Michael Jackson "Dance" Game Unveiled

I 've just started playing it....my god its hard!!
I cant even get passed the "beat it" stage!!!
So how can all of u do it?
Tha game is awesome! Cant wait for it to be available on facebook etc
when will it be available to facebook..anyone know?
Just thought I would add some proof that its possible to get high scores! I want to play it for prizes now :(


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Is this available for the U.S. fans? Seriously this is something everyone would like. I'm getting sick of this crap if it's not.
Heeey what is this! I made it to the Billie Jean level, but I couldn't se anything but the arrows moving!!
So how can I make good score if I don't see the area when I have to click... :huh:

My score was 13700 ^_^
this is hard i cant pass the smooth criminal level? whats after smooth criminal?
My highscore is only 85850 =(
Don't think I have a chance to win one of this iPods :D
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yes finally i completed it! but i only got 63600
"Starting Midnight 23rd August you can add the Michael Jackson Dance application to Social Networks. Players will compete for hourly and daily prizes including Michael Jackson mobile goodies and exclusive King of Pop iPod Nanos"