Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place **Post 60 - NOW DELETED**

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
erm....anyone friends with Karen Faye on Facebook?

She went to Michael's Resting Place today i think and posted some up close pictures of it on her page and it is the resting place everyone speculated about in previous threads! but for the first time we can actually see what's there. There's flowers laid there and she took some messages from fans to leave there too. Just so sad :( :cry:
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Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

They don't just let anyone in there. You have to ask permission first from The Jackson's to visit Michael. If she's allowed there, then Mike fans should be allowed in too seeing how two face and hypocritical that woman is.

Did she post photos?
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

Careful, she will come after you for posting all this *top-secret* info that she shares on erm... incredibly popular and public website Facebook. What goes through her head for trying to censor stuff that she herself is saying and trying to stop people from sharing stuff that she herself is putting on the world wide web will never be clear to me. Nothing is private on the internet. I thought everyone would have the sense to see that.
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

She probably tried selling the pictures first
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

If she wants her crap private - don't make a social network site. Her reason for making that Facebook is to collect "buyers" for that new book on Michael she is publishing. It's no wonder why Michael fired her ass.

Quite frankly, I find her to be repulsive after what she said about Michael's son Prince and all those morgue/funeral stories she told.

I'm not on her Facebook. I took her off a while ago. So I don't know if this stuff about her visiting his grave is true or not. My friend who's on her page said she did post pictures and she posted pictures with the very same girls who wrote those testomonial stories for TINI.

If people who betrayed Michael can visit his resting place, what about fans who sincerely loved him and supported him when he was alive? That's BS. :mad:
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

i want to post the pictures...am i allowed??
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

They don't just let anyone in there. You have to ask permission first from The Jackson's to visit Michael. If she's allowed there, then Mike fans should be allowed in too seeing how two face and hypocritical that woman is.

Did she post photos?

Yeah, she did
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

If she wants her crap private - don't make a social network site. Her reason for making that Facebook is to collect "buyers" for that new book on Michael she is publishing. It's no wonder why Michael fired her ass.

Quite frankly, I find her to be repulsive after what she said about Michael's son Prince and all those morgue stories she told.

I'm not on her Facebook. I took her off a while ago. So I don't know if this stuff about her visiting his grave is true or not. My friend who's on her page said she did post pictures and she posted pictures with the very same girls who wrote those testomonial stories for TINI.

michael rehired her though for the This Is It concerts....and what did she say about Prince?? have i missed something?? i question what she says sometimes but i don't know...

she did get her friends list to vote for her nephew or family member for a advert or something though..soo hmm maybe you are right!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

i want to post the pictures...am i allowed??

She'll have a tittie attack if you do. She's on the internet on a social network site. It will spread regardless. It's happened before. Peep's over at Oh No They Didn't are gonna post them later anyway. They always take shit from her facebook and post it as news there.

I think Karen secretly likes that. :giggle:
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Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

Yeah post the pictures. She wants the attention anyway.
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

I can not believe she has posted these pictures on a social networking sight that the world can stare at!! She has to facebook pages that probably both have the limit of 5000 friends each and all these people can now just gawp at michaels resting place!! This area was made private for a reason and she is just posting the pictures for the world to see!! She needs to stop with all this crap, she is giving Michael no privacy with these photos and the way she talks about things that have gone on!!

Cant wait till book comes out then i will show her what a boycott is!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

maybe this thread can be moved to Michael Jackson Discussion so no one other than members can see it...but i don't know, i don't want to disrespect anyone. someone might mention my name on there and have a big b**** fit about me!!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

michael rehired her though for the This Is It concerts....and what did she say about Prince?? have i missed something?? i question what she says sometimes but i don't know...

she did get her friends list to vote for her nephew or family member for a advert or something though..soo hmm maybe you are right!

He rehired her because she was the only one willing to work with no pay. According to what I read, she was on AEG payroll and would get paid once the shows started. The other makeup artists that were asked to work first, all turned down that offer.

There's many Karen threads on this site. The "search" button is golden on this site :)

She talked about Michael's son having Vitiliago. Talked about Michael at the Mortician table, his weight, how he looked, how he felt when she touched him....so on, so fourth. I need a spriritual as well as a mental cleansing now after typing that....*sighs*

"she did get her friends list to vote for her nephew or family member for a advert or something though."

Come again....she WHAT??!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

maybe this thread can be moved to Michael Jackson Discussion so no one other than members can see it...but i don't know, i don't want to disrespect anyone. someone might mention my name on there and have a big b**** fit about me!!

That's up to the mod's. But trust me, Karen acts like she's bat shit angry on her Facebook, but she loves the attention. Don't pay mind to that locita. lol :laugh:
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

"she did get her friends list to vote for her nephew or family member for a advert or something though."

Come again....she WHAT??!

yeah a young famly member, was going to be in a advert and you had to vote, so she posted the link on her page so everyone could vote for him!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

I've said before and I'll say it again: that woman is insane. She was clearly NOT a friend of Michael's. A friend would never do this. A friend would never say the things she said about Michael and his children.. and on Facebook, where her 5000 friends could see it! She's just pathetic. I wish she would just shut up and find something more interesting to do.
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

she said if people didnt vote for her nephew for some castingthings he would remove them from her facebook!

Dont post the pics!! Leave michael to rest!

Really? She made the fans on her Facebook vote for her nephew? That is the newest low of the low's. :rolleyes:

That is despicable....

Latoya and Jermaine look like angelic saints right now in my eyes.
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

If she wants her crap private - don't make a social network site. Her reason for making that Facebook is to collect "buyers" for that new book on Michael she is publishing. It's no wonder why Michael fired her ass.


Quite frankly, I find her to be repulsive after what she said about Michael's son Prince and all those morgue/funeral stories she told.

Never heard about that. What's the story there? :unsure:

i want to post the pictures...am i allowed??

Well what is she gonna do, sue you? lmao. She could only do that if the pictures were being published for money without her permission. If she 'demands' (which would be totally unreasonable and childish - like I said, this is the world wide web, once you broadcast it on here, do NOT expect it to stay confined to one small corner of the web) they be removed then I'd have to agree with starlight. It seems like she only wants people to add her to facebook. If it was just that she only wanted certain people to see the pictures, or read her stories, then she would send them directly to those people instead of sticking them up on facebook for the world to see. The only incentive I can see for that would be for book promotion as sd said or simply an ego boost. Either way I won't be adding her. I don't want to see the pics, but I wish people would see how self-serving she is being. She's built her own little army up on facebook, and they go at you if you disagree in the littlest thing she says. She encourages it. It's really sad.
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

yeah a young famly member, was going to be in a advert and you had to vote, so she posted the link on her page so everyone could vote for him!

I am so shocked. Using Michael Jackson's fans to forward the career of her nephew.

No wonder she keeps screaming about people not posting her posts outside of her site. What she is doing is not only disgusting but harmful to MJ fans.

Then again...remember what she did to MJ fans during the whole MJJ Source website debacle, so why am I shocked?
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

what i don't get it, people on her facebook are praising her like they did michael, like she was his utmost bestest mate...he never even spoke of her when he spoke about his friends, he spoke about liz taylor etc...their friendship was mutually business related!! argh!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place


Never heard about that. What's the story there? :unsure:

Well what is she gonna do, sue you? lmao. She could only do that if the pictures were being published for money without her permission. If she 'demands' (which would be totally unreasonable and childish - like I said, this is the world wide web, once you broadcast it on here, do NOT expect it to stay confined to one small corner of the web) they be removed then I'd have to agree with starlight. It seems like she only wants people to add her to facebook. If it was just that she only wanted certain people to see the pictures, or read her stories, then she would send them directly to those people instead of sticking them up on facebook for the world to see. The only incentive I can see for that would be for book promotion as sd said or simply an ego boost. Either way I won't be adding her. I don't want to see the pics, but I wish people would see how self-serving she is being. She's built her own little army up on facebook, and they go at you if you disagree in the littlest thing she says. She encourages it. It's really sad.

Adore hun u dont wanna know what she said its awful! :(
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

i don't know whether to post, dying to show it to you guys!
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

Wouldn't she have to get permission from the Jackson family to post pictures of MJ's final resting place? It somehow seems inappropriate-if the family wanted the public to see then they would've made pictures available.
Re: Michael Jackson's Official Resting Place

Wouldn't she have to get permission from the Jackson family to post pictures of MJ's final resting place? It somehow seems inappropriate-if the family wanted the public to see then they would've made pictures available.

And she would have to get permission to VISIT him. I don't know how the hell she was able to get in. Maybe they figure 'Oh Michael's make-up artist, it's okay to let her in' without really knowing what type of woman she is. They have no idea how she badly betrayed Michael and his fans. Someone needs to send them a memo. I know Katherine is going through a lot with the loss of her son, but someone needs to tell someone in that family what's going on.

Not to mention, I think they didn't want photos of his resting place taken for security reasons.

Those picture will be all over the net within a day. You'll see.
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