Michael jackson - jackson movie uses old material

more than ever and before I wished he wouldn't have gone back to stage. He did it for the fans, as he several times stated, and for that so many of them are suchlike unthankful, it is unbelievable. So it hurts much more, that he would better haven't done it and may be could be alive.

Today I saw the movie sixth time, it's the only comfort I have after I have visited the FAN boards.

I look at him and his presence is so intensively to feel, and makes me happy and sad at same time, but I never have had the desire to detect what posts-long and threads-long over and over again are examined.

:agree: To be fair, I havnt seen any fans complain about TII, or say its no good, we are just simply discussing which of the audio is live or not.
The only songs they showed were partially dubbed in the credits were Billie Jean, Earth Song, Thriller, and MITM. The majority of the film was live and candid.

I firmly believe Sony did not have enough room for the fully complete footage of BJ, ES, Thriller, or MITM rehearsals. So they had to settle with these and dub em over.

Come DVD time, I think we'll see everything live and unedited(there's expected to be 2-3 hours of bonus material).

I loved the film tremendously!!!
Are you seriously claiming that Jam was live?

Or They Don't Care About Us?

Yes well, did it ever occur to the guy that wrote this article that the footage was never even intended to be made into a movie or concert dvd?

The footage was meant to be for Michaels own archives so he could watch it later and critique the rehearsals so he could improve on them.
One of the last things they would have been thinking of is the sound quality of the footage when Michael only wanted to review the footage for choreography purposes.
Besides, we saw Michael there with the Music director perfecting the sound for the concerts.

I expected some songs to be dubbed anyway, and the fact that the earth song was doesn't make any difference to me. Because you can clearly hear how wonderful MJ sounded when he did Human Nature and I Just Can't Stop Loving You.

I still enjoyed the movie immensely and I loved every min of it...so you can SHOVE IT, contact music!
SHOVE IT ALLLL THE WAYYY!!! for all the fans loved it!! and thats what truly matters.
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twymmf was live and jam had live parts


TWYMMF was live in the beginning. But none of the vocals from the main body of the song are coming from either of the performances they're splicing between. The vocals don't correspond with his mouth at all.

If you listen to them line by line alongside his solo performance at MSG, the vocals are identical, and they weren't even live then

Jam had scant live parts. Everything up to the dance routine in the middle is either mimed or dubbed.

TWYMMF was live in the beginning. But none of the vocals from the main body of the song are coming from either of the performances they're splicing between. The vocals don't correspond with his mouth at all.

If you listen to them line by line alongside his solo performance at MSG, the vocals are identical, and they weren't even live then

Jam had scant live parts. Everything up to the dance routine in the middle is either mimed or dubbed.

Your exactly right :)
I knew earth song wasn't live. I pretty much always trust my senses when trying to tell if it's live. there were times when I thought this sounds live but it looks like it's from a different rehearsal. I can tell when it's live or just a live track.

for a good portion of the movie he was singing live as we were seeing him do it. I knew earthsong wasn't live. I've seen some arguing about billie jean. I think it sounds like it was live but it was definitely not from the same performance we watched.
I'm suprised people are doubting the way you make me feel was live. I mean geez get your ears checked.
The newbie owns the veteran LOL no offense Annie that was just awesome ownage!

Well, we're all adults here correct? "Ownage" or "Owning" really doesn't matter in a place like this I would suppose.

As far as MJLover, well I chose to read it so I must show some interest, but what I'm saying is, Why does it matter if you feel certain songs were live or not? Does it hurt you in anyway, or do you just want to critique the movie and the way songs are sung? And then when someone disagrees with your statement, you respond almost as if their stupid and don't know what their listening to. Yes, we know certain songs were dubbed with past audio, but why make it a point of yours to prove it to those who perhaps don't agree?
Well, we're all adults here correct? "Ownage" or "Owning" really doesn't matter in a place like this I would suppose.

As far as MJLover, well I chose to read it so I must show some interest, but what I'm saying is, Why does it matter if you feel certain songs were live or not? Does it hurt you in anyway, or do you just want to critique the movie and the way songs are sung? And then when someone disagrees with your statement, you respond almost as if their stupid and don't know what their listening to. Yes, we know certain songs were dubbed with past audio, but why make it a point of yours to prove it to those who perhaps don't agree?

well some people like to argue and debate. different people chat on the internet for various reasons and a lot of the enjoyment that a lot of people get from message boards is from arguing.

I'd recommend not responding if you don't want to be part of that. I realize it's hard not to respond. you can feel very tempted, but just try to remember that urge to comment back is the entire reason MJ lover is arguing with you in the first place.
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Do you...and let others believe what they want to believe.


LOL nobody here does that. Hell I got banned for believing MJ had mental problems, and this was AFTER we found out about the propofol.

do you anticipate a bunch of members running here politely allowing me to believe that? or do you anticipate they will flame the hell out of me?
:agree: To be fair, I havnt seen any fans complain about TII, or say its no good, we are just simply discussing which of the audio is live or not.

Your right. For some reason people see talking about what was lip synched or not as a critcism of the film.

I dont think any of us saying what was lip synched or what wasnt actualyl care either way.
What if MJ wasn't miming, though?

What if it was dubbed?

That seems to be what the article is implying.

Sony says they only used it where rehearsal audio was incomplete, but if they were picking from 100 hours of footage, why didn't they just include a different rehearsal where the audio was complete?

I wonder if they are trying to cover something up - something that might support the This Is Not It campaign - by dubbing his old vocals over the new ones.
Billie Jean was definitely dubbed. Look at the commercial they showed on TV with Billie Jean, there is a STARK difference in the vocals. In the commercial, we hear a "husky", deeper, aged voice. In the movie, we hear the demo shifted down a semitone.
The Billie Jean commercial was probably taken from another rehearsal where he sang it live. The one in the film felt like it was the first time he was going through it or something. Like it was said that the footage wasn't meant for the public to be seen. It was used to look at and make changes etc and use maybe for a dvd later on.

If people wanted to actually hear Michael sing then they got just that. It was rehearsals and he wanted to save his voice so he didn't always sing but he did. Human Nature and I Just Can't Stop Loving you were beautiful and showed that Michael still had it just fine. I am glad I got hear him sing like that one last time.
This is nothing new. I just came from watching the movie again this afternoon and noticed that in the credits where they list the songs featured in the movie, there is something that says something about "master recordings" for the songs that were only partially live. Nobody is trying to fool anyone, its all RIGHT THERE IN THE CREDITS IF YOU LOOK. The credits tell you which songs were sung live and which ones used recordings... if you're in the US the movie will be in theaters until Dec 3rd if you feel like seeing it again. Check the credits. This is NOTHING new.
The Billie Jean commercial was probably taken from another rehearsal where he sang it live. The one in the film felt like it was the first time he was going through it or something. Like it was said that the footage wasn't meant for the public to be seen. It was used to look at and make changes etc and use maybe for a dvd later on.

If people wanted to actually hear Michael sing then they got just that. It was rehearsals and he wanted to save his voice so he didn't always sing but he did. Human Nature and I Just Can't Stop Loving you were beautiful and showed that Michael still had it just fine. I am glad I got hear him sing like that one last time.

Couldn't agree more!
End of discussion here for me!
I don't even wanna say things to all this because it's just stupid to me (I don't mean you people, I mean the media)! I mean it's obviously clear that these are only some rehearsals and he's not givin' it his hundred percent and he's not singin' a hundred percent, also not every part!
Your right. For some reason people see talking about what was lip synched or not as a critcism of the film.

I dont think any of us saying what was lip synched or what wasnt actualyl care either way.

Please stop referring to lip synching or miming. What you are talking about is Sony dubbing in old recordings where the sound quality isn't good enough in the rehearsal footage. This is dubbing. Miming or lip synching is when a singer mouths the words but doesn't sing or when they sing along but are low in the mix so the recorded voice track dominates.

I have never seen Michael mime during a rehearsal and I have never heard of him doing it. I see no reason why he would have done it during TII rehearsals.
:doh: WHAT a:tease: of thread... live or not... it's still his voice (MJ's) and his merit. This is the juice we must take from all of this discussion. The end.
Please stop referring to lip synching or miming. What you are talking about is Sony dubbing in old recordings where the sound quality isn't good enough in the rehearsal footage. This is dubbing. Miming or lip synching is when a singer mouths the words but doesn't sing or when they sing along but are low in the mix so the recorded voice track dominates.

I have never seen Michael mime during a rehearsal and I have never heard of him doing it. I see no reason why he would have done it during TII rehearsals.

Thriller Prague 1996 is one.

There are also other audio clips from the This Is It rehearsals where playback is clearly being used.

I dont know if I believe all of it was live.........and that the only reason we hear playback is because some bits had a low sound quality.

Before you say, yes I did read the report. But I dont know what to believe from them anymore, in the first place Kenny had said the whole film was live singing......
Thriller Prague 1996 is one.

There are also other audio clips from the This Is It rehearsals where playback is clearly being used.

I dont know if I believe all of it was live.........and that the only reason we hear playback is because some bits had a low sound quality.

Before you say, yes I did read the report. But I dont know what to believe from them anymore, in the first place Kenny had said the whole film was live singing......

The only video I have seen of THriller Prague rehearsal, they are obviously working on logistics and dancing and the body double wolfman trick. If they were to play a recorded vocal track during a rehearsal that would be the only time it would make sense, when working on dance or logistics. But, it's obvious in the footage from TII that was not the case. Michael was rehearsing the singing and choreography.

I just don't think he would have mimed during the rehearsals that were shown on TII. It doesn't make sense. Except for the periods of time (like History tour, for instance) where he was having real vocal problems, he was amazing singing live. I thought he sang better live than on the recordings :).

Anyways, people could argue back on forth about this forever, but my point was that miming and lip synching are different from dubbing in a vocal track after the fact and some people use the terms interchangeably which bugs me.
The only video I have seen of THriller Prague rehearsal, they are obviously working on logistics and dancing and the body double wolfman trick. If they were to play a recorded vocal track during a rehearsal that would be the only time it would make sense, when working on dance or logistics. But, it's obvious in the footage from TII that was not the case. Michael was rehearsing the singing and choreography.

I just don't think he would have mimed during the rehearsals that were shown on TII. It doesn't make sense. Except for the periods of time (like History tour, for instance) where he was having real vocal problems, he was amazing singing live. I thought he sang better live than on the recordings :).

Anyways, people could argue back on forth about this forever, but my point was that miming and lip synching are different from dubbing in a vocal track after the fact and some people use the terms interchangeably which bugs me.

Well songs like Thriller are more to do with the dancing than the singing, which is why I could see it being rehearsed with playback. Im actually quite surpised because I would of said the same for Smooth Criminal, however that includes live vocals.

Same goes for Jam as Thriller.
Please stop referring to lip synching or miming. What you are talking about is Sony dubbing in old recordings where the sound quality isn't good enough in the rehearsal footage. This is dubbing. Miming or lip synching is when a singer mouths the words but doesn't sing or when they sing along but are low in the mix so the recorded voice track dominates.

I have never seen Michael mime during a rehearsal and I have never heard of him doing it. I see no reason why he would have done it during TII rehearsals.

Rob Hoffman, a HIStory album and tour sound engineer, confirmed that MJ did mime during HIStory Tour rehearsals.
How is this at all news ?? I could tell immediately that they used the demo version for Earth Song pft. A LOT of it was live and he was wonderful.