Michael Jackson death had more impact Than 9/11

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Excuse me, but I think I'm entitled to my opinion. I wasn't attacking nor insinuating anything and I resent that you'd take it there.

You got me there...:agree:

P.S. :For the writer of this article, I wanna say that People's Opinion is theirs and weather you agree or not is your problem. You cant change what ppl. think and for this topic there is no right Or Wrong answer. We feel what we feel and one can not judge us by what we feel.

And for all of us here, one affected us more than the other, and for some it is the same hurt. But because one has a comment we dont agree with, we cant judge them by it. It's not our opinion, its someone else's!

I am not surprised.. MJ death hitted the heart not only of USA but also of the world.
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I hope this doesn't turn into a hatred thread...seriously, everyone has their own opinion on the matter. Learn to respect each other and Sirena, I don't think Earthlyme meant any harm.
I do not think its the American's peoples fault at all and I apologise if it seems like it came across that way. They are innocent in this as well. It's just the government that are messed up and unfortunately its the American people that have to live with it. The British government is just the same.

Excuse me, but I think I'm entitled to my opinion. I wasn't attacking nor insinuating anything and I resent that you'd take it there.

ummm yeah i know you're entitled to your opinion. My comment for your post was

You got me there...:agree:

The other part[P.S.] part is for the writer of the article that we are talking about! not you. Sorry if it seemed like I was talking about what you said.:scratch:

I paste some comments from the article, I agree most of them.

Dana says:
9/11 wass a great tragedy, but around the world there are so many tragedies, Irak, Afganistán, Darfur etc. People is dying but you forget this because you really don´t know that people. Michael was the greatest artist than ever lived he had a big impact in the entire World not only american people His death means a big loss in this planet.

Carrie says: What is he thinking that 911 should impact people more than Michael Jacksons death its not even comparable. 911 was a tragedy absolutely but how many tragedies are there around the world everyday... If you are going to say that about 911 than what about Katrina or the hundreds of other awful things that happen. Wow this guy was sure trying to stir the pot! Selfish American attitude. I am not even the biggest Michael Jackson fan but even I can see why it affected people more he left people with good memories weather it was listening to the Jackson 5 having fun or Thriller its something that will be in peoples hearts. Something that brings you back to a time that things were simpler. He spanned 45 years come on!

romi says: 9/11 happened because of HATE and negativity which MICHAEL JACKSON tried to disolve.HE wanted L.O.V.E. and Peace in this world.I'm an american &Yes 911 has affected me. But Not More than Michael's death. This man was a true symbol of LOVE And Peace. like some one already said, 9/11 happen every single day in other parts of the world. But Really America cares about ONLY America. It's not even our country, its the Native American's country. What about how many Slaves that were killed? how about how many Native Americans that were killed. That is also terrorism if you ask me.It's been happening in this country since white folks from Europe invaded it! So dont sit there and tell me that 911 is the only thing we should be thinking about. Those ppl.who are gone are in a better place. And Yes, Michael Jackson, Who has helped numerous people around the world has affected Me more than Anything that EVER happened the past decade or century!

Elizabeth says:
Hi, I'm from Canada and to me Michael Jackson's death was the most important event of the decade because we lost someone that even now, no one understands how amazing he was. An unparalled humanitarian, a gifted artist, a beloved father (son, brother, uncle), and an empathetic and sensitive soul. Why did America continue to vilify this man even when he was found not guilty. Don't you believe in your own system of laws? Too late you found you had an angel here on earth and you helped to kill his soul with a media that was hell bent on destroying what it did not understand. America will you ever learn?

I have been reading through this.. stunned that this topic is going on and what people are actually saying OUT LOUD... and am not planning adding fuel to this fire... what I think on the matter is not needed to be heard

but I find the comments quite by Elizabeth from Canada rather interesting..

I am wondering if Elizabeth from Canada lives under a rock or has not read a local newspaper in recent years.. I am Canadian and I can testify that our press here did no better for Michael's Legacy - I worked for CBC (Canadian Broadcasting System) for years and I saw it first hand - when I watched the trial in our local media area - everyday I was easily outnumbered 10 - 1 on who thought he was innocent... I hate reading generalizations like that...

Hey hun,

Well to tell you the truth, We dont know much about what Bush has done to make the U.S. behind. Esp. When he went to war in Iraq clearly knowing what he was looking for was not there! I personally dont like Bush but lets not make this a politics topic.

He has done many questionable things and really Never cared about other countries except America, Believe me I know first hand!...

And I personally dont think that ALL ARABS are responsible, Its Extremists that are destroying ppl. and things.

Tnx love!


I agree with your post Romi..I dont know what Bush was thinking.....and like yourself I DON"T blame all Arabs for what happened on 911.....I just thought that the posters statement was a little vulgar....it is good to be able to say what one means like we have hear....Thank You for helping me express my thoughts..:)..Also for the record..I did not vote for Bush..:)
I remember 9/11. it was on my 11th birthday.

for the lost of all the innocent souls in such a tragic death. it was very sad.

personally, I am more mentally/physically/emotionally damaged by MJ's napping.
Has everybody forgotten about the Boxing Day Tsunami that happened in 2004!!!!

Two Hundred Thousand people vanished in a blink of an eye. Small children left as orphans who have lost every family member they knew (Parents, Siblings, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Grandparents)!!!!

I'm sorry but 9/11 doesn't even compare to this!!!!

There is a world outside the USA!!!!!!!

9/11 was just a set-up for Bush to kill Saddam Hussain who had NO nuclear weapons.......And did Bush catch Bin Laden (who he had previously played Golf with (if he actually exists))???......NO!!!!!
Seems to me that this writer is seeking to gain attention by making a big deal out of nothing.

I don't see a link to the survey he refers to, nor does he seem to mention what tv station sponsored the poll.

What exactly is the question, anyway? He interprets it as 'what has had the most impact.' But the question was actually 'what was the top news story.' Are they really the same thing? Isn't it completely subjective anyhow?

I don't think there's much for him to be ranting about here, honestly.
I agree with your post Romi..I dont know what Bush was thinking.....and like yourself I DON"T blame all Arabs for what happened on 911.....I just thought that the posters statement was a little vulgar....it is good to be able to say what one means like we have hear....Thank You for helping me express my thoughts..:)..Also for the record..I did not vote for Bush..:)

:lol: :D

Thankyou hun.

I remember 9/11. it was on my 11th birthday.

for the lost of all the innocent souls in such a tragic death. it was very sad.

personally, I am more mentally/physically/emotionally damaged by MJ's napping.

Yes, Same here...

Off Topic: :lmao: @ your Siggy
...I LOVE IT!!!! :lol:

It's nice to see people not blame all muslims for 9/11...some however are not open minded.

I am a muslim. I do not believe in terrorism. As a muslim, we believe killing one innocent human is like killing the whole of living mankind. I do not know where these terrorists get their facts and information from...they seemed to have been brainwashed because it sure doesn't say in our holy book that it is acceptable. They are a minority. There are different casts of Islam like there are in Christianity (e.g. Roman Catholics) and these Terrorists are usually from a casts that are very extremists. They think their doing a good thing...when in fact I'm pretty sure they will be going straight to hell. You do not kill innocent people and get away with it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the Tsunami...that was really bad!

This decade has been messed up full stop. I hope the next decade will be better but I got a feeling its going to get more corrupt...
I wish the world would listen to MJ, I truly do because things like that wouldn't happen. I'm crying over 9/11 as I think about it. You guys remember MJ was tapping a show in NY the day before 9/11 happened and MJ was caught up in that.

I read somewhere (I think the "Fair and Balanced" Fox News :smilerolleyes:) that Michael "escaped" to New Jersey on 9/11. Can someone set me straight on where he was and what he did on that day?
It's nice to see people not blame all muslims for 9/11...some however are not open minded.

I am a muslim. I do not believe in terrorism. As a muslim, we believe killing one innocent human is like killing the whole of living mankind. I do not know where these terrorists get their facts and information from...they seemed to have been brainwashed because it sure doesn't say in our holy book that it is acceptable. They are a minority. There are different casts of Islam like there are in Christianity (e.g. Roman Catholics) and these Terrorists are usually from a casts that are very extremists. They think their doing a good thing...when in fact I'm pretty sure they will be going straight to hell. You do not kill innocent people and get away with it.

I know this is off topic ..but...Jeez you still have that beautiful siggy....it is quite distracting.....:yes:.....I love all the folks here on the forum and I would never want to hurt anyone's feelings because of their views on the world.....what we do all have in common is that we all Love Michael...that is why we come here every day...:)
Oh yeah, I forgot about the Tsunami...that was really bad!

This decade has been messed up full stop. I hope the next decade will be better but I got a feeling its going to get more corrupt...

Yes...The world is getting worse by the minute. Be it from Natural causes or Man made causes...We ain't seen Notin' Yet!!!:no:

This has to be the beginning of the end. If some one or if All of us in the world dont do something...our world will be HIStory! :(

God help us.

Shouldn't this thread be closed?

Mods, please close this thread or at least moved it to general discussion...

It has no relevance to the daily news of Michael J. at all!
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I know this is off topic ..but...Jeez you still have that beautiful siggy....it is quite distracting.....:yes:.....I love all the folks here on the forum and I would never want to hurt anyone's feelings because of their views on the world.....what we do all have in common is that we all Love Michael...that is why we come here every day...:)

It is isn't it :D

and Yeah. Michael brought everyone together. All MJ Fans are lovely!! I've been to other messageboards for other artists and they are not so nice to each other or have respect. MJ has the best fans. Period. :D
if i woke up from a deep sleep, and i saw MJ for the first time, i'd never know if he was american, because he was an ambassador for the ENTIRE WORLD.

despite the massive hate for MJ from haters and the media, MJ is looked at as a great healer, doer of great goodwill, evenly, around the WORLD. and, that, my friends, is the difference. that's why it's safe to say that it's understandable that some people may see the passing of MJ as more impacting.

the article writer needs to consider what impact, peoples' actions have on other people, and what reactions to expect, in return. it's the law of nature.

i sometimes wish that people wouldn't post certain threads on this site, because i am an honest person, and sometimes, i feel like people are setting me up to get kicked off this site, with posts that i would end up posting.

No person should blame you for being honest.
This couldn't have been said any better.
Great, great and honest post.
Well... I just would like to say that answers will vary from one person to other.
If you ask about the impact in MY world.... yes... MJ's passing has impacted MY world more, far more.
man, I looooooooooooooooooove the comments!!!

one sample:

you, the american media, killed Michael. and you, the media caused 911. so Michael's death impacted me more. but 911 impacted me greatly. Michael represented healing the world, and you, obviously, are against that. You made Michael and me into strangers, as i was desperately afraid that you caused him to believe that he no longer had american fans. i am an american.

and this one:

Dude, you gotta know this already! 9/11 happened because of HATE and negativity which MICHAEL JACKSON tried to disolve.HE wanted L.O.V.E. and Peace in this world.I'm an american &Yes 911 has affected me. But Not More than Michael's death. This man was a true symbol of LOVE And Peace. like some one already said, 9/11 happen every single day in other parts of the world. But Really America cares about ONLY America. It's not even our country, its the Native American's country. What about how many Slaves that were killed? how about how many Native Americans that were killed. That is also terrorism if you ask me.It's been happening in this country since white folks from Europe invaded it! So dont sit there and tell me that 911 is the only thing we should be thinking about. Those ppl.who are gone are in a better place. And Yes, Michael Jackson, Who has helped numerous people around the world has affected Me more than Anything that EVER happened the past decade or century!
It's all 4 L.O.V.

kudos to the commenters. oh man, Mike has such goshdarnit awesome fans!!! and I know he knows it :wub:
Yeah. 9/11 was extremely tragic but I think he's forgetting the hundreds and thousands of civilians dead in Iraq thanks to American troops.

the American media and government don't give a crap about non-American deaths. the whole world can go up in flames as far as they're concerned. as long as America is hale and hearty, who gives a f**k? that's the attitude around here. believe it. it's the cold, hard truth. I ain't exaggerating.

ETA. actually, if the whole world goes up in flames and America is left untouched, the American media will be jubilant! imagine all the coverage. them pundits will rake in a TON yapping away day and night on cable and probably even A&E will be covering it non-stop, CNN be damned. and the government? they'll be ecstatic to be left the only superpower... err... country on god's green earth.

yes, sir. believe it. I speak the truth. ;)
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man, I looooooooooooooooooove the comments!!!

one sample:

you, the american media, killed Michael. and you, the media caused 911. so Michael's death impacted me more. but 911 impacted me greatly. Michael represented healing the world, and you, obviously, are against that. You made Michael and me into strangers, as i was desperately afraid that you caused him to believe that he no longer had american fans. i am an american.

No offense to the poster, but that is a bunch of BS. I have seen comments from other nations that were just as bad if not worst towards Michael. May I remind people that the infamous nickname was not made in American. Nor, it is use still in most major newspapers. So before you start throwing rocks, you should do your homework first.

I also failed to see how the media caused 9/11. The last time I check, a bunch of terrorists were the ones who decided to ram planes through buildings. I do not believe in the whole conspiracy that the government caused 9/11, but it did fail to meet the warning signs to prevent it. But, that is a different discussion altogether.

The media did not 'kill' Michael. If anything, it was human nature that killed him. Which includes everyone.
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