Merged: Psychics channel Michael

On another subject , maybe you can help me with this guys... I've moved to an appartment and I want to do some kind of "energy claning" , there's nothing bad or weird going on , but I think it's a good idea due to it's a new place and I want it to have good vibes. Any idea of how can I do that? Maybe light candles?
Buy some white sage. Burn it so that it's smoking a lot, then move the smoke all over the house...along all the walls, in the corners, everywhere. While doing this think positive loving thoughts...whatever you want the house to be filled with. And be sure to open all the windows of the house before you do this so that the negative energy has a place to escape. :)
One we used to do is to sit in the center of your apartment and imagine a negativity-sucking tornado form from glowing light energy. Imagine it in your mind going all around your place and taking out anything funky. Then let it blow out the door or window and into the ground, where the gunk is stuck and reabsorbed.
All great advice too. This one with the tornado reminded me of an imaginary net one I used to do as well when I didn't have sage. I'd go to each room individually, stand in the doorway, call upon angels for help, and imagine a huge net of light rising from the ground...slowly getting higher and higher, catching all negative energies in it until it reached the ceiling. Once it did that I imagined tying the net up and throwing it out into the universe where it can be infused into light. Then I asked the angels while also envisioning myself that the room be filled with light.

Glad this was brought up...reminds me that I need to clear my own house. Haven't done it in awhile.
Oh and Asedora - sorry to hear you've been having some negative spirit attacks lately. I've had my share of those too. Not to mention being psychically attacked by my ex. Sheesh... that shiz is messed up. I'm really learning to hold onto my power though and put up boundaries.
Hi Flor. The classic is a smudge stick (bundle of sage you can buy at metaphysical bookstores). If you don't have that, yes you can use candles or incense or a chime or bell. But you don't have to use any physical thing. It does help reinforce it in your mind, though. One we used to do is to sit in the center of your apartment and imagine a negativity-sucking tornado form from glowing light energy. Imagine it in your mind going all around your place and taking out anything funky. Then let it blow out the door or window and into the ground, where the gunk is stuck and reabsorbed. Or you call upon angels (like what amygrace has written... calling archangel Michael to dispel anything negative and then imagine your whole place is filled with pure light). Then you can walk the perimeter of your apartment inside with your incense or candle or bell or broom or wand or or or (whatever works for you) and basically 'draw the line' ... "nothing and no one may enter this apartment without my permission" or "only positive energy is allowed to pass into my apartment if and when it is needed". Those are some things I've found work. There are many methods, though :)

Buy some white sage. Burn it so that it's smoking a lot, then move the smoke all over the house...along all the walls, in the corners, everywhere. While doing this think positive loving thoughts...whatever you want the house to be filled with. And be sure to open all the windows of the house before you do this so that the negative energy has a place to escape. :)

Thanks for you help mjbunny and Amy! I really appreciate it! I'll try to find a place where to buy sage so I can do the cleaning. Meanwhile I'll do the sitting experience.

About the incense , any special fragance?
Asedora - that sounds creepy. At first I thought maybe it was sleep paralysis, but since the pain lasted for a couple of days, I guess that's not it. (Have you ever had that happen to you? Sleep paralysis? I'd heard of that for years, never had it until like 3 years ago it happened to me twice. The first time I had the classic fear, like some evil creature was pressing me down... then I realized "oh wow, I know what this is!" and then I wasn't afraid anymore and the next time it happened I knew what it was so didn't freak out. But wow, uncomfortable totally.) Anyway, I don't believe it was Michael in my dream at all, no. It was either some weird thing my brain came up with or something someone was 'putting' in it (which is a frightening thought). [edited something out here, sorry]

I had a similar experience to what you described some years ago. (Hope these stories don't wig anyone out. Please don't let it scare you. I've been in groups doing energy work, meditating, all sorts of stuff for years and this kind of thing has been a rarity. And in any case, in the end you have the power to tell them to get out.) I had this massive crush on a guy at work. I was doing tons of energy work and so had my apt protected with wards and all sorts of stuff as I'd been taught. One night I dreamed that it was very windy (indoors too) and this guy I liked came to my door. I opened it and was like "omg! he's here?! :wub:" He asked me if he could come in and I invited him. We ended up lying on the floor in my bedroom and then he wanted to make out. So we started kissing and then the kisses were like cold, wet goo and I was like eeeeeek. I tried to push "him" off me and couldn't and then I realized he was made of gray cloudy slime or something. I screamed at him, "WHAT ARE YOU???" and got away. Then suddenly I 'found' myself out of my body (for real, I think, but it was like I was still dreaming) half on and half off my bed. I tried to get up, but could barely move. I was pissed. No one comes into my place and attacks ME! So I was moving around my dark bedroom drawing a special symbol on the walls screaming, "You are NEVER allowed in here again! You are banished!" and then I woke up all sweaty and freaked out. The guy at work was a friend of mine and a nice guy, so I don't think it had to do with him really. I think some funky dark being found a way in by tricking me. But as I say, that's something rare, so don't get scared everyone :lol: Maybe it's just me and my weird dreams ;)

Asedora, I'm sending you a pm in a bit...
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@mjbunny: Craaaaaaaazy dream you had there, wow. I had to laugh at some parts too, lol. You always tell this stuff so funny. :lol: But that's so odd to see someone in your dream turning out the complete opposite. I hate those dreams. Definitely wasn't MJ in your dream indeed.

@Asedora: That sounds awful...sorry you had to experience that. Interesting that you say 'they want to be MJ'....would make sense actually, that's like the easiest way to trick I would think. Pretending to be the most loving man around. Hmmm...crazy stuff.

@Amy: Pyshically? :bugeyed Aw man. Sorry you had that going on...did it happen before? I can relate on how you must've felt after that. Hope you're okay now hun.

On another totallynotrelating note - been asked to have a Skype interview with L.A. Shorts Fest about my graduation internship I need to start in September. They needed a design intern so I responded, and it's like, in North Hollywood and such an amazing work space! Sooo hope that's gonna work out. *Fingers crossed* :D Finally some progress in my life, yiha.
Thanks for you help mjbunny and Amy! I really appreciate it! I'll try to find a place where to buy sage so I can do the cleaning. Meanwhile I'll do the sitting experience. About the incense , any special fragance?
No, it doesn't have to be any special scent. Like anything it's more the intention you put into it that's most powerful. Traditionally sage, pine, cedar and sandlewood are best for protection and clearing. Sandlewood is at least something not hard to find. My absolute favorite incense on the planet is made my Escential Essences: Angelic Visions and also Ocean Atlantis. They don't seem to sell them in Europe, though. If anyone runs across some someday and would be willing to mail it to Europe, I would totally love you :lol:

amygrace - cool, I love the energy net thing! I also thought of another one ... you can physically sweep the stuff out. Get a broom or a bunch of branches or decorative plants... anything broom-like and imagine that everything crappy will stick to it and move from room to room 'sweeping' up the gunk, twirling it around your broom. When you feel like it's 'full', literally sweep it out a door and 'see' it go into the ground where it will be reabsorbed and recycled by the Earth.
On another totallynotrelating note - been asked to have a Skype interview with L.A. Shorts Fest about my graduation internship I need to start in September. They needed a design intern so I responded, and it's like, in North Hollywood and such an amazing work space! Sooo hope that's gonna work out. *Fingers crossed* :D Finally some progress in my life, yiha.
Congratulations. I mean, it's just an interview at this point, but congrats on getting that and good luck on it!!! If it's the right thing, I hope you get it:dancin:
wow, some intense experiences there...

mjbunny, I'm interested in doing more energy work, but haven't been able to find groups in my area...any suggestions?

Last night I felt a lot of negative energy in my room. Weirdly, it was right after I watched the videos that Bonnie linked to, about the Illuminati... To be honest, I don't think I believe that, but that's just me... but I could defintiely feel bad energy around me when I was trying to sleep. I mentally cleansed the room and visualised a white light around me, and I felt much better. Strange though.

EDIT: Bianca, I missed your post, but that's great! Well done!!
Mrs. Music;2707949 On another totallynotrelating note - been asked to have a Skype interview with [URL="" said:
L.A. Shorts Fest[/URL] about my graduation internship I need to start in September. They needed a design intern so I responded, and it's like, in North Hollywood and such an amazing work space! Sooo hope that's gonna work out. *Fingers crossed* :D Finally some progress in my life, yiha.

Thats great!
One night I dreamed that it was very windy (indoors too) and this guy I liked came to my door. I opened it and was like "omg! he's here?! :wub:" He asked me if he could come in and I invited him. We ended up lying on the floor in my bedroom and then he wanted to make out. So we started kissing and then the kisses were like cold, wet goo and I was like eeeeeek. I tried to push "him" off me and couldn't and then I realized he was made of gray cloudy slime or something. I screamed at him, "WHAT ARE YOU???" and got away. Then suddenly I 'found' myself out of my body (for real, I think, but it was like I was still dreaming) half on and half off my bed. I tried to get up, but could barely move. I was pissed. No one comes into my place and attacks ME! So I was moving around my dark bedroom drawing a special symbol on the walls screaming, "You are NEVER allowed in here again! You are banished!" and then I woke up all sweaty and freaked out.
Dang...this totally made me think of a dream I had months ago, maybe around September or October. It was a dream about Michael...only he was like evil-Michael, like in your dream. Well really, it wasn't Michael at all. I distinctly felt like someone (my first impression was my ex) was deliberately sabotaging my dreams that night. They knew I loved Michael and wanted to make him out as a villain to upset me or even make me think that Michael wasn't really who I thought he was. Of course that shiz didn't get past me one bit - I knew what was happening. Pissed me off. That's partly what started my nightly ritual of clearing my house and putting a shield of white light up around it.

Mrs. Music said:
@Amy: Pyshically? :bugeyed Aw man. Sorry you had that going on...did it happen before? I can relate on how you must've felt after that. Hope you're okay now hun.
Yeah...psychically not physically. Psychic attacks are very real - anyone can do them and it can mess you up if you don't know how to protect yourself and hold onto your power. What he was doing was really affecting me for awhile - bad dreams, headaches, LOTS of negative energy and thoughts. I think the dude is still doing it from time to time - but I'm getting stronger. Anytime a thought of him randomly pops into my head - I know that he's focusing energy on me. For awhile it would creep me out...I'd get real creepy feelings and thus get nervous which caused me to give up my power. Now I immediately say NO, this person is NOT allowed in my aura. And I put up a shield of light around me.
Good luck with your interview btw! Yipeee!
I dont believe that this is Michael.
She was saying things that everybody new and and anybody could have come out with.
I have Mikes song going aroud in my head all the time as Im sure alot of others do.
In my opinion she said nothing that convinced me she was getting contactfrom Michael.
If she said that only a fan or family memner would noinstead of the general public then maybe but there was no concrete evidence that that was Michael.
I mean even the way she was talking and the words she was using,Michael doesnt speak like that.
Besides,these videos were made not long after he passed so it would have been too soon to make contact.
I know people who are very spiritual and know alot about this kind of thing and they have even said to me there is know way that this was Michael because his spirit hadnt even left his body.
Once a persons spirit has left there body and gone on to the other side theN they can start to make contact but even that could takes weeks months or even years for a person to get to the contacting stage
Besides,these videos were made not long after he passed so it would have been too soon to make contact. I know people who are very spiritual and know alot about this kind of thing and they have even said to me there is know way that this was Michael because his spirit hadnt even left his body. Once a persons spirit has left there body and gone on to the other side theN they can start to make contact but even that could takes weeks months or even years for a person to get to the contacting stage
Hi there :) The part about Bonnie's video I won't go into because it's been so long since I watched that 358 pages ago (358 pages, whoa). But I, sorry, have to wholeheartedly disagree with what others have told you about some time limit on communication from the other side. I had communication the very day my grandfather passed, as did others in my family. My mother had a visit from her parents nearly immediately. It's actually extremely common to have visits even at the time of death, let alone a few days later. So it's not strange at all, actually pretty normal. There's an interesting book called "The Art of Dying" by Peter Fenwick with loads of studies and documented evidence of things from deathbed visions to visitations after. (There are many other good books on this subject too, but that's one I know of off the top of my head because I eerily read it shortly before we lost Michael.) Not long after that there was some "acclaimed psychic" who said anyone saying they'd had contact with him before "6 months" was full of it because spirits can't communicate until 6 months have passed. And so many people just took that as fact. All because of one person who wanted to claim they had the secrets of the universe :smilerolleyes: It's just incorrect info. I know this from personal experience and the experiences of friends and loved ones, let alone vast collections of such stories from others (like Anyway, I'm rambling. It's not like any of us have the ultimate answer in the end, but I had to put that out there. :angel:
EDIT: Bianca, I missed your post, but that's great! Well done!!
Thats great!
Congratulations. I mean, it's just an interview at this point, but congrats on getting that and good luck on it!!! If it's the right thing, I hope you get it:dancin:
Thanks guys! :D It's not much but considering I've finally found nice companies and an interview after months of searching it's cool already. Crazy, I dreamed I was living in L.A. already and missing everyone...oh God...will I really get homesick? Thinking now...I will really be alone in one I know, gotta build it all up again. Oh nooo - but I gotta take it like a'll work out I guess.

Yeah...psychically not physically. Psychic attacks are very real - anyone can do them and it can mess you up if you don't know how to protect yourself and hold onto your power. What he was doing was really affecting me for awhile - bad dreams, headaches, LOTS of negative energy and thoughts. I think the dude is still doing it from time to time - but I'm getting stronger. Anytime a thought of him randomly pops into my head - I know that he's focusing energy on me. For awhile it would creep me out...I'd get real creepy feelings and thus get nervous which caused me to give up my power. Now I immediately say NO, this person is NOT allowed in my aura. And I put up a shield of light around me.
Good luck with your interview btw! Yipeee!
Oh lol sorry, I read it too fast I guess. :doh: These words are too similar, hahaha. But yeah that's crazy as sad of him to do that to you, good you find a way to say 'no'! Keep it up like that.

My goodness....I just read Breaking News on CNN and stuff that Murray allegedly has stopped doing CPR to collect vains and so on, to make sure that the world wouldn't find out about, and Michael's bodyguard saw him laying on the bed with open mouth and eyes. Oh shit....don't try to make anyone upset here - but man...we've all felt so negative the last days and now this comes out. Michael, Michael, Michael....:boohoo:
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My goodness....I just read Breaking News on CNN and stuff that Murray allegedly has stopped doing CPR to collect vains and so on, to make sure that the world wouldn't find out about, and Michael's bodyguard saw him laying on the bed with open mouth and eyes. Oh shit....don't try to make anyone upset here - but man...we've all felt so negative the last days and now this comes out. Michael, Michael, Michael....:boohoo:

I read bout that earlier 2day....tryin so hard not 2 think bout it :(
I don't think it was Michael. I think it was either Micheal or even Jichael Mackson, the evil doppelganger who pretends to be MJ in dreams. But he's not MJ. He JM. No offense if those are you initials, but this JM should be avoided at all costs :lol: Wasn't that bizarre?

I've only ever had one other dream about MJ being mean to me. And that one felt totally real, like afterwards I was like :cry: It was back around 2000/2001 and I was wandering down an alley and heard music coming from a door. It was a recording studio. And it was Michael! Wow! I hadn't dreamed of him for a long time. I really missed him. I didn't want to bother him, but thought I'd just quickly say hi. I poked my head in and said, "Hi, Michael! I thought that was you!" and he looked at me with no recognition and said, "Who are you?" :( I was so like... huh... what? But I know he knows me! I said, "Michael, don't you remember me?" and maybe a few more words back and forth and then he YELLED at me, "Get the hell out!" and I apologized profusely and went back into the alley crying and woke up all confused, lol. :boohoo: And I have to say that during that period of time, for unknown reasons I did feel a bit disconnected from him ... like around Invincible. I don't know why really. I wonder if it will make sense someday. I'm not saying because of the dream, but maybe the dream was part of the whole scenario. It was like energy had changed and I was, well, disconnected but still loving him. I can't explain it. Weird. Anyway...

At least today's dream didn't feel 'real' like that. When I woke up I didn't feel anything negative toward Michael at all, just like... huh? :eek: LOL. Sooooo weird.

I had one dream where Michael was horrible. MJ was cloned and he was acting different. He talked different, he looked angry and he was being horrible. He was hovering and he looked at me every angrily, like I did something wrong. I was actually scared.
Good morning guys! (or afternoon , or whatever is where you are haha!)

Just stopping by to wish everyone a day full of love :flowers: Take care !
Thanks guys! :D It's not much but considering I've finally found nice companies and an interview after months of searching it's cool already. Crazy, I dreamed I was living in L.A. already and missing everyone...oh God...will I really get homesick? Thinking now...I will really be alone in one I know, gotta build it all up again. Oh nooo - but I gotta take it like a'll work out I guess.

Hun, you will be fine. I know it's easy for me to say, but I really have been in this situation. I moved from Ireland to freakin Texas! lol. There's always a moment of terror before you leave, but you know in your heart that you're doing the right thing, and doing something that you need to do. Just take it one step at a time, and everything will fall into place. You will make friends with people you're working with and living with, and before you know it, you'll have a second home :) Trust me. And there's something kind of exciting about relocating and starting a whole new adventure, right? :)
My goodness....I just read Breaking News on CNN and stuff that Murray allegedly has stopped doing CPR to collect vains and so on, to make sure that the world wouldn't find out about, and Michael's bodyguard saw him laying on the bed with open mouth and eyes. Oh shit....don't try to make anyone upset here - but man...we've all felt so negative the last days and now this comes out. Michael, Michael, Michael....:boohoo:
Omg I know...I read about this last night and was just like...:no: ...I really did not want that image in my head of Michael either. Sweet sweet Michael... :weeping:

I hope everyone has a nice day today despite the craziness.

I had some crazy dreams last night... being attacked my wild animals again and having to throw them up against walls and all kinds of crap just so I could get them off me. Ugh I hate those kinds of dreams. An interesting thing before all that though - was that I was dreaming of my cat (never dreamt of him before)...and we were psychically connected. (again thats psychic not physically :p ) I was hearing him talk to me with his thoughts. So I wake up shortly after this and realize he's sleeping like right on my closely next to it so we were touching. This is also something he's never done before. So I found it interesting that when that happens I dream about him talking to me.
My goodness....I just read Breaking News on CNN and stuff that Murray allegedly has stopped doing CPR to collect vains and so on, to make sure that the world wouldn't find out about, and Michael's bodyguard saw him laying on the bed with open mouth and eyes. Oh shit....don't try to make anyone upset here - but man...we've all felt so negative the last days and now this comes out. Michael, Michael, Michael....:boohoo:

I read this too, I was like nooo!!!! :no: Its just too much. :weeping:

I had a werid dream a few days ago where people were walikng around headless!!! :unsure:
Hun, you will be fine. I know it's easy for me to say, but I really have been in this situation. I moved from Ireland to freakin Texas! lol. There's always a moment of terror before you leave, but you know in your heart that you're doing the right thing, and doing something that you need to do. Just take it one step at a time, and everything will fall into place. You will make friends with people you're working with and living with, and before you know it, you'll have a second home :) Trust me. And there's something kind of exciting about relocating and starting a whole new adventure, right? :)
Yeah you're right...I wanted this ever since I was little so it's awesome that I'm now almost there. Thing is though that it's so confusing for me, I think I need to make a list of financial and other important things and see how far I can get and choose things over others, 'cause that's all gonna be such a problem now since my dad has left us. It's whole plan of the future is messed up, I need to get some insight on what is best to do....go now, or next year, or go somewhere else like London which might be easier, or get my own house and stay in The Netherlands...hmpf. Ah well, things will come as they come I guess! Thanks for sharing how you felt about it. :huggy:

I had some crazy dreams last night... being attacked my wild animals again and having to throw them up against walls and all kinds of crap just so I could get them off me. Ugh I hate those kinds of dreams. An interesting thing before all that though - was that I was dreaming of my cat (never dreamt of him before)...and we were psychically connected. (again thats psychic not physically :p ) I was hearing him talk to me with his thoughts. So I wake up shortly after this and realize he's sleeping like right on my closely next to it so we were touching. This is also something he's never done before. So I found it interesting that when that happens I dream about him talking to me.
Lmao @ physically/psychically. :tonuge2: How adorable that you got so connected with your cat, that's awesome! Aaaaww.
About fighting with wild animals - I got that often too actually. Is there some known meaning behind dreaming about that? Most of the times they are really biting me and holding on tight....feels so real and painful, really crazy.
About fighting with wild animals - I got that often too actually. Is there some known meaning behind dreaming about that? Most of the times they are really biting me and holding on tight....feels so real and painful, really crazy.
Yeah that's how it is for me too! Biting and holding on tight... it hurts! I just looked up some stuff about attacks and wild animals. This is what I got on some sites:

  • A dream of an attack could mean conscious attitudes under attack, often from the unconscious self. Feeling threatened by someone or some thing. Real life experiences of being attacked, literally, psychologically or verbally.

  • Ferocious animals will attack in dreams, when your emotions have erupted ‘beyond your control,' feeling wild and foreign to you during the day

  • Wild Dogs, like jackals and coyotes, guard the way into to the hidden realm of the subconscious. Meeting their snarling teeth portrays your own fears about digging within to discover the truth about how you feel. Carnivorous animals can signify how you can be ‘eaten up’ by being afraid to allow your emotions free reign.
Very interesting...all of that pretty much matches me for where I'm at in life lately. Even the first one about being psychologically attacked - as I was just talking to you guys about this! The animals I dreamt of last night were like little jackals too. Also I had forgotten that last night before I went to sleep I felt a very dark energy around me. Even as I was getting in bed, I closed my eyes a minute then opened them...just getting comfortable..and it jolted me a minute 'cause when I opened my eyes there was this huge block of black energy. Kind of like...when you stare at a light too long and then you start to see the imprint of the light every time you blink. Only this imprint was a big black block. (haha say that 10 times fast) It was weird. I did my normal ritual of clearing energy but yet I still felt it standing there. Probably 'cause it made me a bit uneasy so some part of me was giving up my power to it. Anyway, interesting stuff.
OMG, I just slept for like 14 hours. I need to pm a couple of you back... will in a while, ok? I did a great meditation last night, got the psychic goo out of my house and then finally got a good night's sleep. But the last dream I wanted to finish, so everytime I'd wake up I'd figure "ah heck, just keep sleeping' :lol: My mom, sister and I had won a contest and all the winners got to stay for a week in an exclusive historic mansion, but on our first night we overheard a phone call with plans for gunmen to come in and massacre all in the house to get at something in the safe/vault. So then we had to gather about 10x more clothing than anyone actually would have brought for a week (lol) into trash bags, suitcases, etc and try to sneak out of the house. I just wanted to finish the darn dream and get out. We made it :)

Thanks guys! :D It's not much but considering I've finally found nice companies and an interview after months of searching it's cool already. Crazy, I dreamed I was living in L.A. already and missing everyone...oh God...will I really get homesick? Thinking now...I will really be alone in one I know, gotta build it all up again. Oh nooo - but I gotta take it like a'll work out I guess.
Me too, that article about Murray stopping CPR... that was awful to read :cry: No words. :no:

On the topic of moving from the NL to L.A.... like what Neeve said, yeah. If you feel this is what you're supposed to do, then you've just got to follow that. And yes, it will be different, a little culture shock. (Heck, L.A. would be culture shock for me :lol:) Will you be homesick? Of course. It's part of moving a long way from home, but adventure and destiny are too. At first it will be scary, but you'll have so much to learn and figure out that you won't have time to get depressed. And by the time you're feeling that you've gotten into the groove, you'll be making new friends. I moved across the US with my boyfriend when I was in my early 20's and I was homesick something awful. It wasn't nearly as hard coming from there to Germany, though... and that's (ok partly because of my hubby) but also because of the internet. I can read and watch local news, I can send emails, chat with family and friends, send pictures instantly. It really makes a difference. Imagine moving across the world in 1810 when it might take 3 months to get a letter from home. :doh: Those folks were braver than me, I'll tell ya!

I had one dream where Michael was horrible. MJ was cloned and he was acting different. He talked different, he looked angry and he was being horrible. He was hovering and he looked at me every angrily, like I did something wrong. I was actually scared.
I wonder too if that was recent or a long time ago...?

I agree with you MJ bunny. You made a great point. Also I would like to add that dead ppl, our dead relatives, come to us when a few days or even few months before our death. This is depends of the situation. Sometimes they just come just a few hours before. This is what I know from real life stories.
Oh yes, the pre-death visits. I was supposed to have surgery last May and said that up until the last second when they put me under, if I look across the room and I see 'dead' folks... surgery is OFF :lol: There's a lot of these stories in Peter Fenwick's book I mentioned yesterday. And I can't help but wonder if Michael saw anyone... and when? It's easy to study this in hospice care facilities or anecdotally from relatives at hospital bedsides, but when people die suddenly out of the blue... how do we know if they saw anyone or not? I mean, if you're (I mean, any random person) going to walk across the street and get hit by a bus, is it just a normal, regular old day? Did you have weird dreams before? Did you SEE anyone or get visions? Did you feel "something terrible will happen today" or "something wonderful will happen today"? And once you're gone, it's not like people back here can ask about it easily, right? My mom said her parents (who died in a car accident together -- a guy crossed the center line on a highway and hit them head-on almost 30 years ago now) looked and acted strangely that day and evening. They reminisced about places they'd lived years before, people they used to know and there was just this 'look' in their eyes. :scratch:

was that I was dreaming of my cat (never dreamt of him before)...and we were psychically connected. (again thats psychic not physically :p ) I was hearing him talk to me with his thoughts. So I wake up shortly after this and realize he's sleeping like right on my closely next to it so we were touching. This is also something he's never done before. So I found it interesting that when that happens I dream about him talking to me.
Physically... :hysterical: That's way cool, though :) Wonder if you were meowing in your sleep ;) I once connected with of my plants, believe it or not. I had an aloe vera plant for a year or so. It was by the window and I only went near it when watering. One night I dreamed it had died, that I had found it all wilted and dead. When I woke up I thought, huh, that's odd. I looked at it across the room. Looked fine. On closer examination I found some of it was starting to wilt because it was being attacked at the root by spidermites! So I cleaned it, gave it a new pot and today it's still alive 10 years later on my mom's windowsill. I like to imagine it was psychically calling me for help.

I had a werid dream a few days ago where people were walikng around headless!!! :unsure:
Sounds like a symbol for people acting like they have no heads ... like hysterical or not thinking.
I dont believe that this is Michael.
She was saying things that everybody new and and anybody could have come out with.
I have Mikes song going aroud in my head all the time as Im sure alot of others do.
In my opinion she said nothing that convinced me she was getting contactfrom Michael.
If she said that only a fan or family memner would noinstead of the general public then maybe but there was no concrete evidence that that was Michael.
I mean even the way she was talking and the words she was using,Michael doesnt speak like that.
Besides,these videos were made not long after he passed so it would have been too soon to make contact.
I know people who are very spiritual and know alot about this kind of thing and they have even said to me there is know way that this was Michael because his spirit hadnt even left his body.
Once a persons spirit has left there body and gone on to the other side theN they can start to make contact but even that could takes weeks months or even years for a person to get to the contacting stage

Sorry have to disagree. It does not take a long time for a medium to make contact with someone in spirit. A dead person's spirit leaves the physical body straight a way. This is my
personal opinion, but you are welcome to disagree with me if you wish. No offence taken if
anyone disagrees with me.
From Andrea72.
Grr don't you just hate it when you lose your original post. :sigh:
Round 2.

Aw, congratulations Mrs.Music:huggy:. Good luck with your interview, I'm sure you'll be great :flowers:

Interesting experiences & dreams everybody. Thanks for sharing them :flowers:
Nothing to report from me, probably dream-tired myself out from those last 2 bizarre dreams :lol:

I read that article on the whole CPR thing. I just...:no:..can't go there atm :cry:

mjbunny - OT but whoooooooa, MJ looks so beautiful & perfect in your gif :wub: cutecutecute.

Interesting stuff about cleansing your house and that. I haven't done that before..maybe I should start?

:heart: to you all
I had a dream last night that I knew that Michael's will was fake so I decided to create a new one with the aid of another guy from this forum. The new will I made was pretty pathetic looking. I only had half a sheet of lined paper, but basically I said that Michael's music belonged to him and I drew a line on the bottom, where Michael could put his signature. Then we went through a hotel trying to find Michael. We finally found him and I handed him the new will, but then it seemed like it wasn't Michael, but some old man. :mello:

I think I was dreaming this because I've been thinking of that lately how Michael's will from 2002 is probably fake.
Oh yes, the pre-death visits. I was supposed to have surgery last May and said that up until the last second when they put me under, if I look across the room and I see 'dead' folks... surgery is OFF :lol: There's a lot of these stories in Peter Fenwick's book I mentioned yesterday. And I can't help but wonder if Michael saw anyone... and when? It's easy to study this in hospice care facilities or anecdotally from relatives at hospital bedsides, but when people die suddenly out of the blue... how do we know if they saw anyone or not? I mean, if you're (I mean, any random person) going to walk across the street and get hit by a bus, is it just a normal, regular old day? Did you have weird dreams before? Did you SEE anyone or get visions? Did you feel "something terrible will happen today" or "something wonderful will happen today"? And once you're gone, it's not like people back here can ask about it easily, right? My mom said her parents (who died in a car accident together -- a guy crossed the center line on a highway and hit them head-on almost 30 years ago now) looked and acted strangely that day and evening. They reminisced about places they'd lived years before, people they used to know and there was just this 'look' in their eyes. :scratch:
Interesting. I think some people do know...or just feel different in some way. I also think some people would have no clue though either. I remember reading about this before actually... I was all upset because I had seen a psychic a week before I ended up in an ambulance and had to get my right ovaries taken out due to a serious infection. I always ask about my health in readings and she didn't detect anything so I was like WTF! I wanted to look into the topic of why I wouldn't be told about that - and as I came to find out, your health is a touchy thing in readings. Even the best of psychics may not detect something seriously wrong if it is in your soul's path to experience the emergency or whatever event that may push you into further growth. The same goes for death. I read that many people who had cancer or some other health issue going on, would go to a psychic so they could know how much time they had left. This one woman did that and the psychic was guided to tell this woman that she wasn't going anywhere soon. She died a week later. The psychic got that information though, because had the woman known she was dying in a week - she would have been frantic and not gotten some things done that needed to be done that week before she left. So anyway, point is...she had no clue she was going to go that soon. Probably woke up and figured it was just another day.

Physically... :hysterical: That's way cool, though :) Wonder if you were meowing in your sleep ;) I once connected with of my plants, believe it or not. I had an aloe vera plant for a year or so. It was by the window and I only went near it when watering. One night I dreamed it had died, that I had found it all wilted and dead. When I woke up I thought, huh, that's odd. I looked at it across the room. Looked fine. On closer examination I found some of it was starting to wilt because it was being attacked at the root by spidermites! So I cleaned it, gave it a new pot and today it's still alive 10 years later on my mom's windowsill. I like to imagine it was psychically calling me for help.
Aw that is so cool! :heart:
LOLOL, an advertising banner was just now at the top of the page after I wrote a pm to someone about how MJ dying is like a crash course in spirituality for so many people:

********* Your Spiritual Awakening ********
Learn how to jump across dimensions to reach your spiritual awakening...

I have had so many synchronicities like this lately. Really. So many it's getting goofy.

I was all upset because I had seen a psychic a week before I ended up in an ambulance and had to get my right ovaries taken out due to a serious infection. I always ask about my health in readings and she didn't detect anything so I was like WTF!
:bugeyed :hug:

Even the best of psychics may not detect something seriously wrong if it is in your soul's path to experience the emergency or whatever event that may push you into further growth. The same goes for death.
Yeah, I think so too. Part of my reason for reading over the years so much about death premonitions and the like has been the hope of somehow altering 'fate' (if death at a particular moment really is fate). Author Mary Summer Rain's husband was supposed to die, like she and he and others knew the date and so they took him away someplace and kept him safe and it didn't happen. But then... was that because they were supposed to take him away so it wouldn't happen? lol I guess what I wanted to know was this... if everyone cataloged every strange occurance over many years, would it start to become obvious that certain things happen before unexpected death? Certain dreams or signs? And if so, could it not be stopped then? If you knew that to see a certain vision meant you're going to die and you were about to leave in an hour on a trip, would you survive if you stayed home instead? Or would you trip on a banana peel in your kitchen and die because you stayed home? That's the conundrum. Or if we knew the signs and looked for them, would they stop coming altogether because we're not supposed to know? I had a dream and a vision once about a terrible accident and never ever drove on that road again (which was kinda tough, lol). If I would've, would I have died in 1991 then? Or was I given that dream and vision so that I wouldn't? That's the thought, right? But no one MADE me not drive on that road. It was my choice to pay attention to it or not. Or was it? Was I given something just powerful enough because 'they' knew I would be convinced by that to avoid that road??? :doh: Ouch, my brain hurts again lololol.

Another example -- my father has precog dreams. The night before we were moving across country when I was a kid he had a horrible dream that we were driving on the interstate a semi-truck jackknifed right in front of us and that we were involved in this terrible accident. He told my mom in the morning and they both agreed it could mean something, so they took this awful back highway route that took about hours longer, just to avoid the interstate. The next day on the news they saw that a semi-truck had jackknifed on that same interstate, same area, same direction and two cars had been involved. But we weren't because we took the highway. Again... what if he hadn't listened? What if the cat had woken him up early and he didn't remember or didn't have that dream? Or it's all a beautiful synchronicity and everything happens as it should... :scratch:
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