Michael Jackson feat. 50 cent - MONSTER - its the real deal says 50 -READ!

This song is completly fake!

Can't believe some " fans " can believe it's Mike who sings this thing.

Stop to believe in Santa Claus.

"Fans" again? This is getting so annoying, I know I don't have to read this board or certain threads, so it's my own fault, but damn, I'm not even a diehard longtime fan and it gets annoying. And it's also painful to watch. People who are just happy to get new songs, there is no room for them on here, so they hardly ever post, and if they do, one of those people hijacking every thread on here comes along and insults them. What the hell? I mean, I was lurking from day one when the controversy started, it's been interesting to see how it basically went from "I don't know, is that Michael?" on Monday to people actually saying things like "I only believe it's Michael if he himself tells me that it is" on Wednesday. If that's your opinion, you don't want any proof, you just want to believe in your conspiracy. It only took 2 - 3 days for it to form, that was interesting, seeing it happen. Not coming in when it's already full-blown. Seeing it happen and not believing it. "Only if Michael tells me?" - Come on, that's part grief and part trolling.

Those conspiracy theorists won't accept any proof EVER. So there is not really a point in discussing it with them.
The conspiracy fans have turned into something worse than a tabloid. Despicable people.
james porte, no matter what the outcome, will now for all mj fans be 'the sniper on the grassy knoll....'
The conspiracy fans have turned into something worse than a tabloid. Despicable people.

Again, this is disrepectful. Don't just slander those of us who don't believe it's MJ. It's not because the family said so, it's because we don't hear him in the songs... Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even Michael Jackson fans!

If the Estate and Sony can show it is Michael, I'll be open to listening to their views, but until then, I can't hear my idol on the recordings. Every other song leaked/demos etc etc you can hear it's him clearly. If there is any doubt whatsoever, then not a good idea to include those tracks.

Sure, some fans see conspiracy everywhere, Michael himself certainly did, but please remember that we are all coming from the same place: THE LOVE OF MICHAEL JACKSON AND HIS LEGACY.

We're just seeing it from different sides.
james porte, no matter what the outcome, will now for all mj fans be 'the sniper on the grassy knoll....'

LOL, that poor guy! But just wait and see, there will be tons of websites dedicated to the conspiracy theory in a couple of months and it will turn into something similar like "Elvis works at McBurger". It won't go away. It'll only get bigger, but it'll probably stay on the internet and won't make it to the mainstream media. Just as a footnote once in a while. Tabloids might pick up on it though.
Sure, some fans see conspiracy everywhere, Michael himself certainly did

I didn't want to say this, but now that you said it ... he did, for very good reasons, I might add, the fans did too. But he always told them where to look for the conspiracy, Sony or the tabloids, etc. Now he is not here anymore and people are still in "conspiracy mode" and don't have anyone to tell them where to look and what to think. There might not even be one this time, but my impression is that MJ fans have learned to expect it. When Breaking News was released it first started with Sony, then it was the estate or Sony and the estate, until it became "the Cascios" and they started to get most of the hate. And from what I have read, they have never done anything wrong in the past. So people should at least give them the benefit of the doubt, but "conspiracy mode" won't let them.
I didn't want to say this, but now that you said it ... he did, for very good reasons, I might add, the fans did too. But he always told them where to look for the conspiracy, Sony or the tabloids, etc. Now he is not here anymore and people are still in "conspiracy mode" and don't have anyone to tell them where to look and what to think. There might not even be one this time, but my impression is that MJ fans have learned to expect it. When Breaking News was released it first started with Sony, then it was the estate or Sony and the estate, until it became "the Cascios" and they started to get most of the hate. And from what I have read, they have never done anything wrong in the past. So people should at least give them the benefit of the doubt, but "conspiracy mode" won't let them.

Yes, just like as in another post someone says that the contra-"conspiracy" (from fans) formed in 2 - 3 days after the release of BN... well lurking everywhere those days I would have said it too, but no, it existed before, ofcourse. As a big lurker on 3 different boards, me too I am very aware that indeed groups of fans are since a long time in some "warrior mode" in the first place against Sony et al... and now the BN thing along with the twittering of Tarryl and so on.... this gave them a royal opportunity to launch a campaign... Many fans still associate Sony with Motolla days... Well, ofcourse Sony are big musicbusiness... But that doesn't mean Sony is still to associate with Motolla as in the days Michael had big conflict with them.

Many of the arguments some people give ... are in fact searched for opportunities for fighting Sony, but they will never tell us that, because then we would not take them serious when talking about the album...
People won't believe vocals are Michaels, people don't want to throw their weoppon away...
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This is not a question of fans vs other fans here. No one is less of a fan just because you don't agree with them. There is too much 'I'm right and everyone else is wrong' assertions in this thread.
Yes, just like as in another post someone says that the "conspiracy" formed in 2 - 3 days after the release of BN...

Yeah, that was me. I said that. ;) I'm chatty today.

no, it existed before, ofcourse. As a big lurker on 3 different boards, me too I am very aware that indeed groups of fans are since a long time in some "warrior mode" against Sony et al... and now the BN thing along with the twittering of Tarryl and so on.... this gave them a royal opportunity to launch a campaign... Many fans still associate Sony with Motolla days... Well, ofcourse Sony are no fanclub but musicbusiness... But that doesn't mean Sony is still the same as in the days Michael had big conflict with them.

It existed before ... I'm sure it did, I was just talking about the BN conspiracy. I have done my homework in the last couple of weeks ... well, some homework at least, haha - and yes, I'm sure there always were fans who acted like "warriors" and others probably were a bit more moderate. But at least they "knew" who to hate, now they don't really know where to turn.

The Sony thing and Mottola - I have read that a lot and how things changed there, but I guess a lot of fans feel (overly) protective. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but they mainly hurt themselves with it.
You just contradicted yourself, you said when it comes to conspiracy, Michael always said look to the tabloids or Sony. And today, who are the main people backing these songs? TMZ, Roger Friedman, and Sony. But we're being "overly protective", riiiiiiiight.

No one has any evidence. You have to believe your self its MJ or you hear the Song with the dumb rumors in your Brain and hear some strangers Voice. You have no other choice.

MJ sayed "If people hear a lie long enough People believe it"

We hear this Fake Voice rumor weeks before we hear the Song first time. Nothing more to say:timer:

You do realize that you're just repeating to me what I've been saying for weeks right? I've been the main one saying that the rumors has contributed to what people hear on songs like Breaking News and Keep Your Head Up. This, is a whole different situation, whereas I can hear Michael on the first two songs, I for the first time, do not hear Michael at all in this. You can't preach to me something that I already understand and have been preaching to others. I respect your opinion, respect mines, I don't believe it's Michael singing in these snippets, and I'm hoping that Sony doing this to prevent album leaks is in fact true.
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You just contradicted yourself, you said when it comes to conspiracy, Michael always said look to the tabloids or Sony. And today, who are the main people backing these songs? TMZ, Roger Friedman, and Sony. But we're being "overly protective", riiiiiiiight.

Yes!! And I have nothing to do with Sony!
But : when you (I mean people) speak about the album you speak about the album and when you speak about Sony speak about Sony! That are two things... Don't use the album and launch every thinkable arguments wanting to destroy the album for wanting to take revenge towards Sony.
Don't use the album for it!

I don't mean you of course Annie :)!
Yes!! And I have nothing to do with Sony!
But : when you (I mean people) speak about the album you speak about the album and when you speak about Sony speak about Sony! That are two things... Don't use the album and launch every thinkable arguments wanting to destroy the album for wanting to take revenge towards Sony.
Don't use the album for it!

I don't mean you of course Annie :)!

Oh I understand, and I agree that those who are attempting to sabotage this album may be going a little overboard. But if that's what makes them feel comfortable, then hey, what can one do. I know I'll be buying the album, regardless of how I feel about select songs.
You just contradicted yourself, you said when it comes to conspiracy, Michael always said look to the tabloids or Sony. And today, who are the main people backing these songs? TMZ, Roger Friedman, and Sony. But we're being "overly protective", riiiiiiiight.

He didn't "always" say look to the tabloids or Sony. I just gave two obvious examples. At some points in his career he did (at least with Sony, I'm sure he always hated tabloids). So now you are telling me that the problem is that certain people are backing these songs? And that's part of the "proof" for them being fake? You also forgot a list of other people also backing them. See the statement from the estate.
I added this to my former answer to Annie:

"Many of the arguments some people give ... are in fact searched for opportunities for fighting Sony, but they will never tell us that, because then we would not take them serious when talking about the album...
People won't believe vocals are Michaels, people don't want to throw their weoppon away... "

(I am not pro Sony...)

I am stopping this because way to off topic, this thread is about MONSTER :-O
He didn't "always" say look to the tabloids or Sony. I just gave two obvious examples. At some points in his career he did (at least with Sony, I'm sure he always hated tabloids). So now you are telling me that the problem is that certain people are backing these songs? And that's part of the "proof" for them being fake? You also forgot a list of other people also backing them. See the statement from the estate.

Did I say that? I don't think I did, what I basically said is, you're saying people are wrongfully accusing people of conspiracy, and you used "Michael would say look to Sony and the tabloids" for conspiracy, and that's exactly what people are looking at today, in terms of conspiracy, I didn't say anything about the songs being fake in my response to you. But the exact entities that you said Michael would say look to for conspiracy, are also responsible for what's going on today, so people have the right to question conspiracy. That's what I said, and as I said before, none of these people have come out and said, "Yea, I heard the records, it's Michael all the way", so again people have the right to question the validity of the statement from the estate.

This will be my last say on the matter, but, these are the names mentioned in the estate, Bruce Swedien, Matt Forger, Stewart Brawley, Michael Prince, Dr. Freeze and Teddy Riley. I don't know who the rest of those people are, so I'll just speak on what I do know, since then, Teddy Riley hasn't said he knows for a fact it's Michael, since this statement released he said he was given the vocals by Sony, and did what he would do to any other song, and that's complete it, he's also told others to follow their heart and what they believe. That's not a definitive answer that would silence the doubters, you may think so, but it's not, unfortunately. Regarding Bruce Swedien, most of us can come to an agreement that he hasn't been on the up and up regarding the subject of Michael in recent years, in fact when he said he wouldn't be working on the new album, most people thought good riddance, so again, how can you expect some of us to believe a source like that? Yes he worked with Michael in the past, but he's turned his back on him in recent years, like most of Michael's business associates, so I repeat, people will rightfully doubt the validity of this statement.
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Did I say that? I don't think I did, what I basically said is, you're saying people are wrongfully accusing people of conspiracy, and you used "Michael would say look to Sony and the tabloids" for conspiracy, and that's exactly what people are looking at today, in terms of conspiracy, I didn't say anything about the songs being fake in my response to you. But the exact entities that you said Michael would say look to for conspiracy, are also responsible for what's going on today, so people have the right to question conspiracy. That's what I said, and as I said before, none of these people have come out and said, "Yea, I heard the records, it's Michael all the way", so again people have the right to question the validity of the statement from the estate.

LOL, what? I made some general observations about the past with my Sony and tabloids example to give you a reason for my impression that some people still seem to be in "conspiracy mode". If people are still looking at Sony and the tabloids in terms of conspiracy, then they are stuck in the past. We don't know what Michael would tell people NOW.

Yes, people have the right to question conspiracy (and I think without certain tweets, they wouldn't), I just wish they would do it a little bit less aggressive and with more respect towards other fans.

so I'll just speak on what I do know, since then, Teddy Riley hasn't said he knows for a fact it's Michael, since this statement released he said he was given the vocals by Sony, and did what he would do to any other song, and that's complete it, he's also told others to follow their heart and what they believe.

Maybe, just maybe, he and other people don't think they have to comment on this whole thing at least twice every single day and tweet about it all day long, or that they have to reply to every question, or post statements whenever fans are DEMANDING a statement.
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LOL, what? I made some general observations about the past with my Sony and tabloids example to give you a reason for my impression that some people still seem to be in "conspiracy mode". If people are still looking at Sony and the tabloids in terms of conspiracy, then they are stuck in the past. We don't know what Michael would tell people NOW.

Yes, people have the right to question conspiracy (and I think without certain tweets, they wouldn't), I just wish they would do it a little bit less aggressive and with more respect towards other fans.

You don't know that, fact of the matter is, at the time of his passing, the situations between him and Sony had yet to be resolved, so therefore, one just can't assume the relationship was all buddy buddy all of a sudden. And you're correct, people should go about things in a more respectful manner around here, but they still have the right to question the label and their true intentions.
You do realize that you're just repeating to me what I've been saying for weeks right? I've been the main one saying that the rumors has contributed to what people hear on songs like Breaking News and Keep Your Head Up. This, is a whole different situation, whereas I can hear Michael on the first two songs, I for the first time, do not hear Michael at all in this. You can't preach to me something that I already understand and have been preaching to others.

So now that you can't hear MJ on Monster, can't you understand how people may not be able to hear him on Breaking News? You are not the first person to claim people were influenced by The Jacksons only to claim to not be able to hear MJ on this track.

Personally, to me, it sounds like the same voice on all three songs: if that voice is Michael Jackson, so be it, though I cannot recognize the voice as Michael Jackson's.
I dont understand why if the casios say they will be diff on alb n we are hoping the real mj sings...did they officially put the fake or nearly fake track breaking news on the website?
You know Sony will **** you up and make you purchase the whole album just like D2 on TII ;) Couldnt DL them individually
i used to like this song. but then, a longer leak came out. that aint no michael jackson. and plus, the song isnt that good. casios ruined this album. but i am going to download the rest of the six songs. downloaded HMH already.
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Ok guys,I've read almost all the pages from the thread and I realized that most of them are about the fact that the song itself it's fake or not.

Just to make an observation,there were separate threads to discuss these things,we are talking about the song here not about if it's fake or not.

About this,why would Sony fake the songs?They have a full archive of MJ songs.Again why would they fake them?More than this,why would the BUY the songs if they were fake from the beginning?Why would the Cascios sell fake songs as they were good friends of MJ?Why would Sony release fake songs?Why would they risk they're entire company just because of an album?Why would they risk they're best selling artist just for 3 songs?
I've had enough of this discussions.Everywhere I go I see people talking about this over and over and over and over.I'm SICK of this.

People say: `It's not MJ I CAN trust my ears`.I also can say the same damn thing just that it sounds like MJ.Does it make it more plausible?NO!
I'm tired of this discussions on every thread I visit.I'm tired of people being rude to each other just because of the damn songs and I want people to think twice about it.

I'm not saying I want you to have the same opinion at me nor I am trying to be rude too,I'm just trying to explane that NO ONE can tell for sure what's going on.All we can do is wait.All we got for now is the announcement from The Estate and the forthcoming one from the Cascios.Believe it or not,it's your decision...

It sounds different,so?I saw people who said `Shout` was fake.Most of you wanted an official announcement from The Estate and you got it.Now what,you say that they are lying?Give me a break really...This is one of the reasons people won't be happy.

I know you say that I am weird.I enjoy the songs,they sound like Michael but I also have a weird feeling.Above all this I really enjoy them and can't wait for the album.All we can do now is just wait for the Cascio statement,but I also believe some of you won't be happy even if they have proof that the songs are real.

Beside this,you are all suing Sony,even though they are just promoting it.The track list was chosen by The Estate.

Back on topic...the song is amazing.Just from the snippets I listened to it sounds very good.I like the rhythm.From what I've read on other threads this is not the final version of the song.I think it will sound even better.As for the 50 Cent part I don't know what to say.Maybe it'll be good.

Can't wait for more of this song,it's very catchy and I had it on replay all day long!I hope it'll be the next single.

I know I will be hated for this post but I don't care.I just wanted to express my feelings about the whole situation.

Very good promo $ONY! Very good!

More and more people and fans don't want to buy the album....

Thanks to the Cascios, $ONY and the Estate!

Well done.

A futur FLOP is coming.
I know I will be hated for this post but I don't care.I just wanted to express my feelings about the whole situation.

since when do michael's fans have to be hated when they express their thoughts for one of his songs. we all have the right to express our thoughts and concerns about the album because we are all fans of michael, those who support the album, and those who don't.