Michael Jackson Album Sales After Death: An In-Depth Look

^No global numbers have been publicly released at this time. However, if you include Blu-Ray and regular DVD sales for TII, I would put unit sales at near 6 to 7 million units, with total earnings between $120 and $150 million (US dollars).
Hmm thats the point, no info about it, almost like a prohibition for This Is It... or info regarding success of Michael Jackson, ... besides the scandalous stories...
Forbes will make a new list... I wonder if they count TII CD+DVD and BR... and all the stuff since the last list...

-This Is It fell from #18 to #21 this week, selling 51,000 copies (same as the week before). Only 10,000 of those were from the US, meaning the album is still selling very well overseas due to the DVD release.

-This Is It has now sold close to 3.8 million copies globally since its release according to numbers from Media Traffic.

-Jackson sold 164,000 albums this week, up a few thousand from last week.

-MJ has now sold 1.8 million albums in 2010 around the world.
Great News Guys;

Sony to sign a record deal with MJ estate!

A deal atleast worth $250 million is to be signed with Sony and MJ Estate!
Which includes 10 new albums! in 7-year period.
Great news is that they are planning to release a new MJ album within this year.

Guys this is the biggest deal in recording history, it surpasses Live Nation's contract deals with Madonna and Jay Z.

Great News Guys;

Sony to sign a record deal with MJ estate!

A deal atleast worth $250 million is to be signed with Sony and MJ Estate!
Which includes 10 new albums! in 7-year period.
Great news is that they are planning to release a new MJ album within this year.

Guys this is the biggest deal in recording history, it surpasses Live Nation's contract deals with Madonna and Jay Z.


Absolutely amazing!

The rumours were true then!? A new album his year!!
Great News Guys;

Sony to sign a record deal with MJ estate!

A deal atleast worth $250 million is to be signed with Sony and MJ Estate!
Which includes 10 new albums! in 7-year period.
Great news is that they are planning to release a new MJ album within this year.

Guys this is the biggest deal in recording history, it surpasses Live Nation's contract deals with Madonna and Jay Z.


Wow. This breaks the record MJ HIMSELF set in 1991 with Sony as well. He signed a $65 million dollar deal with sony and it was the largest ever.

Now he tops that by a long shot, with $200 million deal.
No, there have been MANY contracts exceeding $65million since 1991. I won't bother to list them here. MJ did not break his own record because it had been broken years ago.
No, there have been MANY contracts exceeding $65million since 1991. I won't bother to list them here. MJ did not break his own record because it had been broken years ago.

Yeah.,MJ had the record but it was broken couple of times.,The previous record holder for the biggest contract in music history belonged to Jay Z.,He had signed $ 150 million contract with Live Nation in 2008. It's for 10 years and certain percentage from almost every penny that Jay Z earn within this period goes to Live Nation.,Madonna was the first to sign a deal like this with Live Nation in 2007 for 10 years, she signed for $ 120M.,
Unlike MJ-Sony deal. Sony does not have the rights or fully license to all MJ related products. And it's for 7 years as well.
So this will be by far the biggest contract signing in recording music history. And it's well worthy as well.
According to Sony and the estate, official 2009 album sales globally were 29 million, plus another 2 million have been sold so far in 2010 meaning that total album sales since January 2009 are a staggering 31 million!
And not to forget MJ has sold 12.4 million downloads of single tracks in US alone! during 2009.
Sales Since June 2009:

US Albums: 8.8 million
Foreign Albums: 22.5 million
US Digital Downloads: 12.9 million
Foreign Digital Downloads: 8 million
Global Music Video Downloads: 5 million
US Music DVD Sales: 3.5 million
Global Music DVD Sales: 3 million
This Is It US DVD Sales: 3.3 million
Foreign This Is It DVD Sales: 4.8 million
Total Physical Single Sales: 2 million

Sales Since June 2009:

US Albums: 8.8 million
Foreign Albums: 22.5 million
US Digital Downloads: 12.9 million
Foreign Digital Downloads: 8 million
Global Music Video Downloads: 5 million
US Music DVD Sales: 3.5 million
Global Music DVD Sales: 3 million
This Is It US DVD Sales: 3.3 million
Foreign This Is It DVD Sales: 4.8 million
Total Physical Single Sales: 2 million


Amazing numbers Smooth....thanx.,Is this the highest possible total number or minimum?? I think the real total could be even higher than this. Sony is the only entity who knows this exactly. My god what would happen if the illegal downloads or pirate CD/DVD numbers add to this!!!
No, there have been MANY contracts exceeding $65million since 1991. I won't bother to list them here. MJ did not break his own record because it had been broken years ago.

Yeah.,MJ had the record but it was broken couple of times.,The previous record holder for the biggest contract in music history belonged to Jay Z.,He had signed $ 150 million contract with Live Nation in 2008. It's for 10 years and certain percentage from almost every penny that Jay Z earn within this period goes to Live Nation.,Madonna was the first to sign a deal like this with Live Nation in 2007 for 10 years, she signed for $ 120M.,
Unlike MJ-Sony deal. Sony does not have the rights or fully license to all MJ related products. And it's for 7 years as well.
So this will be by far the biggest contract signing in recording music history. And it's well worthy as well.

Those are the WORTH/VALUE of their contracts. MJ was paid $65 million in advanced payment. MJ's contract was worth $890 million, as stated in the 1991 edition of the Guinness World Records. No one has gotten over $65 million as an initial advanced payment for their contract. All of those deals that claim xxx amount of dollars were always the worth of the contract. Now the new contract gave MJ's estate $250 million in advanced pay for the recording portin of the contract , according to the New York Times. So this New deal by FAR is the highest.

On 21st March 1991, Sony Music said they expected to realize $1 billion in revenue from the partnership. Michael was paid $65million all told at the time just for signing, some of which included the advance for 'Dangerous' and $1million to run Nation Records (MJJ Prod).

His contract gives him a 21% royalty rate and an unprecedented 50-50 profit split with Sony. Profit split proved with HIStory album best - $100million went to MJ while Sony took home $92million. Both MJ and Sony had put their own money towards the cost of promoting HIStory at the start as well.

Michael also owned 70% of all video rights as well. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes...its+and+a+shot+at+movie+stardom.&pqatl=google

Profit was pretty much realized from all sales of Dangerous/HIStory and any associated material such as videos and singles. The tours did not come into this as Sony were never financially involved.

Articles in 2003 claimed the contract was $65million - http://www.usatoday.com/life/2003-11-24-jackson-finances_x.htm

Tommy Mottola, the president of Sony Music Entertainment, said the company based the estimate of $1 billion in retail revenues on the 40 million copies of "Thriller" and 25 million copies of "Bad" that have been sold, at an average of $10 per record, or $650 million.


HIStory's retail revenue was $300million alone while Dangerous was somewhere between $170-250million. By the time Ghosts, BOTDF and Invincible were released, Michael had fulfilled his part which was realizing $1billion retail revenue. Combine CBS and Sony, Michael realized nearly $2billion in retail revenue over 20-something years.

HIStory saw MJ pocket $100million for the album by 1998 and $12million for BOTDF in Feb 1998 along with 70% of all profits from these videos - HIStory Video Greatest Hits, Ghosts & HIStory On Film. Add in the singles and Michael probably made somewhere over $400million between 1995-1998.

That's just that era.

BUT it doesn't take into account video sale profits and any profit from BOTDF as well as Invincible is not part of that. I only calculated $650-700million based on the retail revenue of both Dangerous and HIStory which pretty much ties it with OTW, Thriller & BAD total revenue.

It'd be closer to a billion if I added in his other albums as well as continued 1990s sales of his back catalog, but that's not necessary.

Retail revenue is a combination of the album price list and total sales. HIStory is a massive cash cow due to it's list price in 1995 - £26.99 in UK and $32.50 in USA. Bad, in comparison was about $10 while Dangerous was about $14.

Album price especially.

By 1989, Michael had sold 47million copies of Thriller, 25million of BAD and 20million copies of Off The Wall. That's 92million copies sold in the '80s alone for those albums.

Nobody bettered MJs royalty rates to this day, and nobody has ever managed to get the same profit split.

Considering MJ's massive sales of Dangerous (31million), and great sales for History and strong catalog sales throughout the years, I don't believe anybody made more money out of single contract than MJ did. Certainly none of the contracts talked about here come anywhere near it.
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Sales Since June 2009:

US Albums: 8.8 million
Foreign Albums: 22.5 million
US Digital Downloads: 12.9 million
Foreign Digital Downloads: 8 million
Global Music Video Downloads: 5 million
US Music DVD Sales: 3.5 million
Global Music DVD Sales: 3 million
This Is It US DVD Sales: 3.3 million
Foreign This Is It DVD Sales: 4.8 million
Total Physical Single Sales: 2 million


Wow. at this rate it might be possible for him to sell over 100 million records before the year lets out. Especially considering new material will be released.
So is there any debate about who is the Greatest Entertainer of All-time???
KB50MJ, do you know I love you?

anyway, why these facts are not reported officially in media..., guys, just wonder why?
KB50MJ, do you know I love you?

anyway, why these facts are not reported officially in media..., guys, just wonder why?

lol. thanks. But people have to really read things before they make claims. I knew there was no way anyone, especially people like Jay-Z(who I do like) can out do MJ in terms of money making.

It just dosn't make sense considering no one has done bigger than MJ. Sony had a reason to spend that much money on him. He was the biggest star ever.
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This is definitively a very eye-opening thread.

Great, great, GREAT facts here! Facts!

BTW KB50MJ, your comment about the values and worth of the contracts, thats absolutely right, MJ earned more from the sales of his records than anybody else!
Weirdly, media permanently report about the failures or so-called "debts" (either they dont know the facts that the debts were also a part of the investments of Sony/ATV, or they just want to twist the facts because of their agenda).

Thats why fans should "copy" info like that from this forum, and insert it into discussion comments on the articles... on the net.
Just a correction:

The first deal with Sony was signed in 1991, on March 20th, and MJ got 25% rate in royalties.

Michael was paid 18 mill. in cash + 5 mill. dollars for each album.
Thanks for the correction. I missed that.

But yes, No entertainer has earned more than MJ. Thats why I found it hard to believe those other artists got bigger contracts.

And yes we need to get the correct info out there and let people know of MJ's achievements.
MJ'S US SALES THIS WEEK: (Issued March 17th)

-For the first time since his death, no MJ albums made the US Top 50.

-Number Ones sold 10,000 copies

-This Is It sold 9,000 copies

-Overall album sales this week were at 53,000 down very slightly from last week.
MJ's Global Sales This Week (Issued March 19th 2010):

-This Is It drops to #23 from #18, selling 44,000 copies

-Jackson sold 152,000 albums this week around the world

-MJ has sold over 2,000,000 albums around the world so far in 2010. That's on top of the 29 million sold from June to December 2009 bringing his total to 31 million since his death.
Album sales still remain huge worldwide for MJ!!

Just to put these figures into perspective, Lady Gaga's album is doing great at the moment with numerous singles being released and publicity, tour etc and MJ has sold the same amount of albums as her this week!!!

Also not sure about worldwide DVD sales totals but 'This Is It' DVD also sold in excess of 110,000 copies in just the US this week after 5 weeks on release, sales remain steady and only slipped about 20%. It has now sold almost 2.5 million copies just in the US.

MJ's Global Sales This Week (Issued March 19th 2010):

-This Is It drops to #23 from #18, selling 44,000 copies

-Jackson sold 152,000 albums this week around the world

-MJ has sold over 2,000,000 albums around the world so far in 2010. That's on top of the 29 million sold from June to December 2009 bringing his total to 31 million since his death.
Exclusive Sales Report: THIS IS IT DVD

Just got some inside info from Sony on TII DVD sales numbers:

-So far, as of March 19th, This Is It has sold 3.6 million units in the US (inlcuding Blu-Ray), and has grossed over 60 million dollars in the US alone. This makes it the best selling music DVD of ALL TIME in the country.

-In Foreign countries, TII has sold an additional staggering 5.5 million units, grossing an additional 90 million dollars.

-This means total global sales of the TII DVD currently stand at 9.1 million.

-This Is It the DVD has grossed an unbelievable $150 million dollars globally since its release.

-I am told Sony expects this release to end the year with sales of 12-13 million, and sales of over $200 million which would make it BY FAR the highest selling music DVD ever by over double the nearest competitor

Source: Sony Insider
I really wonder why DVD is not selling so good in Europe and Asia. Only 5.5 mill. in foreign countries out of the US?
I think it pretty low...

BTW, what is the best selling music DVD ever?

So, how much money Michael has earned so far?

Id say, over 300 mill, and by the end of this year 450 mill., remember the anniversary and a new album...

And, do you remember the AGE deal?
It predicted to reach 400 mill. dollars in profits, and now it overcomes it far from this...
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