Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place **Post 60 - NOW DELETED**

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ALL i wanted to do was share Michael's resting place with my loyal fans, like me. I didn't mean no disrespect or harm, i was just excited to see where he was finally buried or else i may never have known. Do you really think that his resting place would be kept private for long? of course not! its Michael Jackson!!! and Karen added me without even knowing who i was and i accept she adds anyone, I could have been the media. Yes I may have breached a trust but I'm sure i won't be the only one sharing these photos. there's people who can save them pictures on her facebook...they could even sell them to the media if they wanted to, does karen care about that? NOOO!! i just wanted to share his resting place, that is all. Sheesh!

well i can't delete the pics in the posts, that have been quoted. Hopefully people will do them themselves

Hey, Like i said in my post, i am not attacking you. I understand why you did it and it was genuine... it was and i believe that. Again, thank you for posting it. I am at the "aftermatch" on where... maybe.. we all have a responsibility to ensure media does not post that pic on Tv...etc.. (maybe too late now)... and if some (like KF) feel that it's ok to disrespect the entire Jackson Family wish and betrayed them does not mean we have to do the same too...

Again.... i know what you meant was no harm at all, really.. that's why i wrote it again on my post that i wasn't attacking you.. hence, it was more of a "brotherly protection" :)

I think we all be remain divided on this.. but hey, i still want to thank you for posting them, i am happy that i saw it... but, it's like yesterday, I received a google alert from "popeater.com" and now seems that they are shopping to sell Michael pictures that "someone" took while he was at the Cororner's office...

I decided NOT to post it because it would be terrible news for everyone.... but imagine the pic goes up... they did for lady diana...they did and that's scary... :(
This is something else. I didn't expect Karen to go that low. How could she do that? To break the family's trust like that?

and of course, the photos are everywhere now. I think they will propably be in papers tomorrow. And I am sure that's exactly what Karen wanted. I don't think she's a complete fool so she must realize that as soon as she posts the photos they will spread all over the internet instantly.
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Why do those fans get to get inside while we will never be allowed? this is wrong in so many levels.
omg! i don't wanna see Mike's grave except it is get permission of his family one daya. she is so crazy unstable and disrespectful. i am sad for Mike.
Some of the threads that have been posted here lately render me speechless, and not in a good way.....:mello:
Hi guys,

I only read glimpses of this thread last night, so bare with me if I'm out of topic :) I'm typing this message in a text editor, without looking how the discussion looks like at this point. But I wanted to say a few words.

Due to the causes and conditions, we seem like we lost our trust and understanding in anybody, or at least in most of the people.

We shall not forget Facebook is a social media tool for friends, especially. You have an account so you can keep in touch with people. You share what you want to share, and how many of us have embarrassing pictures and never asked friends about posting their picture from a certain party or tagging them in some.

Some of us might find inappropriate certain things Karen asked us to do (voting for the little boy) or judge things she said because, like any of us, she's also human. When she did that or when she writes everything she does, it's because she does it for friends. She's nice to accept as friends people she never met in her life and how many of us would do that in her situation. For those who consider themselves her friends on Facebook, friends need to say what they have to say on their friends walls, not somewhere else.

It is easy to point fingers. Easy to say people do this or that for publicity or to promote a future book. But if there's anyone who should support and publish a book it's not some weird guy from Montreal, it's not the rabbi and so on. It is somebody who worked with him for over 2 decades and can do it right.

We all know, those who were fortunate enough to attend many concerts during the 3 tours (Bad, Dangerous and HIStory) and met Michael's staff in many occasions, and chatted with Karen many times, what kind of people they really are, those who worked with him for years. Sure, there are always exceptions, like anywhere else, but in this case, a bit of homework is necessary.

We also need to focus on things that we can do to help Michael's legacy live forever and touch as many people as possible. This is where I see our energy and time going.

Take care and stay healthy & wise.

You know, the second I saw those photos on Facebook I knew they were going to be posted all over the forums and the name calling would start.
I for one am grateful I got to see something I would have never gotten a chance to and have some sort of closure. I know a lot of ppl disagree BUT these pictures weren't given to the media and the only way they're going to end up there is bc of ppl like this. They cry left and right how disgusting is what Karen did but then they are the reason these pics get out there in the end.
I am NOT Karen's supporter but I'm not a hater either. I friended her just to be in the loop with what's going on and see what she's saying but that doesn't mean I'm going to be mean and twist and mock everything she posts.
If I don't agree I can tell her ( in a RESPECTFUL way) or keep it to myself.
Gosh, when have MJ fans become so bitter and hateful? Actually, I know the answer to that, we're all hurting but let's not forget to be decent here.:agree:
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

*Get's sad for Katherine* :sad::cry:

But oh well...it will be all over the internet anyway.

I thought his coffin was going to be in the crypt's on the walls. I didn't know it was gonna....be...like that. :cry:

thank you so much...fit for a king.
Why are the Forest Lawn photos still appearing on my post from last night? I thought Naad deleted it already? Someone please remove it. I don't want that posted as a quote on my message. I was responding to Naad.
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Why do those fans get to get inside while we will never be allowed? this is wrong in so many levels.

It is wrong on many levels and Karen "fans" and asskisser's can whine all they want - Facebook photo statement says very clear ALL PHOTOS POSTED ON FACEBOOK ARE OF PUBLIC DOMAIN - meaning, once it's on Facebook, it's public. Even if your Facebook is private and/or for friend's only. IT'S PUBLIC: meaning you don't have to ask permission to post those photos anywhere. You lost that right when you posted it on facebook. Look at the FAQ on Facebook. Read it. Their statement is loud and clear. And seeing how karen is a "friend adding" fiend, she has thousand's of "friends" in there she has never even met.

Therefore, she can't say shit about her quotes or posts being taken from her site and added elsewhere. She needs to take it up with Facebook, where Facebook will say 'Hey you accepted our policy when you registered to our social network' and that's that.

I know about all this hubbabaloo due to the fact that my sister's pictures were taken from her facebook and added onto a friend's myspace without permission. Nothing can be done.

People who are in my facebook friend's on this site can notice I have no personal pictures on my facebook. I use artwork instead. And for a good reason.

Just know what you are dealing with when you signed up at Facebook or any other social network site. That's all.

As for Karen, she has no shame. She want's to pretend that she wants things private in order to look like a martyr of some sort for MJ fans. But she knows exactly what's she doing. The same way she knew how to not refund folks for their money taken at MJJ Source. Pfft :rolleyes:
If Karen put them on FB it is not private anymore imo. She had a reason to do it. It is nothing to do with being sweet.

I don't agree with everything she says/does.. but...

Karen was visiting her friend. She took messages that fans sent her for Michael from facebook and printed them out to put them next to Michael.
I don't agree with everything she says/does.. but...

Karen was visiting her friend. She took messages that fans sent her for Michael from facebook and printed them out to put them next to Michael.

Whats that got to do with her putting the photos on facebook? Putting messages down for the fans is nice of her but then to take photos i think is bang out of order!
guess she wanted to show the fans who will never get that close.. bad judgement perhaps yes. :(

there were some other photos fans took through the window on here.. is that ok or not?
i had her on my FB friends for a while, but i deleted her, cuz my blood pressure was rising every time i read her posts. she's one daffy woman.

does the family know that she took 500 messages inside? or that she took photos?
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

I'm not on that crazy bitch's site, so I was replying to what a person said here. lol

Either way, it's fucked up she had MJ fans voting for her nephew. Really fucked up.

If she just ask them to vote, then I don't see the problem. Not at all.
Why are the Forest Lawn photos still appearing on my post from last night? I thought Naad deleted it already? Someone please remove it. I don't want that posted as a quote on my message. I was responding to Naad.

The person who quoted them (*Billie Jean*) needs to edit their post. Only her or a mod can do that.

She would have to erase the links to the pics and just type in "pics deleted." It would be the same case if you quoted pics. Or you could notify a mod about what's going on in this thread. I would have thought that somebody would have reported the original post already so they could know and clean the thread.
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Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

dont post them! u freak! more respect for the michael jacksons honor!

It's not nice to call someone a freak. I never thought I'd see Michael Jackson fans attack each other like this but it happens a lot here. Please think about what you are saying to people and how it affects them. Think about how you would feel if someone called you a freak.
even though pics from years back have been posted for a while of where he is at FG. so i knew what it looked like i have to say its totally wrong for karen to be posting these pics. no doubt they will be all over the media and i doubt she got permission from the family to do this. they didnt want it confirmed where he was.it was as upsetting as hell seeing those pics this morning and ppl should think of that b4 they go posting them on boards/f.b accounts
If she just ask them to vote, then I don't see the problem. Not at all.

You don't see anything remotely wrong with having fans of Michael Jackson get your nephew a job on an Ad campaign?

Whats that got to do with her putting the photos on facebook? Putting messages down for the fans is nice of her but then to take photos i think is bang out of order!

Exactly. It was her way of showing off. Not to mention going against the wishes of Katherine and the Jackson family. You're not even allowed to take photos in there, which is evident as to what she had to use her cellphone to take those pictures.

It's wrong on so many levels

i had her on my FB friends for a while, but i deleted her, cuz my blood pressure was rising every time i read her posts. she's one daffy woman.

does the family know that she took 500 messages inside? or that she took photos?

I deleted her too. I use to be a lurker on her site, but then I got sick to my stomach when I read what she said about Michael's son and the whole mortician story.

The person who quoted them (*Billie Jean*) needs to edit their post. Only her or a mod can do that.

She would have to erase the links to the pics and just type in "pics deleted." It would be the same case if you quoted pics. Or you could notify a mod about what's going on in this thread. I would have thought that somebody would have reported the original post already so they could know and clean the thread.

That was my thought. Her removing the photos would remove all the photos from the thread. The mod's took care of it it seems. I don't see any photos posted.
the fans on her facebook are crazy too. most of them think the pics should be posted because they think that "we can get close to Mike from these pics". these crazy fans blame that someone think the pics should not be posted. i know these messages from one chinese fan forum where some ppl translate Karen's fb.
God, these fans on her FB are crazy and shameless.
the fans on her facebook are crazy too. most of them think the pics should be posted because they think that "we can get close to Mike from these pics". these crazy fans blame that someone think the pics should not be posted. i know these messages from one chinese fan forum where some ppl translate Karen's fb.
God, these fans on her FB are crazy and shameless.

They are a scary crew that's for sure. The way they defend Karen or anyone who says something weird about her....

watch out! lol

Anyway, this thread should be locked too since it served it's purpose.
the fans on her facebook are crazy too. most of them think the pics should be posted because they think that "we can get close to Mike from these pics". these crazy fans blame that someone think the pics should not be posted. i know these messages from one chinese fan forum where some ppl translate Karen's fb.
God, these fans on her FB are crazy and shameless.

I can hear it now (WARNING: SARCASM AHEAD): 'Yes, to HELL with Michael's privacy or his mother's wishes! Or his children's wishes! WE need to see!

In each one of these threads, it seems as if people who are Karen's FB friends agree with everything she has done. I dunno if you should call 'em crazy though, I know that's how you think they are acting.
the fans on her facebook are crazy too. most of them think the pics should be posted because they think that "we can get close to Mike from these pics". these crazy fans blame that someone think the pics should not be posted. i know these messages from one chinese fan forum where some ppl translate Karen's fb.
God, these fans on her FB are crazy and shameless.

There are some people on her FB that regard her as the closest thing they have to Michael.. like by communicating with her, they're close to MJ. Some of the things said on there are a little over the top.

Although I'd already seen aaaaages ago on here the years old photos where MJ was supposedly resting, and some recent ones through the window by fans who went to visit him..(which nobody complained about)... karen shouldn't have let people into a place we're not allowed, that was the wishes of the family (and possibly michael). if she only did it to prove she layed the messages from fans she could have just took pictures of them against the marble floor or something. It could be a seriously bad move if they get into the media like Elusive said...that will be like the media getting access to his resting place, hounding him in death.
I am closing this thread as it has turned disrespectful of Michael Jackson. Michael's resting place is private property and belongs to his children. It is up to them to release photos of his resting place, NOT SOME DISGRUNTLED FORMER EMPLOYEE. She violated Michael's CHILDREN BY POSTING THAT.

Some friend.
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