Michael - The Great Album Debate

If he had anything about him he would come out and set the record straight. His silence speaks volumes.

he did. he said he got nothing to do with it several times through his rep. and as for his silence , he's enjoying this. All of you are putting the 12 songs on him and going around saying "it's 100% Malachi". You give him mentions and spotlight.

- If he's not on the songs he will have nothing more to say that "it's not me" and he has done it already.
- If he's on the songs, he will never accept fraud with the risk of being sued and even losing his normal job.

So regardless of what was his involvement you wont get anything more than "it ain't me".
I agree with Ivy-
Whether he did or didnt, that is the only answer we will get from Malachi for the reasons stated above

"Even If you get caught red handed you look them in the eye real serious like and say
It wasnt Me ... " Shaggy

Jason has only denied his involvement once via Thad Nauden. And that was only because their arm was twisted by TMZ. Even then he tried to lie by saying it was a "fake facebook account" until it was shown to him that fans knew it was real and then he had to admit it was hacked.
That's like going to your neighbors house and telling him or her to confess he/she didn't sing a song on the "Michael" album if they're not involved why should they care ?

He always cared enough in the past to come out and clear things up. He even made youtube videos about it.
I agree with Ivy-
Whether he did or didnt, that is the only answer we will get from Malachi for the reasons stated above

"Even If you get caught red handed you look them in the eye real serious like and say
It wasnt Me ...
" Shaggy

I love this song. And i loved the comment.
I agree with Ivy-
Whether he did or didnt, that is the only answer we will get from Malachi for the reasons stated above

"Even If you get caught red handed you look them in the eye real serious like and say
It wasnt Me
... " Shaggy

(love that song too)

If that's the case then you're a liar


Concerning Jason Malachi: I would've appreciated it, if he would adress it himself, looking into a camera...and not via his manager. The 'accusations'/'rumours' are too serious to do it through his manager IMO.

And especially since he knows a lot of Michael's fans are members on forums and a YT would be all over the different forums in seconds.

He knows (since he was/is a member here himself) that that would be a lot more personal too.
He always cared enough in the past to come out and clear things up. He even made youtube videos about it.

Wanna know why ?

Because the song was his and not Michael Jackson's at the time he was pretty much unknown now look at him people are thinking he sings Michael Jackson songs.
sooner or later, the Cascio tracks will be a thing of the past. Most of the doubters now will remain doubters while believers will remain believers.
Jason has only denied his involvement once via Thad Nauden. And that was only because their arm was twisted by TMZ. Even then he tried to lie by saying it was a "fake facebook account" until it was shown to him that fans knew it was real and then he had to admit it was hacked.

Actually I talked with Thad with multiple times and he was clear and adamant that Jason has nothing to do with it. I asked for a public statement that I can post and he gave it to me again denying it. And I didn't twist his arm. Thad also gave another statement to another fan club. So Jason through his rep has denied it three times. There's not many ways to say it ain't me.

Thad says the fake account thing was a misunderstanding by TMZ, he said he meant it wasn't Jason that wrote that "confession" and TMZ run with the fake account thing. And we know for a fact that he was hacked because the hacker not only admitted to it but also posted screenshots of Jason's email.
Wanna know why ?

Because the song was his and not Michael Jackson's at the time he was pretty much unknown now look at him people are thinking he sings Michael Jackson songs.

And now the allegations are far more serious, which gives all the more reason for him to clear things up. And there are very good reasons for so many people thinking he sings them. His accent, pronounciation, vibrato, snorts and all round voice technique is all over 12 songs. 12 songs with no evidence to back up that they were recorded by Mj. 12 songs that lack any of Michael's trademarks. 12 songs that had people divided behind the scenes several weeks before they were released and tore the fan base apart upon their release. There are still questions that need to be answered. There is still nothing to prove these songs are sung by Michael other than the word of the one person who was supposedly with Michael when they were recorded. There is still no coherent and solid explanation for the aforementioned issues with the vocals. A statement claiming some so called tests were done with no proof to back that up and an "I was there pushing buttons" and a picture of an empty studio is not good enough for many fans, me included.
Actually I talked with Thad with multiple times and he was clear and adamant that Jason has nothing to do with it. I asked for a public statement that I can post and he gave it to me again denying it. And I didn't twist his arm. Thad also gave another statement to another fan club. So Jason through his rep has denied it three times. There's not many ways to say it ain't me.

Thad says the fake account thing was a misunderstanding by TMZ, he said he meant it wasn't Jason that wrote that "confession" and TMZ run with the fake account thing. And we know for a fact that he was hacked because the hacker not only admitted to it but also posted screenshots of Jason's email.

He's not going to admit that his client was involved in large scale fraud over the phone to someone he's never met is he?
He's not going to admit that his client was involved in large scale fraud over the phone to someone he's never met is he?

of course not. and neither would jason. not privately, not publicly. remember that was my point to start with right?

plus that he three times denied his involvement so he wasn't necessary "silent".

and as the only expected answer is "it ain't me" , and we got it three times so jason's so called silence doesn't mean a damn thing or doesn't speak volumes. We got the only possible answer regardless of his involvement or lack of. End of story.
of course not. and neither would jason. not privately, not publicly. remember that was my point to start with right?

plus that he three times denied his involvement so he wasn't necessary "silent".

and as the only expected answer is "it ain't me" , and we got it three times so jason's so called silence doesn't mean a damn thing or doesn't speak volumes. We got the only possible answer regardless of his involvement or lack of. End of story.

I would say it is far from the end of the story. Had his facebook not been hacked we would have heard nothing. Immediately after Breaking News premiered Nauden stated publicly that Jason would not be making any kind of statement. You can still find that on his blog. They only responded to tmz because they had to. They responded to you because you contacted them. They didn't reach out to mjjc to clear things up. I don't know what the other fanclub is that Thad is meant to have spoken to so perhaps you can provide a link to that? The fact is that Jason has never willingly spoken publicly about the very serious allegations against him despite his choosing to do so when his own songs have been mistaken for Michael in the past. And as for the free publicity argument, he'd get a lot more by coming out and using this situation to his advantage by letting the public know that he was mistaken for being on an actual Mj album. He's hardly getting any free publicity now when the discussion is confined to a couple of Mj forums. I believe if he and his manager had nothing to hide they would have used this situation to their advantage and cleared the whole mess up in the process. Especially if they love Michael as much as they claim to. So it is far from the end of the matter. Jason's own personal silence and his choosing to hide behind his manager does indeed speak volumes.
okay keep on hearing volumes then..

oh and edit.

I've decided to leave MJJC. Your nastiness and your sarcasm has pushed me away. I'm sick of it. I hope your proud of yourself. I will also be contacting Gaz regarding disability discrimination and cyber bullying.
He's hardly getting any free publicity now when the discussion is confined to a couple of Mj forums.

Is it? His name is mentioned on:
- the Wikipedia articles for "Michael", "Breaking News" and "Monster"
- public statements by The Michael Jackson Estate and Sony Music
- in reviews of the album "Michael" on iTunes, Amazon & Co.
- TMZ news articles
- youTube / other video streaming platforms
- Google search entries
- blogs / tweets / non-MJ forums

Do I have to continue?
contact away :) and go ahead and sue me when you are at it

- remember the time when you said I can't complain about your "edit" because you have all the right to edit your posts. Well so do I. How hypocrite of you to say that I don't have a right to complain but couldn't wait to rush to complain about me.

- disability discrimination law covers employment and providing public accommodations. It doesn't say that I can't disagree with you. and news flash no one is "discriminating" against you. I don't agree with you, I don't agree with Bumper, I don't agree with Pentum and so on. It's got nothing to do with your disability whatsoever.

- and for cyber bullying this thread has a notice that says it has heated discussions and do not enter if you can't handle it. so either handle it or don't enter. You are on a DISCUSSION thread that you are a WILLING participant. It's not like I'm seeking you out and sending you private messages of emails. I'm participating in a discussion that you are a part of. I have had heated discussions on this thread with multiple people as well but none of us went to Gaz crying.
I've decided to leave MJJC. Your nastiness and your sarcasm has pushed me away. I'm sick of it. I hope your proud of yourself. I will also be contacting Gaz regarding disability discrimination and cyber bullying.

Ivy is one of the most interesting and fair members in this whole thread. He's good at debunking emotion-based beliefs.

Like he says, there's nothing Jason COULD say that would convince you, because if he denies his involvment, you assume he's lying; if he says nothing, you assume he's hiding the truth; and if he were to admit he's a fraud -- well obviously he wouldn't do that, if he really was a fraud. In other words, the "Malachi connection" is a dead end.
Hey guys,

I just wanted to start by saying that we've had some good times in this thread. We've had our ups and downs and a fair few laughs! Some of Bumper's jokes still make me laugh now when I think about them! But now it's time for me to go. Ultimately, we have all been here for one reason and one reason only: our love for Michael and his music. That's why this debate has been so passionate. It's been interesting to read and learn things that I didn't know from Bumper and Pentum, and Korgnex too, even though we disagree! lol. Your knowledge of Michael's art is very impressive.

Unfortunately, some elements of this thread have not been too pleasant over recent days. I also have other more personal and rather more serious reasons for leaving this situation behind. I don't want to be banned because I haven't done anything wrong. I would like to keep my account in case I need to contact anybody.

I hope, for the sake of Michael and his fans that the scenario which resulted in the need for this thread is never repeated and maybe, just maybe, this debate will come to the appropriate conclusion one day. With Michael no longer here, and able to entertain us in the way he once did, it is up to others to continue his legacy in a respectful way. I applaud the efforts of Cirque du Soleil. It seems to be a wonderful tribute that Michael would have been proud of. I cannot wait to see their show at the O2. It will be very poignant for me to go there as I was due to see Michael himself on the opening night of This Is It. I will never get over losing Michael, but I'm hoping I will get some closure from being able to go there and enjoy something exciting and positive.

So with all that said, I shall say goodbye and keep Michaeling forever.

L.O.V.E Simon (Stella is my dog!)
Wishing you a wonderful time (some tears will also fall maybe) at The Immortal show, Stella (Simon..;D). I agree with you that this is a beautiful tribute, and like you I also think Michael would be honoured they dedicated one of their shows to him.

And thank you for your contributions to this thread.

Will be missing your personality on here.

The summary of the thread:

How SONY sees the Cascio tracks:



How the Estate sees the Cascio tracks:



How average Joe sees the Cascio tracks:



How Eddie sees the Cascio tracks:

"Michael holding a microphone"

How Teddy sees the Cascio tracks:



How the believers see the Cascio tracks:



How the doubters see the Cascio tracks:




How the doubters see the believers:


How the believers see the doubters:



p.p.s. How the believers see the official version:


How the doubters see the official version:

Last edited:
The summary of the thread:

How SONY sees the Cascio tracks:



How the Estate sees the Cascio tracks:



How average Joe sees the Cascio tracks:



How Eddie sees the Cascio tracks:



How Teddy sees the Cascio tracks:



How the believers see the Cascio tracks:



How the doubters see the Cascio tracks:




How the doubters see the believers:


How the believers see the doubters:



p.p.s. How the believers see the official version:


How the doubters see the official version:



^ Remember there were more than just this one thread, Gaz. I remember the thread before this had a LOT of views and replies as well as the one before that.

Don't worry guys we will not be closing it any time soon. I wanna get it to a 100,000 views then it will be the biggest ever viewed thread on MJJC,

We can arrange that by re-igniting the thread, but some people are clearly disgusted by some attitudes unfortunately. :(