"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

China is Michael's largest and most proactive fanbase outside of India. They've spend thousands of dollars erecting statues of him all over the country, he has around 10-12 there now. More than any foreigner besides one, China's richest man payed tribute to him. All of the K-Pop artists were influenced by him, they even bought ads on Time Square to promote him. It's the US MJ fans that are slacking in their support of him. And that's mostly because the media is run by assholes.

Michael is hands down the most famous person to ever exist aside from literally one man.

Michael Jackson broke through at just the right time to be the star he was. Black artists were just breaking through in the US, and globalization was really taking hold with the expansion of American IPs across the world and the adoption of TV having really taken hold in the furthest reaches. As big as Elvis was, there could never have been Michael Jackson level fame before Michael Jackson. And there could never be since, as despite globalization truly being intrenched, people are far more segmented than they used to be, and forms of entertainment have continued to fragment and diversify. People who know no better think Taylor Swift is as big as Michael Jackson. I doubt anyone in Asia or the Middle East really gives a shit about Taylor Swift; whereas I was talking to my friend from Iraq, who lived in Iraq during the reign of Suddam Hussein and fierce anti-west sentiment. His father was a HUGE Michael Jackson fan and used to play his songs on the guitar. Michael's legacy has also shown tremendous staying power, as he's arguably much bigger now internationally than he probably even was in the mid-late 90s. Definitely second only to Jesus as far as fame and arguably popularity goes.
Michael Jackson broke through at just the right time to be the star he was. Black artists were just breaking through in the US, and globalization was really taking hold with the expansion of American IPs across the world and the adoption of TV having really taken hold in the furthest reaches. As big as Elvis was, there could never have been Michael Jackson level fame before Michael Jackson. And there could never be since, as despite globalization truly being intrenched, people are far more segmented than they used to be, and forms of entertainment have continued to fragment and diversify. People who know no better think Taylor Swift is as big as Michael Jackson. I doubt anyone in Asia or the Middle East really gives a shit about Taylor Swift; whereas I was talking to my friend from Iraq, who lived in Iraq during the reign of Suddam Hussein and fierce anti-west sentiment. His father was a HUGE Michael Jackson fan and used to play his songs on the guitar. Michael's legacy has also shown tremendous staying power, as he's arguably much bigger now internationally than he probably even was in the mid-late 90s. Definitely second only to Jesus as far as fame and arguably popularity goes.
Jesus isn't a normal man he's basically God in the flesh. So we really can't rank him among other famous people. In that sense technically Michael is the #1 even though he also isn't.
Jesus isn't a normal man he's basically God in the flesh. So we really can't rank him among other famous people. In that sense technically Michael is the #1 even though he also isn't.
Jesus is the most significant human. I've never really agreed with the argument he's the most "famous". Though The Bible is the most well known book so I guess it connects. But it all seems. Superfluous. As a religious person, to me, to say the least.
It’s funny how people from the Western influenced world think the entire world revolves around them.
Ouch! As a Westerner myself I definitely don't think that. I rail against it all the time. Michael's fanbase in China is really proactive but, as far as numbers go, I have no idea how big the fanbase is. Taylor Swift has a big fanbase there but Michael? I have no idea.

I’d wager that Michael is not a household name in many Asian countries.
Quite possible. It's the sort of thing that doesn't bother me so I don't pay much attention.

Go ask a random farmer in China or freaking Kazakhstan about Michael, you’d be surprised.
I haven't got the energy to dig out those stories about people in random, isolated places (somewhere in one of the African countries? Or was it somewhere in India? I can't remember) where people commemorated Michael when he died. I agree with you. I'm sure there are many people who neither know nor care who Michael is. But, getting back to the biopic, I don't know if Michael's Chinese fanbase is big enough to make the film a big commercial success over there. But that Keen Zhang? He is relentless at promoting Michael. They do great stuff over there. As with most places, it'll be all about the cities, how well the biopic does in the urban centres.

SonyChina presumably thought it was worth their while paying for this T40 ad so the Chinese fanbase can't be that small. I'm sure Lionsgate will do something similar.

"OK, Sony China will finally do something. #Thriller40 will eventually made its way to this giant LED screen in Sanlitun, center of Beijing, capital city of China. I’m waiting for it to happen. This, is also hard-earned."

Followed by this tweet:

It’s funny how people from the Western influenced world think the entire world revolves around them.

You´re right about that!
I’d wager that Michael is not a household name in many Asian countries. Go ask a random farmer in China or freaking Kazakhstan about Michael, you’d be surprised. Or maybe I would be, I don’t think I’ll ever know.

I think you´d be surprised! :)
Well ok then I’m ready for the Chinese people to run riot and flock to the cinemas like ducks to a piece of bread in the park.
Well ok then I’m ready for the Chinese people to run riot and flock to the cinemas like ducks to a piece of bread in the park.
Here they come, lol.

Go ask a random farmer in China or freaking Kazakhstan about Michael, you’d be surprised. Or maybe I would be, I don’t think I’ll ever know.
Michael played DWT shows in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. As for Kazakhstan, there was a 2009 tribute to Michael. That's gotta count for something.

Over and out! :D
It’s funny how people from the Western influenced world think the entire world revolves around them. I’d wager that Michael is not a household name in many Asian countries. Go ask a random farmer in China or freaking Kazakhstan about Michael, you’d be surprised. Or maybe I would be, I don’t think I’ll ever know.
Kazakhstan iTunes chart currently has the No1's Album at #8 so I think he's doing ok!

And for reference, Uzbekistan has Xscape at #10, Number 1's at #15 and essential at #17!
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Kazakhstan iTunes chart currently has the No1's Album at #8 so I think he's doing ok!

And for reference, Uzbekistan has Xscape at #10, Number 1's at #15 and essential at #17!
I could google "Most remote countries in the world" and then cross reference the countries with Michael Jackson and i'll get articles or videos showcasing how he's famous there
Top 10: Most Isolated Countries in the world
Tuvalu - Memorial Stamps printed for him to mourn his death
Bhutan - Story about Children in Elementary School requesting to hear Michael's music years after his death
Kiribati - Took Part in his Birthday Celebration, story of a local composer stating he was inspired to be a musician after getting a bootlegged Tape of him
Sao Tome and Principle - African Man traveled to the island following his death and became famous amongst the people as a MJ Tribute artist exposing everyone to his music
Timor Leste - his Music was played there by the United States Military after his death
Tonga - Mourned by all of the local musicians in the country following his death
Suriname - Stories of him being the inspiration behind people in the country becoming artists / Video of locals dancing to Billie Jean in 2017
Micronesia - Mourned across the country with stamps
I am going to the first possible screening of this thing and taking the day off work. everything I've seen so far gives me a whole lot of hype.
Test screening? I'm gonna guess you'll be forced to signing an NDA before going in.
"Colman Domingo, about Michael Jackson's BIOPIC": "Actually, I don't think he's trying to prove his innocence. I think it's really just trying to offer a great examination of an artist, of what made him who he is, of what makes him complicated, so that everyone can walk away with their own answers. There are endless answers and possibilities, but this is a human being, and a person's humanity cannot be discounted. I think that's exactly what you're aiming for. And I think that's why most of us got on board."

"I understand Colmans statement here. Like I saw some say I agree with,that if these actors shoved "MJ was innocent" down peoples throats, then it might have the opposite effect , that people would be put off by it. Now audience have a chance of watching this with an open mind."

Don't know if I'm just not interpreting it correctly, but I don't get good vibes at all from that statement.

I think its perfect and the right direction for the movie.

(1) People need to see Michaels story and why he was the way he was. Finally, we can make people understand him more instead of only reading the tabloid bullshit.

(2) I also think that the biopic will show elements of the trials that the mainstream media don't show, such as Evan Chandler being manipulative, the reason for the settlement, and why Michael won in '05.

Forcing a one-sided Michael innocent campain in the biopic will only make things worse en makes the whole biopic uncredible and useless because it will receive backlash.

A more open fact-based story telling is the way to go. Lets hope they dont fack it up.
I think its perfect and the right direction for the movie.

(1) People need to see Michaels story and why he was the way he was. Finally, we can make people understand him more instead of only reading the tabloid bullshit.

(2) I also think that the biopic will show elements of the trials that the mainstream media don't show, such as Evan Chandler being manipulative, the reason for the settlement, and why Michael won in '05.

Forcing a one-sided Michael innocent campain in the biopic will only make things worse en makes the whole biopic uncredible and useless because it will receive backlash.

A more open fact-based story telling is the way to go. Lets hope they dont fack it up.
I actually agree with what you're saying, it's just the whole "there are endless answers" thing that kinda concerns me. No there aren't, lol.

Anyway, I also hope they go with the fact based approach
I have a dear friend who’s a well known director and is good friends with Antoine Fuqua. Antoine invited him to the set for a day and he sat on the video split watching the footage that day with Antoine. He said Jafaar was amazing but more so that this film is being told with nuance, sensitivity and subtlety. I didn’t expect him to be excited as he’s known I’m an MJ fan for years and has never really shown much enthusiasm for MJ but he was so blown away with what he saw. I asked him what happened in the scenes he saw and he wouldn’t tell me. Even him (an A-list director) had to sign an NDA to be on set.
The way I read that statement is that they don't need to go down the denial route because Michael has always been innocent.

This film will showcase exactly who Michael was as a human being and the reasons why he acted differently to how others may live their lives - they don't need to be all I am 100% innocent, this was an extortion attempt etc - just show the REAL Michael so the audience understands and can make their own mind up.
I actually agree with what you're saying, it's just the whole "there are endless answers" thing that kinda concerns me. No there aren't, lol.

Anyway, I also hope they go with the fact based approach
They can't directly drill it into the audience MJ was innocent. You'll drive people away, unfortunately.

If the story is told properly, it will become obvious.

Jackson Movie Set Visit with Michael's nephew Jafaar Jackson, Michael's son Prince Jackson, Andy Signore and Jenny WiningsMichael Jackson set visit leaks. Michael movie footage
The video is now pirvat
I didn't watch that 2019 circus but I did notice the brunt of the accusations rely on the persona the tabloids created for him. And that was allowed by the void his mysterious persona created. The general public doesn't know him as stans do, they did not watch hours and hours of MJ footage outside and on the stage like we did. They assume he is the strange and isolated person who could only communicate with children the tabloids told them he was.

So, a movie about how his family, friends and close ones perceived him as a human being was always going to be the way to go. Just so people realize who he was beyond the pop star persona, what were his dreams, his goals, his flaws, his talents, his struggles, his achievements, his reactions to events - blissful or traumatic - that went down in his life. To humanize him. That's what I always thought a movie about him should be about. Rather than to be preachy about the allegations - let these for the documentaries.
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"Colman Domingo, about Michael Jackson's BIOPIC": "Actually, I don't think he's trying to prove his innocence. I think it's really just trying to offer a great examination of an artist, of what made him who he is, of what makes him complicated, so that everyone can walk away with their own answers. There are endless answers and possibilities, but this is a human being, and a person's humanity cannot be discounted. I think that's exactly what you're aiming for. And I think that's why most of us got on board."

"I understand Colmans statement here. Like I saw some say I agree with,that if these actors shoved "MJ was innocent" down peoples throats, then it might have the opposite effect , that people would be put off by it. Now audience have a chance of watching this with an open mind."

It’s the that’s why many of us got on board that got me.