Michael Jackson will be laid to rest on August 29, his father, Joe, says

Guys, lets get confirmation on this before everyone gets upset. Joe has said many things that don't make sense and it isn't as if any of us were there when he was talking. The media may have ran with something outta context or it could be on target. We just don't know. In the same article they talking about moving Neverland - that's tabloid stuff.
Why the hell is he telling this to the press? so they can camp out all day there? I dont want to believe this is true.
Joe was just promoting his record label AGAIN off the back of his son's death - how sick!

This quote from the article, he obviously told the reporter clearly the singer's name to get her mentioned! SICK SICK SICK

"The elder Jackson indicated that the burial plans had been made final just in the past few days. He discussed the burial over ribs and jalapeño corn bread at the poolside Simon at Palms Place at the Palms hotel and casino.
With him was the stunningly beautiful Crystal Marven, a singer he has signed to his new record label, and her mother."
Wait, don't want to be a hater here, but it was said by JOE! Does that mean it's true, factual and sure? NO IDEA..

I agree with that man from CNN who said ''Joe Jackson doens't make any sense to me''

Wait and see.
hmmm..... on his Birthday ? To me thats strange I hope this is not true because we shoud celebrate his Birthday .
This makes me feel sick.. to think he is still above ground:puke: I heard some people say he was burried last week? And i allready found that to long and now this. I hope he's burried allready. I honestly do. To keep him above the ground for so long isn't what Michael wanted for sure. Poor Michael:cry:
Guys, lets get confirmation on this before everyone gets upset. Joe has said many things that don't make sense and it isn't as if any of us were there when he was talking. The media may have ran with something outta context or it could be on target. We just don't know. In the same article they talking about moving Neverland - that's tabloid stuff.
That's what I'm saying, too. It's NY Daily News that actually reported it and other news agencies are picking it up from them. And Joe saying it... well, no comment.

I sincerely hope this is not true, though! To bury someone on their birthday is kind of twisted to me. I want that day to be his birthday, period. The day we'll always get together to celebrate him and try to forget all about the pain that will be connected to June 25th. But if the burial is the same day ... geez. Aug 29th will always feel a bit tainted to me, not as joyous, not as celebratory. I really hope it's not true. I had a dream a few days ago that he'd be buried on the 20th (this Thursday). Man, let that be the case, pleeeaaase. :(
oh this is so terrible..
I cant believe he still is not buried
Joe was just promoting his record label AGAIN off the back of his son's death - how sick!

This quote from the article, he obviously told the reporter clearly the singer's name to get her mentioned! SICK SICK SICK

"The elder Jackson indicated that the burial plans had been made final just in the past few days. He discussed the burial over ribs and jalapeño corn bread at the poolside Simon at Palms Place at the Palms hotel and casino.
With him was the stunningly beautiful Crystal Marven, a singer he has signed to his new record label, and her mother."

Excellent post!
so if someone died on their birthday, how would you guys feel then?
it happens.
so being buried on the day, it happens too. especially since it has taken til august now. maybe katherine would have some comfort remembering he was atleast born that day.
and its only this year, next year are we really going to concentrate on being buried on his birthday?
he died on june 25th. not august 29th. so lets not let that get to us. if its true.
Maybe Joe finds it a good gesture to bury him on his birthday, that his son came to earth on that date and was laid to rest the same date.. Personally I think his birthday should be a celebration.. Maybe some people view it differently though..
Personally I would rather prefer nobody letting me know the exact day of the burial, I just need an official announcement from his family telling us that he has finally laid to rest, they don't need to mention the date.....and we can just go on with whatever celebrations we have planned on his birthday.
Personally I would rather prefer nobody letting me know the exact day of the burial, I just need an official announcement from his family telling us that he has finally laid to rest, they don't need to mention the date.....and we can just go on with whatever celebrations we have planned on his birthday.
Yeah I think so too.
so if someone died on their birthday, how would you guys feel then?
Yeah, but he didn't. And he didn't die near to his birthday either. But then again, I'm reminded that this was Joe who said this. The same man who said like a week ago that Michael was already buried. So what is it then? Does he even know what's going on? Or does he enjoy messing with everyone's heads? Good grief. I'll just state again that I think it's twisted and morbid to bury someone on their birthday when it's unnecessary to do so and that I'll believe it if/when it happens. But considering it came from Joe and the NY Daily News... well, we'll see...
Personally I would rather prefer nobody letting me know the exact day of the burial, I just need an official announcement from his family telling us that he has finally laid to rest, they don't need to mention the date.....and we can just go on with whatever celebrations we have planned on his birthday.

I agree.
Why create a circus while trying to bury him ?
He should be buried with the least amount of hullabaloo possible.
I want to remember that date as the date a star was born into this world. I don't want to remember it as the day he was buried...
oh please ppl... this was the deal to get the chance to promote this singer FOR SURE.

I just hope he doesn't hurt noone in the family with this or causes problems for them.

Honestly I don't really care if it is true.

It will be the family deciding...

... and it will be me respecting their decision!

hmmmm think I'm repeating myself.

Think this says how I feel.
ummm...i dont think this is true. I think Joe is out of the loop because never would the family had allowed the time and everything to be released. Unless they wanted to make the entire thing public like the memorial, which i doubt they do. I think Joe is talking on his suspicions basically. Or, if the family is doing it that day, I don't think it was meant to be released. maybe they are doing the burial that day so that people wont go. I mean, no one would have suspected THAT day. But now that Joe spoke who knows whats going to happen.