Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! Update p20 [Merged]

Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Am I crazy, I don't see anything wrong with that particular picture.

Bolded part= very true. From time to time, they do select the most random & unflattering pictures of MJ.

I didn't find that picture bad either, its just a general statement to what TMZ do. Very rarely do they print a good picture which is disgusting as there are so many. Yes there are a few bad pictures, like there are bad pictures of us all, but TMZ always use them. It pisses me off.
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Thanks. And i'm sorry you guys in South America and Africa and the Asia countries are continuing to be ignored. Hopefully you guys will get to be apart of all these upcoming projects.

These folks that are making these decisions have to know there is so much more money to be made in these other countries.

There hasn't been an official list of countries or cities that will be included in this tour- so don't upset yourselves before any official word is out there.
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

I did not like the Elvis connection.

I saw some videos of "Viva Elvis" and they are not as good as the Beatles.

But we can not compare the material/music/legend of Elvis with the material/music/legend of the Beatles and Michael Jackson.

With all due respect to Elvis fans, there is no comparison.

Exactly- you have to consider the talent here. Michael's music, dance moves and overall entertainment value was superbly above Elvis- so I would not draw any conclusions. The exec producer only works with the resources he has and he has plently of amazng resources with Michael!

Besides, the estate and Cirque made sure to tell the fans that the show will be pushing the envelope as far as entertainment and technological advances the same way Michael would have wanted.
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

MJ's Cirque Show -- The Elvis Connection

Originally posted 21 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

I think he looks pretty good actually- not too much makeup , and I love the glasses. (I personally never liked that hairstyle he adopted in the last few years) but other than that he looks good.
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Bolded part= very true. From time to time, they do select the most random & unflattering pictures of MJ.

Like the one from the ..' Arnie Klein: I Did Not Betray Michael Jackson' story

with all the weird shadows on it. gggr.

I hope it does come to the UK but to be honest I'd like to have an excuse to go to Vegas anyway :D!
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

This is really exciting. I really want to see this show. I will be held so close to where I live too!
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

TMZ loves choosing unflattering photos.

Love your sig! Do you happen to have a full version by any chance?
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

I'm still looking for a reasonable answer to just how/ideas/suggestions for Michael's "estate" to continue making money for his children; or just let it go and let things fall as they may, no new ventures?

Somehow things will just fall in place in r/t sustaining and pursuing Michael's music, old and new, for years to come with each new generation? Exactly whom is supposed to do this, and how?

His music will live on forever in OUR hearts, no doubt. But does that mean we should just let any future endeavors be ignored for the years ahead of us?

In all honesty, not trying to downplay the feelings of some, but I'm looking for thoughts and answers r/t other concepts. Someone/entity has to step up and continue the legacy if Sony doesn't. What are other's suggestions on how to do this?

Seriously, for those hating on Sony, Cirque, etc., give some concrete ideas for those of us in disagreement. Or, do we just let things go. Nothing more. This truly is it, period.
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Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Michael always was about spirituality but not about money. This is why I do not care what Branca and Co are doing. They can make 100 good deals but they did not work that hard when Mj was alive. It is business for them and nothing to do with MJ and his legacy. MJ kids imo will never be able to control estate cos estate will be under control of "right" ppl always.

I hear what you're saying, but don't hear any alternatives. Again asking, just what ideas would you or anyone suggest?
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

There is nothing you can do about it. We just have to KNOW that. This is important for our own spirituality. We have to worry about MJ legacy , not about Branca's making money. We are here for a short time to learn things. I hope you understand what I mean.

In all due respect, I do not worry about Branca making money, and I do not think along the lines of Michael's hisory in the short term. To respect Michael's legacy I believe there must be some sort of control of his vast musical and humanitarian endeavors. Someone with stability, knowledge, and respect for Michael and his vision. I know what I feel and understand about the subject, and I respect other's opinions even though I do not agree.:flowers:
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Why I am not happy about Estate making money? Why nobody bothered making good deals when MJ was alive and he was pushed to do his 50 shows cos he had no money? Branca is shady person imo. The best thing for Michael's legacy would be children's festivals, children's day etc.imo MJ Estate is making money? Good for them. I do not care.

With all due respect, but you need to understand that this MJ ESTATE IS MICHAEL JACKSON, and I'm sure you care about Michael, don't you? Michael was a business man, he knew he was a business entity, and in order to support his many charitable causes he needed to make money. Michael had worked with Branca for many many years and respected him very much as a brilliant businessman. Michael appointed him as his executor until his children are old enough to take over. Michael wanted to be immortal- he wanted his legacy to continue. In order to continue with his legacy (humanitarian causes, children charities, music, etc) you need to generate money. You cannot continue anything w/o $$$. Michael wanted Branca etal to go all out and make these deals to keep his legacy alive. Branca, etal have done a brilliant job thus far. Remember they also need to make money to retire his enormous debt, and once the estate starts making tons of profits then 20% of it can go to Michael's charities.

So, if you love Michael, and you want his name attached to all these children's festivals and children's day, etc, etc, like I do and his millions of fans I'm sure, then you should also pray and hope that the estate makes tons and tons of money, because unfortunately, none of these enterprises can happen without money.

I for one would like to see his musical legacy and his humanitarian legacy to be spread like wild fire for generations and generations to come. I know Michael would love that.
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

So, if you love Michael, and you want his name attached to all these children's festivals and children's day, etc, etc, like I do and his millions of fans I'm sure, then you should also pray and hope that the estate makes tons and tons of money, because unfortunately, none of these enterprises can happen without money.

I for one would like to see his musical legacy and his humanitarian legacy to be spread like wild fire for generations and generations to come. I know Michael would love that.

I agree. I don't understand fans who are whining about this. Sometimes I have the feeling they just whine for the sake of whining about something.

Michael would love this! To him it was very important that his legacy should live on the way Elvis' or the Beatles' does. Children's festivals alone won't do that, I'm sorry.

Yes, it's very sad that people didn't care this much about him when he was still living. But that's so with everybody. Elvis's sales too were boosted after his death. Just like the Beatles' after Lennon's. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, that's just the way it is with people.
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

I agree. I don't understand fans who are whining about this. Sometimes I have the feeling they just whine for the sake of whining about something.

Michael would love this! To him it was very important that his legacy should live on the way Elvis' or the Beatles' does. Children's festivals alone won't do that, I'm sorry.

Yes, it's very sad that people didn't care this much about him when he was still living. But that's so with everybody. Elvis's sales too were boosted after his death. Just like the Beatles' after Lennon's. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, that's just the way it is with people.

Very well said. Also, I think fans get too emotionally wrapped up that they don't undersand that this is exactly what Michael really wanted. They should be happy not whine! And what he wanted is what Branca is doing right now. Michael would absolutely love all this! He is smiling from the heavens right now!
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Sorry gys, but I have no respect for Branca, Frank Delio ,Tohme and other shady ppl around Michael. Keep in mind that MJ fired Branca and “rehired” him (which I do not believe) suddenly just two weeks before MJ died. I do not believe Branca and what he is doing. I do not believe that MJ will is real either. Regarding to charities. Because I do not trust Branca one bit, I do not know what kind of charities those money will go to. They could be not real at all, I mean fake. Branca was working for many years on charity field. Keep it in mind pls.
Kids festivals, children’s day, fans efforts to keep Michael’s legacy alive is nothing to do with what MJ estate is doing now.
Those ppl make money for themselves first and MJ name is just a tool to make more. Corporate greed is a live and doing well.. Get real here. Those ppl who control MJ estate and entertainer's business in general in Hollywood do not care about MJ legacy. I will be more than happy if some day MJ kids will take control of MJ estate but I think by the time they grow up a lot of things will change. I have a feeling that those kids will see just a little what their father left. Some day we maybe will see that somebody will sue MJ estate for another 300 million dollars etc.
If you are happy about Branca and Estate in general , good for you. I am not.

But ask yourself, why everything looked so bad from financial point of view when Michael was a live and had no money even to pay rent? Why nobody worked that hard before? Why AEG was paying his rent? I would say more but I am afraid that this kind of discussion will not be allowed here.

Take care.

I honestly keep trying to understand your point of view, but can't. What you are saying is that Michael's estate should not be involved in securing an ongoing income for his children for the future until they come of age and can become more involved? You feel that is Katherine's desire as well as Michael's children's if they were old enough to have complete knowledge of how a musical empire is maintained? Just let things fall where they may with no future vision? Michael's estate IS the children, and someone has to maintain it until they come of age, or am I missing something here?

Of course Branca etal will be taking a percentage for their work, as would any other entity involved in this vast and complicated musical endeavor. But who gains the most percentage wise? Seems the percentages would indicate the heirs, or am I missing something-

Children's festivals, children's day, etc., all well and good from the esoteric point of view. But just who is better suited to handle the music empire to guarantee it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, or taken for a ride by other less than able or knowledgeable people out there even more interested in making everything they can on Michael's coattails?

Who is a better choice to make sure that Michael's legacy and humanitarian efforts will continue on? All I'm looking for is input for better ideas if the current situation is not viewed as such. Who would be screaming from the rooftops if things just went to hell in a handbasket at the hands of lesser experienced/knowledgeable people? Just get Branca and co. out of there and let the chips fall as they may? :scratch:
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

If MJ's estate should not be in charge of MJ's music/finances/and entertainment related plans who should??? His mom? his dad? his brothers? his kids? Well Sorry to say but I don't think any of them are really capable of running it a good way. (I'm not saying I will agree with all the things his estate choses, and who knows maybe I'll think some stuff is very damaging in the future.. IDK I cant predict the future) BUT, I think Joseph for example has definatly shown he cant manage finances, and/or business ventures well. Katherine would not even want to.. His brothers: if they knew what to do when it came to this type of thing, they would not have to depend on Michael for there careers, and i might get hate for this, but Michael carried his brothers.. His children are, well children.. While I don't trust alot of people around Michael and of course many of them only look for there benifit.. But I'll say this.. There are a selected few that do care about Michael within his estate which will consider his leagacy, and for those who only look out for themselves, its there best interest to highten Michaels leagacy because it means $$$$ for them. If they really think about themselves they will do the right things to make the most amount of money possible.. the bigger Michael is the bigger there checks are. simple as that.. They can't think as Michael would.. Michael had the greatest understanding of what will sell and what people want, so we cannot expect complete Michael standards.. But they will work there butts off to try
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

So ASEDORA what is your alternative? We're still waiting to hear. You don't trust anybody around Michael so what to you want? For Michael to disappear and slowly be forgotten? If you are a fan - you should know and have listened to the many interviews Michael made about how he wanted to be immortal through his music- "he wanted to bind his soul to his music". The only way to do this is to secure deals like the ones his executors are doing at the moment. Michael as a businessman knew this had to happen. Wake up to the real world- money makes the world go round or don't you know? Of course his executors are making money what do you expect? Michael had managers, assistants, employees that worked for him - all of them made money from him. Again the estate is Michael Jackson - his estate are his children and his charities, that's reality so live with it!
The estate's executors are in charge of his estate and their sole purpose is to make money for Michael Jackson and his children. And that is exactly what they are doing. You want his family to take care of it? Do you trust his greedy father Joe and his greedy, lazy ass brothers and sisters to take care of his estate? They would have ran it to the ground if they would have taken over that is a fact!! Michael fired his father as his mgr before Off the Wall because he didn't think he was a good business mgr, and he was correct! He distanced himself from his family because they only wanted his money and depended on him for their livelihoods. I am being blunt because that is the only way to explain it straight forward.

These fans that are whining and complaining about all the ppl working on the estate have no real and concrete basis for their complaints or fears or whatever. Michael again made the right decisions in appointing these executors and yes the will is legitimate!

I agree with BGZ and KOPV also, but had to put my own take on it as I am increasingly frustrated with these so called fans raining on everybody's parade, and not being well informed about this very complicated entertainment business called "estates".

The Cirque du Soleil show is going to be amazing, and I plan to support it as a true MJ fan. Michael is smiling so much from heaven I am giddy with excitement! Good for Branca etal- they got it right!:clapping:
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

tricia70, KOPV, BGZ & respect77, I agree with you guys!!!

People coming to this talk "fired and rehired J. Branca" forget this fact in no way affects John Branca to be one of executors of Will of Michael.

Even if Michael had not rehired J. Branca, this does not affect anything that he is one of executors of Will. If Michael no longer wanted him as one of executors of his Will, Michael should have remade his Will.

If Michael did not like money, I think he would have left his entire fortune to the children of Africa. And would not have fought so bravely to keep the catalog, I think he would not have been the work to buy the catalog.

I'm so HAPPY the MJ Estate signs with Cirque du Soleil!!

Now I want to see all the haters who always said that Michael was/would always be an artist quite inferior to the Beatles & Elvis!
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

Im not saying of who should or should not be in MJ's estate.. All I'm saying is Mj's estate should be in charge of what goes on with his buisness.. If I were to hand pick the people most would be different..OF COURSE IM EXCITED FOR THIS SHOW I CANT WAIT YAYAYY
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

yes it is. the estate is repping him and doing things in his name.as mj set it up to be like this.

i guess some ppl dont have a clue as to what an estate is and what its job is

But ask yourself, why everything looked so bad from financial point of view when Michael was a live and had no money even to pay rent? Why nobody worked that hard before? Why AEG was paying his rent? I would say more but I am afraid that this kind of discussion will not be allowed here.
mj was paying his rent in vegas fine thanks. when he moved back to L.A is was to work on the shows. dam right hes going to get AEG to pay for re homing when hes moving back to L.A for them

Why nobody worked that hard before?
who didnt work that hard. branca and maclain werent working for mj then. branca came back in late on but mclain wasnt around. mj had talks with the cirus ppl on and off for years but nothing happenened.the fact is is things are happening now because mj isnt here. mj had things offered to him in the past but nothing ever became of it. now hes not here although its not the best thing to say there is no stummbling block. and it is the job of the estate to make as much money as possible for the estate and its heirs. in a way that mj would approve of. thats what executors do. i guess you dont understand their role and job
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

This has gone massively off topic. Can we get back to Cirque du Soleil please?
Re: Michael Jackson Estate Signs Huge Deal With Cirque du Soleil! ALL THREADS

cant wait for the first show!!

Cirque du soleil shows

Robin_Leach :

Full 20 minute world xclusive DanieL Lamarre interview with ALL Michael Jackson show details will be posted Wednesday Truly incredible info
9 minutes ago via Echofon

No look alike no sound alike We get the real MJ thanks to most advanced technology created specially for Vegas. Michael in full 3D around us
14 minutes ago via Echofon

MJ touring show will be largest arena road show ever staged & shipped around the world. This Is It London rehearsal videos will be shown
17 minutes ago via Echofon

The 2nd @michaelJackson show will open in Las Vegas in 2013. Casino theater will be decided after arena rock show.
20 minutes ago via Echofon

Show will run 90+ mins Tickets go on sale in 25 US cities plus overseas capitals Nov 3. Launch will be made from Los Angeles.
23 minutes ago via Echofon

It will also go on world tour Cirque chief Daniel LaMarre tells meshow is 100% completed. Feature "20+ MJ hits 70+musicians dancers acrobats
27 minutes ago via Echofon

@michaeljackson arena show will open @Mandalay Bay Dec 15 next year It will play twice nightly for 60 days & then start 2year NAmerican tour
31 minutes ago via Echofon

World exclusive. Tickets for Cirque du Soleil's 1st Michael Jackson show @Mandalay Bay go on sale in 2 weeks time. November 3
about 1 hour ago via Echofon

@MichaelJackson shows World Exclusive coming next on Twitter. Give me few moments to get notes in order
about 1 hour ago via Echofon
Re: Cirque du soleil shows

OMG!!! Epic...MJ in 3D

Great find Marc

Re: Cirque du soleil shows

ahhhhh i better move to vegas b4 then !!!