Michael Jackson Album Sales After Death: An In-Depth Look

how many units has mj sold in total? 35 million I'm guessing?
My estimations were even high. It doesn't look like we have to worry guys about The Beatles overtaking MJ. Just read an article from Billboard that stated The Beatles re-released albums are projected to sell a combined 500,000 this week, and 1.3 million within the first month and 2 million by the end of the year. This is compared to MJ's already 5 million albums sold as of now. The Beatles catalogue will be lucky to hit 7-8 million by years end globally

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I just read a Times article where they quoted EMI saying they shipped 4 million CD's to the US with an additional 1 million globally. Now thats just the initial shipment which tells me my estimates are much more realistic. I'm guessing they will ship again for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Beatles should sell about 5 million albums in the US this year (takes their total for the decade to 33 million....the best selling act of the decade, beating out Eminem by a million records). Globally, The Beatles will sell about 10 million records this year taking their total for the decade to over 50 million! Like it or not, The Beatles are by far the most successful act in musical history sales wise, especially in the US. Ever since the start, the US and UK have had an obsession with The Beatles, and this re-release will only prove that. The Times article talked about the fact that The Beatles will earn a new record for the most albums in the UK Top 10 and I believe it. It's conceivable that the band will have up to 7/10 best selling albums there, with probably 4/10 or 5/10 in the US!

How many albums Michael has in TOP Ten after his death?

The whole Billboard chart..., I am looking forward to see and read the statistical yearbook.
My estimations were even high. It doesn't look like we have to worry guys about The Beatles overtaking MJ. Just read an article from Billboard that stated The Beatles re-released albums are projected to sell a combined 500,000 this week, and 1.3 million within the first month and 2 million by the end of the year. This is compared to MJ's already 5 million albums sold as of now. The Beatles catalogue will be lucky to hit 7-8 million by years end globally


I still believe that the Beatles will overcome MJs sale..., BUT if the record company plans to release only limited number of records, lets say 10 mill. or 15 mill., thats different... from unlimited selling... based on the fans interest..., like it was with their album 1s = reached 30 mill. copies...
The Beatles Vs. M.J.: A New Battle For No. 1


Jackson's death created new business opportunities for the managers of his estate and other people who had planned to capitalize on his fame. That would include his record distributors at Sony Music Entertainment. (SNE: 26.63, -0.24, -0.89%)

Presumably, new Jackson albums and such hot products as theatrical and home-market movies, television shows, documentaries and videos were in the offing. The footage of Jackson's supposedly white-hot rehearsals, filmed shortly before his death, could also be worth a fortune since they represent the last Jackson performances.

Jackson's commercial potential from the grave is formidable: The New York Times estimated in an August piece that he had already reaped $100 million from a movie deal and merchandising arrangements.

"The executors expect another $100 million to roll in by the end of the year," the Times pointed out.

Jackson's commercial prospects down the road also look promising. The Times and others -- such as this columnist -- have noted, the long-term business model for the Jackson estate's galaxy of financial opportunities is Elvis Presley. Presley's estate produced about $55 million in revenue in 2008, according to Billboard magazine.

Observers have said disgustedly that Presley has become identified with Americana at its most grotesque, as his managers have wrung every nickel possible from his legacy. They have a point, of course, but so what? If you think Presley was exploited, get ready for The Michael Jackson Circus.

Jackson should be able to eclipse that in years to come, considering he had greater crossover appeal than Presley. Jackson has also benefited from other factors. He is a staple of blogs and tabloid media, which keeps his name fresh everyday. He was also an early superstar on MTV, which propelled him in the 1980s.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Even with Jackson's potential for riches, the Beatles look even more promising.

Read more in the link...
I still believe that the Beatles will overcome MJs sale..., BUT if the record company plans to release only limited number of records, lets say 10 mill. or 15 mill., thats different... from unlimited selling... based on the fans interest..., like it was with their album 1s = reached 30 mill. copies...

EMI confirmed they only shipped 5 million records to stores globally. This will not outpace Jackson's amazing numbers. Billboard is on the ball with their estimations, The Beatles will not even have the #1 album next week...that is going to Jay Z. Billboard is expecting first week sales of 500,000 in the US for the whole Beatles catalogue. This will only go down from here. I believe total US sales for this Beatles re-issue should come in around 3 million by the end of the year. Jackson on the other hand will be toppling 6 million. Jackson will also beat The Beatles globally, where his sales will topple 17 million by years end while the beatles should stall out around 8-9 million. Your forgetting, many Beatles fans will simply illegally download these new remastered versions and not pay the $300 price tag.
I still believe that the Beatles will overcome MJs sale...,
I can see why you think this, you have made it clear that your a Beatles and Elvis fan. That's cool but your wrong. The media are hyping this up as usual. Michael Jackson will overcome the Beatles in sales, I have no doubt.
I can see why you think this, you have made it clear that your a Beatles and Elvis fan. That's cool but your wrong. The media are hyping this up as usual. Michael Jackson will overcome the Beatles in sales, I have no doubt.

MJ for the win! ^_^
many Beatles fans will simply illegally download these new remastered versions and not pay the $300 price tag.

as well as MJs fans..., and Ive always been urging them - Slovak fans on na web blog - not to buy illegal or ripped CDs, DVDs... officially released.., including all the official merchandise staff...

We have to support Michael more than ever before...
Whether the beatles sell lesser or more, the money is going into MJ's estate. It's a win win situation for MJ. ;)

Some key highlights for the week:

-Michael Jackson only had 1 Top 10 album this week due to a string of new releases. His Thriller album was the #6 best selling album in the world this week.

-Thriller shifted another 107,000 copies taking its grand total since his death to almost 2.8 million!

-Jackson had 8/40 best selling albums this week with Thriller, Number Ones, Essential, Bad, Off The Wall, Dangerous, King Of Pop, and Invincible all in the Top 40!

-Jackson's entire catalogue sold another 610,000 albums globally this week taking his total sales after death to 14.26 MILLION Albums!

Some key highlights for the week:

-Michael Jackson only had 1 Top 10 album this week due to a string of new releases. His Thriller album was the #6 best selling album in the world this week.

-Thriller shifted another 107,000 copies taking its grand total since his death to almost 2.8 million!

-Jackson had 8/40 best selling albums this week with Thriller, Number Ones, Essential, Bad, Off The Wall, Dangerous, King Of Pop, and Invincible all in the Top 40!

-Jackson's entire catalogue sold another 610,000 albums globally this week taking his total sales after death to 14.26 MILLION Albums!

Great news! That's still a lot of albums for a slow week, IMO.

Then next week there is going to be the VMAs with Janet's tribute and the dance tribute, as well as, the release of the TII trailer to keep MJ on people's minds at the store.

Yeah... but keep in mind that the Beatles has MORE albums than Michael.

Oh well, sales does not really matter to me. It's the quality of the album that counts. That's every musician's true legacy in my opinion.
Both the Beatles and Elvis have a lot more albums for fans to buy and they've been around a good 10-20 years before little MJ burst on the scene with J5. But you gotta realize that Michael's phenomenal record sales didn't start until late 1979 with 'Off the Wall'. I am sure J5 sold a lot of records. But the majority of Michael's record sales came from 80s and 90s, IMO.

So when you compare the number of records/units sold in a time period, Michael probably has a higher percentage because he has sold about 750 million units in 40 yrs. Elvis blew up in the 50s, so he's been selling records for about 60 years, 20 years more than Michael and technically 30 years if we want to start with Michael's solo career. The Beatles blew up in the 60s, so that is 50 years of selling records.

Michael is a young gun compared to these two, yet he is right up there with them and will probably surpass them one day as more and more people discover Michael and all the unreleased music and footage is released.
if u count MJs J5 day sales then he beats the beatles I think, I think its only fair to add his j5 sales with his solo stuff cos if it had not been for MJ the J5 would not of had sold anything near they did
Before Michael had passed and his record sales skyrocketed in the US and all over the world, Taylor Swift's 'Fearless' had been the top selling album in the US. Michael's 'Number Ones' had exceeded 'Fearless' some time over the summer.

But I just read an article today that Swift is going to re-release 'Fearless' at the end of October with 6 new songs and a DVD of special features. I think her record company wants to give the album a push to become the biggest selling US album by the end of the year.

But the TII movie is going to be released at the same time and I think that will drive a lot of people who hadn't purchased Michael's music yet to the stores if the trailers are gonna be playing on TV. I hope Michael comes out on top.

Swift to re-release 'Fearless' with 6 new songs
Sept. 10, 2009, 8:28 AM EST

NEW YORK (AP) -- Taylor Swift is giving fans some new music, even though she's not yet releasing a new album.

The 19-year-old country and pop sensation is re-releasing her top-selling CD "Fearless" Oct. 27 with six new songs. She will also include a DVD of photos, tour footage and her videos, including her comedic clip with T-Pain from the CMT Awards earlier this year.

"Fearless" has sold almost 4 million copies since it was released last November. It was named album of the year by the Academy of Country Music.

On Wednesday, Swift was nominated for four Country Music Association Awards, including entertainer of the year. She's also up for an MTV Video Music Award on Sunday.

The CD/DVD of "Fearless Platinum Edition" will be released Oct. 27.
Before Michael had passed and his record sales skyrocketed in the US and all over the world, Taylor Swift's 'Fearless' had been the top selling album in the US. Michael's 'Number Ones' had exceeded 'Fearless' some time over the summer.

But I just read an article today that Swift is going to re-release 'Fearless' at the end of October with 6 new songs and a DVD of special features. I think her record company wants to give the album a push to become the biggest selling US album by the end of the year.

But the TII movie is going to be released at the same time and I think that will drive a lot of people who hadn't purchased Michael's music yet to the stores if the trailers are gonna be playing on TV. I hope Michael comes out on top.

Swift to re-release 'Fearless' with 6 new songs
Sept. 10, 2009, 8:28 AM EST

NEW YORK (AP) -- Taylor Swift is giving fans some new music, even though she's not yet releasing a new album.

The 19-year-old country and pop sensation is re-releasing her top-selling CD "Fearless" Oct. 27 with six new songs. She will also include a DVD of photos, tour footage and her videos, including her comedic clip with T-Pain from the CMT Awards earlier this year.

"Fearless" has sold almost 4 million copies since it was released last November. It was named album of the year by the Academy of Country Music.

On Wednesday, Swift was nominated for four Country Music Association Awards, including entertainer of the year. She's also up for an MTV Video Music Award on Sunday.

The CD/DVD of "Fearless Platinum Edition" will be released Oct. 27.

Ah that sucks. But I can see where she is coming from. If my album sales were poor because of another artists death I would probably want to re-release it later. Maybe not this soon but hey.
beeltles and evils LMAO!!!


well, I was born in India (though I've been in the US for the past 30 years) and I can tell you MJ causes madness there whereas the Beeltles cause a few whimsical smiles and various nods of heads and evils perhaps an eyebrow raise or two.

the beeltles and evils are western singers with large followings... but MJ is the King of Pop. even in India, China, Malaysia, etc.


I totally agree with you. In asian, there are huge amount of Mj fans. they even worshiped him like god. The superstars in these countries are also the fans of Mj. by the way, I am chinese. To be honese, I don't know who is beetles, or evils when I am the kid, but I know almost every classmates in my class are mj's fan.
Ah that sucks. But I can see where she is coming from. If my album sales were poor because of another artists death I would probably want to re-release it later. Maybe not this soon but hey.

I am thinking a lot of people might just download the new songs from online. She gives incentive for people to buy the album with the DVD.

I guess only die hard TS fans will buy this. But I know that the difference btw Number Ones and Fearless is not that big, so the re-release of Fearless might give her that extra push.