Michael Jackson's Vision' DVD Boxed Set Available Everywhere Monday November 22

Got mine today. I love the packaging and booklet. :D Haven't had the time to watch yet, except for OMC. It was really nice. Would have been interesting to see what the finished product might have looked like. It's just sad that we never will. :(
MANNNN!!!! I just received an email sayin' that my order is in Backorder right now... :no: This sux big time... I'm not getting it for at least a week or more... :(


awww...I hear ya, girl...Mine's not coming til around December 3rd..I don't know why I pre-order stuff, when I could have gone and picked it up today in the store.....:(
MANNNN!!!! I just received an email sayin' that my order is in Backorder right now... :no: This sux big time... I'm not getting it for at least a week or more... :(

:huggy: I feel your pain sweetie, we don't get ours here in Australia till the 26th, but I refused to order it online cause of all the problems you can get after you've ordered it, so 1st thing Friday I'll be going into my JbHiFi store and purchasing it in person along with my DS version of Michael's "The Experience"
the reviewer is a jerk. he doesn't deserve to be talked about anymore. he doesn't even see how stupid he is. of all the blinding hatred, he cannot even acknowledge the genius of the videos of MJ. gimme a break.
Moonwalker.Fan;3093006 said:
Michael Jackson's Vision, review

Jackson's video collection is by turns extravagant and nostalgic, but Neil McCormick just feels pity.

By Neil McCormick 5:31PM GMT 22 Nov 2010

Poor Michael. It is impossible to watch his collection of videos without feeling pity at this visual evidence of his self-destruction. In four and half hours of extravagant (over-) productions, you see the handsome, smiling young black entertainer of 1979’s ‘Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough’ gradually mutate into the stick thin, white scarecrow figure of 2001’s ‘You Rock My World’, his final official appearance. With sawed off button nose and painted on lips, by the end he barely looks human, and it seems peculiar the way the typically heavyweight cast (including Chris Rock and Marlon Brando) casually interact with a zombie in their midst.

The title ‘Michael Jackson’s Vision’, and the assertion that these aren’t promo videos but “short films”, is typical of the grandiosity attached to every Jackson project. The hits of the eighties retain nostalgic charm, but apart from the genuinely ground breaking and still impressive ‘Thriller’ few really stand the test of the time. The overlong shorts (including Martin Scorcese’s woeful Bad) are narratively baffling to a point that would be comical if they weren’t so bloated with an air of preening narcissism in which fawning guest stars gasp at Jackson’s mystical super-powers. They are further burdened by a kind of egotism of budgetary excess. As Jackson’s star wanes in the 90s, the videos keep getting bigger and madder, more bucks for less bangs.

Certain themes repeat. There is a surprisingly destructive streak to Jackson’s videos: windows are smashed and violent gangster fantasies run rife, with the willowy star putting himself in the centre of aggressive dance offs between gangs of over-styled thugs. The extended dancing sequences remain Jackson’s strongest suit, the moment when he seems most fully connected with his music and art, although a five minute, crotch grabbing sequence at the end of ‘Black And White’ is as embarrassing as it is weirdly compelling. His constant self fondling may have something to do with the box set’s dubious 15 certificate, along perhaps with Jackson’s penchant for horror movie imagery. My seven year old wasn’t put off, however. Unburdened by any sense of Jackson’s tragedy, he bounced enthusiastically around, attempting to replicate exuberantly physical dance moves in our living room. He thinks Jackson is “really great”. But he did, innocently, wonder why he turned into a white man.

Michael Jackson’s Vision: a 3 DVD box set featuring 40 videos is released by Sony today

Well.. Why didn't you explain that to him,then.. :no:
:huggy: I feel your pain sweetie, we don't get ours here in Australia till the 26th, but I refused to order it online cause of all the problems you can get after you've ordered it, so 1st thing Friday I'll be going into my JbHiFi store and purchasing it in person along with my DS version of Michael's "The Experience"

:eek: U mean we dont get it till the 26th of this month or next month?
I got my copy today.

I watched the first 2 disks...and I must say I am very satisfied. I am beyond happy to have all the important videos in one package. The introduction to each video is really nice..especially Remember the time.

I hope they will release a blu ray version soon, otherwise I will have to buy another DVD for my MJ archives.
:eek: U mean we dont get it till the 26th of this month or next month?

Daniel was telling me about how it was advertised on Jb's website for the 26th but he wasn't entirely sure cause Sony said it was going to be released everywhere on the 22nd of this month, so I went into Jb's on Sunday and asked and they said they won't be getting in their stock or sending it out until the 26th of this month.
Daniel was telling me about how it was advertised on Jb's website for the 26th but he wasn't entirely sure cause Sony said it was going to be released everywhere on the 22nd of this month, so I went into Jb's on Sunday and asked and they said they won't be getting in their stock or sending it out until the 26th of this month.

Well if it anit in jbhi fi tomorrow i'll put a order for it.
Well if it aint in jbhi fi tomorrow i'll put a order for it.

I've been thinking about doing that myself, but I don't think they are going to be out of stock here on the day that they get it instores, if they are well it doesn't matter cause that can just be something else I can bitch @ my parents to get me for Christmas xD
I've been thinking about doing that myself, but I don't think they are going to be out of stock here on the day that they get it instores, if they are well it doesn't matter cause that can just be something else I can bitch @ my parents to get me for Christmas xD

LOL!!!! oh yeh they will love that
That is one of the most biased review have ever read
He is just a stupid guy and had to bring his hate instead o reviewing the video compilation.
MJ would live forever and this guy would die virtually unknown
shame on him.

Agree. I give no credence to these times of reviews. I wonder why Michael earned more than Elvis, why his music is still being published, why his videos are selling, why reporters are writing about him--all this for someone who will not stand the test of time? Really!
Currently watching it and making note of all the new things I'm noticing for an upcoming review on my blog onewhiteglove.tumblr.com

In the meantime you can check out all my observations so far at

Some of the things might be interesting. Of note:
Black And White is the original uncut non-graffitti version
Scream is uncensored
Heal the World has a new Intro
Blood On The Dance Floor is the crappy Remix version...
I enjoyed the surprises in disc 3. Those who like the Jackson Five will enjoy it. It is amazing that Michael created the Triumph video at a young age. This guy was simply incredible.
I just finished Disc 1 (plus the first few from the bonus disc - because I wanted to watch it all in chronological order :D) The quality could be better, but I am satisfied. Just happy to have them all together. The sound, however, is lacking. I couldn't hear any of the lyrics in "Can You Feel It". Another addition I'd like to have seen would've been optional subtitles/lyrics. I was watching this with my roommate who knows very little MJ and she couldn't make out most of the lyrics. This would've been handy. That's all though. Overall, I'm satisfied. Especially for only 20-30 bucks. I'll report back on Disc 2 later. =)
I just finished Disc 1 (plus the first few from the bonus disc - because I wanted to watch it all in chronological order :D) The quality could be better, but I am satisfied. Just happy to have them all together. The sound, however, is lacking. I couldn't hear any of the lyrics in "Can You Feel It". Another addition I'd like to have seen would've been optional subtitles/lyrics. I was watching this with my roommate who knows very little MJ and she couldn't make out most of the lyrics. This would've been handy. That's all though. Overall, I'm satisfied. Especially for only 20-30 bucks. I'll report back on Disc 2 later. =)

To my eyes the "video" restoration is just boosting the contrast, not a TRUE restoration.

As for the audio stay with it, it sounds spectacular. "The Triumph" aka "Can You Feel It" is purposely mixed with the SFX overpowering the lyrics. That's the way it was always intended.

I popped the discs in and was immediately blown away by how good the sound was on just earbuds. Checking the booklet shows they actually went back to track down the original audio elements to do a proper remastering/restoration, and to my ears it shows... err... hears?
Just finished. All in all, well worth the price I'd say. As for one more chance: not bad for what is essentially an incomplete product. It DOES kinda look like the director never got around to filming the reverse angle of Michael since it's from behind for like 95% of the video. But Michael does actually move like he always did and to be honest for a song I more or less detest I dont mind the video. Beautiful art direction, and man, what it would have been like to have been in that "audience".

I just wish there were more closeups. Michael may not have looked his best at the time but it feels weird without them.

Something tells me though Michael never would have wanted it to see the light of day. Truth is: I'm kind of glad it did. It may not be his best video ever but it's a much better "last video" than Cry. YUGH.
That review is crazy! It's a hater making fun of Michael, but the joke is really on him cause he wasted his money on someone he don't really like! o_O LMAO And also let his young son see it and the kid liked it! lol

See how irresistible MJ is! This critic made me laugh with and evil smile when people like him think their being clever but, their not! I say Keep on hating, haters! U only make him BIGGER...Dummies! :D

By the way my DVD should come today...hopefully, can't wait! YIPPY!
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This review is garbage. Total non-sense. Stupidity at its worst. Same old media bias. Are you kidding me? The reviewer thinks Michael's videos, except Thriller, cannot stand the test of time? Give me a break.:doh:

The Way You Make Me Fee is still copied by artist like Ne-Yo and Bieber these days.

Black Or White remains a classic. The reviewer doesn't comment on the morphing effect whatsoever. What's so embarassing about the panther dance sequence. That dance sequence is my favorite.

Earth Song is one of the best music videos ever made. Period.

Scream looks as good now as in 1995.

A 7 year-old kid enjoys the videos because the child is not corrupted. The kid is still innocent. The kid doesn't judge.

Exactly. I'm almost immune now to the ignorant, superficial and stupid attacks and obsessions with MJ's appereance or misunderstandings of his personality (most of the article deals with these superficialities). But to say his videos don't stand the test of time got to be one of the biggest jokes a critic has ever said! It's like saying Mozart doesn't understand music! Or Al di Meola can't play the guitar!

If they don't stand the test of time why are they copied by other artists to this day?
If they don't stand the test of time why did this critic's own kid got so hooked on them?

Kids are the best critics, because they are still unbiased and they aren't snobbish! (Naming Thriller as the only video of MJ that stands the test of time clearly gives away this guy as a snob who doesn't understand anything about music videos at all! Thriller is good but it's definitely not MJ's best or most timeless video..... What about Smooth Criminal? This critic was probably told that critics are only cool with the media community if they only praise Thriller and bash everything else MJ did. How typical!)

I wonder, whose videos, according to this critic stand the test of time then, if not MJ's? I'd be really interested....

Obviously this guy didn't want to give an unbiased review, just the same, ol', boring, biased BS.
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got it and watched the first disc with my family! good times....disc 2 tomorrow! ha
Moonwalker.Fan;3093006 said:
Michael Jackson's Vision, review

Jackson's video collection is by turns extravagant and nostalgic, but Neil McCormick just feels pity.

By Neil McCormick 5:31PM GMT 22 Nov 2010

Poor Michael. It is impossible to watch his collection of videos without feeling pity at this visual evidence of his self-destruction. In four and half hours of extravagant (over-) productions, you see the handsome, smiling young black entertainer of 1979’s ‘Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough’ gradually mutate into the stick thin, white scarecrow figure of 2001’s ‘You Rock My World’, his final official appearance. With sawed off button nose and painted on lips, by the end he barely looks human, and it seems peculiar the way the typically heavyweight cast (including Chris Rock and Marlon Brando) casually interact with a zombie in their midst.

The title ‘Michael Jackson’s Vision’, and the assertion that these aren’t promo videos but “short films”, is typical of the grandiosity attached to every Jackson project. The hits of the eighties retain nostalgic charm, but apart from the genuinely ground breaking and still impressive ‘Thriller’ few really stand the test of the time. The overlong shorts (including Martin Scorcese’s woeful Bad) are narratively baffling to a point that would be comical if they weren’t so bloated with an air of preening narcissism in which fawning guest stars gasp at Jackson’s mystical super-powers. They are further burdened by a kind of egotism of budgetary excess. As Jackson’s star wanes in the 90s, the videos keep getting bigger and madder, more bucks for less bangs.

Certain themes repeat. There is a surprisingly destructive streak to Jackson’s videos: windows are smashed and violent gangster fantasies run rife, with the willowy star putting himself in the centre of aggressive dance offs between gangs of over-styled thugs. The extended dancing sequences remain Jackson’s strongest suit, the moment when he seems most fully connected with his music and art, although a five minute, crotch grabbing sequence at the end of ‘Black And White’ is as embarrassing as it is weirdly compelling. His constant self fondling may have something to do with the box set’s dubious 15 certificate, along perhaps with Jackson’s penchant for horror movie imagery. My seven year old wasn’t put off, however. Unburdened by any sense of Jackson’s tragedy, he bounced enthusiastically around, attempting to replicate exuberantly physical dance moves in our living room. He thinks Jackson is “really great”. But he did, innocently, wonder why he turned into a white man.

Michael Jackson’s Vision: a 3 DVD box set featuring 40 videos is released by Sony today

You seem to enjoy posting negative articles like this one Moonwalker .Fan - why is that?

I don't know why anyone would post this on a Michael Jackson forum, perhaps you can explain.

You could have found a number of positive reviews if you use Google, it's all so very odd that you seem to choose the most negative you can find. Very odd indeed.