Michael Jackson causes Havoc in Beverly Hills


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I'm so sorry if this is posted but is this new?It looks real and new!\

New Pics Too ! Thanks athina_livadi!





Jackson leaves a medical building in Beverly Hills on
Thursday as he prepares for his London move.

More pics here !!!


Plus TMZ.COM video !


Fan vid : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj456PkGF1s

FAN PICS HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvsDxh63w-M

Second TMZ VIDEO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVPUTnAFr3Q - EXCLUSIVE - ***** -- The Man in the Rear - View Mirror 2009 - NEWS!!!

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hehe imagine how it must feel. OMG.

And you cuould barely see him :)
If that was me sitting in that car causing that excitement, I could die happy :)

I have a great promotion idea for the tour.

MJ -Hey plsss can u stop the car
Driver- Why?
MJ- This is it!
Driver- Whats what?
MJ- Just stop okay?
Driver-Well as you say mr jackson.
MJ-Now watch!

MJ steps out of the car and stand in the middle of the street doing some spins then moonwalk back to the car.

3 spins

After first spin he shouts THIS
After second he shouts IS
After third one IT

Driver-WTF was that??
MJ- Thats it!
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^God, what an awful article. And the picture they used is old.

Man watching these videos I feel so bad for Mike. I know he's used to it, and that it's inevitable that he'll get crowds running after him, but still. Dude can't even walk to his car (like that time he went to that Moist shop). It must be a constant delay when your car gets surrounded :/.
Thriller days madness, but Mike cannot be like a normal human being that makes me sad ...
His SHIRT!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :lol: :lol:
The interesting thing is that how the fans always do know where Michael is!!!???
...he looks great, I love the jackets....
:eek: I like the shirt underneeth he's coat! is it a famous designer piece?
Jesus Christ man, it's great that so many people love him. But this is just sad man, sad for MJ. This can't be life.....but it is for him. He's just going out for shopping, damn. He's only a human being just as us...good lord.

Ah well.
Jesus Christ man, it's great that so many people love him. But this is just sad man, sad for MJ. This can't be life.....but it is for him. He's just going out for shopping, damn. He's only a human being just as us...good lord.

Ah well.

I absolutely agree with you, and I do not understand why paparazzie pictures are being shown legally on this forum either. We should all just stop using these sources! All of us really!

... but I still like the shirt he's wearing :blush:
oh please stop exaggerating there are times when michael obviously loves the attention he's getting
HOT Mike in that suit again : ) Wow !! really love him in this suit
Look healthy and ready for the show
lol this reminds me a bit of London when fans where running behind his bus :D and waving at him :lol: