Michael Jackson will be laid to rest on August 29, his father, Joe, says

Jackson said he had tried to see his son in the months before his death, but "the security guards wouldn't let me get to him."
yeah cause he was to busy trying to get mj to do stupid concerts with rowe and allgood.more pressure on mj that he didnt need
I have to add that I also am not keen on the comments regarding Michael's family and in particular Joe here. And the end of the day, Joe is Michael's father. Michael had a lot of respect for his dad, despite what happened in the past and we should too.

True and point taken. At the same time, it is possible to critique or comment on Joe's actions or statements. Everyone doesn't have to agree with everything that Joe does or says. He is human just like us and makes mistakes.

Jackson said he had tried to see his son in the months before his death, but "the security guards wouldn't let me get to him."
Wasn't there VIDEO of him going to Paris birthday party at Michaels house? Her birthday is in April, and it seemed like her had no problem getting into the gates then.

Hmm.. is this on YT? Can anyone confirm this?
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Joe going to theatre for the placing of the star, more spotight time for him, and bet he looked for money to be interviewed by this guy. He makes me so mad.
Why not wait for Halloween or Christmas? This is sad and ridiculous... Why even wait so long to finally decide on Forrest Lawn?
It's sad that ET and TMZ has become almost more official than Joe these days. (not knowing if their or Joe's words are true though)

And when Michael said that Joe is a bad business man, he knew what he was talking about.
This is the girl Joe's promoting:

We have people on this forum singing 10 times better than her, no disrespect but that girl can hardly carry a note. She sounds like Paris Hilton or something.

wow are you kidding me?!!??!
LOL my jaw dropped and i busted up laughing. no offense but it sounds like a 13 year old girl dancing in her bedroom singing to a hair brush....hmm....
On his Birthday? I don't like the sound of that, August 29th should always be a celebration of Michaels life not marked as the day that he was buried.
This story just gets sadder and sadder. Why can't we just have a straight answer on this, I don't think it's too much to ask just to know whether or not he's been buried. Even if they just released officially a vague time like, towards the end of August. Not knowing what to believe is a killer.
I really don't think this story is true, at least it better not be. Burying Michael on his birthday is ridiculous! and I wish Joe would just clam up, he says one thing and then turn around and says another!
I was planning on celebrating Michael's birthday, how am I meant to do it now? I mean - if that's true, then from then on his birthday will also be the anniversary of his burial, that makes me a little uneasy...

I kind of wish they just do it NOW and get it done and over with, this wait and uncertainty is killing me.:(
Okay, so just read through the rest of the thread...

Jesus H. Christ. I'm getting sick of all these contradictions! I don't know what the f*ck to believe anymore!
Poor, poor Michael. :( He's probably looking down at all of this shaking his head at this hell of a circus.

You and me both!
I just want one piece of info that's reliable, ONE!
For f*cks sake!!!
omg he isn't even buried yet?
and I don't belive to this,I mean I think it's not good idea to bury him on his birthday.
the whole burial thing is starting to git ridiculos, fo' real....
Why would they bury him on his birthday!? Thats one of the most stupid things Ive ever heard...

Why not to bury him in November for example. But I think it will be too late then? In November it will be 40 years since the first number one "I Want You Back"... Everyone wants Michael back.
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If the reports are true that he has not been buried yet, then I can't believe the family has waited this long to bury him. What's the point on waiting 2 months to bury him on his birthday? Poor Michael. :(
to me it makes a different.
i was hoping i could celebrate on the 29th that a beautifull person like mike was in my life and thankfull that he was born 29-8-1858..will now ( if this is true) be a day that his body will be layd to rest, and that hurts, it hurts like hell...... :cry:

It makes a difference to me too, Jenny. I am with you. My birthday is the same day as MJ's, so this will be unsettling for me.

And one should not blast others and say what difference does it make, he's dead. That was a crude remark at best, IMO. It makes a difference to a lot of us, as I can see in this thread.

think this says how i feel.
