Michael Jackson filmed during a break on the set of the Martin Bashir interview

LOL It said Evian on the bottle! It was water! They sell bottles of it like that, Google it! And I loved how he drank out of it, so funny! :p
at the beginning someone said "drink your water " also MJ repeated the word Water with accent! Michael needed to drink alot of water because he dehydrate so quickly !
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Not sure what to say. Martin Bashir came off as completely fake, trying way too hard. Also, he seemed like a bully, shouting at Hamid and Michael like that, forcing his way into everything. And what nasty comments he made. The Liz part is like telling someone their sister or mother is going to die. How cruel and disgusting. The pants throwing part was a bit sleezy imo, and the Maurice Gibb thing was pure bully. The way he spoke to Michael like he's a child, not capable of expressing his emotions. Michael said he doesn't like to talk, but Bashir took that to mean he can't express himself? So stupid. And then the way he used that low-toned voice to say "You're the boss. Do you want me to write something?" How is any nice person supposed to say no to that? He bullied his way into it. And I know he was joking, but saying Hamid needs to go to the gym was heartless. He didnt say it in a kind hearted way. It was too loud and sounded like an insult. Those kinds of comments from near strangers are enough to induce negative body images. It's not like bashir was his brother or best friend, teasing him about his big butt. And what about the "you don't have to swig from the bottle like some cockney..weird/weirdo". Did you see Michael's face. How many times has he been described as weird? It's so insensitive.

It's like he was trying to dominate the scene and make himself the real "boss". He's almost showing off as well. Genuine people don't need to do that.

I also see slight apprehension on Michael, which makes me feel he didn't 100% trust Bashir, despite what he said.

On the other hand, I love Michael's sense of humour, with the bottle and the cockney moments. He doesn't have a bad thing to say about anyone, e.g. Eddie Murphy, the film, Liz and especially Hamid. And it's wonderful to see the way Michael tried to sooth Hamid's feelings after the butt thing. The black people's butts things was a joke to lighten the mood, but at the same time, it subtly took the heat off the "Persian people's butts" onto himself and his race. Very smart. Shows that even when he's not trying, he can't help making others feel better. He also said Hamid was loyal, unlike someone else in that room.

Maybe I'm looking to closely, but I feel upset after this. He was so sweet and Bashir was a scumbag, yet we lost Michael. It's hard to understand sometimes. And yes, Bashir's actions do seem to contribute to Michael's death. But we need to be careful about that. On the one hand, without the documentary, Gavin and his family most likely wouldn't have made the allegations, leading to the depression and trauma of the trial. Which meant he wouldn't have needed to do the tour in order to reaffirm himself. And we know the rest.

However, imagine life without the trial. Michael might have planned a tour anyway, since he seemed to want the kids to see him perform. The end result could have been the same. Maybe without Bashir, some other awful thing could have happened anyway. Even by our accounts, it seems like Michael had a medical/drugs issue in 2001 and 2002 before Bashir. Who knows what might have happened?

Its sad thinking about this. :cry:
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bashit is a massive c***
sorry but he made me really mad in this video hes so fake it makes me sick.
the Liz thing was so cruel, she proved him wrong though shes still alive and still beautiful Liz.
Michael is so beautiful here :) did u see the pain in his eyes when bashit was talking about Liz?
makes me so sad gosh i miss him :(
i couldn't watch the videos since i'm at work and the firewalls don't let me watch. But from your comments, i can EXACTLY understand what bashir did to Michael. This man who fancy oneself as a journalist is one of the responsibles of Michael's move to Heaven all to soon -don't want to use that word starting d....- as Sloride said.

he ruined Michael's life and earn a "GOOD" fame all over the world. He couldn't be known in other countries if he hadn't done that stupid "Living with Michael Jackson". Smart aleck!!!! Who are you? or What are you? that you could say "Living with Michael Jackson". you cannot live only one single second with Michael, your heart and mind is all dirty, junk, trash... There is no love, emotions or sense in your heart&mind except loving fame, thinking only your pocket no matter you ruined whoever's lifes.

you accomplished Bashir, exactly accomplished:
you earned money, but it contents blood.
You earned fame, but it contents many people's hate and maledictions

You will never and ever be loved or be happy. You know why? Because every day Michael's every lovers/fans "DO NOT FORGET" you, when they are praying GOD for Michael. You know how, don't you!!!! i'm sure that GOD may not have pity on you... You deserve all the bad things and the hell!!

this Bashir may be on this or that TV, or earn money what he loved most; but will never ever be loved and will never ever be a HUMAN!!!!

ps : his words about Liz killed me. i cannot believe in this. no human being can say these words.. it's disgusting. ooh Michael, my dear angel, i exactly feel your lovely and broken heart in my heart.. it hurts, really hurts. :cry: :cry: :cry: my heart is too full for words :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

ps 2 : sorry for my English, i hope i didn't make any mistakes and express my feelings. also whenver i see Bashir's name, oh my God, my brain is aching.
i will always hate bashir, geller, sneddon, arvizos, chandlers and the media. ALWAYS.
Not sure what to say. Martin Bashir came off as completely fake, trying way too hard. Also, he seemed like a bully, shouting at Hamid and Michael like that, forcing his way into everything. And what nasty comments he made. The Liz part is like telling someone their sister or mother is going to die. How cruel and disgusting....
Nothing is more evil the two face back-stabbing Bashit...one minute Yes-Bossing Michael, the next pushing him off the cliff.
The gall he had to patronize Michael's kind hopsitality .. the nerve to take swipes at Michael friends.....””You don't want to be looking like Tatum O'Neal”...wishing ill upon Liz Taylor's health.. (pftt)...cursing out at Hamid and ordering him around.
Thankfully for Hamid who shot everything, we have the unadulterated video-tapes that exonerated Michael to show for. Including "Take Two" the uncut, the unedited version and footages of the Arvisos gushing mad love for Michael.
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Not to make light of the whole Bashir thing but it's always worth remembering this parody by Lenny Henry & Rowan Atkinson. Totally taking the piss out off Bashir's blatant hypocrisy.

I just can't believe what a two faced bastard Bashir was. In the end, the footage proves Michael was the normal one and Bashir the weirdo- which we knew all along.
Some of you asked for a transcript. I have written down only Michael's words as I don't care about that ******,********, **********, *********,********** worm. I grouped his words per subject.
I know I missed some words and one or two sentences, but here goes:

Re British accents
Have some water! ( British accent)
Water! A glass of water.( British accent) and he starts slugging Evian from the bottle!

MB: Don't laugh at me man.
MJ : I am not! I am not!
It's like the people of the cockneys. Apples and Pears, the Stairs-------

Re his relationship with Elizabeth Taylor
You know what I want you to do ?
You must not interview Elizabeth Taylor.......I love her.
That's sweet. Did you talk to her ?
We're a lot alike. We had the same childhood....Yeah
What's up with Michael and Elizabeth Taylor ? What do you mean what's up ? Does age make a difference ? It's about the spirit, the soul.
I know
She's one of the sweetest people in the world.

Re big butts
( About Hamid, Michael's cameraman) He's from Persia.
The food is good.
Black people get big butts.

Re Eddie Murphy
I love him

Re The Nutty Pofessor
I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it
And then he falls down
MB : It's like Tatum O'Neal in two years
MJ : ( Priceless expression on his face) That's it.

Re James Bond movie
Did you like...did you see the last James Bond ?
Was it good ?
I can't, going to the funeral tomorrow ( of Maurice Gibb)

Re Maurice Gibb's funeral
I will have to say something
I don't like to talk
If you would, that would be -----
Yeah Yeah
The music world has lost a giant
He was amazing
Don't put that on the tape!
He's loyal ( about Hamid)
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I just can't believe what a two faced bastard Bashir was. In the end, the footage proves Michael was the normal one and Bashir the weirdo- which we knew all along.
that's exactly what i was thinking.

I was impressed that Michael knew some Cockney rhyming slang!

i had to google that, you learn something every day :p
wow! MJ knew that? that's so cool :D

that comment on Liz was on purpose, to see how MJ reacts, what an a....e
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Re his relationship with Elizabeth Taylor
You know what I want you to do ?
You must not interview Elizabeth Taylor.......I love her.
That's sweet. Did you talk to her ?
We're a lot alike. We had the same childhood....Yeah
What's up with Michael and Elizabeth Taylor ? What do you mean what's up ? Does age make a difference ? It's about the spirit, the soul.
I know
She's one of the sweetest people in the world.

I thought he was telling Bashir to interview her.... Thank you for the transcript! :)
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That guy is unbelievable. What an awful man, how could he be so two faced and fake? That, is scary. And to someone as beautiful and loving as Michael...beyond belief. The thing about Liz, what an awful thing to say! And offering or forcing to write the funeral piece! Dude just went even lower in my opinions, when I thought that wasn't possible anymore.

Michael, you're a diamond! I love to watch him and listen to him, just perfection. :wub:
As a "fan", I know I can be guilty of hyerbole when it comes to Michael Jackson but I gotta say he had some serious mojo going on.

When we look at the people who have been in his life they seem go mad - they either try to control him, suck up to him, 'mend' or 'heal' him. When they are kicked from his life they react as though they are going through cocaine withdrawal!!!

Seriously guys - Michael's incredible magnetism seemed to have drawn out the dominant qualities of people who encountered him.
As a "fan", I know I can be guilty of hyerbole when it comes to Michael Jackson but I gotta say he had some serious mojo going on.

When we look at the people who have been in his life they seem go mad - they either try to control him, suck up to him, 'mend' or 'heal' him. When they are kicked from his life they react as though they are going through cocaine withdrawal!!!

Seriously guys - Michael's incredible magnetism seemed to have drawn out the dominant qualities of people who encountered him.

Seriously guys

I agree! People go crazy for MJ when he no longer befriends them!
Well, Bashir is still annoying celebrities. Diddy wasn't too pleased about his questioning him in a June 2010 interview why he bought his son some extravagant car (that I've never heard of because I'm poor, lol).


"The whole thing about giving a Maybach to my son, that's really like a racist question," Diddy tells the mag. "You don't ask white people what they buy their kids. And they buy 'em Porsches and convertible Bentleys, and it ain't no question. It's really a racist question and put things back in perspective with money and the way that people still look at you. And I'm not saying that consciously he's a racist. But he probably don't even realize that he would not ask Steve Jobs that. He would be like Steve Jobs has that money and that's the gift his kid is supposed to get."

Diddy also said he regretted the sit-down with Bashir, who generated a lot of attention with his 2003 documentary "Living With Michael Jackson".

"There were times in the interview when I had to give him an ultimatum. The questions weren't being handled the right way. In hindsight, when I saw him, I shouldn't [have] done the interview because I know the style of interview that he does," Diddy said.
As a "fan", I know I can be guilty of hyerbole when it comes to Michael Jackson but I gotta say he had some serious mojo going on.

When we look at the people who have been in his life they seem go mad - they either try to control him, suck up to him, 'mend' or 'heal' him. When they are kicked from his life they react as though they are going through cocaine withdrawal!!!

Seriously guys - Michael's incredible magnetism seemed to have drawn out the dominant qualities of people who encountered him.

You are absolutely right. Michael had a magical quality. He had immense fame and power. He had magnetism and charisma. And yet what made him unique was that even though he had all of that he remained kind and caring and humble. He was funny and fun to be around and i think you are absolutely right, people were addicted to him, men and women both. And when he pulled away, some became insanely angry. If you look back at the trouble makers in Michael's life, a lot of them turned on Michael when he stopped hanging out with them. All they could think about was their loss and not the fact that they were fortunate to have been able to spend time with him at all.

The Bashir outtakes leave me with 2 theories. One, Bashir is the most two faced, sociopathic, liar, I have ever seen and was planning to trash Michael all along. Two, he was addicted to Michael and when Michael backed away, he turned on him.
When we look at the people who have been in his life they seem go mad - they either try to control him, suck up to him, 'mend' or 'heal' him. When they are kicked from his life they react as though they are going through cocaine withdrawal!!!

Seriously guys - Michael's incredible magnetism seemed to have drawn out the dominant qualities of people who encountered him.

You can say that again. :yes: And that poor excuse of a human being called Martin Bashir is a prime example of that. I am totally disgusted by his tactics. It's absolutely sickening to hear him call Michael 'boss' and then go and use the word 'disturbing' so often during that horrible program he put together; it was as though that was the only word he found in the dictionary.

Nothing short of despicable, abhorrent behavior; he is expressing not only disregard for his profession, but also for Michael's humanity and dignity, basic human rights which he very conveniently forgot to respect. All the more insulting since he was addressing one of the nicest people this world has ever been blessed with. Bashir is a true disgrace for the honorable journalists out there... cause yeah folks, believe it or not, endangered species as they might be, there are some good people in the media as well - the brave souls losing their lives in zones of conflict to provide people with accurate information, the ones doing the human interest stories which don't gather nearly as much attention as scandal and lies, but which are mighty important...Well, Mr. Bashir with his awful gestures and words managed to disgrace an entire profession.

I 'loved' it how Bashir seemed so interested and so knowledgeable when it came to music and the brilliance of the Bee Gees, but during the program the questions and the air time dedicated to Michael's craft were minimal. It wouldn't surprise me if he had learnt them lines about harmonies and stuff the night before so he could impress Michael with his 'know how'.

What a lame attempt there with the words about 'losing' Liz Taylor. Looks like Mr. Bashir's definition of soon is a 'bit' wrong. Seven years on Dame Elizabeth, with twitter account included, keeps on rockin'. Can't say the same for disturbing Martin.

I couldn't believe the nerve that man had - trying to impose his words upon Michael with regards to Maurice Gibb's funeral. He was basically insulting Michael's intelligence. As if Michael wasn't perfectly capable of expressing himself. Bloody iggggnurant fool.....as Mike would say, in British accent as well lol.

Didn't y'all just love it when so many pretended to be in Michael's head and know his inner most thoughts and feelings and how he related to people? How did Bashir put it - he wanted to express Michael's feelings about Maurice. Who on earth gave him the right to speak for the world's greatest artist who had no problem expressing himself so beautifully through his art??? Ok, so Michael didn't like to talk that much, but that don't mean he couldn't be more than eloquent when he wanted or need arose.

When it came to Michael, it seems as though everybody was a shrink and he was the poor little 'patient' in dire need of analyzing and counseling, when, in fact, he was faaar, faaar better off in terms of intelligence, attitude, outlook on life and inner balance than most people on this planet.

In spite of Bashir's bull, that vid is a small treasure, as all footage of Michael, because it shows what a complete sweetheart he was. But then again, i don't think it comes as a surprise to anyone, right? He was sooo cute drinkin' his water outta the bottle like that and also refreshing his make up so often with that pad, simply adorable. :wub:
You know it's weird. I'm not one who goes around hating people on a regular basis. Hate is such an intense word, ya know? But with the exception of the freak who lives next door to me and who is the bane of my existence on a daily basis, the only people I hate in this world have all hurt Michael. Bashit. The Chandlers. The Arvisos. Y'all know the list by now. They all suck. And yeah, I hate them all!

You know it's weird. I'm not one who goes around hating people on a regular basis. Hate is such an intense word, ya know? But with the exception of the freak who lives next door to me and who is the bane of my existence on a daily basis, the only people I hate in this world have all hurt Michael. Bashit. The Chandlers. The Arvisos. Y'all know the list by now. They all suck. And yeah, I hate them all!


Im the same, i usually dont like hating ppl but bashit one person i hate.
You know when the previews for the interview came out bck then, i thought "hey maybe finally a good interview!" but boy was that wish burnt down.
Yikes @ Bashir!!!!!

Michael on the other hand is amazing. :wub:

Why did he have so many 'snakes' around him *deep sigh*

God, i miss him ....