Michael Jackson death had more impact Than 9/11

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I think this person has failed to realize that Michael was much more than 'just' a pop singer. Michael broke down racial barriers, knocked down walls of ignorance, paved the way for many musicians to come and changes many people's lives for the better.

Michael Jackson inspired people, gave to people, taught people, entertained people, healed people.

And Michael took from people. He took the hurt, the numerous lies, the false accusations, the prejudice, the shame. He took the fabrications the media came up with --often insulting and far-fetched-- and once again the ignorance of the majority of people who took what they read as the truth.

Michael Jackson taught us to love. He was himself no matter what the circumstances were, and taught us that it is okay to be who you want to be. To embrace the child inside you, and want nothing else but to be loved.

I'm sorry to see that the person who wrote the article doesn't "get it".

Completely agree with your post. :clapping:
What is really tragic is that people believe that 9/11 was done by "Arab terrorists" with box cutters and not the Bush government.
this article writer knew that Michael was more loved, or else, he wouldn't have put the footnote down. and he's very ignorant to think that people from around the world do not live in america. he really gives america a bad name.
What is really tragic is that people believe that 9/11 was done by "Arab terrorists" with box cutters and not the Bush government.

I dont think that is a very nice statement...Bush would never of done such a horrible tragic event like that ...why would you say something like that?
What is really tragic is that people believe that 9/11 was done by "Arab terrorists" with box cutters and not the Bush government.

Yep, you're absolutely right!!

America's corrupt politicians! Wars make money for some. Bush needed a reason to go to war.

It's shameful what the US has done to other countries, as well as what it did to Michael!!

Michael, the most incredible loving, giving, innocent, beauitiful spirit, cut down by his own country due to prejudice, ignorance, hate and greed. Pathetic! I'm soooo sorry!
Major reason fail.

well..i'm an american, and i'm about to make the most controversial comment on here.

there are people in this world who hate america. and the 9/11 situation, to them, is purely political. what some, in america, see as defense, others in other parts of the world, see as propaganda. just as some americans that may see as propaganda, things that other countries see as defense. america has been seen by some in other countries, as a country that did things to make enemies of other nations. just as america thinks vice versa. but the kicker is, that MJ's worst times were on his own american soil. no american can deny that. thanks to american media, i felt like a stranger in a strange land, and that MJ may hate me, because i'm american. though i know MJ's heart was greater than that, and he could seperate his fans from the media, to me, the media had done their damage here. between american mtv, and radio, and news reporters and fox television, it was like an electronic electrocution of Michael, taking place over more than a decade's time. and to this day, i despise american media, for what they have done. all of this helps why i find MJ's passing more impacting than the other true tragedy, known as 911. if america wants sympathy from the world, then they must do what is necessary to get sympathy from the world, just as any other country, would have to do, if they want partnership with the rest of the world. if i woke up from a deep sleep, and i saw MJ for the first time, i'd never know if he was american, because he was an ambassador for the ENTIRE WORLD.

despite the massive hate for MJ from haters and the media, MJ is looked at as a great healer, doer of great goodwill, evenly, around the WORLD. and, that, my friends, is the difference. that's why it's safe to say that it's understandable that some people may see the passing of MJ as more impacting.

the article writer needs to consider what impact, peoples' actions have on other people, and what reactions to expect, in return. it's the law of nature.

i sometimes wish that people wouldn't post certain threads on this site, because i am an honest person, and sometimes, i feel like people are setting me up to get kicked off this site, with posts that i would end up posting.

I have to say it...I agree with this post!!!
These are both terribly sad life changing events for different reasons for different people, there is no comparisom to be made.

On a personal note, when MJ died the reaction here in the UK was huge, yes bigger than 911 for sure. I had friends and family and work colleagues in shock phoning and texting each other & talking about it, it was surreal!
Alot of people hate America's goverment. To them, they are the causes of all wars. All the wars lately seem to have been intiated by the American President and these wars don't seem to have done anything except for kill thousands of soldiers!

That is what the viewpoint iis for numerous of people I have come across.

As an American, born & raised of Latino descent, I apologize for my government's BULLSH&T on the world. This country is run by corporations, not by the people as our government tries to make the world believe.

That doesn't mean though, that I believe in what they do because I'm an American. Of course not! I have protested in quite a few non-violent marches during George W. Bush's term, Obama's protest is coming - FOR SURE.

We are not what the government does. Please believe that.

Michael Jackson IS an AMERICAN, and he certainly did not espouse WAR.

So please do not judge us - the government and the people are separate, unfortunately - since 9/11.
And despite the USA's errors recently, this will bring some joy.

The Jackson 5 singing the Star Spangled Banner at the 1970 World Series.

It doesn't get more American than this. Listen to young Michael's VOICE!!!!

The Jackson Family - MICHAEL JACKSON - is an American dream:

So if the question is if Michael Jackson's death was "more important" than 9/11 I'm not sure I can answer yes to that. But the answer to that question is purely a personal opinion and I guess it depends on your perspective. Almost 3000 people were killed on 9/11 at the World Trade Center and more at the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA, not to mention the souls on those ill fated hijacked planes. Being in NYC on that day it was a traumatic nightmare. For several hours I couldn't contact many of my family members to find out if they were safe. Any one of them could have been in those two buildings. I could have been in those buildings. In fact, I was there just 2 months prior to the attacks.

For the next several months and all throughout the next year, day after day I read the obituaries and newspaper coverage of the funerals for the fallen firefighters.

For the first couple of weeks after the attacks it was feared more attacks were imminent. Bomb scares in my office happened daily and buildings were evacuated. It was a very scary time. You never knew if a bomb would go off in the subway system but you had to go to work because you have no choice.

In the days following the attacks, to see those poor family members of people missing wondering the streets clutching photos of their loved ones was truly heart breaking.

It took me a long time to feel normal and safe again after the attacks, as much as a year. When September comes around again and it is a beautiful, sunny, clear day I am reminded once again of that horrific day because that is how I remember it being and I get that fear back all over again.

Two gigantic buildings and one smaller one with a population the size of many small cities were taken down and destroyed like nothing I have ever seen in the scariest disaster movies. This was no movie. This was really happening and I saw much of it live on TV. The skyline of my beloved city was altered forever. I had nightmares for months and suffered post traumatic stress disorder.

The death of Michael Jackson affected me in a different way. It shook me and saddened me very deeply because it felt like I had lost a friend. He was someone I felt like I grew up with. It was shocking. Six months later I am still feeling the sadness and shock of it.

Millions of fans around the world are mourning his death too. There is no denying the impact that the death of Michael Jackson has had on the world. Because he left an indelible mark on this planet and many, many positive contributions.

They are two different tragedies. Both hurt in different ways. But I have to say if you're asking which one was more "important", for me it was 9/11.
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I am risking the chance of being misunderstood and probably hated but...

(given that we are talking about worldwide influence)

Of course it did have more impact than 9/11 - cause Michael's death had an impact on the whole world, not just USA. Unfortunately , things like 9/11 do happen all the time in the world - that is, terrorism, war, killing... it's every day. You don't lose such a huge influential person like Michael Jackson every day. Besides, his music has touched millions over the world , over the years... So it's logical.
I dont think that is a very nice statement...Bush would never of done such a horrible tragic event like that ...why would you say something like that?

Hey hun,

Well to tell you the truth, We dont know much about what Bush has done to make the U.S. behind. Esp. When he went to war in Iraq clearly knowing what he was looking for was not there! I personally dont like Bush but lets not make this a politics topic.

He has done many questionable things and really Never cared about other countries except America, Believe me I know first hand!...

And I personally dont think that ALL ARABS are responsible, Its Extremists that are destroying ppl. and things.

Tnx love!

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So if the question is if Michael Jackson's death was "more important" than 9/11 I'm not sure I can answer yes to that. But the answer to that question is purely a personal opinion and I guess it depends on your perspective. Almost 3000 people were killed on 9/11 at the World Trade Center and more at the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA, not to mention the souls on those ill fated hijacked planes. Being in NYC on that day it was a traumatic nightmare. For several hours I couldn't contact many of my family members to find out if they were safe. Any one of them could have been in those two buildings. I could have been in those buildings. In fact, I was there just 2 months prior to the attacks.

For the next several months and all through out the next year, day after day I read the obituaries and newspaper coverage of the funerals for the fallen firefighters.

For the first couple of weeks after the attacks it was feared more attacks were imminent. Bomb scares in my office happened daily and buildings were evacuated. It was a very scary time. You never knew if a bomb would go off in the subway system but you had to go to work because you have no choice.

In the days following the attacks, to see those poor family members of people missing wondering the streets clutching photos of their loved ones was truly heart breaking.

It took me along time to feel normal and safe again after the attacks, as much as a year. When September comes around again and it was a beautiful, sunny, clear day I am reminded once again of that horrific day because that is how I remember it being and I get that fear all over again.

Two gigantic buildings and one smaller one with a population the size of many small cities were taken down and destroyed like nothing I have ever seen in the scariest disaster movies. This was no movie. This was really happening and I saw much of it live on TV as it was happening.

The death of Michael Jackson affected me in a different way. It shook me and saddened me very deeply because it felt like I had lost a friend. He was someone I felt like I grew up with. It was shocking. Six months later I am still feeling the sadness and shock of it.

Millions of fans around the world are mourning his death too. There is no denying the impact that the death of Michael Jackson has had on the world. Because he left and indelible mark on this planet and many, many positive contributions.

They are two different tragedies. Both hurt in different ways. But I have to say if you're asking which one was more "important", for me it was 9/11.


Only because thousands died - and the tens of thousands that are sick, some with cancer and will die, as a result of it.

I can say this. Most of my family lives in NYC. I've visited there on vacation all of my childhood. I lived there and left in the early 90s.

I was there when the first attack at the World Trade Center happened in 1993. I was stuck in the 9 train that was near downtown when it happened, fortunately I was headed uptown then. We were there for 2 hours - wondering WTF is happening. There were no forms of communication whatsoever. Then, when the train finally moved, it went express to 42nd Street and told everybody to get off.

I took a cab from there to my house - and the taxi driver told me what happened.

And the World Trade stood tall - until 9/11. It's hard to go to NYC and see that nothing is there where they once stood.

And nothing SHOULD be built on top of it. That's a graveyard. Sacred ground. Many remains haven't been found yet. Their souls are still there.

Nonetheless, 9/11 hit HARD. The USA has never been the same since.

But with Michael's death, I'LL NEVER BE THE SAME.

It's pain all over.
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I would say that in the USA 9/11 was more tragic to the nation than MJs passing(as a whole) for the 2000-2009 time frame. Little children died in it, the USA has never experienced anything like it in the past century. Both tragedies affected me in a different way. With MJ, it was like a close family member passed. With 9/11 I cried at the horror of 1000s of people of all ages and their families hurt through the tragedy. I love MJ but I cannot say in all honesty that his passing was more tragic to me than all those people lives being cut short.
I dont think that is a very nice statement...Bush would never of done such a horrible tragic event like that ...why would you say something like that?

Have you never seen the conspiracy behind the 9/11 incident? and when Bush was told what happened...what did he do, carried on reading a childrens book to kids, any other normal person would have been shocked and ran out, he had no expression.

Also, two small planes tearing down two huge buildings...doesn't add up. Also it is known that ''Osama Bin Laden''...was originally called Tim Osman and works for the American Government. Is it not strange, they caught Saddam..but they can't catch Osama?

They say they did it for a excuse to invade Iraq, Afghanistan because they wanted Oil.

Whether people believe it or not, upto them...I don't Know what to believe because end of the day...we're never going to find out. Everything will always be covered up. We live in a corrupt world full of greed.

Having said that though, nothing excuses having sooo many innocent lives lost. Islam was represented in a bad way after this but if people actually read up on Islam, they realise that they believe, if you kill one innocent human being...you've killed the whole of mankind and go straight to hell. Majority of them, do not believe in terrorism.
it's amazing how this post is becoming anti-american.

I would say that in the USA 9/11 was more tragic to the nation than MJs passing(as a whole) for the 2000-2009 time frame. Little children died in it, the USA has never experienced anything like it in the past century. Both tragedies affected me in a different way. With MJ, it was like a close family member passed. With 9/11 I cried at the horror of 1000s of people of all ages and their families hurt through the tragedy. I love MJ but I cannot say in all honesty that his passing was more tragic than all those people lives being cut short.

the post is not supposed to be anti-American.

It's just supposed to point out that 9/11 was indeed an awful event that should never ever happen again. But did anyone mention the importance of numerous wars and lost lives as some of the most important and influential events and tragedies in the world?

I am not being Anti-American.
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it's amazing how this post is becoming anti-american.

I would say that in the USA 9/11 was more tragic to the nation than MJs passing(as a whole) for the 2000-2009 time frame. Little children died in it, the USA has never experienced anything like it in the past century. Both tragedies affected me in a different way. With MJ, it was like a close family member passed. With 9/11 I cried at the horror of 1000s of people of all ages and their families hurt through the tragedy. I love MJ but I cannot say in all honesty that his passing was more tragic than all those people lives being cut short.

Kids have died in 9-11. If i can recall correctly a three or four year old and a bunch of schoolchildren and plenty of kids have died in the attack and that is also now the reason why I won't place MJ's death higher than 9-11. I love MJ but I can't do it. :cry: Sorry!
Kids have died in 9-11. If i can recall correctly a three or four year old and a bunch of schoolchildren and plenty of kids have died in the attack and that is also now the reason why I won't place MJ's death higher than 9-11. I love MJ but I can't do it. :cry: Sorry!

There were several day care centers in the World Trade Center.

Hundreds of children died that day.
I think I should remind everyone that it wasn't only Americans who died on 9/11 at the WTC. America, particularly New York City, is a melting pot of people of many, many nationalities and people, including INNOCENT CHILDREN of many nationalities were killed or injured on that day.
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I was there when the first attack at the World Trade Center happened in 1993. I was stuck in the 9 train that was near downtown when it happened, fortunately I was headed uptown then. We were there for 2 hours - wondering WTF is happening. There were no forms of communication whatsoever. Then, when the train finally moved, it went express to 42nd Street and told everybody to get off.

I was also in the area of the World Trade Center when the 1993 bombing happened. I was just walking around on my lunch hour when I heard all the sirens of the emergency vehicles. When I got back to the office I learned what had happened and they sent us home. OMG being stuck underground in a subway train for 2 hours has got to be unnerving, to say the least.
I think I should remind everyone that it wasn't only Americans who died on 9/11 at the WTC. America is a melting pot of people of many, many nationalities and people, including INNOCENT CHILDREN of many nationalities were killed or injured on that day.


SO TRUE. Many international banks & workers were from all over the globe.

It's called the "World Trade Center" for a reason.

A lot of different countries had private exchange banks there that transferred their own currency into US dollars to trade in Wall Street.

So - eh. 9/11 hurt the world. And so did MJ's death.

It's a 50/50 with me. MJ's death did not start a war among sovereign nations.

Did 9/11 justify invading Iraq & Afghanistan? No. Not in my opinion. I am a pacifist. I don't believe that war is the answer.

So the argument of whether one affected the other the world more is - not the same.

It's comparing apples to oranges to pears to avocados.

I wish the world would listen to MJ, I truly do because things like that wouldn't happen. I'm crying over 9/11 as I think about it. You guys remember MJ was tapping a show in NY the day before 9/11 happened and MJ was caught up in that.

I remember being scared because I just knew USA would go to war and my brother was in the military, my mom and I were so scared for him the two times he went to Kuwait, my brother is my best friend in the whole world. I hate wars, I truly do.

SO TRUE. Many international banks & workers were from all over the globe.

It's called the "World Trade Center" for a reason.

A lot of different countries had private exchange banks there that transferred their own currency into US dollars to trade in Wall Street.

So - eh. 9/11 hurt the world. And so did MJ's death.

It's a 50/50 with me. MJ's death did not start a war among sovereign nations.

Did 9/11 justify invading Iraq & Afghanistan? No. Not in my opinion. I am a pacifist. I don't believe that war is the answer.

So the argument of whether one affected the other the world more is - not the same.

It's comparing apples to oranges to pears to avocados.


You got me there...:agree:

P.S. :For the writer of this article, I wanna say that People's Opinion is theirs and weather you agree or not is your problem. You cant change what ppl. think and for this topic there is no right Or Wrong answer. We feel what we feel and one can not judge us by what we feel.

And for all of us here, one affected us more than the other, and for some it is the same hurt. But because one has a comment we dont agree with, we cant judge them by it. It's not our opinion, its someone else's!

I paste some comments from the article, I agree most of them.

Dana says:
9/11 wass a great tragedy, but around the world there are so many tragedies, Irak, Afganistán, Darfur etc. People is dying but you forget this because you really don´t know that people. Michael was the greatest artist than ever lived he had a big impact in the entire World not only american people His death means a big loss in this planet.

Carrie says: What is he thinking that 911 should impact people more than Michael Jacksons death its not even comparable. 911 was a tragedy absolutely but how many tragedies are there around the world everyday... If you are going to say that about 911 than what about Katrina or the hundreds of other awful things that happen. Wow this guy was sure trying to stir the pot! Selfish American attitude. I am not even the biggest Michael Jackson fan but even I can see why it affected people more he left people with good memories weather it was listening to the Jackson 5 having fun or Thriller its something that will be in peoples hearts. Something that brings you back to a time that things were simpler. He spanned 45 years come on!

romi says: 9/11 happened because of HATE and negativity which MICHAEL JACKSON tried to disolve.HE wanted L.O.V.E. and Peace in this world.I'm an american &Yes 911 has affected me. But Not More than Michael's death. This man was a true symbol of LOVE And Peace. like some one already said, 9/11 happen every single day in other parts of the world. But Really America cares about ONLY America. It's not even our country, its the Native American's country. What about how many Slaves that were killed? how about how many Native Americans that were killed. That is also terrorism if you ask me.It's been happening in this country since white folks from Europe invaded it! So dont sit there and tell me that 911 is the only thing we should be thinking about. Those ppl.who are gone are in a better place. And Yes, Michael Jackson, Who has helped numerous people around the world has affected Me more than Anything that EVER happened the past decade or century!

Elizabeth says:
Hi, I'm from Canada and to me Michael Jackson's death was the most important event of the decade because we lost someone that even now, no one understands how amazing he was. An unparalled humanitarian, a gifted artist, a beloved father (son, brother, uncle), and an empathetic and sensitive soul. Why did America continue to vilify this man even when he was found not guilty. Don't you believe in your own system of laws? Too late you found you had an angel here on earth and you helped to kill his soul with a media that was hell bent on destroying what it did not understand. America will you ever learn?
As an American, born & raised of Latino descent, I apologize for my government's BULLSH&T on the world. This country is run by corporations, not by the people as our government tries to make the world believe.

That doesn't mean though, that I believe in what they do because I'm an American. Of course not! I have protested in quite a few non-violent marches during George W. Bush's term, Obama's protest is coming - FOR SURE.

We are not what the government does. Please believe that.

Michael Jackson IS an AMERICAN, and he certainly did not espouse WAR.

So please do not judge us - the government and the people are separate, unfortunately - since 9/11.

I do not think its the American's peoples fault at all and I apologise if it seems like it came across that way. They are innocent in this as well. It's just the government that are messed up and unfortunately its the American people that have to live with it. The British government is just the same.
I was also in the area of the World Trade Center when the 1993 bombing happened. I was just walking around on my lunch hour when I heard all the sirens of the emergency vehicles. When I got back to the office I learned what had happened and they sent us home. OMG being stuck underground in a subway train for 2 hours has got to be unnerving, to say the least.

Suzy - you KNOW how unnerving it is to be stuck in the NYC subway, underground, in that limited space with tons of people.

It was HELL. There were ladies crying - guys were banging on the windows & doors - the announcer/conductor had to explain it finally WTF was going on - it was CRAZY.

I got on Chambers St. on the 1/9 heading to Uptown. At the time it was the 1/9 (red) train line. Then from there - 2 hours underground.

We live with violence - with famine - with war all over.

Nothing can replace 1 life. But to weigh one over the other?

That's hard. Both affected me.

Michael's more on a deeper emotional scale, 9/11 on a real life scale. Again: Apples/Oranges.

We are still feeling the horrible economic effects too in the USA because of 9/11. When gas prices went up, the jobs disappeared. The USA has a 10-12% unemployment rate as we speak. WTF? In the USA?? With the so-called economy we supposed we have? This is because of the effects of 9/11. All the country's money is going to fund wars we were never meant to fight, nor win.

I am currently struggling right now, as many of us are.
By the way, I loved the comments left by people on that page. So sweet :love:
This is so stupid... :rolleyes:

You shouldn't even compare both of the events.

But if you insist, it's all subjective.

I was young when 9/11 happened. I was confused and to be honest at the time didn't realise the impact of the attack until years later. The event definitely made a great statement in history. Just like Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was a moment to remember.

But personally, MJ's death impacted ME (I stress, the word me) more. I know this is really horrible but Michael's death was quite personal to me in comparison to the thousands who died in 9/11. I didn't know any of whom to feel grieve for in the aftermath of 9/11 (fortunately...) But, overall in terms of history and politics, 9/11 definitely had more impact. However, no one can deny the impact Michael made in pop culture either.
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