Michael Jackson Album Sales After Death: An In-Depth Look

So music history only started in 1991!?

Why is this list so important if it doesn't even take into account any sales prior to 1991?
Can't say it matters. Album charts aren't like the singles chart where if you're not number one in the first week anymore you never get there.

If MJ is #2 and TT#1 the first week, they'll probably swap the week after.
So music history only started in 1991!?

Why is this list so important if it doesn't even take into account any sales prior to 1991?

Yes.,quite right. It's not the list that we should look upto when we want to find out about best sellers or best musicians in that matter. It's just much more accurated list put up by professional accounting source. I think that's why each time they mention it as Nielson Sounscan list. But some use it as a solid tool, that's when the matter arrives.
Afterall how can you make a bestsellers list without the half of best selling acts. But I too think it's been publishing in a way that looks like it's the only source available.
Any way like decade charts I think it's a good tool to explore recent album sales in US.
MJ's new album will not sell 5,000,000 copies in the US. 2 million would be a great accomplishment.

If "This Is It" can sell 2,000,000 then I can't see why the new album couldn't sell more. I think with the traditional buyers and especially the new/younger buyers who bought MJ album for first time will definitely buy this one. This will outsell "HIStory" sales for sure. I think they know it.,This is where MJ estate should take matters seriously.,they should monitor and insist every publicity they can get. I think more than estate MJ's family should keep a close eye on how the media and publicity is going to happen. If they could ruin MJ's success while he was living there's no way that we could think they wouldn't approach with such manner in future.
Here is a link on amazon.com discussion board, and of course, the starter of the discussion claims nonsense and fictitious "facts!" and sources!

Please, read it and ADD your comments!

Michael Jackson NOT "Greatest Entertainer of all Time"! - michael jackson Discussion Forum

Initial post: June 9, 2010 3:22 AM PDT
Visigoth says:
According to RIAA, the governing body that certifies gold, platinum and multi-platinum record sales, here are the rankings:

Elvis has sold 2 billion five hundred million records worldwide. He is the most charted artist with 32 number one hits.

Beatles have sold 1 billion six hundred million.

Michael Jackson has sold 185 million records worldwide. Thriller is the top selling LP with fifty million in sales.

In the days of Elvis and The Beatles, an artist had to sell one million singles and five hundred thousand LPs to be certified gold.

In MJ's day, only five hundred thousand singles and two hundred and fifty thousand LPs had to be sold to be certified gold.

The Smithsonian in Washington D.C. declared Elvis "The Greatest Entertainer of the 20th Century".

^ that guy is on crack. enough said

If you mean the amazon discussion, we fans can not ignore this, we have to fight on various fronts to keep MJs legacy and music message alive...

This is generally available place for everybody (like discussions on articles on the net) and anybody can google this and be totally misled and confused.
This is pure manipulation!!! As I said before - Elvis fans are activating in undermining MJs status and they are doing it purposely against Michael!!!

Thats why we have to take any action and fight for Michael.
Who else if not MJ fans can do something for Michael?
I agree with you, Moonwalker.Fan. It is on us to fight against this nonsense!

And Wikipedia as well, because they keep changing their lists of the biggest sellers. Many people cite it as their source, not having in mind that just about anyone can change the content.

I wanted to comment on amazon as well, but you need to have an account there.
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I always love how everyone quotes those billion+ numbers for Elvis and Beatles all the time, but then for MJ they like to underquote his sales figures ALL OF THE TIME. It never fails. Then when you point out that while Elvis and The Beatles may have sold more, that MJ sells more p/unit, basically he sold more with way less, than the other two did then many are like "Numbers are numbers, it doesn't matter how they were achieved" or "You are lying!" LOL It always cracks me up. Anyways, MJDangerous finally came up with his Elvis figures and I have to give him much credit for it. He also seemed to have been targeted because of it which is sad.

If the Beatles and Elvis can have their 1 billion+ figures then MJ can have his 750 million figure and not have people complain about it.
I remember reading in a thread that someone made quite a detailed research of how many albums MJ / Elvis / The Beatles & Co. have sold. It looked quite trustworthy. I'd be prepared to cite that research as a source any time, rather than wikipedia.

I believe it sais that MJ sold about 400 million albums as a solo? Where is that thread, got lost someway? I think it should be made a sticky!
I always love how everyone quotes those billion+ numbers for Elvis and Beatles all the time, but then for MJ they like to underquote his sales figures ALL OF THE TIME. It never fails. Then when you point out that while Elvis and The Beatles may have sold more, that MJ sells more p/unit, basically he sold more with way less, than the other two did then many are like "Numbers are numbers, it doesn't matter how they were achieved" or "You are lying!" LOL It always cracks me up. Anyways, MJDangerous finally came up with his Elvis figures and I have to give him much credit for it. He also seemed to have been targeted because of it which is sad.

If the Beatles and Elvis can have their 1 billion+ figures then MJ can have his 750 million figure and not have people complain about it.

Where did MJDangerous disclose this info? I've been dying to know what he thinks of Elvis' sales.

I remember reading in a thread that someone made quite a detailed research of how many albums MJ / Elvis / The Beatles & Co. have sold. It looked quite trustworthy. I'd be prepared to cite that research as a source any time, rather than wikipedia.

I believe it sais that MJ sold about 400 million albums as a solo? Where is that thread, got lost someway? I think it should be made a sticky!

That was me. lol

But I do have to say, that this was last updated in March.
Here you go: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=60068
Hey Smoothcriminal05, what are the sales figures for MJ's albums and singles since March 29th? And if you could, could you break it down album by album, and single by single if you can please.

Where did MJDangerous disclose this info? I've been dying to know what he thinks of Elvis' sales.

It's on his site. Seems about right to me. I just find it hard to believe that Elvis would have had 1 billion in sales and then none of his albums appear anywhere on the best selling charts. It just seems so unlikely to me.
It's on his site. Seems about right to me. I just find it hard to believe that Elvis would have had 1 billion in sales and then none of his albums appear anywhere on the best selling charts. It just seems so unlikely to me.

Elvis has literally like 60-70 (or more?) gold/platinum albums in the US alone. His hits packages are his biggest sellers and there are/were dozens to choose from over the years so there really isn't any one individual release of his that totally shattered the market. Compare that to Thriller, which is essentially a hits set and in MJ's commercial heyday provided an opportunity to get "Billie Jean," "Beat It," WBSS, etc. on a single LP.
Thanx KB50M, I will definitely have another look at it when I find the time, 'cause that is one massive reading.

I hope that thread can be updated soon. Plus, the amounts sold records, is that the number of shipped records or the number of actual sold records?

And how reliable is that research, I mean are your sources something we could use as a reference? Not only Michael's sales, also the sales of Elvis and The Beatles? Meaning reliable enough?
Thanx KB50M, I will definitely have another look at it when I find the time, 'cause that is one massive reading.

I hope that thread can be updated soon. Plus, the amounts sold records, is that the number of shipped records or the number of actual sold records?

And how reliable is that research, I mean are your sources something we could use as a reference? Not only Michael's sales, also the sales of Elvis and The Beatles? Meaning reliable enough?

The figures I have on here are actual records that were sold. Not shipped.

Its really reliable in my opinion. Figures vary depending on the sources. I took the most common figures from many places such as MJJCharts.com and from MJDangerous and many other sites. I take the figures and I make the best calls I can in determining the right figure. Because I honestly don't believe that the Thriller album itself sold 110 million. A more reliable number is 70 million. So I just don't take any number and believe it. I check breakdown-by-breakdown of their sales from each country and then estimate how much it sold in the rest of the world based on the size of the markets, how well MJ does in them, etc. Then I make the best call I can on the most accurate numbers.

And I don't have an accurate break down of the Beatles or Elvis' sales considering sales numbers form back in those days were not tracked as properly as they should be. I just basically trust MJdangerous' word on their figures.
^ 70 million is bang on for Thriller. My source at Sony verified this number to me many times. The actual number right now is 69,600,000 and will cross over the 70,000,000 mark by Halloween. The closest competition (AC/DC's Back In Black, Grease Soundtrack, etc) all are around the 40 to 45 million range not even close to MJ's Thriller.
The figures I have on here are actual records that were sold. Not shipped.

Its really reliable in my opinion. Figures vary depending on the sources. I took the most common figures from many places such as MJJCharts.com and from MJDangerous and many other sites. I take the figures and I make the best calls I can in determining the right figure. Because I honestly don't believe that the Thriller album itself sold 110 million. A more reliable number is 70 million. So I just don't take any number and believe it. I check breakdown-by-breakdown of their sales from each country and then estimate how much it sold in the rest of the world based on the size of the markets, how well MJ does in them, etc. Then I make the best call I can on the most accurate numbers.

And I don't have an accurate break down of the Beatles or Elvis' sales considering sales numbers form back in those days were not tracked as properly as they should be. I just basically trust MJdangerous' word on their figures.

yeah i think the album as smoothcriminal05 said is close to 70 million but i think it was said it sold over 100 million units meaning albums + SINGLES together so if you add all the singles sold from the orginal thriller album and thriller 25 to the actual sales its over 100 million units ( from mjjcharts to see how much each single sold from thriller)
I don't doubt that Thriller has sold over 100 million! There is no doubt, of course it would have! Is there even any point in questioning it? lol
^ 70 million is bang on for Thriller. My source at Sony verified this number to me many times. The actual number right now is 69,600,000 and will cross over the 70,000,000 mark by Halloween. The closest competition (AC/DC's Back In Black, Grease Soundtrack, etc) all are around the 40 to 45 million range not even close to MJ's Thriller.

Hey Smoothcriminal05, what are the sales figures for MJ's albums and singles since March 29th? And if you could, could you break it down album by album, and single by single if you can please.

I have figures from April 1st 2010 to July 16th 2010:

January to end of March MJ sold 2.4 million albums globally. During the period from April to July, MJ sold 1.9 million albums globally. Taking his current global album sales to 4.3 million in 2010.

Here's the breakdown on the album front for April to July:

OFF THE WALL: 100,000
THRILLER: 380,000
NUMBER ONES: 410,000
ESSENTIAL: 270,000
THIS IS IT: 220,000
BAD: 116,000
HISTORY: 78,000
KING OF POP: 78,000
OTHER: 50,000

Total: 1,908,000


Total global singles/digital downloads sold during this same time period are: 1,450,000

Billie Jean= 235,000
Man In The Mirror= 190,000
Thriller= 171,000
Beat It= 149,000
Earth Song= 111,000
They Don't Care About Us= 95,000
Wanna Be Startin Somethin= 65,000
The Way You Make Me Feel= 48,000
Smooth Criminal= 46,000
Black Or White= 40,000
You Are Not Alone= 31,000
Human Nature= 30,000
I Just Can't Stop Loving You= 29,000
Dirty Diana= 26,000
Will You Be There=24,000
Other= 160,000

Total= 1,450,000
I have figures from April 1st 2010 to July 16th 2010:

January to end of March MJ sold 2.4 million albums globally. During the period from April to July, MJ sold 1.9 million albums globally. Taking his current global album sales to 4.3 million in 2010.

Here's the breakdown on the album front for April to July:

OFF THE WALL: 100,000
THRILLER: 380,000
NUMBER ONES: 410,000
ESSENTIAL: 270,000
THIS IS IT: 220,000
BAD: 116,000
HISTORY: 78,000
KING OF POP: 78,000
OTHER: 50,000

Total: 1,908,000


Total global singles/digital downloads sold during this same time period are: 1,450,000

Billie Jean= 235,000
Man In The Mirror= 190,000
Thriller= 171,000
Beat It= 149,000
Earth Song= 111,000
They Don't Care About Us= 95,000
Wanna Be Startin Somethin= 65,000
The Way You Make Me Feel= 48,000
Smooth Criminal= 46,000
Black Or White= 40,000
You Are Not Alone= 31,000
Human Nature= 30,000
I Just Can't Stop Loving You= 29,000
Dirty Diana= 26,000
Will You Be There=24,000
Other= 160,000

Total= 1,450,000

Thanks a lot.
Elvis has literally like 60-70 (or more?) gold/platinum albums in the US alone. His hits packages are his biggest sellers and there are/were dozens to choose from over the years so there really isn't any one individual release of his that totally shattered the market. Compare that to Thriller, which is essentially a hits set and in MJ's commercial heyday provided an opportunity to get "Billie Jean," "Beat It," WBSS, etc. on a single LP.

I understand that, but the fact that even all that can break a billion in sales is still unbelievable. Even the Beatles haven't broken a billion yet and they sell way more than Elvis ever will. Even though there's no definitive proof any sort of numbers Elvis supporters argue that b/c Elvis released music prior to certifications that must mean he sold millions upon millions, which justifies that overly inflated number. =/
I don't doubt that Thriller has sold over 100 million! There is no doubt, of course it would have! Is there even any point in questioning it? lol

Simply its not real and true that Thriller has sold over 100 mill. copies.
Believe it or not, nobody can be manipulated in this!
MJ Fas tend to believe bugger, higher numbers... the more hype the more delusion...
I have figures from April 1st 2010 to July 16th 2010:
Here's the breakdown on the album front for April to July:


Total global singles/digital downloads sold during this same time period are: 1,450,000

Billie Jean= 235,000
Man In The Mirror= 190,000
Thriller= 171,000
Beat It= 149,000
Earth Song= 111,000
They Don't Care About Us= 95,000
Wanna Be Startin Somethin= 65,000
The Way You Make Me Feel= 48,000
Smooth Criminal= 46,000
Black Or White= 40,000
You Are Not Alone= 31,000
Human Nature= 30,000
I Just Can't Stop Loving You= 29,000
Dirty Diana= 26,000
Will You Be There=24,000
Other= 160,000

Total= 1,450,000

So can you tell us the global single sales in 2010?
Simply its not real and true that Thriller has sold over 100 mill. copies.
Believe it or not, nobody can be manipulated in this!
MJ Fas tend to believe bugger, higher numbers... the more hype the more delusion...

Sorry. I believe you are wrong.

The 'Thriller' 'project' has sold over 100 million by now. Add up sales of albums (Thriller and T25) + singles (physical and downloads) + VHS/DVD/downloads, and there can be no doubt that the 'Thriller' concept has sold way over 100 million.

Sony would not hold themselves open to riducle just for Michael Jackson - I can asure you of that - so you must take their word for it.