Michael - The Great Album Debate

Well if I'd let ALL the attitudes get to me I would have been gone long ago, however I look at it that not everyone is going get along all of the time, its better to rise above it and not let it bring you down. not to mention there is an ignore button here.

You're right. That's why some people don't come any more. They chose to ignore the thread all together rather than pressing the ignore buttons.

Don't worry guys we will not be closing it any time soon. I wanna get it to a 100,000 views then it will be the biggest ever viewed thread on MJJC,

How are you going to reverse the number of views? :D

p.s. on a more serious note, imagine how many views you would have had if this thread had been in the visible-to-all section ;)
which ultimately would have led to many more new members, just saying...
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Oooppss left of a zero I did mean a mil,

As for the second part, this forum is open for all to see not password protected so not sure where your coming with that one.

No, I meant visible on Google.
But in all honesty I've never for one minute thought of making this thread an avenue for sign ups, its here like all the others you guys can use it to how you see fit or you don't, for me there is never an agenda. but I am sure lots will totally ignore what I have just said and come up with their own interpretation of things like they always have and always will.

As far as I am concerned I don't have any reason to doubt your words. I just wondered, once the rule was clearly established that not a single (unreleased) Cascio leak was allowed in this thread, nor in the whole forum, why this thread was not visible on Google. It has nothing to do with any agenda, but sometimes we did have some valuable info in this thread. It could have helped other MJ fans (non-MJJC members) out there to read it, enrol on MJJC, and ultimeately add some precious info that they might have had, rather than narrowing it down to few memebers. But, that's just my opinion without any agenda or any conspiracy idea behind.
Never even crossed my mind, did not know it did or didn't, very much like any forum/thread here.

One thing is for sure, I do not run this place based on google pages or anything the like, I work to service the fans within our space only, outside of that space I have very little interest.

Yes for you, you want your cause seen I can understand that but what is your cause may not be mine, but then I would never run this forum based on what my causes are that would be unfair,

There are many forums here that are not visible unless you become a member that's how forums that are for general members operate.

Yes I am familiar with forums and their respective threads on the net, I was myself a moderator on one of them (non-MJ related).
Usually when you type some subjects on Google, if the threads are not confined in a specific part of the forum, any MJ fan guest could read it.

Regarding the cause, I honestly don't have any cause. I consider myself as a MJ fan and I was just talking in the interest of all MJ fans, to gather, discuss and share views.
I am pretty sure I don't need to go over why we could not allow leaks and unreleased stuff, look around you for that answer there are cases in court sites shut yet were still here that is the whole reason and to be honest I am happy that we have come out the other side unscathed other than the fact of some crappy songs being splashed all over our pages, gotta be worth it dont ya think.

I perfectly understand why, and tbh we have all respected that rule. That was not the issue at all. I was just saying to bring in more people who would potentially have more info.

Anyway, it doesn't matter any more ;)
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It is sad to see this thread die down...I know a lot of people have become disheartened in this thread and about this topic, myself included lately....But I just can't let it go...I feel like I would be abandoning Michael if I abandon this topic..I just really hope we never see anymore Cascio songs being released again...If they are, I guess this thread will once again be reignited! :)
I have nothing left to say at this moment. but i will definitely always be here. i am not ever letting this go. there's just nothing new to say lately.
I just wondered, if any believer could answer:

given the fact that Michael loved what he did, recording music, songs, etc, if Michael had the time to record 12 songs (= a whole album) in a matter of months in a friend's home studio, how many dozens of songs (= albums) did he record in his/a professional studio in a matter of years?
Wasnt Earth song 7 years, and Ghost started in Early History sessions and finally was released in 97-98
Hollywood began in 1999 an it was last worked on in 2008.
It is sad to see this thread die down...I know a lot of people have become disheartened in this thread and about this topic, myself included lately....But I just can't let it go...I feel like I would be abandoning Michael if I abandon this topic..I just really hope we never see anymore Cascio songs being released again...If they are, I guess this thread will once again be reignited! :)
Ditto. There are a lot of things re Michael I accept, although my toes curl sometimes from what I read. I'm not very interested anymore in discussing Michael's life. Been there, done that and I didn't know him. And we're all different, with different views. Mostly peeps try to push their opinion and have difficulties accepting other points of views. I'm tired of discussing, to be honest. Of course I always will be interested in anekdotes, stories and aspects about his life, but not to the point I find it worth bickering about. But THIS...there is NOTHING compared to this. This is unacceptable.

I have nothing left to say at this moment. but i will definitely always be here. i am not ever letting this go. there's just nothing new to say lately.
Ditto again. What I'm afraid of is that this subject will silently fade until it's gone (others will prolly cheer, lol).

And it often feels that 'doubters' may as wel be talking to Siberia. It's like we're standing with our backs against the wall.
I support anyone who can make a difference.

Ditto. There are a lot of things re Michael I accept, although my toes curl sometimes from what I read. I'm not very interested anymore in discussing Michael's life. Been there, done that and I didn't know him. And we're all different, with different views. Mostly peeps try to push their opinion and have difficulties accepting other points of views. I'm tired of discussing, to be honest. Of course I always will be interested in anekdotes, stories and aspects about his life, but not to the point I find it worth bickering about. But THIS...there is NOTHING compared to this. This is unacceptable.

Agreed....Michael's private life is just that, his PRIVATE life...We, as fans, or the general public don't need to know any of that...Since when is it our right? It's fine to discuss little anecdotes, or fun stories and what not...But to dig and dig and dig...nope, sorry, not interested...It's his ART that attracted me to him in the first place, and I would think that most fans would feel the same way...So this topic, about his music, his vocals, his life work and art, is something that deserves to live on and be preserved...That's why I am so passionate about it and this debate...I think we all need a break from this thread and the heavy discussion from time to time, but we always come back ;) I don't always have a lot of things to contribute as I'm fairly ignorant about the law, music publishing, etc, etc....But I will pipe in when I can :D
OK, just in case ANYONE here knows: Can anyone tell me when the four rehearsals used for Human Nature in This Is It were? Here are the four different rehearsals described:

*Grey suit, red shirt and no glasses: June 23rd

*Tight black blazer with crystals, red shirt, glasses but no screen at back, outline of toaster places on stage: Staples, but what date?

*Silver blazer, blue shirt, orange trousers and glasses: Forum, but what date?

*Dangerous Tour Heal the World Jacket, gold trousers, fedora and glasses, no screen: Forum or Staples? What date?

Can anyone help?
If it was Staples, its the 23 or 24. They only rehearsed on those dates. After June 19th, were he was sick
If it was Staples, its the 23 or 24. They only rehearsed on those dates. After June 19th, were he was sick

But I think he was there for sound-checks before June 23rd. The Crustal blazer rehearsals had no screen, but red seats from Staples. He was sick on June 20th, right? This sound-check could've been on June 22nd, then.
I watched the opening statement the other day, and Walgren said he was sick on the 19th or 20th and they had a meeting after that, but his first day back at rehearsal was the 23rd and he was 'happy'
I watched the opening statement the other day, and Walgren said he was sick on the 19th or 20th and they had a meeting after that, but his first day back at rehearsal was the 23rd and he was 'happy'

But... There is no screen at the Crystal blazer rehearsal, and yet the seats are red, meaning that they are from the Staples Centre rehearsals. The screen couldn't be placed there mid-rehearsal, right?
Dunno, they rehearsed for like 12 hours a day, so it's possible. It's also possible he wore different jackets and things on the same day, I've seen him wear the 23rd Jacket for TDCAU with the TWYMMF orange trousers/blue shirt
Dunno, they rehearsed for like 12 hours a day, so it's possible. It's also possible he wore different jackets and things on the same day, I've seen him wear the 23rd Jacket for TDCAU with the TWYMMF orange trousers/blue shirt

Ugh... Michael!! Why did you have to mix-and-match outfits in such a masterful way that it's impossible to track your movements! Well even though he changed outfits, I doubt Judith Hill would, as she is not only wearing a different outfit, but also a different hairstyle in the June 23rd proper rehearsal.

EDIT: It's also safe to assume that the Beat It and Thriller red-shirt rehearsals took place on that day to the similarity in the stage outline i.e. no screen, yet Staples set-up.
Aside from hanging out and enjoying family dinners with the Cascios, Michael did something else in their home: He recorded music. Eddie, who is now a music producer, says Michael was a mentor to him. The two used to create music together in the Cascios' home studio—a makeshift room in the family's basement, which included a wooden dance floor that was put in just for Michael.

"He was training every morning," Eddie says. "He'd dance, and I would be right here next to him dancing. Years later, fast forward to, I would say, the beginning of '07, he came ready to work. And that's what we did. We spent long hours working in the studio, recording."

Eddie says he and Michael recorded 12 songs together. On December 14, 2010, some of those songs will be released on Michael Jackson's posthumous album,
MICHAEL. Some have speculated that the vocals on it are not really Michael Jackson's.

"I can tell you that it is Michael's voice. He recorded right there in my basement," Eddie says. "It was a home studio and, you know, we worked. I was there pushing the buttons. He was right there directing, and that's Michael Jackson."

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Michael-Jacksons-Second-Family/5#ixzz1mlux6GvI


After re-reading Eddie's words, it doesn't sound as if MJ was either sick or as if he did it for fun...

Long hours of copy-pasting from Invincible, yup.

bumper - :)

everyone either talks about something else or says that they got nothing new to say but you come posting Cascio related stuff. It's funny.
He should've pushed the red button, hehe...

@ Ivy, I have a new question..:D

"I was there pushing the buttons". Is it some sort of saying (like that he was in charge) or do I have to take it literally?
He should've pushed the red button, hehe...

@ Ivy, I have a new question..:D

"I was there pushing the buttons". Is it some sort of saying (like that he was in charge) or do I have to take it literally?

Literal Eddie :D:
