Merged: Psychics channel Michael

IF YOU'RE READING THIS.... PRAYER FOR CHILE ON TWITTER AT MLP TIME (2pm PST / 5pm EST, 22:00 GMT, 23:00 CET)! Pls do a prayer for five mins or so... join a bit late, ok, fine. :heart:
Aw man, can't believe what's happening on this planet...all these earthquakes, these significant people dying last year....I've never experienced so many people saying the same thing, that this is just all so highly odd. :no:

It might sound weird, but I truly believe that Michael was right about only having a small amount of time left to heal things. You can't just go on and on, without resolving issues in our nature. Nature is trying to tell us something.

Let this please all get better real soon...:angel:

Much love to y'all! :heart:
DanceOfZenab1994 said:
About the second one, I felt like he was telling me not to exploit him as in not talking about everything I know to everyone. You know?

I felt like, he was saying he'd prefer it if some things were "insiders" (as in something only fans/family would know). Nothing bad because MJ is so amazing, it's only good when fans talk about him but Michael is private.

Asedora said:
Well it makes sense.Because fans know a lot about him especially after the autopsy came out. He just simply doesn't want weird rumors to grow maybe.
This makes me feel stressed a bit. Like, I hope I haven't done or said anything that was disrespectful to Michael's privacy. I don't think I have, but just reading/viewing stuff that has been put out that I know Michael wouldn't have wanted us to see, I do feel bad about all that. Sometimes I question what I should even share in here...about my personal experiences I've had where it felt like he was around. But then everything is speculation. Before even reading this though, I've recently been getting the feeling of "privacy. Michael needs privacy" whenever I want to make contact with him. I didn't interpret it so much as "leave him alone" - though I do think that we shouldn't be constantly 'nagging' for him - but I took it as a matter of trust. Like...could he visit with me and trust I wouldn't go jabbering the experience around to everyone? But then I think, it's good for other fans to hear of experiences like that because it helps us feel close to him and know he's alright. Or is that not the issue. Still, if he sees our true selves and what our intentions really are, what IS the issue? Ok...I feel like I'm thinking too much on this now...I'm babbling. I just hope he's not disappointed in me for any reason.

CaptainEoLove85 said:
He said, "Something's wrong with Michael Jackson. I'm shutting down." But he said it in a humorous/joking kind of way and I think he ran off to finish the concert. LOL sounds like something he might do.
At first I was like :( ...but then you said he did it in a humorous/joking way and that turns it all around and makes the statement rather cute. :lol:

^ That was in response to darlingdear, and what more can one say? We can certainly 'block' ourselves, like not feeling worthy or feeling too needy (both of which I guess lower your vibrations in some way). But sometimes there just doesn't seem to be an explanation. I remember about 15 years ago when I had this amazing out-of-body experience. The only conscious one ever. I wasn't trying, wasn't doing anything special during that time. So why THAT night??? Why not a night when I've been meditating regularly, am feeling good and centered and want it and welcome it? I have no explanation for that! Connectedness and spiritual experiences seem to come and go like inspiration or epiphanies. Outside of things like vision quests, walkabouts and shamanic journeys, it seems you can't force it. It just comes when it comes. I think we can certainly encourage it, of course, by living well, having love in our hearts, following our inner guidance, meditation or prayer, etc. I think this is the tough time now, when we still want to feel Michael like before, but we have to learn that we won't on a daily, weekly or (gulp) maybe even monthly basis. Of course, how is this different in some ways? As fans we always wanted to be close to Michael, to see him, to hear him, to feel his energy. And yet for all or nearly all of our lives, life didn't give that to most of us, even when he was here... :( Any moment you've had with Michael since he passed... anything, a dream, a touch, a feeling... cherish those beautiful gifts. I am SO thankful for every moment.
Great response! It is a mystery how some things come about when you are least expecting it, rather than when you are actively encouraging it, wanting and consciously preparing yourself for the experience. I guess some things come or happen according to when we will get the most out of the experience, or when we really need it. We don't always know what's best for ourselves. And you are right that now after Michael's passing, it really isn't that much different from when he was alive - where you always knew he was around doing stuff, but you didn't actually physically see him or were physically near him. Thinking about we can actually have personal spirit-visits...I What a gift. A real honor. You know, I'm having a kind of epiphany now. Like, if he was living and I got to meet him, I certainly wouldn't be phoning him everyday asking for another visit - because that would be disrespectful and probably annoying...even if he knew I only did it 'cause I loved him. :lol: Instead - I would simply cherish the experience I had, and welcome any more - should life ever decide to put us in the same place again. Hmm...yep...that's the end of my "needy" chapter that I've been probably reading too much of these past months.
Aw man, can't believe what's happening on this planet...all these earthquakes, these significant people dying last year....I've never experienced so many people saying the same thing, that this is just all so highly odd. :no:

It might sound weird, but I truly believe that Michael was right about only having a small amount of time left to heal things. You can't just go on and on, without resolving issues in our nature. Nature is trying to tell us something.

Let this please all get better real soon...:angel:

Much love to y'all! :heart:

I know, right?! :cry:
It's so heartbreaking to witness all this going on. :sigh:

Aw man, can't believe what's happening on this planet...all these earthquakes, these significant people dying last year....I've never experienced so many people saying the same thing, that this is just all so highly odd. :no:
Man I know. Today after I dropped my daughter off at my parent's house, I decided to hit the new age bookstore on the way back home. I was flipping through a Sylvia Brown book...and this one chapter I happened to stop on was talking about all the natural disasters going on. She said something like "it's as if Mother Nature is declaring war on us for what we have done to her". :cry:
This makes me feel stressed a bit. Like, I hope I haven't done or said anything that was disrespectful to Michael's privacy. I don't think I have, but just reading/viewing stuff that has been put out that I know Michael wouldn't have wanted us to see, I do feel bad about all that. Sometimes I question what I should even share in here...about my personal experiences I've had where it felt like he was around. But then everything is speculation. Before even reading this though, I've recently been getting the feeling of "privacy. Michael needs privacy" whenever I want to make contact with him. I didn't interpret it so much as "leave him alone" - though I do think that we shouldn't be constantly 'nagging' for him - but I took it as a matter of trust. Like...could he visit with me and trust I wouldn't go jabbering the experience around to everyone? But then I think, it's good for other fans to hear of experiences like that because it helps us feel close to him and know he's alright. Or is that not the issue. Still, if he sees our true selves and what our intentions really are, what IS the issue? Ok...I feel like I'm thinking too much on this now...I'm babbling. I just hope he's not disappointed in me for any reason.

That's exactly how I feel.


I wish he would just tell me straight up in a dream what I should and shouldn't talk about. I wanna tell you guys things but feel like I shouldn't. I feel like you said, I feel like he is testing to see if I can keep things to myself to see if he can trust me. :(:doh:
I wish he would just tell me straight up in a dream what I should and shouldn't talk about. I wanna tell you guys things but feel like I shouldn't. I feel like you said, I feel like he is testing to see if I can keep things to myself to see if he can trust me. :(:doh:
This is EXACTLY what I was asking for last night! I thought...ok...surely Michael would be willing to sit down with me and tell me his feelings and concerns. I thought "Michael, if I'm doing something wrong or if you don't want me to share my experiences, please tell me. Can we work things out? And if there is nothing wrong, can you at least visit me to let me know so I can have peace of mind? Can't we just have a few moments to be open and honest. Surely you can see my soul and what my intents are." I also felt the exact same way of oh maybe he is just testing some of us...?

But I don't know. Now I am thinking more that I need to just stop with the "neediness" over Michael...and stop wondering what he thinks of me. What matters is that he has inspired me and I'm trying. I'm improving, and I need to just live my life by that...doing what I can to help myself and others. And on the subject of Michael, I certainly never intend to disrespect him or invade his privacy. I have nothing but love for that man... and so that should be what counts....what really matters.
We can certainly 'block' ourselves, like not feeling worthy or feeling too needy (both of which I guess lower your vibrations in some way). But sometimes there just doesn't seem to be an explanation. I remember about 15 years ago when I had this amazing out-of-body experience. The only conscious one ever. I wasn't trying, wasn't doing anything special during that time. So why THAT night??? Why not a night when I've been meditating regularly, am feeling good and centered and want it and welcome it? I have no explanation for that! Connectedness and spiritual experiences seem to come and go like inspiration or epiphanies. Outside of things like vision quests, walkabouts and shamanic journeys, it seems you can't force it. It just comes when it comes. I think we can certainly encourage it, of course, by living well, having love in our hearts, following our inner guidance, meditation or prayer, etc. I think this is the tough time now, when we still want to feel Michael like before, but we have to learn that we won't on a daily, weekly or (gulp) maybe even monthly basis. Of course, how is this different in some ways? As fans we always wanted to be close to Michael, to see him, to hear him, to feel his energy. And yet for all or nearly all of our lives, life didn't give that to most of us, even when he was here... :( Any moment you've had with Michael since he passed... anything, a dream, a touch, a feeling... cherish those beautiful gifts. I am SO thankful for every moment.

Great response! It is a mystery how some things come about when you are least expecting it, rather than when you are actively encouraging it, wanting and consciously preparing yourself for the experience. I guess some things come or happen according to when we will get the most out of the experience, or when we really need it. We don't always know what's best for ourselves. And you are right that now after Michael's passing, it really isn't that much different from when he was alive - where you always knew he was around doing stuff, but you didn't actually physically see him or were physically near him. Thinking about we can actually have personal spirit-visits...I What a gift. A real honor. You know, I'm having a kind of epiphany now. Like, if he was living and I got to meet him, I certainly wouldn't be phoning him everyday asking for another visit - because that would be disrespectful and probably annoying...even if he knew I only did it 'cause I loved him. :lol: Instead - I would simply cherish the experience I had, and welcome any more - should life ever decide to put us in the same place again. Hmm...yep...that's the end of my "needy" chapter that I've been probably reading too much of these past months.
You both said it so well...this makes sense and I'm also extremely thankful for every moment I got since. Getting these experiences and be able to get on this level is so rewarding. It's indeed interesting to see how these things happen right at the times when you least expect it or at the times when you need it most. That's exactly what you said, Amy, we don't always know what's best for ourselves. Last time when I had that snowball-throwing-at-me experience that was just huge, now that was truly something I least expected and most needed and that was SO vividly...there's just no doubt. :heart:
Because these ones are so vivid, I kind of question my meditations often on whether they might be 'real', because it's not so much the same as other experiences, as mentioned above, that I've had out of the blue. Those were much more undeniable and truly THERE, you know? Even though, like 70% of me feels meditations are not just my imagination...but still.

But anyhow, often when I'm feeling down and trying to ask for something and don't get anything I realize that I might not have needed it like that and shouldn't be nagging about it, or invading his 'privacy' indeed. (Bwuuh! I don't want to bother!) It makes me insecure to think of how Michael would feel about's hard to find out what's best to do in this case because it's so difficult and confusing overall, but I feel that way also because I just feel I might not know enough on this subject. Ah well...I guess I just have to let it come as it comes and be most thankful for those that least that way it truly does something, thanks Mike! ;D
That's exactly how I feel.


I wish he would just tell me straight up in a dream what I should and shouldn't talk about. I wanna tell you guys things but feel like I shouldn't. I feel like you said, I feel like he is testing to see if I can keep things to myself to see if he can trust me. :(:doh:

I never really thought about it like that. I thought I should share things with fellow fans who understand. If I got the feeling that something should not be mentioned, I wouldn't say anything but apart from that I felt like it was ok. I don't talk about this stuff with anyone in my life apart from my mother. She likes to hear my dreams and stuff because I dream a lot about things that happen the next day and things involving people I haven't seen for ages suddenly pop up in our lives or go through something life-changing (good and bad).

Actually that reminds me, I said something about a dream at my granny's a while back. I had two or three dreams about being out there. My uncle is sick now. He lives out there too. I automatically assumed I should be worried about my granny after the dream because she is in her 80's but I never thought of my uncle. I really hope he is going to be ok. He was let out of hospital after his tests results were inconclusive. He's being sent to another hospital next week. If any of you don't mind, please send him some love, healing thoughts, think of him in your prayers/meditations/whatever way you do things. I'm sending him my love as much as possible and I picked up some gemstones for healing to send to him. The man in the shop gave me a medal to give to him so he can have "new age and old fashioned stuff" and asked me to keep him updated.

Thanks guys :heart::huggy::heart:
I really hope he is going to be ok. He was let out of hospital after his tests results were inconclusive. He's being sent to another hospital next week. If any of you don't mind, please send him some love, healing thoughts, think of him in your prayers/meditations/whatever way you do things.
Definitely will offer up some prayers and send positive healing energy to him. :angel:
:heart: :blush: Thanks, from me and 'whomever else' it was who wrote it lolol, because that was such a weird day. It was the week charges were filed and fans were being vicious to each other and all the "I hate Murray! I hope he burns in hell!" stuff. You know, do we want justice or vengeance. That night I was upset and suddenly just felt: "WRITE" out of the blue. And that just poured out. I had to cut some of it (nothing crucial) because it was so long I was afraid it would be "tl;dr" ... but it's like I feel it's not really mine in some ways. I mean, it's all true, it's all what I feel and how I wanted the guru figure when younger, what I've realized about Michael and how I feel about us fans, etc. But the way whole sentences just appeared in my mind... it was weird. I suppose others here can relate to that, when songs or poems or whatever just drop down from the sky onto you. Like Michael always said, it's hard to take credit because you feel it was already written somewhere else. But thanks, I'm really glad others find it touching :hug:

No, it's captures so much........ I'm in awe, truly. Thank YOU for sharing it. :clapping::wub:

I'm suppsoed to be working on a paper but just wanted to drop by. Love to all!
Thanks you guys, for the response about blocked energy and that.
I know what you mean about being "needy". It's like, sometimes I think I should experience something, like cos I'm sad, missing MJ etc. But then because I am actively aware I want MJ to be in my dream, it doesn't happen. I often feel bad cos you know, like some of you said, if this were real life, and I met MJ, I wouldn't be like you said amy (forgive me if I repeat things, etc, I'm quite tired lol) I wouldn't phone him up and be like yo MJ meet up today? I would just be like omg, I met MJ, that is me done for life!
I mean I'm so grateful, so so grateful for the dreams where Michael has appeared to me, because it always felt so nice. I was thinking today, how I never met him in real life and yet somehow it makes me excited cos I feel I've met him in my dreams - whether they are real or a productive or my imagination is another thing. And I like to think now, wherever he is, he is getting the peace he should of gotten here, like there are no paps there, to take his pic all the time, etc. People hounding him. So he is free, and who am I to take away his freedom and peace just because..
It's just lovely that he can make time to see me in my dreams, you know. :wub: I love that he can do that.
I hope he isn't disappointed in me, for some reason, I think that's my main concern. But then I think hey, MJ was only human too right? We all are only human. We all try our best.

I think if I just let go this idea of expectance then maybe I will begin to feel something again. It is just that idea of expecting things, I think, that holds me back. Like meditation, I know it's wrong, but I always expect something to happen. But once you take a step back you realise something does happen, even though it might not be what I expect, the mind is creating things, my own reality in my mind, so all I have to do is watch it. Some days it might be real intense, and others not so. But either way, something happens each mediation. I think that's the key. Also, as some of you all say, it depends on what I'm feeling on the times I try it. What emotions and such.
I know right now this is becoming a tl;dr :lol: I'm sorry, it's just all babbling out.

I'm thinking of all those people caught up in that earthquake today. I am really worried for our planet now. It all seems to be kicking off, you know. So many things happening at the moment :pray: they are all in my thoughts.
That is difficult to be left in the dark about what is ok and what's not ok to share about Michael. I've asked too, there was that time I got that answer to share about Michael seeing us as "angels" and he said he was ok with that. But even then I was doubtful. Was it really him saying this in my head? I'd never want to do anything that would violate Michael's privacy. I definitely wouldn't share anything I think is personal regarding him, but where's the line? I don't know what he would consider to be too personal to share because I can't receive any specific direct response from him. I might think he's fine with it, but what if he isn't? I don't know how the spirit world works, and why it has to be so cryptic when it comes to signs and things. :scratch: But I guess there would be no mystery left if everything was so obvious.
I wouldn't phone him up and be like yo MJ meet up today? I would just be like omg, I met MJ, that is me done for life!
:lol:... totally.

CaptainEoLove85 said:
I'd never want to do anything that would violate Michael's privacy. I definitely wouldn't share anything I think is personal regarding him, but where's the line? I don't know what he would consider to be too personal to share because I can't receive any specific direct response from him. I might think he's fine with it, but what if he isn't?
Hah...I guess this is another reason why I felt the need to drop in at the new age bookstore today and why I flipped through that Sylvia Browne book. Because here we all are speculating about what is ok and what isn't, worrying about whether Michael may be upset over this and that. In the book I remember quickly skimming over a section talking about karma. But it was stating that it's all about intent. That when something is done with malice, that is when you work up karmic debt. So now I'm thinking this can apply to what we are talking about - because like, if there are things Michael doesn't want us to share or something, and we end up sharing it - it's certainly not our intent to disrespect him. I would think that if he doesn't like something we are doing, he would find a way to tell us - whether through dream or something - so that we can understand how he is feeling. I don't think he'd just not go near us because we did what we did - because we don't know better. We only act out of love when it comes to Michael. So....yeah. I'm feeling better about this now.
^ I hope your uncle will be alright. I'll think of him with positive energy as well.

Wow, here we go with the deep discussions again ;) We've talked about this topic before and I guess in the end I agree with all of you; I mean all the views. I think there's such a thing as saying too much and also that it's ok to share with those who also benefit from the information. I might seem like a bit of a nutter sometimes because I have so many strange things happen to me, lol, but that's always my life :lol: But there are also times when I write something about what I felt Michael told me and then I delete it before I hit 'post reply'. I think part of it may be that feeling we talked about before... lurkers and who knows who's reading what. But there are some experiences that are just private, you know, like I feel they should be private. And yeah, I agree about intent.... WHY you're sharing something. And I also find myself being too "needy" from time to time and thinking, "I'm so sorry, Michael. Just ignore me, please. I'm just being whiny." (Adding... sometimes I feel very much like this song, one of my "to MJ" songs from the past that means even more now :cry: Bryan Adams - 'Please Forgive Me'. "So if I love you a little a more than I should, please forgive me. I know not what I do. Please forgive me. I can't stop loving you.... Please forgive me if I need you like I do." < Among many bits of the lyrics that make me think of Michael. Not all fit, of course, but this song made me think of Michael even years ago...)

And with that, I totally forgot earlier that I had two things to share ;) Ok, first was a dream this morning. There was a TV in a room that was playing some boring news talk show. I wasn't paying much attention, but I heard someone ask a question like "is there any group on Earth right now that is actually doing good, that really does care and not just for their own agenda?" (You know, like religious or political groups). And one of the guests said very seriously and loudly, "Yes. Michael Jackson fans." I was like...WHOA.. damn, I could've been recording this! It was a totally unexpected response. The others on the show chuckled at first (hataz :rolleyes2: lol), but the man said, "Don't laugh. I'm very serious. Absolutely. Did you know that they..." and I can't remember what he said, but was talking about love and doing good and spiritual awakening. I can't remember specifics. I was just astounded that I was hearing this on television!

And the other weird thing... and this is really weird... earlier (before that dream), after being up all night I played a 1 minute clip of HTW on my cell phone while choosing my morning alarm ringtone. It ended and then I was walking toward the bed where the phone was and then I heard... . :bugeyed... I heard a voice say about two short sentences! It sounded kind of like someone talking through my phone, like not very loud and quite tinny like that (& it wasn't my phone ... no calls attempted or received) and... weirdest... it sounded like Michael's voice! I swear to God I thought I heard something about "heal the world" in there, but then I realized that this sound couldn't have been words because it was seemingly only the zipper of my hoodie in my hand kind of scratching along the wooden edge of the bedframe as I walked across the room. But it totally sounded like someone talking! Not just someone, but Michael, and I even heard words within it! That's when you find yourself seriously questioning your own brain, lol. But then I wondered; did those two sounds just coincide and when the talking sound ended I was then aware of the zipper scraping sound? :scratch:I told you: weird. Very weird. And then I told someone all about this experience in a dream later, lolol. :blink:
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^^ I do wonder about things like that. I think maybe a time there could be an explanation for it is the time it happens. I tried to explain myself there but deleted it cos it got too long and I wasn't really explaining what I mean properly :scratch:. Maybe you get me without an explanation?

It's cool though. Good dream too ;)

Thanks for thinking of my uncle :angel:
^ And off topic, but I wanted to add this because it just came up on my mp3 player. Years ago there was a hair band named White Lion and they did this song called "Little Fighter" and the lyrics some years later (I mean post-1993, ahem) were SOOOOOOO much about Michael for me. I mean, holy crap 99% of the lyrics fit (except I always feel uncomfortable with the word "little"... like a child? Like someone who's 2 feet tall? Not sure, lol). Anyway, I rediscoved this again in 2005 after the trial and cried my head off. :cry: Wanted to share it because I still find it incredible and so about MJ for me:

Are you cryin' tonight,
are you feelin' alright,
i'll tell the world that you are
down on your luck,
you were one of a kind,
one I'm never giving up,
even when they put a price on your head

has anyone heard the tales you tell
or seen the scars you wear
did anyone speak up when you fell
does anybody care

[CHORUS] rise again, little fighter
and let the world know the reason why
shine again, little fighter
and don't let 'em end the things you do

and you were one with a cause,
and a reason to be,
you were a fighter for peace on this earth,
and you were never afraid,
you put your life on the line,
and you were always alone out on the sea

without a weapon in your hand
you came to fight a war
they took your life, but didn't know
that you would never die -chorus repeats-

are you feelin' alright
cause i care, care

you're not alone, little fighter,
...always stand beside you,
and never stop believing
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Amanda, I'm sending love and energy to your uncle. Hugs to you too.

^ I hope your uncle will be alright. I'll think of him with positive energy as well.

Wow, here we go with the deep discussions again ;) We've talked about this topic before and I guess in the end I agree with all of you; I mean all the views. I think there's such a thing as saying too much and also that it's ok to share with those who also benefit from the information. I might seem like a bit of a nutter sometimes because I have so many strange things happen to me, lol, but that's always my life :lol: But there are also times when I write something about what I felt Michael told me and then I delete it before I hit 'post reply'. I think part of it may be that feeling we talked about before... lurkers and who knows who's reading what. But there are some experiences that are just private, you know, like I feel they should be private. And yeah, I agree about intent.... WHY you're sharing something. And I also find myself being too "needy" from time to time and thinking, "I'm so sorry, Michael. Just ignore me, please. I'm just being whiny." (Adding... sometimes I feel very much like this song, one of my "to MJ" songs from the past that means even more now :cry: Bryan Adams - 'Please Forgive Me'. "So if I love you a little a more than I should, please forgive me. I know not what I do. Please forgive me. I can't stop loving you.... Please forgive me if I need you like I do." < Among many bits of the lyrics that make me think of Michael. Not all fit, of course, but this song made me think of Michael even years ago...)

And with that, I totally forgot earlier that I had two things to share ;) Ok, first was a dream this morning. There was a TV in a room that was playing some boring news talk show. I wasn't paying much attention, but I heard someone ask a question like "is there any group on Earth right now that is actually doing good, that really does care and not just for their own agenda?" (You know, like religious or political groups). And one of the guests said very seriously and loudly, "Yes. Michael Jackson fans." I was like...WHOA.. damn, I could've been recording this! It was a totally unexpected response. The others on the show chuckled at first (hataz :rolleyes2: lol), but the man said, "Don't laugh. I'm very serious. Absolutely. Did you know that they..." and I can't remember what he said, but was talking about love and doing good and spiritual awakening. I can't remember specifics. I was just astounded that I was hearing this on television!

I love Bryan Adams :wub:

To be honest, I can't imagine that we'd be bothering Michael...I think that he can choose when to visit or not, and when he does visit, I imagine that since he's in a higher dimension, it's not difficult for him to be in many places at once... But I do see what everyone is saying, maybe it's a little presumptuous to want him always to come.... I'll keep that in mind :)

That's soooo cool what that person said about MJ fans!! Interesting that someone has noticed......since I'm the only one in my real life that seems to be going through this spiritual thing with Michael, I feel like it's a part of my life that no one sees.....but, maybe not...

And your phone.... wow :wub:

Oh I wanted to share with everyone what I just made,:jump: originially inspired by, was it DanceofZenab who said that the dictionary should change the definition of love to 'see MJ'?
Yes, this is what I spend my Saturday evenings doing....don't judge.. hahaha but it was fun!


^ LOVE it! :yes: :heart: I downloaded them and set the files (on my comp, so not killing your bandwidth on photobucket, lol) as my homepages in Firefox, lolol. Hubby will be confused when he gets up and turns on the computer ;)

(Btw, the guy talking about MJ fans doing great things was on television in my dream, lol. Would be nice if in the real world, though! :))
Thank you Niamh :heart: Awh, ya got the MJ google logo and everything. Someone (I think Reeta) has the same thing with sexy instead of love.

MJBunny Thank you so much for this song! I love it! I know what you mean about little. In this song though, I saw little as one person in this big world standing up and fighting for the right reasons, for the bigger picture. It's amazing how well the lyrics fit. (It annoys me how some songs are partially ruined to my ears. Sometimes, it makes me think I'm not doing a good job at being a fan. Obviously I don't believe any of that or I wouldn't be here but some songs are linked in my brain with some stupid joke or story and I hate it :ranting )

I think have have posted enough in this thread for one day. I hope everyone is keeping well.

Night x
^ LOVE it! :yes: :heart: I downloaded them and set the files (on my comp, so not killing your bandwidth on photobucket, lol) as my homepages in Firefox, lolol. Hubby will be confused when he gets up and turns on the computer ;)

(Btw, the guy talking about MJ fans doing great things was on television in my dream, lol. Would be nice if in the real world, though! :))

haha I know, I keep looking at them and giggling, lol.

oh right, I thought it was real.....some day!

Thank you Niamh :heart: Awh, ya got the MJ google logo and everything. Someone (I think Reeta) has the same thing with sexy instead of love.

cool! :cheeky:

yes, I'm off to bed too....

night all!
^ And off topic, but I wanted to add this because it just came up on my mp3 player. Years ago there was a hair band named White Lion and they did this song called "Little Fighter" and the lyrics some years later (I mean post-1993, ahem) were SOOOOOOO much about Michael for me. I mean, holy crap 99% of the lyrics fit (except I always feel uncomfortable with the word "little"... like a child? Like someone who's 2 feet tall? Not sure, lol). Anyway, I rediscoved this again in 2005 after the trial and cried my head off. :cry: Wanted to share it because I still find it incredible and so about MJ for me:

Are you cryin' tonight,
are you feelin' alright,
i'll tell the world that you are
down on your luck,
you were one of a kind,
one I'm never giving up,
even when they put a price on your head

has anyone heard the tales you tell
or seen the scars you wear
did anyone speak up when you fell
does anybody care

[CHORUS] rise again, little fighter
and let the world know the reason why
shine again, little fighter
and don't let 'em end the things you do

and you were one with a cause,
and a reason to be,
you were a fighter for peace on this earth,
and you were never afraid,
you put your life on the line,
and you were always alone out on the sea

without a weapon in your hand
you came to fight a war
they took your life, but didn't know
that you would never die -chorus repeats-

are you feelin' alright
cause i care, care

you're not alone, little fighter,
...always stand beside you,
and never stop believing

ok the jacket the lead singer is wearing reminds me a little bit of the one michael would have worn to perform HTW on TII tour. It could just be me, but in the colours and things
If any of you don't mind, please send him some love, healing thoughts, think of him in your prayers/meditations/whatever way you do things. I'm sending him my love as much as possible and I picked up some gemstones for healing to send to him. The man in the shop gave me a medal to give to him so he can have "new age and old fashioned stuff" and asked me to keep him updated.

Thanks guys :heart::huggy::heart:

Sorry, I just read this now. I will of course send love and healing to your uncle :angel: :heart:

mjbunny - whoa, the voice thing? That is..weird :scratch: But cool. And thanks for posting that song - my speakers have packed up atm, so I can't hear it, but reading the lyrics..:cry: very apt. :flowers:

Zenab - thanks for posting that. That is very..eerie.

I just wanted to share this. My dream last night was about a black cat. I often ask my guides (not that I know who they are) if they can give me a message about my spiritual side and things, and I looked up what a black cat means, and far from being bad luck etc, it can also mean that I am fearful of using my pyschic abilities and believing in my own intuition. So maybe this is my guides way of showing me my fears, and that I should start to believe in myself? I know this is majorly OT..
Oh yeah and also, in this dream, I was told I would have to wait for MJ outside a hotel for 17 hours :lol:

Hope everyone is well :heart:

Edit: Thank you to mjbunny for typing up the quote from Jonathan Moffett. I used it as my signature now. I tried for the whole beautiful quote but I couldn't fit it all in. But I think that last party is really beautiful. So thank you mjbunny :flowers:
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If any of you don't mind, please send him some love, healing thoughts, think of him in your prayers/meditations/whatever way you do things. I'm sending him my love as much as possible and I picked up some gemstones for healing to send to him. The man in the shop gave me a medal to give to him so he can have "new age and old fashioned stuff" and asked me to keep him updated.

Thanks guys :heart::huggy::heart:

I'm so sorry I missed this.. But I will send him LOVE and healing :) :hug: :heart:
WhoAmI, I hope your uncle gets well soon. :hug:

I saw there was a new blog entry on Inner Michael today. I read it and wow it's sooo good. I completely agree with it. It's time to stop seeing ourselves as us vs. them and that we are all one. :angel:

On a side note, I'm really not liking that the June 25th date seems to be getting closer and closer each day. It doesn't feel like it has been that long. I really wish I could forget that date and what happened :(