Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

1. I'm kind of wondering what Michael will place all that stuff if he will not keep Neverland or opening a museum or something.
Like some you guys have said, opening a museum in Neverland would be truly amazing but I have a hard time thinking that would go around.

2. Does anyone have all the Juliens auction catalogs as PDF files or something?
I'm kind of scared that all those catalogs will be put offline forever real soon.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Well MJ need a place where he can share his stuff to see after he is gone. Elvis has graceland And MJ has? SEE MY POINT
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

On German yahoo they write that the velvet cloak which is displayed was a present of MJ's children to MJ on Father's DAY 1998.

Is this true? If it's true I think it is very sweet, wow, :wub: a royal cloak for their dad, this was beautiful and with such an amazing and loving message.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm mixed on this....

Somehow it seems like the auction and the one in charge of Mike didn't know what the other was doing. One wanted to get rid of all Mike's belongings quickly out of Neverland, the other was too happy to oblige him and auction them off.

Michael probably didn't have a word in it until all was said and done ...even though Darren claimed to have explained it all to Michael and claimed also that he was trying to make it easy on Mike....doesn't sit well with me. It states in that court document. MIke would have to bid on his own articles ...now HOW CRUEL IS THAT?

Regardless of where these things end up...it's turning sour ... It just seems that folks don't know when to quit ...and are always causing mike headaches
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

I don't think the Los Olivos property is where the museum will pop up. In the article I just posted in the news thread, Thome clearly states that Nevy is gone. That property will have no more association with Neverland so my guess is it will be someplace else. This museum-talk seems to be something they've just decided they want to do so maybe MAYBE Team MJ don't even know where this thing will eventually end up. They just know they want to it? Like Soso said, I hope the storage fees and things are kept up with so what happened with Universal Express doesn't happen here before the project is realized.

The showroom where the items are on display now is very nice. That was my first thought when I saw the Access Hollywood piece. I just couldn't get excited at that point becuz of the lawsuit. But despite everything the presentation of MJ's property has been well done. I will give Julien that much credit. Even the catalogs were top notch. He did a first-rate job on presentation....and PR. lol It almost got dirty there for a minute :ermm: but overall he and Nolan (mainly Nolan)kept it respectful. Everything came up roses in the end and everyone is happy so bygones.

And now this thread needs some confetti, too so woohoo!
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Well MJ need a place where he can share his stuff to see after he is gone. Elvis has graceland And MJ has? SEE MY POINT

MJ has Neverland!

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Neverland was much more interesting than Graceland but dr. thome says it's is gone. I agree it would've been the perfect place to exhibit the items
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Well, here's a positive way of looking at this thing now that MJ's personal belongings are being returned to him.

He wanted to move out of Neverland, and he has moved. Now, all of the things that he most likely would not have wanted to leave behind will not be. If he had to pay Julien, that's okay too. He would have had to pay someone to remove it anyway. There's really no difference in that regard.

His move out of Neverland is now complete...

The members of the media that have been dying to see what is in his home will be able to take a look all at the same time. The only thing they are going to find out is that MJ has very good taste and he is very wealthy. This glimpse should now satisfy their hunger. After seeing this enormous display, they should not have to wonder anymore.

They are going to find out there were never any such things as they have been writing about in their articles, because if there were, Julien and the people that helped to remove all of these items from Neverland would have been the ones to see them.

The myth was just that, a myth. The media is finding out they had things all misconstrued. This is the good thing that is coming out of this situation.

Now, everyone should be able to move on. MJ is trying to rehearse for his concerts. July is going to be SO live!!

:lol: :D
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

2. Does anyone have all the Juliens auction catalogs as PDF files or something?
I'm kind of scared that all those catalogs will be put offline forever real soon.
Yes, it would be great to have this as pdf since I don't have money to buy it. I'm sure someone knows how to download the catalogs. Help us. :angel:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Thank goooooooooooooooooood

mj will always have neverland!!
Always !!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

neverland becoming a kind of fan estate would be so amazing
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

I was so happy today when I heard this on the radio! I had to breathe a sigh of relief. If I'm honest I didn't think Michael would win this, I'm so so glad he did! :D
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

elvis didn't have graceland for that purpose, it was made for him after he died into a museum. he didn't intend for that ,that was his ex being crafty and smart and saving his legacy.

mj wasn't forced into this and he wasn'tled into it blindly. he simply changed his mind and realized he couldn't get out of it so he settled to get his stuff back.

if he was lied to maggie, he wouldn't have had to settle to get his stuff it would've gone his way. it didn't they did it out of court! lol
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! who would want to sell the things that are so personal to someone if they still want them?!?!? That's just wrong :yes:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

I think MJ should create a sort of "New Neverland" and call it any name he chooses.

One which is free of the stigma those idiots in Santa Barbara created.

It's MJ who determines and if he chooses to create a museum/park with another name, it will overshadow Neverland as it will be the centrepiece of what he wants, whereas Neverland was mainly a home and charity.

He can purchase a ranch or a large piece of land not so far from a city, say Los Angeles.
Many tourists flock to Los Angeles, so it will be easy to add it to their tour itinerary compared to the journey from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara.

He can then create a combination of a museum and other amusements for people during the visit, showcasing not only his career but that of the Jacksons and Jackson5. This gives him the freedom to sketch the visitor experience from ground upwards, with input from some great event designers.

The beauty of it all will be a recreation which is free from Santa Barbara, but which have some of the features, such as the gates at the entrance, some of the rides and game machines from the originals, as well as new ones.

This allows him to even have seasonal events with new games machine technology displayed or visiting/borrowed exhibitions, the way some museums do.

He could have zones created from his music videos where people go in and get that visitor experience, the way he did Captain EO for Disney, but this time, with select music videos recreated for visitors.
And of course shops for visitors to buy souvenirs and replicas.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

I like how the media is reporting this news as "MJ got his way".
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

oh yes a themepark that would create liability issues...nah or to fill it w/ the stuff from the last place...it's not just the location that was stigmatized
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

oh yes a themepark that would create liability issues...nah or to fill it w/ the stuff from the last place...it's not just the location that was stigmatized

yes that's a good point on how phony and envious the naysayers are.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Very happy when I first heard this new earlier today. Hope it brought about some peace for Michael.

I"m not sure, I believe that the confusion with this entire ordeal was merely as simple as Michael changing his mind.

I hope it all works out for everyone including those fans who've already spent Money.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

yes that's a good point on how phony and envious the naysayers are.
what do u mean?

it'd be odd to open a new 'ranch' and fill it w/ neverland stuff...especially the stuff labled 'neverland' simply b/c it's not neverland! lol

we should all note that elvis didn't choose for graceland to be his place of recognition etc...it was done for him. at least this way mj can make his own museum on his terms but i don't think a mj theme park or open attraction would be good outside of a museum.

especially given the litigeous nature of people.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

what do u mean?

it'd be odd to open a new 'ranch' and fill it w/ neverland stuff...especially the stuff labled 'neverland' simply b/c it's not neverland! lol

we should all note that elvis didn't choose for graceland to be his place of recognition etc...it was done for him. at least this way mj can make his own museum on his terms but i don't think a mj theme park or open attraction would be good outside of a museum.

especially given the litigeous nature of people.

what i mean is, it's amazing how the Neverland stuff is so sought after, now that it's been removed from a piece of real estate, tho the media tried so hard to have Neverland be associated with being 'tainted'.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

oh of course, babe. it's tainted by the former self proclaimed has been who just sold out fifty shows in one venue in record time and who's almost happened auction made people salivate like no other.

people say one thing, do another. that'sy actions speak louder than words
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

I believe that Michael is holding onto Neverland for a reason. I know people keep talking about some "stigma" that is on Neverland, but when you really think about it, Neverland can not be replaced. And Neverland will always be a large part of Michael"s legacy.

When Michael is old or dead and gone, no one is gonna remember all the crazy details of what went on in a trial back in 2005. They are gonna want to know all about the legend of Michael. And I don't believe that Neverland is a bad place to celebrate his legacy.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

I can understand that some people want Neverland to still exsist, it was such a beautiful place from what I've seen. Like many others it would be a dream come true to visit the place when it actually was "Neverland"

people here keep saying that it should be a place like graceland open for everyone to visit, but you have to remember that when all the rides, elephants statues etc is gone. neverland now is just a pice of property. the magic is gone, and i can only imagine that the whole atmosphere is gone aswell. and as long as these items are romoved from the place, neverland will never be what it once was. and imo its highly unlikely that they will be placed back again to re-create the place.

MJ owns part of it now, and the only reason he didn't sell it completly is obviously because he still is attached to it AND simply because it's a good investment imo. he will sell it sooner or later.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

remember, it's a house now, not a home to him. he proved that by stripping it bare and removing everything but the damn grass...if he had any reason to keep it, it'dbe for his kids but why stay associated w/ a place that has brought so much pain?

i think it did it's job, it provided him w/ sanctuary for twenty yrs and then became a liability so y not make money off of it? after all, he already poured cement and built structures on the most soil rich parts of the ranch that were perfect for growing wine crops...lol
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

And don't forget it's bringing him "Moo" money, why give it up.
The wine rich soil was incidental discovery. Cement can still be removed and all is good to go.
In better times, that was one hot piece of real estate every Hollywood celeb would like to get their grubby hands on.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Michael doesn't have to physically live at Neverland in order for it to be turned into a place to celebrate his legacy....a museum of some sorts. And it also doesn't have to have animals. In addition to the museum with all of his stuff in it, it can have rides for the children, restaurants, a hotel, gaming areas. a train to go with the train station, and even a golf course. I lot of things can be done to it. Even the movie theatre can remain. Even the gorgeous flower beds. And put them gates back up there!

He never has to live there again. And I still believe that Michael is never gonna sell the place. He is keeping it for a reason. He could easily have sold it by now if he had no plans for it.