Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Yikes about the thread being viewable by guests! Not cool! :mello:

About the ustream thing... different guests were on, mostly one at a time. First was Oxman then a nurse who talked about the coroner's report, then some others like Samantha. Only toward the end were people really bitching at each other on ustream. Here's the whole thing if you want to listen (it's over 3 hrs long, though!)

CyberJackson - :hug: Oh, hon, so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Mine passed away last August and I also didn't have money to fly back to the US for the funeral. :( It's really something special that you were able to say goodbye with an "I love you", though. He knows and that's sweet. It's very common for people who are soon to pass to see others in the room (that no one else can see) and talk with them, say they see a beautiful place, etc. He was ready to go home and they were with him, waiting for him and he's alright now. There's no more hospital, no more stress and he's home (our real home, where we're loved and safe). I feel so bad for your grandma too and will send her comfort energy :angel:

There is a message I got and I wish to share:
I had sort of very short MJ related dream. I did not see Michael but I saw his hand with white sparkly clove on and the words I heard were: His glove made from Light now. . I took it as a message because it feels like it was and it does feel like it is something I have to share. This is a very short message though….. .
:yes: And cosmic love sparkles ❤`•.¸★¸.•´´❤`•.¸★¸.•´´❤`•.¸★¸.•´´

Anyway, this clip about...voodoo (?) is very interesting - but what did shey say exactly? I couldn't hear it properly...someone was underground at Neverland and did voodoo stuff?!?! :mello:
Samantha said MJ said Neverland had something Satanic there, like the grounds were somehow Satanic and that was one of the reasons he didn't want to go back or for his children to be there. The other lady (the moderator) said she had a dream a week or so ago in which MJ told her that there was something underground at Neverland. (So that was a dream, not what Sam said.) Then Sam said that Grace had been doing Voodoo there, implying that's why (or part of the reason?) for the grounds to be "Satanic" (which voodoo practitioners would probably not appreciate). I remember all those voodoo rumors about 10 years ago (?) in tabloids. Noooo idea what's true or not.

And now to bring up more weird ish ... did you guys ever see this 'Serbian witch prophecy' video? King of Hearts - 2009. (I think the '2 brothers' were the WTC.) I saw this last summer for the first time. Go to 1:30 in the video if you don't want to watch the whole thing. And notice when it was uploaded -- January 2009

Mundy - glad to hear your uncle's recovering :)
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It really just makes 'healing the world' seem damn near impossible when MICHAEL JACKSON FANS of ALL people can't even get along. I mean aren't we the ones who are supposed to know that hate, judgment and fighting gets us nowhere? That it really is all about LOVE and uniting over that. That love isn't just some catch phrase to throw around because Michael said it. It's something you have to act out of and BE.

Makes me so sad. I try not to focus so much on it though, it only makes me frustrated and hopeless when I see that happening. Michael doesn't deserve this, at all. Of all people he should've been able to count on his fans, ALL his fans... *sigh*
OMG, I know you guys. Sometimes it freaks me out how emotional I can get about this too. Like it's seriously a family. I don't know if when MJ died some of that love of fans got transferred to us or if it's just a feeling that this is all we have left to honor him with, but I have just broken down and cried because it's so vital we stick together. It just hurts me like crazy. I'm trying all the time to promote unity and so many will agree, but then a minute later it's all about hating. Even the ustream thing had all this talk like... if you don't believe me and take my side then you're not a true fan, then you don't really love Michael. I understand there's a lot of anger and emotion, but such divisive talk will get us nowhere! This was posted yesterday on MLP: If we're FOR LOVE, then we need to act like it. We need to be LOVE, not just in words. We need to heal the world, not just in words. It must really hurt Michael to see fans fighting and hating on each other. And it doesn't help that everyone has their own "truth". This is because, like Mrs Music said... Michael isn't here to tell us the truth. Oh God, I just want to know. I just want to know :(

Thanks for the info. Funnily enough, just yesterday I found out about a spiritual bookstore near me, so I'm hoping to go today or tomorrow - maybe I'll find some class. I would love to join some kind of group, you know, to meet with like-minded people, but so far I can't find least nothing that's actually possible to get to, that doesn't clash with my classes, or that I can get to by bus in a reasonable time. But I figure if I am open to it I will find what's right. I'll see if I come up with anything
Synchronicity :cheeky:
And now to bring up more weird ish ... did you guys ever see this 'Serbian witch prophecy' video? King of Hearts - 2009 - something buried. I saw this last summer for the first time. Go to 1:30 in the video if you don't want to watch the whole thing. And notice when it was uploaded -- January 2009
Well that was freaky. Very interesting though.... I think the King of Hearts was definitely Michael...for sure. :angel: :heart: Wonder if the "2 brothers" was the twin towers too, like the vid speculated. But then I thought she was predicting the 2 brothers dying for 2009 too. Interesting that 2012 came up as well. Wonder what it meant about more than 3 find some secret? And then a lot of renewals happen. Seems to all fall into the idea of the 'spiritual shift' the planet is supposedly working toward.

mjubnny said:
If we're FOR LOVE, then we need to act like it. We need to be LOVE, not just in words. We need to heal the world, not just in words. It must really hurt Michael to see fans fighting and hating on each other. And it doesn't help that everyone has their own "truth". This is because, like Mrs Music said... Michael isn't here to tell us the truth. Oh God, I just want to know. I just want to know :sad:
Completely with you on all of that. And I'm sure it is hard for Michael to see this whole sort of family unit that he created - turn against each other amidst all of the media and investigation frenzy. I do wish that we could all just know the truth... it makes it so tough without knowing. But that's the lesson I think. We are being put directly in a situation that is altogether upsetting, angering, unknown, and heartbreaking. So what are we going to do with it? Are we going to fight or unite? What will really help the situation...and everyone involved? We need to stand as an example to the rest of the world that even in hardships and different opinions, we are united together in love because that is what matters. Going to read your post now...
I have to clear up something about terminology used here. In Eastern European tradition there witches, shamans and ppl who can see the future (we have a special name for them which cannot be translated 100%, could be medium or foreteller). Withes and shamans usually have negative meaning and they work with low energies.
I just wanted to say that I agree that words like shaman and witch have negative meanings for many. But they don't have to. I have known witches (i.e. those who practice Wicca) who were totally all about healing the Earth and love and working with higher energies. I think there are a lot of misconceptions, but that comes with the territory of labels. If I were to call myself a lightworker, that carries a meaning to people, but if I'm the same person and called myself a witch... then what? A rose by any other name... and so on. Anyway, yeah I took the word 'witch' here in the Serbian video as simply an old woman who was a seer. Remember in the old days if you said you talked with a spirit or had visions you were burned at the stake as a witch. :fortuneteller: Too bad for all of us in this thread :cheeky:

King of Hearts... yeah, Michael. Who else? :cry: Loved by sooooo many. Loved by more than any one person ever has been at the moment they passed. (I really believe this. Just think of world population, how websites ground to a halt, etc. And not just from shock. So many people TRULY LOVED him the day before, not just after.) And how much he always talked of LOVE. I love you, I love you more, I love you most. He is truly the King of Hearts. And it's freaky about 2009. I mean... again... think of that. If this was truly about Michael and not a coincidence, then that means this was simply meant to be. It was part of the divine plan. But my God, it still hurts so bad :cry: ... P.S. How some of the commenters on that vid can't see that MJ is clearly the King of Hearts for millions around the world is kind of like :doh:
Wonderful thread! I read the first 12 pages at work ( I know that's bad, I shouldn't do that but I couldn't help myself). I watched the videos at home mentioned in the first post ( there are now a total of four videos) and at the last video the light flickered briefly. It has done so before ( not very often though). The lights downstairs flickered as well, and at a friends house when I was there, strange...

I strongly echo all your sentiments about how we need to be united and not argue amongst ourselves. We all want the truth to come out, whatever that may be right ? So, it is important to keep an open mind.

I feel strongly that there is a purpose in all of this. How I wish he didn't have to die though, to leave his young children, to be unable to start or complete his last concert tour which would have been totally, mindblowing amazing!
I want to continue to uphold and defend and upkeep Michael's legacy so I'm also keeping an open mind in my own life to see what I must do and then to do it with love and dedication. That's what's really important.

I so very much love the major love prayer, don't you ?

( will read more in this thread later, I find it all very interesting!!)
I agree with you all on what you say about the fighting, uniting etc.
It seems so hard to keep everyone united together because we are all hurting so badly :cry:
mjbunny, just read the MLP post. I agree with it all. When I think about, you know, helping the world etc, I just feel so passionate, in my heart I truly believe it. And you are so right about saying we need to heal the world, not just with words.
Just as a rather goofy point, when I'm sitting on the train and there is people in the carriage I often play MITM or HTW loudly, so people can hear it, it makes me feel like I'm sending out MJ's message to people. I also wear a ring that says LOVE on it. Just all these subtle things, I like to think..helps to remind people. Kinda silly :lol:
It doesn't matter who you are, we all play our parts as individuals, but we can all make a change. It might seem quite a childish thought, but I always wonder how different and/or greater the world could be if we did all work together and help each other out. It will be a hard task to try and unite everyone, but the goal is something beautiful.
Maybe I'm looking at things tonight with the rose-tinted glasses, I guess if everybody thought nothing could ever be done, then where would we be? I think it's cos there are those individuals (MJ & fans included) who believe a change can be made, that really is an inspiration and offers hope and passion to do something. What if MJ hadn't bothered? What if he hadn't tried to unite us all, sing about the power of love, healing, believe that we can change the world, no matter who we are? What if..?

End babble.
p.s. I dunno if any of you read/know about postsecret, but one time someone sent in a postcard about wanting to change the world, but feeling too small to do it (or something, can't remember it exactly). I wish I could find this one, cos someone wrote something really positive in response to that.
I agree, this thread should stay private. You never know who could be looking at it. I can't believe it isn't.

Cyberjackson, I'm really sorry to hear about your grandpa :( :hug:

I checked out the ustream clip, weird about the voodoo. I don't know what to think of that. :mello: I know the truth can be stranger than fiction sometimes, but all this controversy makes my head spin. I don't like to think about it. And I agree fans should be about love not hate. I think many are so desperate for answers and that's why they resort to attacking. They'll latch on to anything that sounds good and accept that as their truth. It's really sad to see and I know a lot of the fans are really frustrated at this point. I am too. But they shouldn't take their frustration out on others. :(
Just as a rather goofy point, when I'm sitting on the train and there is people in the carriage I often play MITM or HTW loudly, so people can hear it, it makes me feel like I'm sending out MJ's message to people. I also wear a ring that says LOVE on it. Just all these subtle things, I like to think..helps to remind people. Kinda silly :lol:

Haha, I totally do this too! :lol:

Welcome to the thread, MJJLaugh. :flowers:
I'm trying all the time to promote unity and so many will agree, but then a minute later it's all about hating. Even the ustream thing had all this talk like... if you don't believe me and take my side then you're not a true fan, then you don't really love Michael. I understand there's a lot of anger and emotion, but such divisive talk will get us nowhere! This was posted yesterday on MLP: If we're FOR LOVE, then we need to act like it. We need to be LOVE, not just in words. We need to heal the world, not just in words. It must really hurt Michael to see fans fighting and hating on each other. And it doesn't help that everyone has their own "truth". This is because, like Mrs Music said... Michael isn't here to tell us the truth. Oh God, I just want to know. I just want to know :(
Yes, totally right. It's's not supposed to be this way. And I have to say - I love it SO much that you set up the MajorLovePrayer and the whole stream of good energy coming with that. Seriously, it's amazing to see people care about those things too and you know....there's hope....and I really pray each and everyone of us will someday see 'the light'. But such as the MLP - those are the important things that truly make a difference. THANK YOU SO MUCH. :huggy: :heart:

Wonderful thread! I read the first 12 pages at work ( I know that's bad, I shouldn't do that but I couldn't help myself).
Welcome here, MJJLaugh! Good to see you digging the vibe! ;)

EDIT: Coming to think of that negative stuff going on....I read this article in a spirituality magazine about a guy who set up these group practices of meditating and so on (more than that) and they tried to clean and better the city they were doing it in. Sending positive vibes, etc. They were at this neighbourhood in Amsterdam and the procent of criminality and so on really lowered down after this! I don't know details on how and what they did exactly 'cause I read it quickly in the hospital, lol. (Wanted to take it home so badly.:smilerolleyes:) Anyhow, he said something like, if they would want to help 100 people they needed at least 30 people in the practices, something like that....quite interesting. Thought this was so cool....wish we could actually do something like that for ourselves, the fanbase...I guess the MLP comes verrrry close.
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Yes, totally right. It's's not supposed to be this way. And I have to say - I love it SO much that you set up the MajorLovePrayer and the whole stream of good energy coming with that. Seriously, it's amazing to see people care about those things too and you know....there's hope....and I really pray each and everyone of us will someday see 'the light'. But such as the MLP - those are the important things that truly make a difference. THANK YOU SO MUCH. :huggy: :heart:

Welcome here, MJJLaugh! Good to see you digging the vibe! ;)

EDIT: Coming to think of that negative stuff going on....I read this article in a spirituality magazine about a guy who set up these group practices of meditating and so on (more than that) and they tried to clean and better the city they were doing it in. Sending positive vibes, etc. They were at this neighbourhood in Amsterdam and the procent of criminality and so on really lowered down after this! I don't know details on how and what they did exactly 'cause I read it quickly in the hospital, lol. (Wanted to take it home so badly.:smilerolleyes:) Anyhow, he said something like, if they would want to help 100 people they needed at least 30 people in the practices, something like that....quite interesting. Thought this was so cool....wish we could actually do something like that for ourselves, the fanbase...I guess the MLP comes verrrry close.

Thank you all for the warm welcome!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I agree about the effect meditation and a prayer of love can have on our surroundings. It truly can be very powerful, if we put our heart in it totally and believe in what we do there.
I'm thinking now about something that did NOt happen on December 25th and my mind immediately went to the MLP and it is my belief that our MLP was stronger than ever because of Christmas, Channukah etc. I'm trying to remember what it was.
Thank God for google, I'd be lost without it, it's my memory!

"Nigerian man attempted to ignite device on Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit". here's a link :

Sorry if this is slightly off topic, don't mean to derail this thread.
Have to be offline for a bit and haven't caught up on msgs here yet, but OMG you guys...
just retweeted about MLP!!! :heart: Mike, did you do that from up there? a-hee-hee :angel:

Completely with you on all of that. And I'm sure it is hard for Michael to see this whole sort of family unit that he created - turn against each other amidst all of the media and investigation frenzy. I do wish that we could all just know the truth... it makes it so tough without knowing. But that's the lesson I think. We are being put directly in a situation that is altogether upsetting, angering, unknown, and heartbreaking. So what are we going to do with it? Are we going to fight or unite? What will really help the situation...and everyone involved? We need to stand as an example to the rest of the world that even in hardships and different opinions, we are united together in love because that is what matters. Going to read your post now...

You know, it's interesting to watch. Virtually EVERY MJ related board has had these issues. MJ died and at first that brought a whole lot of people together. Sparked the good in people.
Then it became time to grow, move. It also seems that people will show you who they REALLY ARE deep down after a while. This whole TINI/MJFSC brawl might be the loudest/most obvious one- but on a smaller scale I have seen it recently on many sites, many people.
Groups splinter off etc.

It's as if the universe decided for that it's time for everyone to "come clean".
It's unfortunate that MJ fans do these things to each other- we are certainly not "immune".

On a spiritual note- yes, there are whole soul groups. Given the intensity after his death- I tend to believe that many souls are involved in this, those of us that feel so strongly about him, either always or even recently "new fan" have agreed to be part of this before even incarnating, in degrees. Some people are completely untouched by him and always have been- while others found that for one reason or the other MJ moves them, sparks something in them, feeling his influence. I'd say there are karmic reasons for these things.

And some of us might have to balance more karma- which is what most of this "cat fight" thing seems to be about. And it's strange to witness that across the board almost everywhere. The last Mercury Retrograde wasn't kind to us...:tease:
DeepakChopra just retweeted about MLP!!! :heart: Mike, did you do that from up there? a-hee-hee :angel:
:dancing: that's so awesome!!

Modulation Alert said:
On a spiritual note- yes, there are whole soul groups. Given the intensity after his death- I tend to believe that many souls are involved in this, those of us that feel so strongly about him, either always or even recently "new fan" have agreed to be part of this before even incarnating, in degrees. Some people are completely untouched by him and always have been- while others found that for one reason or the other MJ moves them, sparks something in them, feeling his influence. I'd say there are karmic reasons for these things.
:yes: So right you are.
On a spiritual note- yes, there are whole soul groups. Given the intensity after his death- I tend to believe that many souls are involved in this, those of us that feel so strongly about him, either always or even recently "new fan" have agreed to be part of this before even incarnating, in degrees. Some people are completely untouched by him and always have been- while others found that for one reason or the other MJ moves them, sparks something in them, feeling his influence. I'd say there are karmic reasons for these things.

I like this explanation, thanks for sharing!
Just last night I was reading about soul I'm intrigued by trying to figure out who's in mine, lol. I guess we all have those special people in our lives who we feel we're "on the same wavelength" as...:wub: Perhaps this is an indication of a soul connection....I've always thought that.
Welcome to the thread MJJLaugh :D

Asedora - just saw your post as well. I wasn't trying to say there aren't folks working with low energies. I know there are. I just don't know if the labels always fit, you know. Yeah, I think the Serbian witch was a seer, a psychic basically. Still freaks me out what she said :mello:

Just as a rather goofy point, when I'm sitting on the train and there is people in the carriage I often play MITM or HTW loudly, so people can hear it, it makes me feel like I'm sending out MJ's message to people. I also wear a ring that says LOVE on it. Just all these subtle things, I like to think..helps to remind people. Kinda silly :lol: I think it's cos there are those individuals (MJ & fans included) who believe a change can be made, that really is an inspiration and offers hope and passion to do something. What if MJ hadn't bothered? What if he hadn't tried to unite us all, sing about the power of love, healing, believe that we can change the world, no matter who we are? What if..?
LOL, yeah! Playing MJ on the train :yes: And I totally agree with the rest of what you wrote.

Yes, totally right. It's's not supposed to be this way. And I have to say - I love it SO much that you set up the MajorLovePrayer and the whole stream of good energy coming with that. Seriously, it's amazing to see people care about those things too and you know....there's hope....and I really pray each and everyone of us will someday see 'the light'. But such as the MLP - those are the important things that truly make a difference. THANK YOU SO MUCH. :huggy: :heart:
Oh well, thank you guys for being there with it as well! It's just a lonely website if others don't believe in it too :hug: And thanks to fan2202 for starting the idea. I said before that the reason I say I'm the 'admin' and not "it's my website" is because I feel that way. It's Michael's website and our website (fans) and I'm just the webmaster and guest blogger, lol. And I absolutely believe in this type of thing (love and light, healing the world, changing consciousness, that we can actually have an effect) which is I guess why it landed in my lap. And most defnitely I believe in Michael and that we are here to change the world. It feels like it simply IS. So thank you everyone :heart: :group:

EDIT: Coming to think of that negative stuff going on....I read this article in a spirituality magazine about a guy who set up these group practices of meditating and so on (more than that) and they tried to clean and better the city they were doing it in. Sending positive vibes, etc. They were at this neighbourhood in Amsterdam and the procent of criminality and so on really lowered down after this! I don't know details on how and what they did exactly 'cause I read it quickly in the hospital, lol. (Wanted to take it home so badly.:smilerolleyes:) Anyhow, he said something like, if they would want to help 100 people they needed at least 30 people in the practices, something like that....quite interesting. Thought this was so cool....wish we could actually do something like that for ourselves, the fanbase...I guess the MLP comes verrrry close.
I'm pretty sure that was Gregg Braden, author of The Isaiah Efect and Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer. (At least, I think it was him.) I used some of what he's said when I rewrote the original MLP instructions... like making sure we're pulling in the emotion and feeling of love and letting it expand and knowing all is healed. Yeah, that study suggested there was like a critical mass, a number you'd reach per capita after which you'd really have an effect. And it wasn't very large. I wish I could find that study. My husband read about is somewhere recently and figured out that we'd only need like 8,000 people to do MLP to make a difference for the world. :angel:

I agree about the effect meditation and a prayer of love can have on our surroundings. It truly can be very powerful, if we put our heart in it totally and believe in what we do there.
I'm thinking now about something that did NOt happen on December 25th and my mind immediately went to the MLP and it is my belief that our MLP was stronger than ever because of Christmas, Channukah etc. I'm trying to remember what it was.
Thank God for google, I'd be lost without it, it's my memory!
"Nigerian man attempted to ignite device on Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit". here's a link :
My mom had said the same thing back in December, that maybe MLP stopped the plane bombing. I guess I'm skeptical, but who knows. I know that a good two hours before we started the prayer there were the first reports that someone had set off "fireworks" on a plane coming into Detroit, so the incident happened before MLP. But then, how do we know how such a prayer ripples out into space and time, maybe forward and backward?

You know, it's interesting to watch. Virtually EVERY MJ related board has had these issues. MJ died and at first that brought a whole lot of people together. Sparked the good in people.
Then it became time to grow, move. It also seems that people will show you who they REALLY ARE deep down after a while. This whole TINI/MJFSC brawl might be the loudest/most obvious one- but on a smaller scale I have seen it recently on many sites, many people.
Groups splinter off etc.

It's as if the universe decided for that it's time for everyone to "come clean". It's unfortunate that MJ fans do these things to each other- we are certainly not "immune".

On a spiritual note- yes, there are whole soul groups. Given the intensity after his death- I tend to believe that many souls are involved in this, those of us that feel so strongly about him, either always or even recently "new fan" have agreed to be part of this before even incarnating, in degrees. Some people are completely untouched by him and always have been- while others found that for one reason or the other MJ moves them, sparks something in them, feeling his influence. I'd say there are karmic reasons for these things.

And some of us might have to balance more karma- which is what most of this "cat fight" thing seems to be about. And it's strange to witness that across the board almost everywhere. The last Mercury Retrograde wasn't kind to us...:tease:
Wow, this is so right on. I totally agree with you. Yes, like after any disaster people come together out of shock and then eventually go back to their true natures. That nature is altered by the event, but where our new setpoint is all depends on where we started and how much we've grown because of the tragedy. Same thing after 9/11 or an earthquake or anything. Everyone turns to each other to help and unite. I remember how after 9/11 everyone was being nice, wearing ribbons, flying flags, all the "United We Stand" stuff. That sure wore off after a while. And think about it... it wore off in the same way. We were united as one and then it turned into "you're either with us or against us" ... on the homefront as well. I went to a "don't invade Iraq" rally (that day when ppl all over the planet did it together .. Feb 24, 2003... and I did this because of Michael. I'd been listening to Shout and Cry and HTW, etc and thought... you're right Michael. I'm going. We've had enough.) Anyway, even in Seattle there was animosity from the other side... people screaming at us about how anti-American we were and how if we REALLY loved the country, if we were TRUE Americans we'd be supporting Bush. I'm pointing this out because it's the SAME STUFF going on right now among fans. I'm hearing the same language... if you don't support what I support then you're not a "true fan", etc. It might be a different issue, but the reaction is in the same vein. On thing I've really had to realize the last few months is that, although I truly feel so many of us who feel so connected with Michael are in something like a soul group together, like we can here together and for a reason, MJ fans are in the end just humans. We may all love Michael, but boy are we still different. And we have the same issues everyone else does: ego, immaturity, anger problems, talking about love and unity and then attacking each other. Just humans on our winding journeys. But I won't give up, because I FEEL inside that it doesn't have to be like this. I hope it's just a phase.

I just ran across this again, from the site around the time of the TII announcement :mello: (from this thread)
''This Is It! the time has come. It is now I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect, but make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain, one in love, one in service and in consciousness.'' ~ Michael Jackson
Welcome to the thread MJJLaugh :D

Asedora - just saw your post as well. I wasn't trying to say there aren't folks working with low energies. I know there are. I just don't know if the labels always fit, you know. Yeah, I think the Serbian witch was a seer, a psychic basically. Still freaks me out what she said :mello:

LOL, yeah! Playing MJ on the train :yes: And I totally agree with the rest of what you wrote.

Oh well, thank you guys for being there with it as well! It's just a lonely website if others don't believe in it too :hug: And thanks to fan2202 for starting the idea. I said before that the reason I say I'm the 'admin' and not "it's my website" is because I feel that way. It's Michael's website and our website (fans) and I'm just the webmaster and guest blogger, lol. And I absolutely believe in this type of thing (love and light, healing the world, changing consciousness, that we can actually have an effect) which is I guess why it landed in my lap. And most defnitely I believe in Michael and that we are here to change the world. It feels like it simply IS. So thank you everyone :heart: :group:

I'm pretty sure that was Gregg Braden, author of The Isaiah Efect and Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer. (At least, I think it was him.) I used some of what he's said when I rewrote the original MLP instructions... like making sure we're pulling in the emotion and feeling of love and letting it expand and knowing all is healed. Yeah, that study suggested there was like a critical mass, a number you'd reach per capita after which you'd really have an effect. And it wasn't very large. I wish I could find that study. My husband read about is somewhere recently and figured out that we'd only need like 8,000 people to do MLP to make a difference for the world. :angel:

My mom had said the same thing back in December, that maybe MLP stopped the plane bombing. I guess I'm skeptical, but who knows. I know that a good two hours before we started the prayer there were the first reports that someone had set off "fireworks" on a plane coming into Detroit, so the incident happened before MLP. But then, how do we know how such a prayer ripples out into space and time, maybe forward and backward?

Wow, this is so right on. I totally agree with you. Yes, like after any disaster people come together out of shock and then eventually go back to their true natures. That nature is altered by the event, but where our new setpoint is all depends on where we started and how much we've grown because of the tragedy. Same thing after 9/11 or an earthquake or anything. Everyone turns to each other to help and unite. I remember how after 9/11 everyone was being nice, wearing ribbons, flying flags, all the "United We Stand" stuff. That sure wore off after a while. And think about it... it wore off in the same way. We were united as one and then it turned into "you're either with us or against us" ... on the homefront as well. I went to a "don't invade Iraq" rally (that day when ppl all over the planet did it together .. Feb 24, 2003... and I did this because of Michael. I'd been listening to Shout and Cry and HTW, etc and thought... you're right Michael. I'm going. We've had enough.) Anyway, even in Seattle there was animosity from the other side... people screaming at us about how anti-American we were and how if we REALLY loved the country, if we were TRUE Americans we'd be supporting Bush. I'm pointing this out because it's the SAME STUFF going on right now among fans. I'm hearing the same language... if you don't support what I support then you're not a "true fan", etc. It might be a different issue, but the reaction is in the same vein. On thing I've really had to realize the last few months is that, although I truly feel so many of us who feel so connected with Michael are in something like a soul group together, like we can here together and for a reason, MJ fans are in the end just humans. We may all love Michael, but boy are we still different. And we have the same issues everyone else does: ego, immaturity, anger problems, talking about love and unity and then attacking each other. Just humans on our winding journeys. But I won't give up, because I FEEL inside that it doesn't have to be like this. I hope it's just a phase.

I just ran across this again, from the site around the time of the TII announcement :mello: (from this thread)
''This Is It! the time has come. It is now I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect, but make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain, one in love, one in service and in consciousness.'' ~ Michael Jackson

Holy Cow, where did you go to that rally? I went in Berlin...I still have the poster in the basement... Oops, I just read you said Seattle. Yeah, you don't have to be "anti/unamerican" to have a political opinion. I think it's one thing to simply disagree on WHY you disagree- you just won't get anywhere with the "if you loved him you'd.../you're unamerican if you don't support xyz". That's emotional blackmail but certainly not a mature discourse. It's just manipulative.

Yes, in the long run I believe these issues people are having here with each other are meant for some. To grow and to see if they get get beyond it, past it. Isn't it ironic? MJ is what connects us, if we were the dots. But along the way people seem to ram knifes into each others back. It's a lesson, grow or fall by the wayside so to speak.

Soul families can be huge, thousands in them so you are bound to butt heads. But there's a point to it. We chose to incarnate to learn something. Sometimes the reeeeeeeeally hard way.

I have noticed similarities in "you're either with us or against us" rhetoric. It's next to impossible to figure out who "started it" and in the end it really won't matter.

I think Amy has a good point. You can't talk L.O.V.E. on side side and ram the knife into someone while you're still saying it. Won't work.
But L.O.V.E. also doesn't mean sitting still when injustice is done to you.

So, I'd say Michael is an excellent catalyst in many aspects. He got people onto the road spirituality- by mass movement almost. And at the same time we really learn some lessons about ourselves.
Do we all agree that something magical has happened to us as in the way we have been SO affected by MJ?:wub: :agree:
I mean that so many people have been so deeply affected by his untimely passing..........:(
But it's like a spiritual experience I MJ has chosen us?
His love is universal yet there are some people who are so deeply touched by him..........
Even though the pain of grieving is so bad...I'd rather be that touched and affected than be indifferent to him.:agree:

I agree :angel:

Yep absolutely!:clapping:
MJ has done something to me.......and you......and thousands of's one thing to say.....''Yeah I like Michael Jackson's music and dance''....................but we are taken to a different level.........a higher ground.......we cant just admire him as an artist...............we are in love with him as the man..............the human being..........:wub::wub::wub:
Dare I quietly add to this post that Paul Weller...''you do something to me'' song is one I would like to make an MJ u tube tribute with?
Paul Weller is also an artist who has been the sound track to my life............
I want to use his song to make a trib to my angel MJ
Yep absolutely!:clapping:
MJ has done something to me.......and you......and thousands of's one thing to say.....''Yeah I like Michael Jackson's music and dance''....................but we are taken to a different level.........a higher ground.......we cant just admire him as an artist...............we are in love with him as the man..............the human being..........:wub::wub::wub:
Dare I quietly add to this post that Paul Weller...''you do something to me'' song is one I would like to make an MJ u tube tribute with?
Paul Weller is also an artist who has been the sound track to my life............
I want to use his song to make a trib to my angel MJ

:clapping: yes!!!! yes!!!! Our love for Michael is very special and no one can take that from us!!! :wub:
Modulation Alert and mjbunny - :clapping:Great posts! What more can I say? I completely agree on every guys about said it all... and gave me some new insights into the situation. God I love this thread...and all of you. :group:

Even though the pain of grieving is so bad...I'd rather be that touched and affected than be indifferent to him.:agree:
AGREE. :heart:
Ugh you's 4am here...I can't sleep AGAIN. Bah. I've been laying in the dark listening to the piano version of Speechless for the past hour. Have any of you guys heard that version btw? It's so lovely and peaceful. It brings in such a gentle, loving energy. :heart:

Anyway, just popping in here to say hey since I have nothing else to do. Hope everyone else is getting or has already gotten a good nights sleep. Much love.
^ Aw, poor thing! I was like, huh Amy is online when it's 10 in the morning for me? :lol: Sorry you can't sleep...that Speechless piano version sounds lovely, could you PM it to me? Think I don't have that one. Hope you'll get some sleep soon girl!
(I'm off to school now, loool. Crazy timezones.)

Agree with all the latest posts as well guys, nicely put and very true! I love this thread so much too, it's so inspiring and comforts me everyday. Such as now...9 months already, just unbelieveable. It's such a sunny day odd to see how time moves so fast. Gosh I keep saying that don't I...? *sigh*

Much love to you all & take care today! Looking forward to the MLP! :huggy:
^ Aw, poor thing! I was like, huh Amy is online when it's 10 in the morning for me? :lol: Sorry you can't sleep...that Speechless piano version sounds lovely, could you PM it to me? Think I don't have that one. Hope you'll get some sleep soon girl!
(I'm off to school now, loool. Crazy timezones.)
Thanks love. And yeah...big time zone differences going on here! I downloaded the Speechless piano version from the person who created it on YouTube... so you and anyone can get it here if interested :heart:
Ugh you's 4am here...I can't sleep AGAIN. Bah. I've been laying in the dark listening to the piano version of Speechless for the past hour. Have any of you guys heard that version btw? It's so lovely and peaceful. It brings in such a gentle, loving energy. :heart:

Anyway, just popping in here to say hey since I have nothing else to do. Hope everyone else is getting or has already gotten a good nights sleep. Much love.

:hug: hun, its sucks not being able 2 sleep. I dont think i've heard that version b4.
^Thanks guys. I ended up not sleeping at's 10am and now I feel tired. :glare: Annoying. Hope I'm able to stay awake for the MLP later!

Sending love to everyone in the meantime. :group:
Amy, thanks for the link, I love that song so much and I'm excited to hear it on piano. I have the piano sheet music for it if anyone wants it :)

For the first time in my life, I think I've developed insomnia... the last 2 or 3 nights, I'm so exhausted, but I turn out the light and I just cannot sleep. Yesterday I was so tired all day that I went to bed before 11pm, which is early for me, and I was just falling asleep when I woke up again. I was awake till 2, when I got up and shaved my housemate's head haha... (he was up, he wanted someone to do it, and I couldn't sleep so I did that...random!) then I went back to bed at 3...finally slept a bit. But it seems to be becoming a pattern...

Tonight I'm going to this 3hr workshop on meditation, psychic development, and past lives....I am so excited!!

LOVE to all.