Michael Jackson causes Havoc in Beverly Hills


the woman in the: "what IS this?"
guy in the van "chasing michael" :: "MICHAEL JACKSON!"


and then when the fans suddenly start cheering he's like "WHAT DID HE DO! WHAT DID HE DO!!!!???"
and then the other guy like looks out and he's like "he WAVED!"

hilarrriousss video!!!!

that was amazinggg!! MICHAELMANIAAA!!!!
Can't believe im watching it in the present now... i mean i always knew it was there...but now im actually seeing it almost live!
omg.... now i really want to be a PART of it.., like there on the streets...feeling the energy of the fans...

btw, is it just me or does mike look a bittt sad in those pix?
he looks beautiful though :wub:
sad and beautiful :cry:

such a daaannngerous combinatin !
Fans who make a dramas out of everything 'Oh my poor Michael' are just :mello:
thankyou for sharing,it looks new to me,all as i can say is michael mania is here.

lol this reminds me a bit of London when fans where running behind his bus :D and waving at him :lol:

It does look like what happens in London. I suppose some people simply love what they love and other STUFF can never and will never change that when it all comes down to it. :) It's always nice to see that confirmed. Love it! Onward! :punk:

His SHIRT!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :lol: :lol:

I love the shirt. Looks like a stylish representation of chaos and confusion. Do I see an "eye" in there? Looks like the eye from the dollar bill.

He's smiling and waving and he looks great. Love the ensemble with the tuxedo pants. Kind of like an elegant funkiness with the shirt and jacket.

Thanks for posting the pix and footage. :flowers: It's been a rough couple of days and this was a nice end to a hectic week. Tis really Good Friday now....but for a whole other reason. Just...Yum! :shifty: :lol:
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MJ is looking great as always, like the shirt and the jacket :).
oh please stop exaggerating there are times when michael obviously loves the attention he's getting

I'm not exaggerating anything. This definitely IS crazy, see those crowds, just see everything that is happening there. I can honestly tell you that i wouldn't be like that if i was there...i would be like WTF! And sure i would wait and look at it...but not go run at his car or chase him like a pathetic mofo...come on now.

And sure MJ does love attention, from him fans....but i know for sure things like this can get too much for him as well, very sure of that. It's just going too far....nothing exeggerating about it.
I'm not exaggerating anything. This definitely IS crazy, see those crowds, just see everything that is happening there. I can honestly tell you that i wouldn't be like that if i was there...i would be like WTF! And sure i would wait and look at it...but not go run at his car or chase him like a pathetic mofo...come on now.

And sure MJ does love attention, from him fans....but i know for sure things like this can get too much for him as well, very sure of that. It's just going too far....nothing exeggerating about it.

Dont call people "pathetic" so far its a human reaction ...so be carefull when you call people names ;
Dont call people "pathetic" so far its a human reaction ...so be carefull when you call people names ;

Ok well....that was the first word i could come up with when i saw their reaction. Let's just say the way they acted was rather crazy, ok?

And of course MJ is smiling and waving at the fans, it would look bad and not friendly if he didn't do that and just walked away. But don't think he won't be thinking 'jeeeez....finally some quiet here....' when he enters that building.
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Well it seems that most you think that Michael is going to think what YOU are THINKING!!!
Please stop fighting about what A BETTER fan are you or what Michael will do IN THAT SITUATION!You don't know him so much to make that conclusians!
I don't think you were exaggerating either, Staffordshire. You were just making a general statement/observation? And I think most fans realize it does get hard for him at times and we can't imagine being in his shoes, however, we also know sometimes he appears to be fine with it...which "seems" to be the case in this instance. Perhaps it would be easier to gauge each outting on its own merit...sorta like is he smiling and waving or bolting to the car like the invisible man...which he does sometimes as well. You can clearly tell he just isn't in the mood and no amount of politeness can hide it.

Man, this thread started off so nice and pleasant and peaceful. :worried:
Thanks so much for sharing, this has come at the end of a busy and very tiring week and has put a smile on my face.
I think Michael looks great in these pics. WOW!! and the Michaelmania is just awesome.
Personally I think the up and coming concerts are a huge thing for Michael to take on, and all this Michaelmania will serve to boost his confidence that he is doing the right thing at the right time. Right now, at this moment in his life, I think this attention is all good. At least I hope that is how he feels and that he is happy right now, anyway he sure must be used to it by now after over 40yrs of it!!
nomatter how pathetic and everything we all are (!!) can't we agree that we as fans are feeding the paparazzies when we post their pictures at this forum?

im not saying that Michael is going home and cry himself to sleep because of this..
Michael looks amazing in these pictures. Especially in the first one.

It seems as though Michaelmadia has reached the other side of the atlantic also. Michael must feel so humbled w/the level of support that he's receiving at the present time.

Michael is still the man to be! :)
Michael looks absolutely amazing!! I can't believe how good he looks! This has just made a great day a perfect day for me. Love it.
Michael looks amazing in these pictures. Especially in the first one.

It seems as though Michaelmadia has reached the other side of the atlantic also. Michael must feel so humbled w/the level of support that he's receiving at the present time.

Michael is still the man to be! :)

Thanks for the pics and videos! :)

Michael looks as beutiful as always. And seems to happy too...

Too bad he doesn't have any peace to go to the doctor without a million people crying his name out loud, but he's MICHAEL JACKSON. How could it be different?
Thriller days madness, but Mike cannot be like a normal human being that makes me sad ...

Don't you see that WE are the problem. It's strange that you would say this when I know that anyone of us would love to run up to Mike and say hi!!
I couldn't agree more. IF Michael didn't want the attention, he could EASILY put on one of his many disguises. And, I am not referring to the crazy garb he wears FOR attention, like the veils and stuff. He LOVES LOVES LOVES the attention. Remember this is a man who believes that most all of the USA hates him. And he is being received as he was in the Thriller/Bad/Dangerous days, so I guarantee you that he is THRILLED.
Thanks for the pics. I hope he's realizing that we have major love for him here too.
oh please stop exaggerating there are times when michael obviously loves the attention he's getting

agreed. he absolutely loves it. the only time he would have a problem with it is if his kids were with him. but times like this, he loves all the attention. i promise you that.
he looks gorgeous and i love when michael gets to see the fans love for him and the mj magic is back.