Michael Jackson death had more impact Than 9/11

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them comments are just awesome indranee :D

Yes... the comments are awesome.
Most of them are so honest and classy and say so much about the wonderful man Michael is. I repeat: the wonderful man MICHAEL IS. He IS.
Yes... the comments are awesome.
Most of them are so honest and classy and say so much about the wonderful man Michael is. I repeat: the wonderful man MICHAEL IS. He IS.

Yep, you got that right :yes:
No offense to the poster, but that is a bunch of BS. I have seen comments from other nations that were just as bad if not worst towards Michael. May I remind people that the infamous nickname was not made in American. Nor, it is use still in most major newspapers. So before you start throwing rocks, you should do your homework first.

I also failed to see how the media caused 9/11. The last time I check, a bunch of terrorists were the ones who decided to ram planes through buildings. I do not believe in the whole conspiracy that the government caused 9/11, but it did fail to meet the warning signs to prevent it. But, that is a different discussion altogether.

The media did not 'kill' Michael. If anything, it was human nature that killed him. Which includes everyone.

I don't think he's saying it was ONLY the American media responsible for Mike's ruin. but safe to say they were the ringleaders. I was there, watching, for the last 20 years at least. I saw it with my own eyes.

as for 9/11 -- that's a whole 'nother can'o'worms. we'd need to go private for that. have you read the 9/11 commission reports? if not, it's a good start.
9/11 impacted the U.S.

Michael's death affected those whose hearts he touched. The entire world.
the American media and government don't give a crap about non-American deaths. the whole world can go up in flames as far as they're concerned. as long as America is hale and hearty, who gives a f**k? that's the attitude around here. believe it. it's the cold, hard truth. I ain't exaggerating.

You forget one important fact. 9/11 was not just a tragedy because of the amount of lives lost. It was tragedy because it was a 'man made' event. The tsunami was terrible for everyone involve, but it was an act of god. It was not something that could of had been prevented.

9/11 did not need to happen. Those people did not need to die that day. No one deserves to die like that. I did not lost anyone that day, so it does not personally effect me. However, I am not blind to the mass murder that happen. You cannot compare the murder of thousands to an act of god. Because one of them did not need to happen.

Some people here need to get off there high horse and realize that 9/11 was not just a terrible event, but an act of mass murder by people who took a religion and corrupted it to its will. That is the real tragedy of 9/11.
It's nice to see people not blame all muslims for 9/11...some however are not open minded.

I am a muslim. I do not believe in terrorism. As a muslim, we believe killing one innocent human is like killing the whole of living mankind. I do not know where these terrorists get their facts and information from...they seemed to have been brainwashed because it sure doesn't say in our holy book that it is acceptable. They are a minority. There are different casts of Islam like there are in Christianity (e.g. Roman Catholics) and these Terrorists are usually from a casts that are very extremists. They think their doing a good thing...when in fact I'm pretty sure they will be going straight to hell. You do not kill innocent people and get away with it.


I am of the believe that all extremism is BAD to humanity, to the Earth we've inherited, to nature itself.

No race, nor gender, nor country, nor religion, nor economic status, nor health capacity, nor sexual identity/orientation, nor any condition - makes anyone better than the other.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said - let the content of man not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.

That goes the same for all the aforementioned conditions above.
Apology accepted - :)

ummm yeah i know you're entitled to your opinion. My comment for your post was

The other part[P.S.] part is for the writer of the article that we are talking about! not you. Sorry if it seemed like I was talking about what you said.:scratch:

I don't think he's saying it was ONLY the American media responsible for Mike's ruin. but safe to say they were the ringleaders. I was there, watching, for the last 20 years at least. I saw it with my own eyes.

as for 9/11 -- that's a whole 'nother can'o'worms. we'd need to go private for that. have you read the 9/11 commission reports? if not, it's a good start.

Sorry, but anything can be made into a big conspiracy theory, just like the moon landing. Unless you have solid proof and not just connect the dots evidence, then it was cause by terrorists.
You forget one important fact. 9/11 was not just a tragedy because of the amount of lives lost. It was tragedy because it was a 'man made' event. The tsunami was terrible for everyone involve, but it was an act of god. It was not something that could of had been prevented.

9/11 did not need to happen. Those people did not need to die that day. No one deserves to die that die. I did not lost anyone that die, so it does not personally effect me. However, I am not blind to the mass murder that happen. You cannot compare the murder of thousands to and act of god. Because one of them did not need to happen.

Some people here need to get off there high horse and realize that 9/11 was not just a terrible event, but an act of mass murder by people who took a religion and corrupted it to its will. That is the real tragedy of 9/11.

uhh FTW?!

did I say anywhere in my post that 9/11 needed to happen?!!!

come again Ramona?!?!?!

oh, and btw, I lost someone very dear to me that day. so stop and think before you post about this and use ad hominem attacks against me. you don't know me, I don't know you. so stop ASSuming.
Sorry, but anything can be made into a big conspiracy theory, just like the moon landing. Unless you have solid proof and not just connect the dots evidence, then it was cause by terrorists.

uhh, the 9/11 Commission Report was a GOVERNMENT commission hun.

look it up sometime before mouthing the hell off.

uhh FTW?!

did I say anywhere in my post that 9/11 needed to happen?

come again Ramona?!?!?!

I was referring to the comparison between the tsunami and 9/11. You agreed with a poster that the tsunami was a more terrible event and 9/11 was all about America. I simply put what happen in preparative.

The tsunami was terrible, but ultimately an act of mother nature. 9/11 was far worst because it was an act by the evil of man using an religion to justify their cause. To me, that is far worst than anything god can do.

It has nothing to do with just being American.

PS: I do know the 9/11 Commission Report was a GOVERNMENT commission, so what are you taking about?

These kind of senseless arguments contribute a whole lot to the negative vibe of MJJC.
If you wish to argue about this, take it somewhere else!

I was referring to the comparison between the tsunami and 9/11. You agreed with a poster that the tsunami was a more terrible event and 9/11 was all about America. I simply put what happen in preparative.

The tsunami was terrible, but ultimately an act of mother nature. 9/11 was far worst because it was an act by the evil of man using an religion to justify their cause. To me, that is far worst than anything god can do.

It has nothing to do with just being American.

yes and I never made the comparison.

so look up the correct post and poster and reply to THEM.

you need to get off YOUR high horse and stop lumping every poster into one basket. oh, and also, you need to stop reacting kneejerk-fashion every time you don't like something I post on the surface. a deeper examination of what I am saying might yield better results.

I am not here to 'fight' with you or anyone else. this board is a refuge for me, not a battlefield. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY. thank you.
yes and I never made the comparison.

so look up the correct post and poster and reply to THEM.

you need to get off YOUR high horse and stop lumping every poster into one basket. oh, and also, you need to stop reacting kneejerk-fashion every time you don't like something I post on the surface. a deeper examination of what I am saying might yield better results.

I am not here to 'fight' with you or anyone else. this board is a refuge for me, not a battlefield. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY. thank you.

the American media and government don't give a crap about non-American deaths. the whole world can go up in flames as far as they're concerned. as long as America is hale and hearty, who gives a f**k? that's the attitude around here. believe it. it's the cold, hard truth. I ain't exaggerating.

ETA. actually, if the whole world goes up in flames and America is left untouched, the American media will be jubilant! imagine all the coverage. them pundits will rake in a TON yapping away day and night on cable and probably even A&E will be covering it non-stop, CNN be damned. and the government? they'll be ecstatic to be left the only superpower... err... country on god's green earth.

yes, sir. believe it. I speak the truth. ;)

These are the quotes I am responding to you about.

Btw, I am not given a knee-jerk reaction as you put it. I am perfectly calm and explaining why I think you are wrong. This my opinion on the situation. You're the one who seems to take personally offense to my comments.

However, I made my point, so I do not feel the need to go in circles with you about the subject. You can go on with your feelings about the American media all you want. However, no media is innocent, so you should talk about them as well.
I'm sensing this thread is going to close...

I hate the Bad Vibe. I don't understand why members need to retailate to members they feel that are attacking them and responding by attacking them back?? That's hyprocritical.

Two wrongs don't make a right.


I am of the believe that all extremism is BAD to humanity, to the Earth we've inherited, to nature itself.

No race, nor gender, nor country, nor religion, nor economic status, nor health capacity, nor sexual identity/orientation, nor any condition - makes anyone better than the other.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said - let the content of man not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.

That goes the same for all the aforementioned conditions above.

:clapping::clapping: Reps! :D
These are the quotes I am responding to you about.

Btw, I am not given a knee-jerk reaction as you put it. I am perfectly calm and explaining why I think you are wrong. This my opinion on the situation. You're the one who seems to take personally offense to my comments.

However, I made my point, so I do not feel the need to go in circles with you about the subject. You can go on with your feelings about the American media all you want. However, no media is innocent, so you should talk about them as well.

okay, and pray tell, where in those two posts have I mentioned a natural disaster as opposed to 9/11? and whatever I said about the American media and the government not giving crap about what happens in and to the rest of the world is the cold, hard truth. when push comes to shove, America will only care about America.

as for the American media, look up who their overlords are sometime. i.e., who pays their rents. that research alone will tell you I am more right than wrong.
I'm sensing this thread is going to close...

I hate the Bad Vibe. I don't understand why members need to retailate to members they feel that are attacking them and responding by attacking them back?? That's hyprocritical.

Two wrongs don't make a right.


okay, okay, I am sorry, Naad. I didn't mean to do this. I'll shut up. I'm really crabby today and it's time for bed anyway. forgive me Naad, I didn't mean to spoil it for ya.

mods, please delete my posts if you want.

"Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling." :lol:

"Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from

I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them. - George Bush :lol:

some comic relief... :D

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"Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling." :lol:

"Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from

I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them. - George Bush :lol:

some comic relief... :D


Yeah, we all need it.

Here's some jokes I received via email today:

One year, a husband decided to buy his mother-in-law a cemetery plot

as a Christmas gift.

The next year, he didn't buy her a gift.

When she asked him why, he replied, "Well, you still haven't used the

gift I bought you last year!"

And that's how the fight started.....


My wife walked into the den & asked "Whats on the tv?"
I replied "Dust".

And that's how the fight started.....


A woman is standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
She is not happy with what she sees and says to her husband, 'I feel

horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a


The husband replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.'

And that's how the fight started.....


My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming
anniversary. She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 200

in about 3 seconds.

I bought her a scale.

And that's how the fight started.....


I asked my wife, 'Where do you want to go for our anniversary?'
It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation.

'Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!' she said.

So I suggested, 'How about the kitchen?'

And that's when the fight started....


My wife and I are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were

in bed. I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to have sex?'

'No,' she answered.

I then said, 'Is that your final answer?'

She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying 'Yes.'

So I said, 'Then I'd like to phone a friend.'

And that's when the fight started....


I tried to talk my wife into buying a case of Miller Light for $14.95.

Instead, she bought a jar of cold cream for $7.95. I told her the beer

would make her look better at night than the cold cream.

And that's when the fight started.....

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took my
order first.

'I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please.'

He said, 'Aren't you worried about the mad cow?'

'Nah, she can order for herself.'

And that's when the fight started.....

Nuff said……………….
okay, okay, I am sorry, Naad. I didn't mean to do this. I'll shut up. I'm really crabby today and it's time for bed anyway. forgive me Naad, I didn't mean to spoil it for ya.

mods, please delete my posts if you want.


It's ok :hug:, we all have our irritable days where we feel moody. Don't worry, mwah x x
I am so sorry for the people who lost their family and friends in that awful day, but Michael's death is devastating to me. I cried like have never cried before in my life. It was as if someone yanked my heart out of my chest. Michael was a gift to humanity that reached into our very heart and soul through the message that he gave us. It was one of hope and love and light. It was a message that urged us to do right by each other. Until now, when I think about him or what he suffered, I will cry like a baby. I don't want how I could get rid of the pain, I missed him everyday. :weeping:
You described well how I feel. I have never felt something this horrible in my life. And after loving him with all my soul for so many years, I always knew that if I lived to see the day when I turned on CNN to that news.... that I would be destroyed, shattered, utterly devasted. I couldn't imagine how I'd have gone on. And man did I have that right, from that first horrible moment I collapsed onto the couch. OMG, no. So personally, MJ being gone is definitely more impactful. My God, it is. The world is not the same and never will be without Michael here with us. I still have moments when I can't believe this is reality. :no:

That said, I can see that for some 9/11 is at the top of the list because it was a great loss of life and was such a shock (like MJ for us) and because of the actions that it spawned (more death, more destruction, fear, religious hatred, on and on). As for the shock part, I mean America being attacked like that? It was like being thrown into an alternate and insane universe for people across the world. In fact, I realized this summer that 9/11 and MJ dying are similar in that respect. It's like one moment you're suddenly thrown into a parallel universe, thinking this simply cannot be reality, any second you're going to wake up. Remember the people jumping from the buildings and the chaos? Especially watching the towers fall to oblivion. It's history to us now, but jeeez, at the time for months afterwards it was like impossible. How could that happen?! That doesn't happen! Even in post-apocalyptic movies the steel is just bent, but it remains standing! It's like MJ being gone in that respect... it was just not comprehensible. Someone loved by soooo many, someone so wonderful, someone about to see us in London can't just be fine one minute and dead the next! I honestly had moments when I believed it could be possible that the sheer outpouring of love for him could bring him back, like revive him by some magic. Seriously. I had the thought. Who else has ever been loved by so many, so intensely at the time they crossed over? NO ONE. And we couldn't save him? Shocking again.

Yeah, so, sorry for rambling onto a weird tangent, but MJ and 9/11 ... jeesh, they're both up there at the top. But for me personally... it's losing Michael :weeping:
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Breaking news! the world doesn't revolve around USA!
did anyone care about the people who died in Madrid? No. it's all about Americaaa, their pain is always more important than other people's pain. what about the thousands of innocent people killed in the Middle East by americans I guess they were suppose to die right? is that how you expect compassion with the "eye for an eye" mentality? I do feel sorry for the 9/11 victims but it doesn't justify in any way what americans did after that

anyway...yes to ME Michael's death was more important than 9/1. now leave me alone

I'm not justifying the Iraq War, I'm saying that that day had more impact on the world than Michael Jackson's death.

This isn't about YOUR opinion, because the world does not revolve around YOU. We all felt pain when Michael died, and maybe some of us felt worse about MJ's death than 9/11. But take off the blinders, because 9/11 is one of the most important events in the history of the world, and Michael Jackson's death is not. In fact, Michael's far greater effect occurred while he was alive.

Despite the fact that many Michael fans seem not to realize this, Michael Jackson was a human being; he was not immortal. His death, while tragic and sudden, was something that was going to happen.

And, PLEASE everyone, stop saying that 9/11 only affected the US. It's probably the single most important world event of the last 50 years.
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Oh, God. Now this has turned into a political thread hating on America and accusing George Bush of blowing up his own buildings and killing his own citizens.

That's nice, I guess. You are all welcome to your opinions, even if some of them are borderline insane and biased.

But, for God's sake, step outside of your Michael Jackson fandom for a moment and realize there's an entire freaking world out there.

The issue isn't which has affected us personally, it's what has had more of an effect on the entire world. People who honestly think that Michael Jackson's mortal death has had more impact than the events of 9/11 are completely delusional.

And, FWIW, I hate the Iraq War and think it was completely unjustified.
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I guess it depends on the type of impact we're referring to. An economical impact? Or an emotional one?
ok. i understand if in the US 9/11 was more important but WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD??? mj 's death effected me more than anything i've ever seen on tv
Okay, first of all, we need to stop calling each other delusional and insane. If you guys can't have a debate about something without insulting each other, then just agree to disagree.

Secondly, there is no comparison between the two issues being discussed. They are incomparable and they both impacted the world for different reasons.

9/11 was tragic and resulted in innocent lives being lost. The actual 9/11 attacks on America only really impacted America. It didn't impact the rest of the world until Bush had subsequently declared war against other parts of the world. Men, women and children were killed over a political issue. It was unnecessary. I think much of the world responded with anger and disgust, more so than sadness and devastation. Worldwide, I don't think it had as much as an impact as it did on the countries and people involved. The opinions will differ depending on where you are from and what you believe.

MJ's death was completely different. It had an impact, but in a different way. It had an impact in the entertainment world. It had impacted pop culture. It had a personal impact. Judging from the comments on that site, I think many saw MJ as a man struggling to survive in a world that was doing it utmost to destroy him and kill him, if not physically, then mentally and professionally. I saw it with my own eyes, I saw his face walking into that courtroom every day, I saw the pain, but I felt helpless. We all saw it. We saw an innocent man slowly being nailed to a cross but there was nothing anyone could do. We just all had to let it be. Some find MJ's death more upsetting because we watched him. We saw him grow up, we saw him in his highs and lows. We saw his strength but also his vulnerability. So in his death, it had a more personal impact, yet it was still so worldwide because everybody around the world who was ever touched by his music was impacted.

These two things can't be compared. Both had an impact in different ways.
ok. i understand if in the US 9/11 was more important but WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD??? mj 's death effected me more than anything i've ever seen on tv

And do you think people posting on mjjcommunity.com are an accurate sample of the world population when it comes to this issue?

Obviously, MJ's death is going to affect us more than it is other people.

Most people LOVED Michael Jackson's music and perhaps saw his talent as divine. But I highly doubt they would view his death (of which he was a partial contributor) at age 50 to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent lives.

If you guys can't have a debate about something without insulting each other, then just agree to disagree.

Sorry, but if you're going to allow a debate on this kind of subject you can't seriously expect it to remain civil. It's a bit of an emotional subject, don't you think?

It's also a bit strange you didn't speak on the issue when other members were ranting and raving anti-American sentiment and claiming that Bush (who I do not like at all, btw) set up these attacks and murdered his own citizens. If you don't stop the debate there, then you will get these type of responses.

In fact, I'd appreciate it if you lock the thread. There really isn't much it can accomplish within these parameters outside of starting a huge intra-MJ fan fight.
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Maybe this guy is just contributing to what he thinks is a problem. Perhaps he should've just shrugged/laughed it off and done a different piece.

This is a less-harsh version of the Peter King saga. This guy said the coverage of Michael Jackson made him sick, so instead of doing a video for troops, or just continuing on with his congressional duties, contributed to the very thing he said he was against.
And do you think people posting on mjjcommunity.com are an accurate sample of the world population when it comes to this issue?

Obviously, MJ's death is going to affect us more than it is other people.

Most people LOVED Michael Jackson's music and perhaps saw his talent as divine. But I highly doubt they would view his death (of which he was a partial contributor) at age 50 to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent lives.

Sorry, but if you're going to allow a debate on this kind of subject you can't seriously expect it to remain civil. It's a bit of an emotional subject, don't you think?

It's also a bit strange you didn't speak on the issue when other members were ranting and raving anti-American sentiment and claiming that Bush (who I do not like at all, btw) set up these attacks and murdered his own citizens. If you don't stop the debate there, then you will get these type of responses.

In fact, I'd appreciate it if you lock the thread. There really isn't much it can accomplish within these parameters outside of starting a huge intra-MJ fan fight.

u r on this site, and are beginning to showcase the ultimate reason why MJ was too good for this world. this is an MJ site..and there are people on it who are blaming MJ for his death. and the police, who have no interest in this, on an emotional basis, at all, are proving to be more sensible than those on here, who are doing that. the case hasn't even been solved yet.
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