Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place **Post 60 - NOW DELETED**

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Naad I understand why you did it and no harm intended. There are people on this site who can be quite brutal. Those pictures are already out there so no worries girl!!
I don't know how to do that tiny picture thing but if you leave ma an email address in my mail box. I will send you the picture.
Naad, I really don't find anything wrong in what you did. Anyway, pics have been deleted, hopefully the quoted ones will also be deteled. The point is, we've all seen what kind of woman Karen Faye is.

It's not your fault that she's shameless and in desperate need of attention. You didn't breach any trust, that woman has been talking nonsense for a long time!

And about the photos.. well, if she didn't want people to find out about them, she shouldn't have posted them on her Facebook page and share them with her 5000 friends.

When you publish content or information using the "everyone" setting, it means that everyone, including people off of Facebook, will have access to that information and we may not have control over what they do with it.

This is Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities - Sharing Your Content and Information.
Of course, not everyone has access to her page, but 5000 people do. And those people might save the pics - everybody knows that, it happens a lot. She agreed with the terms of service when she uploaded the pics.
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I stopped replying to Karen's FB posts for a while now... I'm surprised she didn't remove me from her "friends" list yet. I used to think highly of her but now.. hmmm not so sure.
Naad, I really don't find anything wrong in what you did. Anyway, pics have been deleted, hopefully the quoted ones will also be deteled. The point is, we've all seen what kind of woman Karen Faye is.

It's not your fault that she's shameless and in desperate need of attention. You didn't breach any trust, that woman has been talking nonsense for a long time!

And about the photos.. well, if she didn't want people to find out about them, she shouldn't have posted them on her Facebook page and share them with her 5000 friends.

This is Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities - Sharing Your Content and Information.

thank you!! :hug:
The Jackson are gonna be mad at her for taking the pics, and she was the ones they trusted, the few people who can get that close to the grave. She shouldn't have taken them pics. :cry: And I thought camera's weren't aloud inside there.

And it's not your fault OP, don't feel bad. :hug:
The Jackson are gonna be mad at her for taking the pics, and she was the ones they trusted, the few people who can get that close to the grave. She shouldn't have taken them pics. :cry: And I thought camera's weren't aloud inside there.

And it's not your fault OP, don't feel bad. :hugs:

The Jackson are gonna be mad at her for taking the pics, and she was the ones they trusted, the few people who can get that close to the grave. She shouldn't have taken them pics. :cry: And I thought camera's weren't aloud inside there.

And it's not your fault OP, don't feel bad. :hug:

she must've either sneaked a camera in or used her phone :mello:
Weren't those posted way before now? When a while back when someone first mentioned being able to leave stuff at Michael's resting place and someone posted them but the pictures put a lot of people off so they deleted them but they kept the ones they took outside up.
I remember the second shot being posted before, except it was a old picture and not recent. I appreciate the fact that we get to atleast see a picture of where he is, thanks Naad.

And Lord, I'm crying again. :boohoo:
she did it for the fans, because fans dont have the privilege of going there, and most are outside the country. she did it for you!
she did it for the fans, because fans dont have the privilege of going there, and most are outside the country. she did it for you!

Maybe I would appreciate that, if it wasn't for all the stuff she said. And if I knew the family approves of such thing. I don't think Mrs. Katherine will be very pleased when she finds out this woman has been taking pictures of her son's resting place. She has no excuses. You don't do something like that. You just don't. The family decided that's a private space and Karen Faye should respect that decision. That's the least she could've done, after all the craziness she started with her claims. But, again, I doubt she cares about the family's feelings. She just wants attention, she wants people to tell her how awesome she is, to believe her stories and, eventually, to buy her book.
Previously there was a grave expert - from all the information she had said that this place is most probably the burial place and she had the photo of it, But the photo was taken several years ago (like a informational photo) and it was just a speculation.

Now Karen is confirming the actual place with the all flowers etc.
There is no name on his sarcophagus. It is hard to believe that he was buried there. Personally I think his body is not there and never was. I do not know why, just feel that this sarcophagus is empty. Also, I think family could bury him in unknown place, I even do not want to say why. There are so many reasons. I rather think that he was buried somewhere, but not in Forrest Lawn. “Liberian Girl” picture on the memorial and funeral looked kind of strange. Maybe the buried him in Africa, in Liberia for example? Sounds silly, but looking at the picture of his grave I do not feel him there.
I think Forrest Lawn will be open for fans visitation soon enough. If it will happen, it will be sort of indication for me that it is not a real grave. I think what Karen is doing was previously discussed with the family. We will see.
There is no name on his sarcophagus. It is hard to believe that he was buried there. Personally I think his body is not there and never was. I do not know why, just feel that this sarcophagus is empty. Also, I think family could bury him in unknown place, I even do not want to say why. There are so many reasons. I rather think that he was buried somewhere, but not in Forrest Lawn. “Liberian Girl” picture on the memorial and funeral looked kind of strange. Maybe the buried him in Africa, in Liberia for example? Sounds silly, but looking at this picture I do not feel him there.
I think Forrest Lawn will be open for fans visitation soon enough. If it will happen, it will be sort of indication for me that it is not a real grave. I think what Karen is doing was previously discussed with the family. We will see.

erm...they wanted a unmarked grave hence there's no name on the sarcophagus, and if he wasn't buried here, what was with all the televising of the funeral across all news channels? of course he's buried here and karen just confirmed it. why would they lie...and also it'd be a place where his children can go visit him.
she did it for the fans, because fans dont have the privilege of going there, and most are outside the country. she did it for you!

if michael's family wanted this to be accessible to fans, they would have buried him in a more public place. we, as fans, have no business being there. michael has given us enough. is this necessary?
Oh god, please mods can you delete this thread? It is so disrespectful to take somebody's pictures on FB and post WITHOUT permission. With that said, Karen is sweet that she shares this with her friends ON FB. She did it for the fans on her friend list.
erm...they wanted a unmarked grave hence there's no name on the sarcophagus, and if he wasn't buried here, what was with all the televising of the funeral across all news channels? of course he's buried here and karen just confirmed it. why would they lie...and also it'd be a place where his children can go visit him.

Well I noticed some little details (I do not want go through them) starting from putting his body on helicopter in the hospital , ending with the memorial and funeral etc. I went through many videos of funeral as well. It looks not real to me. All of it makes me think that Michael is not there. I think his body is not in the States. There is no reason to have unmarked grave and let fans to visit it. Doesn’t make any sense.
Oh god, please mods can you delete this thread? It is so disrespectful to take somebody's pictures on FB and post WITHOUT permission. With that said, Karen is sweet that she shares this with her friends ON FB. She did it for the fans on her friend list.

If Karen put them on FB it is not private anymore imo. She had a reason to do it. It is nothing to do with being sweet.
If Karen put them on FB it is not private anymore imo.

I'm sorry, but you DO need to ask for permission before posting a photo that's not yours, especially if the owner specifically said so many times. She does not want her words and pics on forums. It's a question of respect people.
I'm sorry, but you DO need to ask for permission before posting a photo that's not yours, especially if the owner specifically said so many times. She does not want her words and pics on forums. It's a question of respect people.

If this is a big deal which I am no agree with, ask mods to remove pictures. Why to remove the whole thread?
I'm sorry, but you DO need to ask for permission before posting a photo that's not yours, especially if the owner specifically said so many times. She does not want her words and pics on forums. It's a question of respect people.

Clearly she doesn't know any of these 5,000+ "friends" closely (at least by what people are saying). If she is letting anybody become her friend & see them, whose to say media people aren't her FB friends? Or fans who want to share exclusive KF pics w/ everybody?

I'm not saying that it's right to steal pics of off people's FB's; don't let me get started on her taking the pictures to begin with. It's extremely likely she took them with a camera phone and without permission; they are not of an excellent quality. She posted it and now has to deal with the consequences. I'm sure she knew that everybody wouldn't listen. I wonder what Katherine or Michael Jr. would think about this.
Clearly she doesn't know any of these 5,000+ "friends" closely (at least by what people are saying). If she is letting anybody become her friend & see them, whose to say media people aren't her FB friends? Or fans who want to share exclusive KF pics w/ everybody?

I'm not saying that it's right to steal pics of off people's FB's; don't let me get started on her taking the pictures to begin with. It's extremely likely she took them with a camera phone and without permission; they are not of an excellent quality. She posted it and now has to deal with the consequences. I'm sure she knew that everybody wouldn't listen. I wonder what Katherine or Michael Jr. would think about this.

Exacally. She let almost everyone become her " friend" . I personally think she should not post the pictures on facebook just because poeple can easily take it and post it anywhere they want!!! She can say to people not to post her pictures eselwhere, but not everyone will listen and respect her request!
I wish we had somewhere to go to him though. But yeah she posted them on an extremely public website, what the hell did she think was going to happen!?
Oh god, please mods can you delete this thread? It is so disrespectful to take somebody's pictures on FB and post WITHOUT permission. With that said, Karen is sweet that she shares this with her friends ON FB. She did it for the fans on her friend list.

Not for THE fans!...for HER fans...and of course.. the TINI supporters !
she did it for the fans, because fans dont have the privilege of going there, and most are outside the country. she did it for you!

She had no right to do it for us, it was not her place to do this! The women is laughable!

Oh god, please mods can you delete this thread? It is so disrespectful to take somebody's pictures on FB and post WITHOUT permission. With that said, Karen is sweet that she shares this with her friends ON FB. She did it for the fans on her friend list.

I'm sorry, but you DO need to ask for permission before posting a photo that's not yours, especially if the owner specifically said so many times. She does not want her words and pics on forums. It's a question of respect people.

DISRESPECTFUL????????? Okay i can not take what you have just said seriously when all i see is a so called friend of Michaels placing pictures of his final resting place for the world to see! That my friend is disrespectful! The family wanted somewhere private for Michael somewhere he could sleep peacefully somewhere his children could go and be with thier father without having the worry off others invading. Damn them kids shared Michael with us more then enough now is there time to be with there dad alone! Karen posting these pictures makes it so less private!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

dont post them! u freak! more respect for the michael jacksons honor!
her stupid ass......she wanna whine when folks post her words on a messageboard but she can take a private pic andpost it? um...whatever u post, facebook owns. so great
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