Michael looked hot in This Is It

One more thing, is it just my filthy mind or was Michael looked like he had this giant
" h*** on" when Orianti was doing a guitar solo and he was sorta cradling the guitar in front of his crotch. And from the side camera angle it looked like an extension of his "hard manhood". Oops, pardon my french. :)
One more thing, is it just my filthy mind or was Michael looked like he had this giant
" h*** on" when Orianti was doing a guitar solo and he was sorta cradling the guitar in front of his crotch. And from the side camera angle it looked like an extension of his "hard manhood". Oops, pardon my french. :)

Haven't notice, will have to check that tomorrow! :lol:
I thought MJ was FAR TOO THIN in several scenes esp. "Human Nature". Oh lord, I felt sad actually watching that scene because he was so so thin looking there, didn't look too healthy or great there if i'm being honest.


omg, you really want looking him bad. What a farce!

Not at all! I love him as much as everyone else here. I also enjoyed the movie so very much.
I guess it's true what Michael said in Invincible though: "No one can trick you like me"
people say he looked thin yet dancers are supposed to look thin. So maybe he actually looked very healthy lol. I think people are to quick to jump to conclusions. Maybe he was the healthiest hes ever been and we havent seen him that healthy before so we think he looks weak lol.
He sure was pretty touchy feely with the women this time around and with mekia cox he held her hips and with judith hill he actually ran his hand down her back and her behind and almost looked like he was gonna touch her breast. LOL
Hell YEAHH!! He was so sexy! I loved when he did these all faces during I Just Can't Stop Loving You performance!
But what am I saying - he was so damn hot in whole movie :wild:
50 is the new 30. 'Bout time you kids figured it out.:yes:
im tired of every thread turning into being something negative about how he looks. Just because he didn't look the way you want him to doesn't mean he did anything to himself.


that's to everyone in general. not JUST to you.

haha dont come to a forum then. I have every right to express myself like you do. Im not gonna say o yes he is soo handsome and great all the time if i dont feel that way. If you dont like it dont reply to my comments. Its nothing negative. And if you think he didnt do anything to himself. God you naif then. We are talkin about his appearence right now. And im giving my opinion.
"A fact that he changes his face A LOT"? "He did something with his mouth right now"? Ooookaay. You didn't like his eyes and lips? Yes, because we could see his eyes sooooo much during the movie.

I'm done with this topic about what don't you like about Michael's face. :smilerolleyes:

:wild: @ your siggys.

I have seen his eyes enough to have an opinion about it. also on the pictures of TII. If you read my whole post i said : He might have done it years ago. So i didnt mean he did it right now. But i just noticed it more because of te curls:) and yes A LOT
he was skinny, kenny's been talkin 'bout that this morning. but he wasn't frail..he didn't appear weak to me.

anyway this topic is about sexyness and mj just oooozes sexyness - billie jean slow crotch grab ooohh myyy goodness. i can't tell you what i was thinkin about at that moment. i think ppl in the cinema were taken a back by that! at the end when he says 'at least you get a feel of it/for it(?)' my dad said after the film ' i know he was talkin bout the performance, but you could have taken that comment in a very different different way..' DAD!:bugeyed

he did some sexy move in WBSS (I think) .. the whole thing where he looks like he's slappin someones booty..

speakin of booty that scene at the keyboard.. hah! im not sure whether he was being sarcastic with the guy when he said 'ha.. booty..thats funny' cuz the keyboard guy then said 'but you knew what i meant right' .

ooh and i loved it how he sang 'i like lovin this way' so agressive mmm! :ph34r:
I cant understand people who say he looked sick. It makes me so sad. He looked in great shape and so happy. He looked healthy to me and I couldn't find anything wrong with him. This is my opinion only though. And more than anything you could see he was happy and loved and admired... and he knew it! Warmed my heart!
Oh heck, he was so smokinnnnnn' hot! :wub:
All those new bits of dancemoves...just amazing. Love the gifs you guys posted. :lol:
Can't wait to see it again and analyze every detail...LMAO!
That made me lol. :rofl:

Less moanin' please guys.

Haha. Just sayin'.

There was a girl making all kiiiinds of dirty sounds in the row next to me. "Oh goooood, Michael!", etc. = hilarity (and a few really uncomfortable elderly people)
Haha. Just sayin'.

There was a girl making all kiiiinds of dirty sounds in the row next to me. "Oh goooood, Michael!", etc. = hilarity (and a few really uncomfortable elderly people)

hahah! theres something very sexy about mj.. and he bloody well knew it

fk the press, more girls liked mj than they could ever wish for themselves
hahah! theres something very sexy about mj.. and he bloody well knew it

fk the press, more girls liked mj than they could ever wish for themselves

Yes!!!!!!!! They're just jealous!! They call him names to make themselves feel better!
Mike was awesome in the movie.

In some clips he was not at 100%, but they were rehearsals...Just a mere GLIMPSE of what the show, COULD have been like.

Me & my friend left the theater, saying "Wow, he was going to KILL IT"

I wish there was more that could be said about this move that has not already been said, but there isn't. The fans loved it, some of the haters loved it, and some of the fans who wanted to hate it, liked it too.

That's Michael for you. Always changing somebody's mind for the better. :D
Michael was looking AMAZING!!
To me, he looked basically like a thinner version of HIStory era MJ. God only knows why he didn't have curls all those years cos they suit him so much!!
He looked totally hot in that red shirt and jacket in the earlier songs in the film. With no sunglasses. We like to see those stunning eyes!!
at the end when he says 'at least you get a feel of it/for it(?)' my dad said after the film ' i know he was talkin bout the performance, but you could have taken that comment in a very different different way..' DAD!:bugeyed

I was unsure of what way to take that comment and still am... What way did he mean it? lmao
I was unsure of what way to take that comment and still am... What way did he mean it? lmao

Ahh, you're sweet, and hopefully not too young... Michael was getting quite a "feel for it" as he danced with hand on crotch. (Which causes some of us to imagine what it is exactly he's feeling...)

Oops, just saw your "lmao". Well, I'll leave my explanation in here anyway as entertainment. :)

there I said it :shifty:
The hottest 50 year old that ever lived. Damn.

God yes! I never thought a 50 year old man could get me so hot. Guh.
I was hanging on to his every word, his every move. Didn't want to blink incase i missed something! And then he went at it all sexy in Billie Jean and my jaw dropped. Just when I thought he'd reached a whole new level of amazing, he hits us with that and turns us into little puddles on the floor.

No one does it like MJ. Never can, never will.
I can't stop thinking back on that Billie Jean performance.
Boy was I glad that I decided to see the film with my other female friend and NOT a family member. It was so sexy and everyone in the cinema was laughing. I was like :bugeyed shiiiiit.

And all of those female auditionees prancing around half naked. How I would kill to have a body like that!

I wish they showed more of him dressed in those glittery gold pants/military jacket/fedora/white socks because he looked so you-know-what. :swoon:

Throughtout the whole movie I was like "shiiiit is he really 50?"

My eyes were focused on his hands as he was singing during CTLY and TWYMMF.

And that part where he's showing them what to do for TDCAU... with his hair down. Curly. Oh God.

What did you think?

Bille Jean had me glued to the damn movie screen! I had to use the bathroom bad but refused. When the break came and michael was freestyle dancing, his backround dancers were going crazy, that was the best part of the whole movie too me. Smooth criminal was the shit too when Kenny ortega was telling michael he had to wait for a cue, and Michael was like I have to feel the cue, The whole movie threater was like GO MICHAEL!! Whoever didn't go see this is it don't know what they are missing.
I found him gorgeous during They Dont Care About Us!!! OMG! DROOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!! When he was teaching the other dancers the moves... oh lordy i coulda jumped through that screen!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah he exudes authority... what a man, gosh!!

Billie Jean made me cry, literally, when I see perfection I cry and pray, well I giggled like crazy at the right moment heehee

I loved loved loved his outfit during I"LL BE THERE, that green shiny jacket and tight black pants guh, soooo sexy

J5 medley melt my heart, to see him so genuinely happy, it is a very comforting feeling for me.
MJ looked hot - BUT he looked very skinny and frail...

I haven't been here in weeks because I was sick of reading about MJ looking 'skinny and frail' and guess what it is still being said. I can't believe it. 'Frail' how can you say that, he wouldn't have been able to dance the way he did in the movie if he was 'frail'.

I couldn't disagree with you more.