^^^Dude even has his own jingle. It's so hilarious, it looks like an act. Is he serious?
I can guarantee he's serious.
It was around 1998, I was still a student. Late at night I used to listen to the French "Fun Radio" with some good stuff, music, funny games, and so on. One day a guy called the radio station to tell them that he can impersonate MJ, dance like him, sing like, him that he's MJ's friend, taht he composes muisc with MJ, etc. So he first sang some songs on the phone and few days later he was invited to the radio station several times. Once on line, the dj played instrumentals and karaoke versions of MJ's songs and this guy sang over them for over an hour.
It was live and it was so hilarious, I was literally in tears while listening to him singing. I even recorded the radio show on my tape back then and still have them somewhere in my attick.
As far as this guy is concerned, he is really a huge MJ fan and he really thinks that he can perfectly imitate him.
He also danced in the studio and tried to moonwalk, when all of sudden his shoe broke lol. Yep, yep, good ol' days