Michael Jackson causes Havoc in Beverly Hills

Michael's in Beverly Hills for a not publicized visit to whatever/whomever, and the entire surrounding blocks are in gridlock. Even takes one of LAPD's traffic policemen on his motorcycle to get MJ's SUV through the throng. Unbelievable.

Surely someone must have followed him when he left his home, and then let others know, and they then passed the word along even more. You don't just have a random 100 or more people standing around the sidewalk/street corner. Only in Michael's world. :smilerolleyes:
We think things are crazy now but just wait until it comes to the second half of this year when the concerts are going on.
wow, this is amazing .Michael is the king period.
yep. thanks for this. so now all of bev hills hangs out at medical buildings hoping he shows up.

if this don't prove that MJ can sell out in the USA, nothing will. he will always sell out concerts in the usa.

*keeps reading the flawed articles about him, and is incredulous*

this proves that the general public is aware of him, and are fans. they certainly show up, every time he's out. so those people can't always be what we think are fans. some of em have to be what we think are not fans, as well as what we think are fans. the haterade in comments sections comes from people who will react just like those people in the video, if he shows up where they are. he is definitely King of Music, just like someone here said..whether or not there is a recession. whether there is envious media (as there most often is) or not. even in those senseless articles i read in this thread, they even admit the truth..that he has a hold on society. so the rest of the article doesn't make sense. those reporters apparently don't see that. the 'haters' are camping out at those medical buildings just like the lovers of Michael, or else those consistently hysteria filled videos wouldn't be possible. i mean they are waiting for him to go in and come out. i mean the Chris Brown vid, recently had some fans screaming when he was going in, but not when he was coming out. i mean..even his fans don't want to wait for him to come out. it's much easier to conclude that there are genuine haters in that case, cus the hysteria is not consistent. or, at least, the haters mean what they say and don't show up, for Chris, whereas with Michael, they don't realize they don't mean what they say, or there would be at least one vid where there is no screaming, with MIchael. but there never is that kind of video, with Michael. videos are too ramdom, for this not to be the case.

thanks for posting:)
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I couldn't agree more. IF Michael didn't want the attention, he could EASILY put on one of his many disguises. And, I am not referring to the crazy garb he wears FOR attention, like the veils and stuff. He LOVES LOVES LOVES the attention. Remember this is a man who believes that most all of the USA hates him. And he is being received as he was in the Thriller/Bad/Dangerous days, so I guarantee you that he is THRILLED.

Yeah, to this!

Michael is used to this stuff and if he didn't like it, he wouldn't be living in LA of all places.

And I think that what this type of stuff shows him is that he still commands and audience in the US. This can only be encouraging to him. Think about it. Beverly Hills is NOT in the UK. It is in the USA!

he looks hot in that picture... love the coat..

Jesus Christ man, it's great that so many people love him. But this is just sad man, sad for MJ. This can't be life.....but it is for him. He's just going out for shopping, damn. He's only a human being just as us...good lord.

Ah well.

thats exactly what i think. im sad for him. i can understand that he is "weird" in other peoples eyes. i totally understand him.

but i have to admit, that i love to see new pics of him... so good to see him...
OMG there were so many people!!! King of Pop, baby!!!

Did ya'll notice how he was being a tease, rolling the window down a little, then a litlle more...and then...pow...it was all da way down and he was waving...Now that's a pimp.

A, and Tmz was being nice with the title of the video...and the description, by TMZ, standards was nice too. That's right TMZ...bow down....lower...lower....there you go.
OMG there were so many people!!! King of Pop, baby!!!

Did ya'll notice how he was being a tease, rolling the window down a little, then a litlle more...and then...pow...it was all da way down and he was waving...Now that's a pimp.

A, and Tmz was being nice with the title of the video...and the description, by TMZ, standards was nice too. That's right TMZ...bow down....lower...lower....there you go.

I'm loving the last part of your post, its so funny :D.
Michael's looking fine. I think this just proves he's still King. I can't think of any other 50 year old celebrity, been in the business for 40 years, that causes this much hysteria. Incredible!
This reminds me of his birthday party in 2003. After he left the party there were about 30 cars following him and everytime his limo hit a red light all the doors of the cars would fling open and everyone including the drivers would get out and run to his car. It was crazyyyyyyyyyyyy. I have to say that I wasnt one of the cars following him I was just following my navagation's instructions to get home and it just happened that I ended up on the same routeas Michael for about 3 blocks.
they react like they just won the friggin lottery, just by getting a glimpse of him! yeah..celebrities are not the reason why they come to hollywood. he's why they come to hollywood. aside from the warm weather, of course. lol, he's why they come.
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Man, Michael is looking better and better each time we see him! And I can't get over the crowd that started to come up just because he was shopping. It's like everyone in the other stores got word that Michael was near by and all came out too just get a glimpse of him. And the man never even left his friggin car! I'm just loving this! NO celebrity get's that kind of attention when they go shopping.
My god it's crazy!! I bet michael loved that, I'm glad he got shown the love that we all know people in the US do have for him.

I just can't believe how amazing he looks! Gorgeous :wub:
He's gonna be bigger than ever before and he's gonna sell out everywhere he goes!
it can't be that hard to be an MJ fan. not when you can predict that this is gunna happen, everytime he goes outside. lol..not that it's hard to be one, in any case.