Michael Jackson will be laid to rest on August 29, his father, Joe, says


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Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
Michael Jackson to be buried on birthday, King of Pop's father says

Monday, August 17th 2009, 4:00 AM Klein/Reuters

Michael Jackson's father, Joe, plans to return to Vegas after his son is buried to receive a celebrity star in the singer's honor at the Brenden Theatres.

The King of Pop will finally be laid to rest. Or so says his dad.
Michael Jackson will be buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles at 10 a.m. on Aug. 29 on what would have been the King of Pop's 51st birthday, Joe Jackson told Steve Friess, the Daily News' man in Las Vegas.
The elder Jackson indicated that the burial plans had been made final just in the past few days. He discussed the burial over ribs and jalapeño corn bread at the poolside Simon at Palms Place at the Palms hotel and casino.
With him was the stunningly beautiful Crystal Marven, a singer he has signed to his new record label, and her mother.
The elder Jackson says he will return to Vegas after his son is buried that Saturday to receive a celebrity star in the singer's honor at the Brenden Theatres, a cinema at the Palms that Michael Jackson and his children frequented. The Brenden will also screen the 1988 film "Moonwalker" that day.
Papa Jackson said he is supportive of the Los Angeles Police Department probe into his son's June 25 death so far - but also said that cops may be making Dr. Conrad Murray "the fall guy for a whole lot of people."
He did not elaborate. Murray was Michael Jackson's personal doctor and with him the day he died. Murray's lawyer has confirmed the Vegas-based doc is being investigated for administering the anesthetic Propofol and possibly other drugs. He denies wrongdoing.
A Vegas pharmacy was searched Aug. 11 for evidence Murray sought Propofol there.
Meanwhile, Joe Jackson, who lives separately from the singer's mom, Katherine, says she's taken Michael's death particularly hard, and frequently bursts out in tears.
Jackson said he had tried to see his son in the months before his death, but "the security guards wouldn't let me get to him."
He also dismissed talk that the Neverland mansion would be moved to Las Vegas as his daughter, La Toya Jackson, told reporters last week.
"How would they do that?" Jackson asked.
Joe needs to make his mind up, thought he said he was buried already! EDIT - I'm wrong - Joe said he wasn't buried.

I thought it was him that said Neverland was moving to Vegas? These news agencies need to get their stories straight.
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what does it matter? he's dead! you think burying him on any other day is gonna make it any easier?!
it makes no difference
^^^This is becuase a lot of fans will be celebrating on his Birthday and to know he is being burry on the same day feels very uneasy!
How am I going to cut the Birthday cake (which I'm getting for him) knowing he is bury on the same day?? The thought made me sick! They should had bury him in Forrest Lawn after all the autopsy is done.
to me it makes a different.
i was hoping i could celebrate on the 29th that a beautifull person like mike was in my life and thankfull that he was born 29-8-1858..will now ( if this is true) be a day that his body will be layd to rest, and that hurts, it hurts like hell...... :cry:
His birthday? Oh god...now that day just got a whole lot harder. :(
i just wish for something official to come out now.

A burial on his birthday? geezz...
Poor Joe!

I have a feeling that Mr. Jackson is NOT in the loop and is just taking because it has given him an opportunity to "showcase" his new artist, for his new label.

Just like he said "Yes, I knew Michael had another son."

I can see the family keeping him out of the loop because they know he likes to run his mouth and they are trying to keep that part of their business to themselves for fear that the media will set up a "remote" right at Michael's grave site. You know what I mean!
do you know it is in some cultures normal to "celebrate"that someone WAS in your life.
Someone who was very special.
I,m thankfull for having michael in my life.
And i,m paying my gratitude to have had him.
It,s normal to do that on someone,s birthday or day they died.
i,m helping to organize a huge tribute in best ( holland) that day.
We can cry, laugh and pay tribute to the one that made us smile over all those years.
So DON,T you dare to judge and say i,m over it.....i,m trying to find my way to handle his death.
And michael being burried on his birthday will make it lots harder then it allready is.
Everyone is handling the loss differently, and "celebrating" on the 29th will not say they are over it, PERIOD.
Thank you.
How can they bury him on his birthday? That seems so wrong! Please don't do it on that day :(
Wow his Birthday? thats about as weird as it gets why would anyone want to Burry there son on his Birthday? Birthday's are supposed to be Happy Occasions now (if this is true) all The Jackson's will have to remember now is the day they finally put his Son to rest on the day he entered this big wide world we call home, weirdness
Here we go again with this on and off burial story...It's like an emotional roller coaster. I'm like most, it's not going to change anything. Yet it's upsetting to know he's not laid to rest yet either. Geez on his birthday of all days...

How can any one really celebrate really and it's my darn birthday as well. I was going to the Celebration of Michael Jackson's music, in Las Vegas that day...I just don't feel it's a celebration just yet...I'm not ready yet for that.. Nothing is going to feel right until that report comes out...nothing.
It's not a nice thought if this happens on his birthday, but fans should not attack the fact that other fans wish to celebrate Michael's life on such an occasion! Everyone celebrates/mourns differently...
hmmm think his dads just shooting his mouth off again.. without having a clue whats going on.. doesnt sound like this is true.. i'd wait for confirmation guys

i too will find "celebrating" on the 29th extremely hard if this is true... but will obviosuly respect his mothers decision.. whatever that is
I think its apt being buried on his birthday. This would mean he come into the world and is going out of the world (physically kinda) on his birthday.

I think if he died on his birthday, now that WOULD be tragic.

As said above tho. I dont trust what Joe said. He is the one who said about MJ having another son. No one else said it. Just Joe.

And did i read right that he was gonna be getting this award instead of going to the burial (if indeed the family do go to the burial)?
i thought his burial was gona be private and secret so why state the time? i dnt get it
what's there to celebrate the fact that there's nothing more to come?

I thought I answer to this. Well, many fans will always celebrate his life and his music. There are already many birthday celebration being organise by fans around the world. Being dead doesn't mean the person is totally gone. Famous people like MJ are never truely dies and celebrating him just means that.
i thought his burial was gona be private and secret so why state the time? i dnt get it

Thank you! I don't understand why tell the time of the burial. I'm worried that outside of Forest Lawn will be swarming with paparazzi, reporters, etc. :(