attacking you, I don't know your history, nor anyone elses.

Let's just wait for us to moan about the music untll we heard more then just 18 seconds... And if we hear it, listen to it a few times so we know it by heart. Then wait a few days, then come up with a conclusion.

But the conclusions we all come up with, are our own opinions.
We can never know for sure what Michael would've done, because he couldn't do this anymore..

What would you all rather have?

No new MJ music, ever again?

Or new MJ music which is fine-tuned by trusted (by MJ) professionals?
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

...I can't stop listening to it....and the infectious beat is just whirling around in my head...I just love it, and the strings are amazing...gives a dramatic, mysterious feel to it....It's totally Michael...no matter what anyone says...It's his work...I can FEEL it....

It sounds beyond awesome. Ive been listening to it on repeat with headphones for the past half an hour. CANNOT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY!!!

I know right!!! Current mood:

I have 2 questions,

First, is the news talks we heard in the very beginning of the teaser are parts of the actual song? Second was/will that teaser be the music video of the song "breaking news"?

Thanks :)

I think so. But of course there's no knowing for sure until monday or in case our people in the know tell us :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

I'm already printing here an apology letters for my neighbors for monday :cheeky: I have lost the count how many times I've been listening to the clip of Breaking News so far so I don't even want to imagine what might happen on monday when we get to hear the whole song! I might just drive them crazy! :oops:

... :8-25-03stretcher:
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

This is a thing! This album is NOT Michael's vision. It is Branca's vision. And God knows what they did with those tracks using modern technologies.

I agree.

I mean, I LOVE the song, and it feels like Michael to me so far...........

The violins sound very classy. Michael said he wanted to do a classical album....

I really don't know what to think. I kind of feel those violins were added to. And I LOVE them! But that doesn't matter, what matters is simply whether michael would have approved of them. He's the musical genius. I'm just a listener. And he should have the ultimate and FINAL say in his own work. So I definately see your point.

But I won't spend oodles of time talking about the album. We have bigger things to worry about this upcoming January.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

...I can't stop listening to it....and the infectious beat is just whirling around in my head...I just love it, and the strings are amazing...gives a dramatic, mysterious feel to it....It's totally Michael...no matter what anyone says...It's his work...I can FEEL it....

It does have a very infectious sound to it, even from this little snippet. It will be amazing.... :yes:

I know right!!! Current mood:

I think so. But of course there's no knowing for sure until monday or in case our people in the know tell us :)

:lol: I that is my mood too ;) , It's going to be so amazing!

As far as the music video..yeah I think that this teaser may be a piece of the music video for that song, it looks pretty cool..
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

L.T.D has a valid point, he didn't call anyone tone death so please don't assume he was saying people were. He was just saying that just because a person went to music school their opinion is automatically more valid than someone who didn't. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with each other, just tone town the arguing in here. Thanks everyone.
By the way, the press release of MJ.com answers some questions by fans over here.

on Monday, November 8th the world premiere of “Breaking News,” a full track from the album, will stream on the site for one week only.
Stay tuned for the worldwide launch of the official first single from MICHAEL later this month.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

Oh I guess it was just a matter of time until this exciting and sparkly thread was ruined.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

The arguing STOPS please... We don't want to be handing out more 10 day tone distruction bans at a time like this. I don't think you'd want that right now either. Please, quit the bickering.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

I wasn't talking about that. I was agreeing on how Michael's isn't here to make the FINAL decisions that are supposed to be HIS OWN VISION.

But since you brought up Motolla, he's now currently the gatekeeper of Michael's music. Now that's beyond strange.

What do you mean by gate keeper exactly?
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

What do you mean by gate keeper exactly?

A gatekeeper is someone who controls access to something.

Matolla mentioned after June 2009 that he was the gatekeeper of Michael's music. Only Sony or the Estate could have put him in such a position. Which means that one of them or both are against Michael. And we know that the Estate and Sony have strong ties.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

I wasn't talking about that. I was agreeing on how Michael's isn't here to make the FINAL decisions that are supposed to be HIS OWN VISION.

But since you brought up Motolla, he's now currently the gatekeeper of Michael's music. Now that's beyond strange.

sorry about that i misunderstood.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

Im exited ! But i wonder why they chose this HORRIBLE album cover... a fan could have done 1000 times better. I also dont like the attitude of michael on it ? his expression with his overthetop superiority of the world with the king thing. Not good at all.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

ok it's almost 2 am here. I'm logging off and leaving you with Michael spreading love!

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Re: The Official New Album Thread -MICHAEL Release date Dec 14th

Frankly I'm just glad these songs are being made available, I couldn't be bothered who's made decisions regarding the finishing of these tracks. At the end of the day Michael isn't here anymore, but his beautiful voice and music is.