Michael Jackson will be laid to rest on August 29, his father, Joe, says


Think this says how I feel.

oh my....

his birthday?
He should have already been buried. :(

Think this says how I feel.

haha seriously, I don't know if it's you or many different people - but I absolutely love those pictures with annotations that have appeared on the forum the last couple of weeks... makes me laugh everytime :D

We definitely need a "MJ-annotations" thread and just collect a load of them! :D

Think this says how I feel.

Ohhh MYS hahahaha this is :lol::lmao:

Anyway I HATE what they are doing, they have already said this twice and it breaks my heart everytime I hear this kind of thing. I JUST WISH THEY STOP SAYING AND START ACTING! This is already bad enough!!! :cry:
As I said before, read the story in the 1st post - it mentions his new singer and her mum and even has the singer's name... he is using his son's death to promote his record label just like Jermaine is using it to raise his own profile and its SICK SICK SICK when Michael hasn't even been buried bless him :(

It's sad that ET and TMZ has become almost more official than Joe these days. (not knowing if their or Joe's words are true though)

And when Michael said that Joe is a bad business man, he knew what he was talking about.
This is the girl Joe's promoting:

We have people on this forum singing 10 times better than her, no disrespect but that girl can hardly carry a note. She sounds like Paris Hilton or something.
He's been buried, not buried, buried, not buried and buried again that many times I'm starting to think that casket's attached to a piece of elastic. Poor Michael.
He's been buried, not buried, buried, not buried and buried again that many times I'm starting to think that casket's attached to a piece of elastic. Poor Michael.
Maybe he will get tired of this and decides to come back... :no:
I just got to say, I really agree with those here on the forum who thinks there's too much "he's this, he's that, he'll be this, he'll be that".
Everyone in the family should act like Katherine and not say anything at all, that way it would be obvious that it's the media that are confused and not people in the actual family.

IMO Joe talks too much, he shouldn't even be breathing on a microphone right now.
I'm so sick of this all of this everything from who gave him what, to his burial to where the body is now. I'm just tired of it all cause everyone seems to think that they are the one's who are right and every single media agency seems to be contradicting each other.
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Jackson said he had tried to see his son in the months before his death, but "the security guards wouldn't let me get to him."
Wasn't there VIDEO of him going to Paris birthday party at Michaels house? Her birthday is in April, and it seemed like her had no problem getting into the gates then.

Think this says how I feel.
OMG, this is great. I just about spit up my tea on the keyboard. This is definitely a keeper. I agree... we need a thread just for these type of pics. (To add... I mean funny pics in general in relation to MJ. Something to make us smile sometimes. There were a couple of funny but sweet comic strip like things a month or so ago that I wish I'd saved when I could still find them.)
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I don't really know how people can be making jokes at Joe's expense..I think a little compassion might be needed.
I think burying Michael on his birthday is a nice idea. It's his special day.
Southern California -- this just in

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Michael Jackson will be buried Aug. 29 at Forest Lawn, his father says

August 17, 2009 |
There's been so much chatter about when and where Michael Jackson is going be laid to rest that it is hard to keep up.

But now, the pop star's father, Joe Jackson is weighing in, saying his son will be buried Aug. 29, what would have been his 51st birthday, at Forest Lawn Cemetery in the Hollywood Hills. In an interview with the New York Daily News, Joe Jackson said the burial plans were finalized in the last few days.
There was no confirmation from the Jackson family over the burial plans, which have been kept a secret. Joe Jackson was estranged from his son for years, and it's unclear what role he's playing in the process.
Two weeks ago, Joe Jackson said he supported building a Neverland Ranch-style venue in Las Vegas and having Michael Jackson buried there.
In the Daily News interview, Joe Jackson also said he's closely monitoring the police investigation into his son's death, which appears to be focusing on the entertainer's doctor, Conrad Murray. Joe Jackson told the Daily News he worried Murray would become "the fall guy for a whole lot of people."
There was a private memorial for Jackson at Forest Lawn last month.
-- Shelby Grad

Think this says how I feel.

:lol: This is hilarious!!!

This is ridiculous. Sometimes I wonder if Joe is deliberately trying to mislead us or if (as the article says) he doesnt know what the hell is going on.

Personally I would rather prefer nobody letting me know the exact day of the burial, I just need an official announcement from his family telling us that he has finally laid to rest, they don't need to mention the date.....and we can just go on with whatever celebrations we have planned on his birthday.

I agree 100%.
I have no problems with him being laid to rest on the 29th, at least he won't be in the deep freeze anymore.

I have to add that I also am not keen on the comments regarding Michael's family and in particular Joe here. And the end of the day, Joe is Michael's father. Michael had a lot of respect for his dad, despite what happened in the past and we should too.