Michael Jackson filmed during a break on the set of the Martin Bashir interview

you know , watching this yesterday, I actually forgot Mike was dead
As a "fan", I know I can be guilty of hyerbole when it comes to Michael Jackson but I gotta say he had some serious mojo going on.

When we look at the people who have been in his life they seem go mad - they either try to control him, suck up to him, 'mend' or 'heal' him. When they are kicked from his life they react as though they are going through cocaine withdrawal!!!

Seriously guys - Michael's incredible magnetism seemed to have drawn out the dominant qualities of people who encountered him.
No, what you are seeing are people who are showing you who they are. MJ has met ALOT of people who do not try to control him or suck up to him (and this is famous and non famous people) and these people do not run to the media for attention or seek to get publicity. I do agree that MJ is magnetic.
I just die when Bashir talks about Liz Taylor! The Michael's face kills me! This hurt him so much
As a "fan", I know I can be guilty of hyerbole when it comes to Michael Jackson but I gotta say he had some serious mojo going on.

When we look at the people who have been in his life they seem go mad - they either try to control him, suck up to him, 'mend' or 'heal' him. When they are kicked from his life they react as though they are going through cocaine withdrawal!!!

Seriously guys - Michael's incredible magnetism seemed to have drawn out the dominant qualities of people who encountered him.

Ain't that the truth. The people MJ banished from his life refused to go quietly. Other celebrities fire employees, cut off friends, and you hear nothing of it. But with MJ hell have no fury like an ex friend/employee of MJ. They have such anger, such venom. Like they are suddenly a big nothing. So they are compelled to tell us 'there is something very wrong with MJ, not me.' The truth is they all really, really liked MJ, and so wanted to stay in his good grace.
Firstly, I never thought I could think any more badly about Bashi* than I already do, but I was wrong. What a butthead. secondly, that lenny henry thing was really mean to MJ and I hated it
I'm not gonna waste my energy and peace on that crap man anymore. -I got pretty mad yesterday.

Just wanted to let you know that here is a FB page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Martin-Bashir/103652069673617?v=stream
I dont know if it is an official page.

You cant write in his wall and there is no wall in his page, BUT if you mention him (@Martin Bushit) in YOUR wall, your message will appear in his page.

Yesterday I wrote two messages. One of them was deleted I guess cause it simply disappeared.

Some of you asked for a transcript. I have written down only Michael's words as I don't care about that ******,********, **********, *********,********** worm. I grouped his words per subject.
I know I missed some words and one or two sentences, but here goes:
Thank you!! :flowers:

I'm done with that Bushit! No seriously! :puke: You dont do that to a person that is kindly letting you in their lives!
Michael didn't like Bashir talking about Liz, can you fall lower than Bashir?
I wish I could hear Mike's voice more clearly. I can't make out most of the things he said. It gets on my damn nerves that Bashit is talking loud. We can hear him better than our Mike. Just hearing Bashit's voice makes me wanna throw up, seriously.

I just love the way he drinks from that bottle :)
:yes: Sexy...There's something about the way he does certain things and I go gaga over them. The kind of feeling that only fellow female fans can understand:)
I'm not gonna waste my energy and peace on that crap man anymore. -I got pretty mad yesterday.

Just wanted to let you know that here is a FB page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Martin-Bashir/103652069673617?v=stream
I dont know if it is an official page.

You cant write in his wall and there is no wall in his page, BUT if you mention him (@Martin Bushit) in YOUR wall, your message will appear in his page.

Yesterday I wrote two messages. One of them was deleted I guess cause it simply disappeared.


He has a facebook page???!!!

oh dear god help us
This is so painful to watch. No matter how much I would like to see and hear Michael, I just cannot stand Bashir´s voice. Makes me want to scream.

I hope you are going to have long, long, long miserable life. I hope you are
going to spend all of your nights sleepless, thinking of what you have done. I
hope that you see Michael's face and hear his voice every night when you go to
bed trying to get some sleep. How do you manage to look at yourself in the
mirror without wanting to vomit?
I know Michael would not approve of what I have just written, because he was
such a gentle and kind soul. I am sure he would even try to forgive you for what
you have done, because I really do not think he could hate anyone.

However, I cannot forgive you. It is not because he was Michael Jackson. It is
because he was a fellow human being. He was someone who was destroyed out of
pure jealousy and greed. That is unforgivable.

It is also unforgivable that you still have your job.

There is an article that can be googled. It is called "One of the Most Shameful
Episodes In Journalistic History" by Charles Thomson. I urge others to read it.
Not you Bashir, though. You have failed your test as a journalist. There is no
way you can get it right after what you have done.

Rest in peace sweet angel, Michael. We will never forget you.
Re: Michael "on break" during Bashir documentary

This video proves once again that Bashir is an asshole and that Michael is the sweetest ever...

Thanks for sharing

hahaha your post cracked me up!
He has a facebook page???!!!

oh dear god help us

and 200 people like this? What is wrong with them...........
Michael was too nice, I mean I would have stopped, after he said something about liz.

I can't believe how evil some people can be.
I wish I could hear Mike's voice more clearly. I can't make out most of the things he said. It gets on my damn nerves that Bashit is talking loud. We can hear him better than our Mike. Just hearing Bashit's voice makes me wanna throw up, seriously.

:yes: Sexy...There's something about the way he does certain things and I go gaga over them. The kind of feeling that only fellow female fans can understand:)
Hey, are you saying that i'm a girl :eek: ?
The Liz Taylor comment went way past the line and was blatantly inappropriate.

Martin Bashir is one of those people who seems to be charming on the outside, but is the exact opposite on the inside. You can see it in the way he jokes around in this video--very pleasant and making Michael laugh. Yet we all know what was in it for him, what was in him which drove him to stab Michael in the back for monetary gain and recognition. He succeeded quite marvelously at, in the words of Lady Macbeth, looking like the innocent flower, but being the serpent under it.

It's disgusting how some people seem to have a natural talent for deception, and how these very people are permitted to thrive undisturbed...

What that man did to Michael was a crime in and of itself. A crime which set the stage upon which all of the subsequent events would play out, ultimately sacrificing our beloved Michael upon the altar of corruption. He'll get his one day, however.
and 200 people like this? What is wrong with them...........
Michael was too nice, I mean I would have stopped, after he said something about liz.

I can't believe how evil some people can be.

Those ppl are :crazy:! thats what is wrong with them.
What annoys me most about the whole thing is that Martin Bashir has a history in England of doing this. Sucking people in by sucking up then ridiculing them. He once got a BBC graphic artist to make a fake bank statement to try and catch someone out. It annoyed me why no one on Michael's team didn't vet Bashir. It would have teken 10 minutes of going onto Google for them to find out about his history and pull the plug on it.
you know what, Bashir doesnt deserve any bit of my time or energy.....he is and will always be whatever he is.....anyway...I will say this....no matter how painful it was to see this, I fell in love with Michael all over again....:wub:
It's disgusting how some people seem to have a natural talent for deception, and how these very people are permitted to thrive undisturbed...

What that man did to Michael was a crime in and of itself. A crime which set the stage upon which all of the subsequent events would play out, ultimately sacrificing our beloved Michael upon the altar of corruption. He'll get his one day, however.

Wow- well said- I couldn't have put it any more succinctly. And I especially hope and pray that he will get his one day. Remember Maureen Orth? who wrote all the lies in Vanity Fair about Michael? Well, she got hers when her husband died. (a reporter from NBC). I know it sounds awful on my part to point that out, but I can't help it. She still called him a p..... the day he passed - so if I'm being mean I'm sorry. I know Michael would not like it, but the way these ppl indirectly killed Michael they deserve all the bad things they get and I'm waiting for all of them to get theirs- Sneddon comes to mind.

You know - "Is It Scary" that song I'm sure was meant for Sneddon but it could be perfect for Bashir also. I hope they have living nightmares every day of their miserable lifes. I hate all of them!!