Michael Jackson death had more impact Than 9/11

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

To at least one person, the death of Michael Jackson was the top news story of the first decade of the 2000’s. I’m referring to an online survey sponsored by a local TV station in Detroit, asking people to vote for the top news story between 2000-2009. The TV station gave a list of suggested stories, even including the ouster of former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

I don’t normally step out of my small business reporting world to comment on a general news story but this had me so enraged that I felt it was necessary to make a comment. It makes me look at our whole pop culture society and realize what is really important to some people means little to others, even if it has the greatest impact on their lives.

I ask the question: What has happened in the last decade that has had the greatest impact on my life? There are many answers including the recession and the election of President Obama. But far and away it was 9/11. On that day everyone’s lives in the United States changed forever. In a sense, we “lost our virginity.’ We realized that there was no place we could go that would provide safe sanctuary – no place.

I imagine that many people began to think that their lives were more fragile than ever – that they could die at any moment without any warning or provocation. It also made me think back to the cold war days of the 50s and 60s when people built bomb shelters in their backyards, fearing a nuclear attack from the Communists. It was only the false sense of security that went along with advanced radar capabilities, anti-missile defense systems, satellites, etc., that brought people out of the “bomb shelter age.” Unfortunately our country became too lax, thinking that an attack on our soil would be preposterous. But terrorists with box cutters and a plan proved that wrong.

I didn’t mention the economic fallout from the attacks on 9/11. Our economy came to a virtual standstill and it took months and years to recover. Some may say that we have not recovered yet. And I wouldn’t disagree. Our commerce was affected and commodity prices took a hit too. Yes, we were hit in the wallet as well as in the psyche.

So to say that the death of a pop singer – as tragic as it was – had a greater impact on our lives as the number one story of the decade is beyond my comprehension. Yes, it was only one person in a local survey. But I’m sure there are many more who can’t look beyond their pop culture world into the real world.
I love the comments, though, if you click on the link and scroll down.
Yeah. 9/11 was extremely tragic but I think he's forgetting the hundreds and thousands of civilians dead in Iraq thanks to American troops.
What is important to one person may not be another. I do not think there is right or wrong answer for these kinds of questions. To me, it was Michael. Yes, 9/11 was hurtful but MJ death effected me personally.
Ahhh, the columnist needs to calm down. If he put up the question, "did 911 happen?"...some pollster will say it never happened. That's the nature of polls. Some folks answer just to be different or infuriate and get a person going on a tangent like this columnist.

There was a question on some IQ test I was taking that asked if the moon was really made out of green cheese. I bet you a buck, someone answered yes.

To at least one person, the death of Michael Jackson was the top news story of the first decade of the 2000’s. I’m referring to an online survey sponsored by a local TV station in Detroit, asking people to vote for the top news story between 2000-2009. The TV station gave a list of suggested stories, even including the ouster of former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

I don’t normally step out of my small business reporting world to comment on a general news story but this had me so enraged that I felt it was necessary to make a comment. It makes me look at our whole pop culture society and realize what is really important to some people means little to others, even if it has the greatest impact on their lives.

I ask the question: What has happened in the last decade that has had the greatest impact on my life? There are many answers including the recession and the election of President Obama. But far and away it was 9/11. On that day everyone’s lives in the United States changed forever. In a sense, we “lost our virginity.’ We realized that there was no place we could go that would provide safe sanctuary – no place.

I imagine that many people began to think that their lives were more fragile than ever – that they could die at any moment without any warning or provocation. It also made me think back to the cold war days of the 50s and 60s when people built bomb shelters in their backyards, fearing a nuclear attack from the Communists. It was only the false sense of security that went along with advanced radar capabilities, anti-missile defense systems, satellites, etc., that brought people out of the “bomb shelter age.” Unfortunately our country became too lax, thinking that an attack on our soil would be preposterous. But terrorists with box cutters and a plan proved that wrong.

I didn’t mention the economic fallout from the attacks on 9/11. Our economy came to a virtual standstill and it took months and years to recover. Some may say that we have not recovered yet. And I wouldn’t disagree. Our commerce was affected and commodity prices took a hit too. Yes, we were hit in the wallet as well as in the psyche.

So to say that the death of a pop singer – as tragic as it was – had a greater impact on our lives as the number one story of the decade is beyond my comprehension. Yes, it was only one person in a local survey. But I’m sure there are many more who can’t look beyond their pop culture world into the real world.

I think this person has failed to realize that Michael was much more than 'just' a pop singer. Michael broke down racial barriers, knocked down walls of ignorance, paved the way for many musicians to come and changes many people's lives for the better.

Michael Jackson inspired people, gave to people, taught people, entertained people, healed people.

And Michael took from people. He took the hurt, the numerous lies, the false accusations, the prejudice, the shame. He took the fabrications the media came up with --often insulting and far-fetched-- and once again the ignorance of the majority of people who took what they read as the truth.

Michael Jackson taught us to love. He was himself no matter what the circumstances were, and taught us that it is okay to be who you want to be. To embrace the child inside you, and want nothing else but to be loved.

I'm sorry to see that the person who wrote the article doesn't "get it".
I love the comments, though, if you click on the link and scroll down.

The writer was quick to write off the possibility of MJ's death having more impact than 9/11 because he of the belief that it is foolish but as you pointed the comments posted on the article were in full agreement.

Even though I realize that 9/11 was a tradegic event,but because of MJ's worldwide apply his death drew more interest. To prove it just look at the coverage given to it by cnn and many major news station who covered his death constantly for 3 months.
Why the media continues to deny his importance is crazy and sad at the same time.
Yeah. 9/11 was extremely tragic but I think he's forgetting the hundreds and thousands of civilians dead in Iraq thanks to American troops.

those deaths are unimportant to hypocritical journalists like this one or to whoever serves the "war on terror" cause
and Michael was not just a pop singer he was a great humanitarian, but hypocrites like them conveniently forget that
the difference between mjs death and those of 9/11 is that mjs death wasnt used as an excuse to kill innocent women & children in afghanistan
Edited I'm not going to compare 9-11 to MJ's death. To me that's apples and oranges, those events are so drastically different. I love Mike but I can't bring myself to this comparison.
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What is important to one person may not be another. I do not think there is right or wrong answer for these kinds of questions. To me, it was Michael. Yes, 9/11 was hurtful but MJ death effected me personally.

I totally agree with your comment.

The 9/11 was terrible, but so was the 3/11 at Madrid, and then London, Israel, Irak, etc., etc. It's a neverending story of blood and hate. For many around the world, millions, actually, violence was already at their front door... and because of political leaders, hunger, drugs, money, arms, you name it :(

But I think the personal effect on us is what makes the difference. The 9/11 was shocking, but MJ had touched MY life at a personal level and he meant a lot to me. Had I lost someone dear at the Atocha bombing in Madrid, then that would be my choice...

I don't think MJ's passing would change the world. But I do know the world has suffered a lot after the 9/11 and many, many people continue to suffer just because of this, not only at the USA, but all over the world. I am glad his passing has not this terrible effect on our world.

Well... who knows. This is my very personal opinion.
Yeah. 9/11 was extremely tragic but I think he's forgetting the hundreds and thousands of civilians dead in Iraq thanks to American troops.

YES. No one ever mentions this.

Back to topic: 9/11 changed history and brought the dangers of religion and politics to the forefront like never before. Whether one is aware of it or not, 9/11 changed all our lives then, now and will continue to do so in the coming decades. 9/11 isn't just about two towers and a couple thousand deaths.
Can someone copy the comments, I would love to see.

jovan says:
Mr. John Hall, you cannot dictate the feelings and emotion of one individual. If they feel that Michael Jackson, who is the most famous human being on earth is very important to the people all over the world (except US), who are you to judge? Just let it be.
December 21, 6:11 PM
Gabriella says:
I feel sorry for the 9/11 victims, but I also feel sorry for every people dyng in the entire world especially in the middle of horrible wars. I pray for them. However when a person like Michael Jackson dies you know is a great shock and a huge and painful loss because he impacted your life. You listened your music, you were amazed with his dance moves, he change this world, his music never met limits. He broke languajes, races, he impacted this planet. How many people could do that? yOU THINK ABOUT IT
December 21, 6:03 PM
Elizabeth says:
Hi, I'm from Canada and to me Michael Jackson's death was the most important event of the decade because we lost someone that even now, no one understands how amazing he was. An unparalled humanitarian, a gifted artist, a beloved father (son, brother, uncle), and an empathetic and sensitive soul. Why did America continue to vilify this man even when he was found not guilty. Don't you believe in your own system of laws? Too late you found you had an angel here on earth and you helped to kill his soul with a media that was hell bent on destroying what it did not understand. America will you ever learn?
December 21, 5:56 PM
vicky says:
I am from china, yes 911 is the tragedy, but there are many tragedy happened everyday. plenty of people died in Iraq wars because of American troops. Michael Jackson is not just the pop star, he united the whole world together, he represents love, peace and purity. I think the whole world admitted Michael Jackson is the greatest artist of all time except "The evil American media". Us should be shamed of what they did to Michael Jackson. He was beloved and respected by the rest of the world.
December 21, 5:40 PM
Susan says:
Michael Jackson affected so many people with his beautiful spirit and generous nature, despite those who tried to bring him down with false accusations and media bias against him. Why are you in the media so surprised at this? He brought joy to our souls! When you struggle every day, sometimes that is what keeps you going. The media just don't get it. We love Michaeal and we always will. We know what a gift he was and still is. You believe if it is not poliital or what you consider hard news it does not matter. You are wrong. That is the importance of an artist. To inspire and lift your spirit and give one hope. No one did it like Michael. You in the American media should be ashamed of yourselves for how you assisted in the destruction of an American ambassader of peace which Michael was. So yes Michael 's passing to me was the biggest and saddest story of the decade. He will live forever in my heart.
December 21, 5:39 PM
ubong says:
December 21, 5:36 PM
ubong says:
he is more than a pop star. mj's death was more important because he rfeached to the whole world. im pretty sure tht at least one person in every country knows who mj is. as for if you do the same for 9/11 most peolle won't know. but mr. hall did you know this "pop singer" made a song for 9/11. it was called what more can i give. plusin my opinion bush didn't do anything for 9/11. what di he do he went iraq. and for what reason. just leave mj aolone tht's all he ever wanted.
December 21, 5:34 PM
Dana says:
9/11 wass a great tragedy, but around the world there are so many tragedies, Irak, Afganistán, Darfur etc. People is dying but you forget this because you really don´t know that people. Michael was the greatest artist than ever lived he had a big impact in the entire World not only american people His death means a big loss in this planet.
December 21, 5:21 PM
Eric Angel says:
9/11 was not really that big of a deal. Yes it was a shame that a few hundred nameless faces dies, but even as far as massacres go, it was not really all that big. Earthquakes, tsunami's kill many more people. After 9/11, life pretty much went on as normal.
Michael Jackson was not just 'some pop singer'. To many, Michael Jackson was the voice of their generation. He was an icon, his death affected more people in a more profound way than any attack ever has. A pioneer in racial relations. A messenger of love. That was Michael. If you believe that one persons death can not be significant, how do you explain Jesus? Just a preacher nailed on a cross...well, that preacher meant a lot to many many people. As does Michael Jackson. When we look back on HIStory, Michael Jackson's 50 years on this planet will be a much bigger part than a few hours on one day when a couple of people we don't know died.
December 21, 5:06 PM
Prettydoctor says:
Michael Jackson is MORE THAN A POPSTAR. He has strived for 42 years to innovate and heighten the standards of mainstream music which not only entertains BUT ALSO INSPIRES. He broke barriers not only culturally but racially and demographically-- people of all nations benefitted not only from his sharing of talent but also from his HUGE HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS that prejudice journalists like you conveniently FORGET! He did 150+ concert tours (Victory Tour and Dangerous Tour) ALL FOR CHARITY. He donated every single centavo he made on those tiring and tedious global tours to charity. He donated all proceeds of sales and royalties of WE ARE THE WORLD and HEAL THE WORLD songs to charity and that continues up to present. We are the world is still the highest selling SINGLE RECORD and up to present, royalty for these 2 singles go to charity. He tirelessly shared everything he had to the world WITHOUT FUSS! And what did Michael Jackson get in return? Ignorant and Prejudice Articles like this!
December 21, 5:01 PM
Christine says:
Sorry Mr. Hall, but you didnt get the message!
The love, the humanity, the hope, the music, the magic and the inspiration dies on 25.6.2009...God bless you Michael Joseph Jackson!
December 21, 4:31 PM
lyl says:
What a shame that you can even start to compare your fear for your own life - imagination fed by your government lies - with millions of real DEAD people killed in wars by the US or financed and supported with war equipment by the US government.
December 21, 4:29 PM
suzanne says:
Mr. Hall, I think you have failed to realize that Michael Jackson was much more than 'just' a pop singer. Michael broke down racial barriers, knocked down walls of ignorance, paved the way for many musicians to come, united people around the globe of all races and changed many people's lives for the better.

Michael Jackson inspired people, gave to people, taught people, entertained people, healed people.

And Michael took from people. He took the hurt, the numerous lies, the false accusations, the prejudice, the shame. He took the fabrications the media came up with --often insulting and far-fetched-- and once again the ignorance of the majority of people who took what they read as the truth.

A black man from Gary Indiana, who paved the way for people like Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama when you think about it. The world stopped when Michael Jackson died. Michael's death made us stop and remember LOVE. Yes, that has made more impact than 9/11.
December 21, 4:03 PM
Chris says:
Daniel says:
I'm from Brazil and I dont care about 9/11. Of course, I pray for the families of victims but more people die here a day.

Michael Jackson is far more important for us. It's a shame the way he was treated by his own country. Michael is more respected and important here, as in the world than Obama with his ridiculous Nobel.
December 21, 12:54 PM

I am with you Daniel.
Shame ON YOU America, especially on your nasty media!
December 21, 3:58 PM
lyl says:
junk free information and the list may continue.
Save yourself America! You haven't have solved your own problems of poverty, health care, racism, unemployment, homeless people, education of unprivileged, crime rate...Just take for example the birth town of Michael Jackson [Gary/Indiana]and it's unbelievable that in 5o years nothing changed there by the means of living standard.
Other countries have been unfortunately attacked by terrorists, too - and yes, as previous writers posted-Americans should start to understand that they are not the world, just a part- and a very ignorant one - of this world.
Or maybe yes, 9.11 was the most important event of awakening the American people by seeing a little farther than the length of their nose. I strongly condemn any terrorist acts as well as your country engaging in criminal wars! Spend your taxpayers money on yourself and for international peaceful causes. Just then, you'll be glorified worldwide like Michael Jackson.
December 21, 3:57 PM
Diana says:
John Hall, who are you to complain about what one person thought? Who gives you the right to judge? Do you not know that MJ was the most charitable celeb in history? He changed the lives of MANY nameless charities outside of his "pop star" career. Stop and think about the sick people MJ took in and cared for, the hospitals he provided for, the support he gave to those who didn’t have any. Yes, I am sure there are some out there whose lives were directly impacted by MJ more than anything else, so you just have to respect that. For many, the election of the first Black President is the most profound. For someone in New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina could be the most profound. So for you to criticize at least one person for viewing MJ (one of the most beloved figures in history) as most important, shame on you. Remember, you are just ONE person as well.
December 21, 3:55 PM
lyl says:
I live in a middle eastern country, and YES, Michel Jackson's death wath more important than 9.11 or Obama's election. Why? Because the US brought in the region more death in an unjust war than any 9.11 so, that day wasn't a major event for the rest of the humanity. As for Obama being elected - well nothing changed so far. With Michael Jackson's death, the humanity lost not only a musical genius [which was humiliated by his own folk] but lost a great humanitarian, a peace maker and the single contemporary human being which bounded peoples and nations in thoughts of salvation through pure love. People of this planet are peace hungry and love thirsty - what is America feeding them? War?
Six months after MJ's passing, Millions around the globe are still grieving the loss: a militant for peace; for a better, cleaner, healthier world; for financing medical research of incurable diseases; for equity of artists in the entertainment industry; for anti-racism; for a mass media junk free inf
December 21, 3:32 PM
Cher says:
You can not compare these events at all. 911 was horrible and my heart goes out to all of the families who lost loved ones. When you talk about Michael Jacksons death though I think around the work he impacted more people than 911. There are tragedies around the world all the time and Americans do not care about everyone of them. Michael Jackson was loved all over the world. For exmaple the only American movie shown in some countries lately was Michael Jacksons This is it.
December 21, 3:28 PM
Robert Hanly says:
Well said, Lynn. I agree.
December 21, 3:20 PM
Glenda says:
Michael Jackson is important to a lot of people worldwide. I don't even think he even realizes it.
December 21, 2:58 PM
Response to Examiner Article

Response to Examiner Article: Is Michael Jackson Death More Important Than 9/11?

I haven't read the article, but I glimpsed through the pages on the Internet. Is Michael Jackson's death more important that 9/11? I'm not really sure if you can compare the two incidents. Both incidents deeply impacted millions of people around the world. There was heartache and tragedy when both events occurred. Both 9/11 and Michael Jackson's death were horrific events and both made the world stand still and pause. NO ONE can escape those burning images of 9/11 and watching so many people jump to their deaths. It's something that I hope I never have to see again. Every person on that day was important from the workers in the tower, to the police, to the firemen to the people on those airplanes. We all know someone close to us who was personally effected by this. And we will never forget the day that America was innocent no more.

As far as Michael Jackson, whether you loved or hated this man there is no denying the great impact he had on billions and billions of people around the globe. To the twirl of his finger...to the kick of his leg...to the thrust of his hips...to the curl of his lip...from the curls in his hair...to the tip of his toe...to the sparkle in his smile...to the twinkle in his eyes. It was all magic. For over four decades this man had entertained and touched the hearts and souls of the very young to the very old. With just one song, he made babies smile. He made the old feel young again. He made the sick feel well. He made the outcasts feel accepted. He drove women into a frenzy. He made grown men faint. He even melted the hearts of the hardest of men.

Through his music, Michael brought together all nations of every nationality, race, creed, religion, and color. He taught us all how to love and care for one another. Something no world leader has ever accomplished. Through his kindness and generosity abroad we got a glimpse into the most important things that touched his heart. He wanted no more wars. No more children dying. No more sickness and famine. No more hatred. He gave so much of himself and never asked for anything in return other than we learn to live together in peace and harmony. What did we give him? Persecution and ridicule. False accusations and public humiliation. Fear and loathing. Disrespect and hatred. We took away his privacy, his joy, his peace of mind, his beauty, his innocence. He gave us life and we took his from him.

Whether one feels that Michael Jackson was important or not, he was important to his family, his friends, his fans and his three beautiful children who are now without their father. I never had the chance to meet Michael in person, but So before you question why Michael Jackson's death was so important to so many, take a good look deep down inside your souls and ask why wasn't it important to me?

Our nation started this decade in tragedy on 9/11. For a few months, it brought our country together in a way I had never seen. There was kindness abound after that day. It was refreshing to see. I had hoped it would last. But, alas, we became complacent and fell back into the same routines. Michael Jackson's death ended our decade in tragedy as well. And for a while, I saw the world come together in support of a great and noble man. While we were all crying, Michael was looking down upon us all and smiling. :angel:

well for people outside the US yes it was more important than 9/11
^ BS. even though I DO live outside the US, there are people who DO have family/friends who died in the 9/11 accident and is more important to them then MJ's death.

Yeah. 9/11 was extremely tragic but I think he's forgetting the hundreds and thousands of civilians dead in Iraq thanks to American troops.

What is important to one person may not be another. I do not think there is right or wrong answer for these kinds of questions. To me, it was Michael. Yes, 9/11 was hurtful but MJ death effected me personally.

No need for me to post a 2 page story, it's simple as its said above. I absolutely agree with you ;D
well for people outside the US yes it was more important than 9/11

Uh, no it wasn't.

I'm sorry, but this is absolutely ridiculous. I love MJ and all, but more of an impact on the world than 9/11? Do people realize what world events 9/11 triggered or the impact of the event itself? We're talking about the lives of tens of thousands of people.

I am so sorry for the people who lost their family and friends in that awful day, but Michael's death is devastating to me. I cried like have never cried before in my life. It was as if someone yanked my heart out of my chest. Michael was a gift to humanity that reached into our very heart and soul through the message that he gave us. It was one of hope and love and light. It was a message that urged us to do right by each other. Until now, when I think about him or what he suffered, I will cry like a baby. I don't want how I could get rid of the pain, I missed him everyday. :weeping:
I love Michael - and God only knows the PAIN. Yes, the pain. I feel like someone ripped out 1/2 of my heart with their bare hands.

But what happened on 9/11 was devastation in mass proportions. There are 3 people I know from NYC, that were "first responders" - aka, 2 firefighters and an Electric worker (Con Edison) - that now have Mesothelioma (Asbestos Cancer) because of 9/11. They were exposed to asbestos and now have cancer.

I also know a mother who lost a daughter and a husband - they were beneath the World trade center, a daughter & dad making their ways to work.

As much as I love Michael, the shock is equally comparable, but the loss of lives of 9/11 are in the thousands - tens of thousands.
I love Michael as well, but the world changed forever after 911, not just in the US.

From 911 came the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention that the situation that is currently going on in Pakistan is directly caused by things that has happen in recent years in Afghanistan. Since 911, millions of people had died, lost their homes, and lively hood.

I think people voted on Michael's death more because he died recently. However, his death does not have the mass effect that 911 had and still has on us now. It became more than a US problem along time ago.

So even though Michael's death was huge, the entire world changing overnight is even bigger.
Uh, no it wasn't.

I'm sorry, but this is absolutely ridiculous. I love MJ and all, but more of an impact on the world than 9/11? Do people realize what world events 9/11 triggered or the impact of the event itself? We're talking about the lives of tens of thousands of people.


Breaking news! the world doesn't revolve around USA!
did anyone care about the people who died in Madrid? No. it's all about Americaaa, their pain is always more important than other people's pain. what about the thousands of innocent people killed in the Middle East by americans I guess they were suppose to die right? is that how you expect compassion with the "eye for an eye" mentality? I do feel sorry for the 9/11 victims but it doesn't justify in any way what americans did after that

anyway...yes to ME Michael's death was more important than 9/1. now leave me alone
Although my mom's cousin died b/c of 9/11 I gotta admit that Michaels death has affected me far more. It has ruined my life beyond explanation.
Breaking news! the world doesn't revolve around USA!
did anyone care about the people who died in Madrid? No. it's all about Americaaa, their pain is always more important than other people's pain. what about the thousands of innocent people killed in the Middle East by americans I guess they were suppose to die right? is that how you expect compassion with the "eye for an eye" mentality? I do feel sorry for the 9/11 victims but it doesn't justify in any way what americans did after that

anyway...yes to ME Michael's death was more important than 9/1. now leave me alone
Well said, as an American I'm ashamed by this mentality.
9/11 had much of a impact as did MJ's death BUT FOR TOTALLY DIFFERENT REASONS.

9/11...you lost innocent people, two of the world's highest buildings collapsed and you can't forget the never ending war that seems to be going nowhere.

MJ's Death...you lost the Greatest Entertainer that ever lived. Period. He made the music industry to what it is today. It's like losing the father/creater of music. Everyone grew up with MJ's music and he touched people around the world from different cultures, religions, ethinicities etc. No one has done that before and no one ever will as long as we live in my opinion. Everyone can name a MJ song.

Both are tragic in their own ways and both will never be forgotten in decades to come
IMO, Both are horrible! however, not to make this an argumant thread, i'm gonna say Michael's death has affected me more than 911 has. It was a shock but not more than Mike's death. I'm an American, and I know i'm supposed to say the opposite than what i'm sayin right now but i dont care as long as i say my part.

If you say 9.11, then what about People dying everyday, all over the world. Even in my country!*Ethiopia*! What of the Native Americans KILLED because ppl. from Europe wanted to live here and just wanted all to themselves? What of the lives of my people, Slaves(their country invaded and their men and women taken with out any choice)! What of the people(Civilians) dying of war right now in Iraq, Afghanistan...and other Countries. Is America the only country in this world? some might say Hurricane Katrina had more impact...others might say the gulf war!

I am not gonna say 9.11 didn't affect me, but 9.11 has been happening since war started...eons ago. But ONE Good person that has died, after being tortured by his own country men, After being ridiculed, and all he did was continue to try heal the world. Unite people and Try to find peace!

I hope I did not offend anyone, but this is how I really feel. If you dont agree, good, that means you have your own opinion. If you agree good for you too!

Thank you for sharing this article!!!

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well..i'm an american, and i'm about to make the most controversial comment on here.

there are people in this world who hate america. and the 9/11 situation, to them, is purely political. what some, in america, see as defense, others in other parts of the world, see as propaganda. just as some americans that may see as propaganda, things that other countries see as defense. america has been seen by some in other countries, as a country that did things to make enemies of other nations. just as america thinks vice versa. but the kicker is, that MJ's worst times were on his own american soil. no american can deny that. thanks to american media, i felt like a stranger in a strange land, and that MJ may hate me, because i'm american. though i know MJ's heart was greater than that, and he could seperate his fans from the media, to me, the media had done their damage here. between american mtv, and radio, and news reporters and fox television, it was like an electronic electrocution of Michael, taking place over more than a decade's time. and to this day, i despise american media, for what they have done. all of this helps why i find MJ's passing more impacting than the other true tragedy, known as 911. if america wants sympathy from the world, then they must do what is necessary to get sympathy from the world, just as any other country, would have to do, if they want partnership with the rest of the world. if i woke up from a deep sleep, and i saw MJ for the first time, i'd never know if he was american, because he was an ambassador for the ENTIRE WORLD.

despite the massive hate for MJ from haters and the media, MJ is looked at as a great healer, doer of great goodwill, evenly, around the WORLD. and, that, my friends, is the difference. that's why it's safe to say that it's understandable that some people may see the passing of MJ as more impacting.

the article writer needs to consider what impact, peoples' actions have on other people, and what reactions to expect, in return. it's the law of nature.

i sometimes wish that people wouldn't post certain threads on this site, because i am an honest person, and sometimes, i feel like people are setting me up to get kicked off this site, with posts that i would end up posting.
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Alot of people hate America's goverment. To them, they are the causes of all wars. All the wars lately seem to have been intiated by the American President and these wars don't seem to have done anything except for kill thousands of soldiers!

That is what the viewpoint iis for numerous of people I have come across.
jovan says:
Mr. John Hall, you cannot dictate the feelings and emotion of one individual. If they feel that Michael Jackson, who is the most famous human being on earth is very important to the people all over the world (except US), who are you to judge? Just let it be.
December 21, 6:11 PM
Gabriella says:
I feel sorry for the 9/11 victims, but I also feel sorry for every people dyng in the entire world especially in the middle of horrible wars. I pray for them. However when a person like Michael Jackson dies you know is a great shock and a huge and painful loss because he impacted your life. You listened your music, you were amazed with his dance moves, he change this world, his music never met limits. He broke languajes, races, he impacted this planet. How many people could do that? yOU THINK ABOUT IT
December 21, 6:03 PM
Elizabeth says:
Hi, I'm from Canada and to me Michael Jackson's death was the most important event of the decade because we lost someone that even now, no one understands how amazing he was. An unparalled humanitarian, a gifted artist, a beloved father (son, brother, uncle), and an empathetic and sensitive soul. Why did America continue to vilify this man even when he was found not guilty. Don't you believe in your own system of laws? Too late you found you had an angel here on earth and you helped to kill his soul with a media that was hell bent on destroying what it did not understand. America will you ever learn?
December 21, 5:56 PM
vicky says:
I am from china, yes 911 is the tragedy, but there are many tragedy happened everyday. plenty of people died in Iraq wars because of American troops. Michael Jackson is not just the pop star, he united the whole world together, he represents love, peace and purity. I think the whole world admitted Michael Jackson is the greatest artist of all time except "The evil American media". Us should be shamed of what they did to Michael Jackson. He was beloved and respected by the rest of the world.
December 21, 5:40 PM
Susan says:
Michael Jackson affected so many people with his beautiful spirit and generous nature, despite those who tried to bring him down with false accusations and media bias against him. Why are you in the media so surprised at this? He brought joy to our souls! When you struggle every day, sometimes that is what keeps you going. The media just don't get it. We love Michaeal and we always will. We know what a gift he was and still is. You believe if it is not poliital or what you consider hard news it does not matter. You are wrong. That is the importance of an artist. To inspire and lift your spirit and give one hope. No one did it like Michael. You in the American media should be ashamed of yourselves for how you assisted in the destruction of an American ambassader of peace which Michael was. So yes Michael 's passing to me was the biggest and saddest story of the decade. He will live forever in my heart.
December 21, 5:39 PM
ubong says:
December 21, 5:36 PM
ubong says:
he is more than a pop star. mj's death was more important because he rfeached to the whole world. im pretty sure tht at least one person in every country knows who mj is. as for if you do the same for 9/11 most peolle won't know. but mr. hall did you know this "pop singer" made a song for 9/11. it was called what more can i give. plusin my opinion bush didn't do anything for 9/11. what di he do he went iraq. and for what reason. just leave mj aolone tht's all he ever wanted.
December 21, 5:34 PM
Dana says:
9/11 wass a great tragedy, but around the world there are so many tragedies, Irak, Afganistán, Darfur etc. People is dying but you forget this because you really don´t know that people. Michael was the greatest artist than ever lived he had a big impact in the entire World not only american people His death means a big loss in this planet.
December 21, 5:21 PM
Eric Angel says:
9/11 was not really that big of a deal. Yes it was a shame that a few hundred nameless faces dies, but even as far as massacres go, it was not really all that big. Earthquakes, tsunami's kill many more people. After 9/11, life pretty much went on as normal.
Michael Jackson was not just 'some pop singer'. To many, Michael Jackson was the voice of their generation. He was an icon, his death affected more people in a more profound way than any attack ever has. A pioneer in racial relations. A messenger of love. That was Michael. If you believe that one persons death can not be significant, how do you explain Jesus? Just a preacher nailed on a cross...well, that preacher meant a lot to many many people. As does Michael Jackson. When we look back on HIStory, Michael Jackson's 50 years on this planet will be a much bigger part than a few hours on one day when a couple of people we don't know died.
December 21, 5:06 PM
Prettydoctor says:
Michael Jackson is MORE THAN A POPSTAR. He has strived for 42 years to innovate and heighten the standards of mainstream music which not only entertains BUT ALSO INSPIRES. He broke barriers not only culturally but racially and demographically-- people of all nations benefitted not only from his sharing of talent but also from his HUGE HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS that prejudice journalists like you conveniently FORGET! He did 150+ concert tours (Victory Tour and Dangerous Tour) ALL FOR CHARITY. He donated every single centavo he made on those tiring and tedious global tours to charity. He donated all proceeds of sales and royalties of WE ARE THE WORLD and HEAL THE WORLD songs to charity and that continues up to present. We are the world is still the highest selling SINGLE RECORD and up to present, royalty for these 2 singles go to charity. He tirelessly shared everything he had to the world WITHOUT FUSS! And what did Michael Jackson get in return? Ignorant and Prejudice Articles like this!
December 21, 5:01 PM
Christine says:
Sorry Mr. Hall, but you didnt get the message!
The love, the humanity, the hope, the music, the magic and the inspiration dies on 25.6.2009...God bless you Michael Joseph Jackson!
December 21, 4:31 PM
lyl says:
What a shame that you can even start to compare your fear for your own life - imagination fed by your government lies - with millions of real DEAD people killed in wars by the US or financed and supported with war equipment by the US government.
December 21, 4:29 PM
suzanne says:
Mr. Hall, I think you have failed to realize that Michael Jackson was much more than 'just' a pop singer. Michael broke down racial barriers, knocked down walls of ignorance, paved the way for many musicians to come, united people around the globe of all races and changed many people's lives for the better.

Michael Jackson inspired people, gave to people, taught people, entertained people, healed people.

And Michael took from people. He took the hurt, the numerous lies, the false accusations, the prejudice, the shame. He took the fabrications the media came up with --often insulting and far-fetched-- and once again the ignorance of the majority of people who took what they read as the truth.

A black man from Gary Indiana, who paved the way for people like Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama when you think about it. The world stopped when Michael Jackson died. Michael's death made us stop and remember LOVE. Yes, that has made more impact than 9/11.
December 21, 4:03 PM
Chris says:
Daniel says:
I'm from Brazil and I dont care about 9/11. Of course, I pray for the families of victims but more people die here a day.

Michael Jackson is far more important for us. It's a shame the way he was treated by his own country. Michael is more respected and important here, as in the world than Obama with his ridiculous Nobel.
December 21, 12:54 PM

I am with you Daniel.
Shame ON YOU America, especially on your nasty media!
December 21, 3:58 PM
lyl says:
junk free information and the list may continue.
Save yourself America! You haven't have solved your own problems of poverty, health care, racism, unemployment, homeless people, education of unprivileged, crime rate...Just take for example the birth town of Michael Jackson [Gary/Indiana]and it's unbelievable that in 5o years nothing changed there by the means of living standard.
Other countries have been unfortunately attacked by terrorists, too - and yes, as previous writers posted-Americans should start to understand that they are not the world, just a part- and a very ignorant one - of this world.
Or maybe yes, 9.11 was the most important event of awakening the American people by seeing a little farther than the length of their nose. I strongly condemn any terrorist acts as well as your country engaging in criminal wars! Spend your taxpayers money on yourself and for international peaceful causes. Just then, you'll be glorified worldwide like Michael Jackson.
December 21, 3:57 PM
Diana says:
John Hall, who are you to complain about what one person thought? Who gives you the right to judge? Do you not know that MJ was the most charitable celeb in history? He changed the lives of MANY nameless charities outside of his "pop star" career. Stop and think about the sick people MJ took in and cared for, the hospitals he provided for, the support he gave to those who didn’t have any. Yes, I am sure there are some out there whose lives were directly impacted by MJ more than anything else, so you just have to respect that. For many, the election of the first Black President is the most profound. For someone in New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina could be the most profound. So for you to criticize at least one person for viewing MJ (one of the most beloved figures in history) as most important, shame on you. Remember, you are just ONE person as well.
December 21, 3:55 PM
lyl says:
I live in a middle eastern country, and YES, Michel Jackson's death wath more important than 9.11 or Obama's election. Why? Because the US brought in the region more death in an unjust war than any 9.11 so, that day wasn't a major event for the rest of the humanity. As for Obama being elected - well nothing changed so far. With Michael Jackson's death, the humanity lost not only a musical genius [which was humiliated by his own folk] but lost a great humanitarian, a peace maker and the single contemporary human being which bounded peoples and nations in thoughts of salvation through pure love. People of this planet are peace hungry and love thirsty - what is America feeding them? War?
Six months after MJ's passing, Millions around the globe are still grieving the loss: a militant for peace; for a better, cleaner, healthier world; for financing medical research of incurable diseases; for equity of artists in the entertainment industry; for anti-racism; for a mass media junk free inf
December 21, 3:32 PM
Cher says:
You can not compare these events at all. 911 was horrible and my heart goes out to all of the families who lost loved ones. When you talk about Michael Jacksons death though I think around the work he impacted more people than 911. There are tragedies around the world all the time and Americans do not care about everyone of them. Michael Jackson was loved all over the world. For exmaple the only American movie shown in some countries lately was Michael Jacksons This is it.
December 21, 3:28 PM
Robert Hanly says:
Well said, Lynn. I agree.
December 21, 3:20 PM
Glenda says:
Michael Jackson is important to a lot of people worldwide. I don't even think he even realizes it.
December 21, 2:58 PM

WOW, those comments warmed my heart. No matter how hard the media try, the love for Michael is just far greater, the media will never win, never. Thanx for posting xox
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