"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

Why would kids wanna watch the film? This is not 1984 anymore. The movie is for adults, for the people who grew up with Michael’s music
People will not watch a 3 plus hour long movie ask Kevin Costner how that worked out.
Probably his answer depends on the film you ask him. His 1990 blockbuster Dances with Wolves was 3 hours 96 minutes long.
Why would kids wanna watch the film? This is not 1984 anymore. The movie is for adults, for the people who grew up with Michael’s music
The same reason why kids would want to go and watch MJ The Muscial, or dress up like him on Halloween.

He still has a large appeal to kids discovering his music.

I agree that this film will be for adults but I guarantee some parents will bring their kid along who will be dressed up.
The purpose of a biopic is not to expand an artist's audience to a new generation and is just to appeal to their much smaller older fanbase, I guess.
Did the Elvis biopic introduce Elvis to children and teenagers? No, nor did Rocketman or that Johnny Cash biopic. I’m convinced children are not the main core group this film wants to appeal too. It doesn’t make any sense to me anyway.

To think Michael will reach millions of children in 2019 is just daydreaming, they have their own pop stars and Michael is just an old artist their parents like.
Probably his answer depends on the film you ask him. His 1990 blockbuster Dances with Wolves was 3 hours 96 minutes long.
Yes, I get it but that was in 1990. Times have change people can’t pay attention that long or be willing to give up that much time. If it’s 3 plus hours I will probably see it when it comes to streaming 😂. I would keep it 2hrs 20 minutes or less.
Yes, I get it but that was in 1990. Times have change people can’t pay attention that long or be willing to give up that much time. If it’s 3 plus hours I will probably see it when it comes to streaming 😂. I would keep it 2hrs 20 minutes or less.
If you ask me my gut feeling says films in general have a longer average length now than in the past. The days of briskly paced 90 to 100 min movies seem long gone. The new normal seems to be 120 to 140 min. I expect the film to be in this region and the director’s cut 5 hours. Just kidding but the DC will be 3 hours.
I think people are VERY wrong about attention spans.

Elvis was catered towards everyone except my age group (16-18), and yet i know several girls that began to SWOON over elvis & austin butler.

that film was nearly 3 hours long and it FLEW by. nothing needs to be cut, nothing needs to be shortened. If the movie is good, it will stand by itself.
I think people are VERY wrong about attention spans.

Elvis was catered towards everyone except my age group (16-18), and yet i know several girls that began to SWOON over elvis & austin butler.

that film was nearly 3 hours long and it FLEW by. nothing needs to be cut, nothing needs to be shortened. If the movie is good, it will stand by itself.
Well that Austin Butler fella looked hot as hell, not enough to change my preference to men but still 😜
I think people are VERY wrong about attention spans.

Elvis was catered towards everyone except my age group (16-18), and yet i know several girls that began to SWOON over elvis & austin butler.

that film was nearly 3 hours long and it FLEW by. nothing needs to be cut, nothing needs to be shortened. If the movie is good, it will stand by itself.
I love Elvis and I love the movie, but I have to be in a mood, and I mean really in a mood, and set off time to watch it because it's so long. and because it's so long I haven't watched it as many times as I would like to have. I can't be bothered with such long movies, no matter how much I love it
People of all ages are going to watch this film. The idea that MJ has no kid fans is absurd.
I didn’t say he has no kids fans but I am going to say that percentage wise it will be his least significant group of fans.

30 till 50 is his biggest fan group then we have 20 to 30 and then 50+ then probably teenagers 12 to 19 and kids 5 to 11 make up a small portion most likely. Like I said the 80s are long gone.
I didn’t say he has no kids fans but I am going to say that percentage wise it will be his least significant group of fans.

30 till 50 is his biggest fan group then we have 20 to 30 and then 50+ then probably teenagers 12 to 19 and kids 5 to 11 make up a small portion most likely. Like I said the 80s are long gone.
you'd be suprised with how many fans he has in the teenage age range.
you'd be suprised with how many fans he has in the teenage age range.
I’m more surprised with how seemingly small his fan group of 50+ is. All the fans who grew up as teenagers with the jackson are now easily 60+ or those who grew up during the thriller height are 50+ yet I rarely see representation of this age group as MJ fans. I’m stoked he has many 30+ fans which means they became fans during Michael’s commercial and critical decline though.
I’m more surprised with how seemingly small his fan group of 50+ is. All the fans who grew up as teenagers with the jackson are now easily 60+ or those who grew up during the thriller height are 50+ yet I rarely see representation of this age group as MJ fans. I’m stoked he has many 30+ fans which means they became fans during Michael’s commercial and critical decline though.
A decent portion of that 50 plus are probably dead.

I've thought about that in the past, where did they all go? All those thousands who would follow him wherever he went, waited outside his hotel etc

All those screaming girls during the BAD tour who were in love with Michael,

Unfortunately he's probably just a footnote in their lives now...Michael Jackson? Oh yeah I went to see him once in the 80s.
It's a very interesting topic to discuss the age range of the fan community. I've been a Michael fan myself since 2016 (with irregular breaks) and I agree.

But I think it also comes from adolescence. My mother loved George Michael in the 80s (she was a teenager, around 16 to 18 years old) and she was a big fan with posters of him in her room, she saw him in concert, etc. Now, (around 50 - 55 yo now) as she has a job, a daughter and have a personal life, she has left GM aside a bit. I think this is normal behavior for some people. Others are done with this period. I think that I myself will be a fan of Michael forever but that from a certain time, I will put him aside in my life after getting tired of the songs, clips, personal videos of private home movies. For what ? Because Michael and the idea of not having met him will weigh on me and that I would have a professional life in construction, a job, personal life, etc.

So yes, some remained fans but others moved on. Afterwards, there's everything, fans aged 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and even 60 years old (Michael's generation) so it's normal. But those over 50 are less exposed on the Internet, perhaps.

I don't want to make generalizations because it is case by case but in theory, I think it can be explained like that. But it is more complex in reality than in principle.

We see memes of Michael on the Internet (tik-tok, insta, pinterest, twitter, youtube) and a lot of fangirling. Fans aged 10 to 20 who adore Michael and who also love him more for the person than sometimes for the artist (which is particularly the case for me) while the older ones admire the artist but don't care about the man in the mirror.
I am sure there are a lot of 50plus fans who are not dead. Curious how this opinion comes?
i'd say the true reason is because most 50+ year olds believe MJ wasnt the greatest person, which is 100% the case over here in ireland, where its "taboo" to talk about him as a serious artist because of the issues that surrounded him.
Why would kids wanna watch the film? This is not 1984 anymore. The movie is for adults, for the people who grew up with Michael’s music
Because there are younger fans. Yes, even kids can be big fans of M. Like ✨me✨ (when the movie will come out I’ll be just shy of 15 so right now I’m 14)
people should be worried about how the media will smother the MJ movie. in april the Minecraft movie is coming out, with the bob dylan movie probably coming out at around the same time. I think they should really reconsider the date they release the film to either earlier or later, else it could get killed in the box office.
I don’t care about a Minecraft movie, I bet alot more people care more about a Michael Jackson movie than a dumb Minecraft movie. That’s just how iconic he is
im telling you, you are underestimating it. as a parent, which would you rather bring your kids to, the Michael Jackson movie or the minecraft movie?
Posting as FYI. No idea whether Antoine Fuqua will want to / be able to show a trailer at this San Diego Comic Con. But it's possible and, hopefully, he might at least be asked about it and say something.

One person commented:
"Important to note that it’s NOT for ‘Michael,’ specifically. He’s part of a “directors on directing” panel with Roland Emmerich.It’s VERY possible he’ll maybe talk a little bit about his experience directing the biopic though!"

Seems that the old band has been represented in the upcoming Michael Jackson Biopic.
After Darryl Phinnessee and Kevin Dorsey, it is the turn of Dorian Holley and Jennifer Batten, all on the Bad, Dangerous and HIStory tours.
Meanwhile, another photo of the biopic leaked this week showing Jaafar Jackson doing Michael Jackson’s Super Bowl 1993.
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