Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Mrs. Music - Oh, :hug: Sorry it made you sad. I know... I can only imagine if I were to go to the exhibit I'd start bawling the second I caught my first glimpse of the O2 :cry: Everytime they say the word "O2" on tv ads it's like a little punch in the stomach. Julie Andrews was on The Daily Show the other day and she talked about the issues with her voice, but that she's doing a show "at the O2 Arena"... It gets me every damned time.

I'm glad you had a good time there, though. So Fan Day was great, huh? Ohhhhh, wish we could've come along too! :)

darlingdear - lol about the puter prob. I know that sucks. Earlier I was writing that big long one and hit "submit reply" and I got "server too busy". Aghghgh! NooOoOoOoO! Guess it posted anyway though. Wheh.

Yeah, I have to say I really wonder about how MLP will grow. It all depends on people, you know. If people feel it's something important enough to remember to mark it on their calendars and take the time, if they feel it's helping. It's sooooo easy to participate in too, lol. I mean, it's the same date and time every month, so you can plan for it and you don't have to go anywhere to do it. You can conceivably join from your car (um, parked please, lol) or a beach or your bed or your desk... wherever.

Omg, yes about the TII shows. It felt like it was supposed to be something soooo special (but then, when is seeing MJ not sooooo special?) and then... crushed. The crazy part is that I had already started getting totally back into meditation and such in January of last year because I could feel something was about to happen. I wrote a big long, rambling post in March on another forum (non-MJ) about how I didn't know what was up, but something HUGE was going to happen this summer (gulp) that involved ... something I couldn't comprehend... something about huge numbers of people all over the world suddenly awakening and saying, "We're not taking this crap anymore! We're going to change the world! Now!" It was like the feeling of being on the edge of a revolutionary abyss, but it would be good in the long run, like huge amounts of Light suddenly unleashed. I couldn't place what it was, but it was massive, affecting everyone. I did have the thought... hmmm, Michael just announced the O2 shows, does it have to do with him somehow? But I couldn't fathom how or what was going to happen. I never posted that post in March because I thought it was too weird so I reluctantly clicked away from the page, erasing my hour long rambling. :mello: :cry: The pain for me losing Michael is not unexpected personally. I always knew that if I was still alive when he left us that I'd drop to the floor in a crumpled heap of endless tears and didn't know how the hell I'd make it to the next day, let along week or month. I guess the surprising thing is how many others felt the same or similar without even having been a fan or being kind of on the fringe of fanhood. That's an awakening of sorts... on some level we probably don't understand. Hmmm, now I'm thinking of the Inner Michael blog again...

omg, your sig mjbunny. MJ looks b-e-a-utiful. Now I can't stop staring at it :lol:
:wub: I know. At least something to make us smile And omg does that pic make me smile :wub:

a few days ago i had a dream that michael came back he jumped out of his casket and put me in it then a few days later came back and said he had to have it back because it was time to go :boohoo:
:hug: Thatk you for sharing your dream, even if it's sad like this. That's why we're all here...
Mrs. Music - Oh, :hug: Sorry it made you sad. I know... I can only imagine if I were to go to the exhibit I'd start bawling the second I caught my first glimpse of the O2 :cry: Everytime they say the word "O2" on tv ads it's like a little punch in the stomach. Julie Andrews was on The Daily Show the other day and she talked about the issues with her voice, but that she's doing a show "at the O2 Arena"... It gets me every damned time.

I'm glad you had a good time there, though. So Fan Day was great, huh? Ohhhhh, wish we could've come along too! :)
Yeah, I have to say I really wonder about how MLP will grow. It all depends on people, you know. If people feel it's something important enough to remember to mark it on their calendars and take the time, if they feel it's helping. It's sooooo easy to participate in too, lol. I mean, it's the same date and time every month, so you can plan for it and you don't have to go anywhere to do it. You can conceivably join from your car (um, parked please, lol) or a beach or your bed or your desk... wherever.
Oh no worries, it's needed to 'get in' anyway so....I already expected this. Was feeling too numb to actually realize it all there, guess it was just some sort of self-protection. :( It's sooo strange to just wander around there and see so many MJ related the hotels and's just...blahhh.

Aw yeah, would be great if you guys could've joined as well! :huggy:

I've posted some group pics and stuff in the fanday thread, so if you want you can check those out and have tons more but not gonna bore you with all of that I guess. ;D Here are 3 pics of us, first is me and FunkeyJay in front of the entrance to the Exhibition. Second one at the Lanesborough Hotel and third one at the Dorchester hotel. The 2 other girls are Sils and a friend of FunkeyJay who's also a fan.

About the MLP; I absolutely love the idea and really hope this is gonna be a thing for a loooooooooong time!
We really need a moment to stop and take a breath and all clear our thoughts, be in the same position.
I'ts important to feel the same at that one time in the month. So lovely. :cry:
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a few days ago i had a dream that michael came back he jumped out of his casket and put me in it then a few days later came back and said he had to have it back because it was time to go


Aww :hug:
Mrs Music - thanks for the pics and stuff :)

I just thought I'd post before bed that I feel... different as of a few hours ago. Closer, reconnected some with Michael :angel: Is it because I was working on website stuff? How is everyone else? Maybe there will be some wonderful dreams to report tomorrow?

(I still can't bear it... whenever I post I get caught by MJ down there in my siggy... ohhhhhhhhh :wub:)
I had a very vivid dream last night that we were all waiting at a concert for Michael to come out and we were there just waiting. We were front row and all had on MJ shirts. We were getting impatient and started chanting Michaels name. I also remember being chased by something and running down the road. :huh: I got woken up actually by my dog before I could see if Michael came out. Which saddens me because I was really curious to see if he did.

Well im going back to bed. I hope to have this dream again which most likely wont happen. lol I wanted to see Michael in concert and not be waiting for it haha goodnight everyone!!!! :sleeping:
Aw, missyjackson - :( :hug:

mjbunny - Yeah, the thing about the MLP is isn't so taxing on your time. I mean, like you said, you can do it anywhere (within reason). And it can be as long or as short as you want. I know I'm gonna keep doing it every 25th :) it's a wonderful idea. And I think it makes you feel really like, renewed afterwards. Well, at least I feel like that.
Erhm, okay that's freaky..about going back to meditation in Jan, and feeling something will happen. But then I guess had you posted it, the fans on the Hoax sites might of got hold of it and added it to their conspiracy files. Not that I mind those fans doing that, you know, each to their own.
The thing is, I viewed MJ as one of those celebs who are untouchable. Like you think nothing will harm them, they will be around forever, you know? That's why I was just in sheer disbelief when I heard. :cry: Man, that day will stay with me forever. Whenever I think about it I just get this weird like energy hanging over me. Aahh, horrible :( :( Michael come back please.
I was looking forward to telling my kids (if I am lucky enough to have them) that I went to see the King of Pop in concert. But I will be sure that they get all the necessary MJ influence in their lives :)
I can't believe it's been 7 months today. I miss him. I just sat on the train listening to his music today, taking Bonnie's advice you know, if we want to feel close to MJ listen to his music. I wonder if he was there sitting with me for a few seconds. I'm sure he's very busy with the people in Haiti, being with his children, and all the other fans he comforts, but I just hope he was there..

Mrs.Music - aww, sweet, thanks for the pics of the fanday :)
MJstarlight - That sucks you woke up before you got to see Michael :( :hug:

Not long til the MLP, can't wait :heart:
Hope everyone is good today.
MJStarlight - Aw, so close! (Hey, can you take us all with you next time you're going to an MJ concert? ;)) No MJ dreams for me last night. Well, with him. I did dream that I went to some people's house and I said I had to be back home because we were doing a big thing tonight. And they said what and I showed them MLP site and they were saying things like, "Michael Jackson? You've got to be kidding me, right?" Dorks. I got mad and left and I cried a bit feeling sorry for them and also annoyed.

darlingdear - oh, you're so right. I hadn't thought of the conspiracy folks and what I would've posted. :rolleyes2: When the Nov 25th prayer stuff was posted all over, some of the hoax folks (hehe it rhymes) thought that people's comments wanting ppl to do the prayer on the 25th had to do with MJ 'coming back' on that date. People take things how they want it. Luckily they figured out what it actually was, though, lol. Hubby and I were wondering if there's already some folks thinking that AEG is behind MLP ... or Michael himself, sitting at Elvis' house down in Argentina with Tupac. (Sorry ; ) We do have one visitor from a resort town in Mexico who comes to the site nearly every single day. I mean every day. They're on a Mac running Safari and come direct, never a referring url or an exit via a link. I don't think it's a bot (Google, MSN, Yahoo), because those show as bots and why would they be in Mexico? It's a mystery...

I feel sad today. 7 months. My God. Can't believe it. :no:
I was looking at the stage with this giant Earth rising just above it (just the top part of the planet with this blue glow around it) and I was like :bugeyed ... that's just like the header pic for Major Love Prayer! And it was all about bringing love back into the world and there's that image. And Michael would have been in front of it and the fans with their hands up. And they implied that this was seen the last night, the last thing before Michael went home for the last time (?) OMG :cry:

All summer I kept saying, "Michael, I want to do something. I have to. Like it's part of the plan. But what?" And one time I actually got a message in my mind not to worry about it yet, "That's later... November". And I thought yeah right, like I'm suddenly going to have some epiphany and magically know what to do by November. But October 25th I found out about the prayer on and from that point it kept bothering me... it needs a website. It needs to spread. It's needs a central place where everyone could go for the same info, to be on the same page (pardon the pun, lol). I had dreams of the song APoM ("we're sending out a major love!"), I went over and over the possible issues that could arise, the time commitment, on and on. But it kept nagging me. One day in November I kept having the phrase "Do something!" repeating over and over until the next day I realized it's a line from Dancing the Dream. It felt like a message. I listened to APoM again and then asked for a sign. As it ended I said, "Please, is this what I'm supposed to do?" My mp3 player, with so many GB of music from all genres, played the next random selection and it was: "This Is It"! No way! Ok! Got it! :cheeky:
That's so frikkin' cool...I love how inspiration comes from the other side like that. And how awesome that the scene in This Is It looked just like what you envisioned in your head! Coincidence? I think not!
Btw yes...your siggy...that smile...he's unbearably cute :wub:

mjbunny said:
And it feels sad and weird to think that he dies and then we do all this stuff (I mean, there are soooo many projects, charities, fan projects... like amygrace is making a special site as well). Did he really have to die? :cry: Was that the best way the universe/God had of changing the world?! It's not impossible to conceive of the idea that things like MLP, Amygrace's site and so many others could have still come into existence with Michael still here, with us! We could have gone to the O2 and become inspired at a deeper level, Michael asking us to bring love back into the world. We could have come home and did these same things! .... Couldn't we have? :mello:
:cry: This does make me wonder. I mean, if Michael didn't die...I would still be oblivious to the man. Or did that have to be the case? Why couldn't something have brought my attention to him in another way? But hell, looking at it that way - why couldn't I have truly 'discovered' him when I was little?! I guess...some things really do have a special order... "meant to be". However it may seem utterly heartbreaking and I wish it could've gone another way :cry: - I think his death was necessary to reach so many. Like you mentioned about having the feeling that something huge was going to happen last year...that there would be a sort of awakening for everyone (which is amazing you intuited that, btw).

Mrs. Music said:
I've posted some group pics and stuff in the fanday thread, so if you want you can check those out and have tons more but not gonna bore you with all of that I guess. ;D Here are 3 pics of us, first is me and FunkeyJay in front of the entrance to the Exhibition. Second one at the Lanesborough Hotel and third one at the Dorchester hotel. The 2 other girls are Sils and a friend of FunkeyJay who's also a fan.
Thanks for sharing the pics! Wish I could've gone! I know it would've been pretty tough too though. It made me sad looking at you guys with your hand up in hearts...:cry:

mjbunny said:
I just thought I'd post before bed that I feel... different as of a few hours ago. Closer, reconnected some with Michael :angel: Is it because I was working on website stuff? How is everyone else? Maybe there will be some wonderful dreams to report tomorrow?
Last night I had bad dreams...I woke up at like 5am and stayed up for an hour or so. During that time I was looking at the pic I did of Michael as an angel...and listened to the song "I will come to you" by Hanson...and I suddenly felt Michael's spirit. Maybe it was in my head...but it's been awhile since I felt that "connected". I went back to sleep and dreamt of him... can't remember what the dream was though. I just remember my daughter waking me up asking what I was dreaming about and I said "Michael" without a thought about it...but when I tried to recall it, it just drifted away.

Hope everyone is doing good today. Love you guys :group:
Hey everyone, hope you're all ok. :hug:

This is kinda random, but I was listening to Human Nature in bed last night, and that "whyyy" bit always seems to touch me so deeply, almost like it goes right through to my soul, if that makes sense? I don't know, I feel like I have such a spiritual connection with the song. :heart:
darlingdear - oh, you're so right. I hadn't thought of the conspiracy folks and what I would've posted. :rolleyes2: When the Nov 25th prayer stuff was posted all over, some of the hoax folks (hehe it rhymes) thought that people's comments wanting ppl to do the prayer on the 25th had to do with MJ 'coming back' on that date. People take things how they want it. Luckily they figured out what it actually was, though, lol. Hubby and I were wondering if there's already some folks thinking that AEG is behind MLP ... or Michael himself, sitting at Elvis' house down in Argentina with Tupac. (Sorry ; ) We do have one visitor from a resort town in Mexico who comes to the site nearly every single day. I mean every day. They're on a Mac running Safari and come direct, never a referring url or an exit via a link. I don't think it's a bot (Google, MSN, Yahoo), because those show as bots and why would they be in Mexico? It's a mystery...

I feel sad today. 7 months. My God. Can't believe it. :no:

Yeah I mean had you posted that thing about something happening, they would of re-hashed and said that you must be in on it too! I would imagine...
I wonder who that person is in mexico lol.
I'm all for readin' about conspiracy theories though, cos they do interest me.
I feel sad when I think about the fans and the hoax. I mean, I don't condemn them no way. The few months after MJ died I checked it out and it's clear people have some in-depth ideas, and I mean everything around June 25th raises some serious eyebrows, I'm not gonna lie. But I can't get my head around the fact that Michael would do this. The legal side of things and just everything. But something definately is not right about June 25th. But it's a free country, I'm not hatin' on those who believe he's alive. But just my personal opinion is he isn't :( and something baaad happened that day which resulted in MJ leaving us all and his children prematurely!

7 months. MJ has been on my mind everyday since June. :(

Hiii, amy :hug: Shame you couldn't remember the dream..

I am so tired today, I had four hours sleep last night, really restless. I hope I don't fall asleep during MLP..
Hey everyone, hope you're all ok. :hug:

This is kinda random, but I was listening to Human Nature in bed last night, and that "whyyy" bit always seems to touch me so deeply, almost like it goes right through to my soul, if that makes sense? I don't know, I feel like I have such a spiritual connection with the song. :heart:
Ohhh yeah. Same here. We talked about this here before but it was during all that technical difficulty stuff with the site so the posts got deleted I think. But yeah...the "whyyy" parts of that song...something about those are just intense...deeply rooted in the soul for sure. That's exactly how I've described it since I first heard it. I really discovered the song after Michael died..and when I listed to it...I just cried like crazy. Like deep emotion just came pouring from my heart everytime I heard him sing that part. It's an amazing song for sure.
Hey everyone, hope you're all ok. :hug:

This is kinda random, but I was listening to Human Nature in bed last night, and that "whyyy" bit always seems to touch me so deeply, almost like it goes right through to my soul, if that makes sense? I don't know, I feel like I have such a spiritual connection with the song. :heart:

Hi Louise :) :hug:
Aw, that's real cool. I love that song, it's one of my faves. I get what you mean about things going right to your soul! I know the feeling.
I do get goosebumps when I listen to it when going to sleep, like tingles occasionally.
^As amazing as Human Nature is..and as much as I feel connected to it...I still rarely listen to it...because I feel so connected. It's weird..but makes me sad when I feel that connection...almost like an incredibly "homesick" feeling...of missing the other side, and Michael, and...I don't really know. It's like I love it so much to the point that I can't listen to it I know...I'm not making sense.
Hey girl :huggy:
I know...7 months. :no: And he's been on my mind every day since too. :cry:

I didn't expect myself to feel like this, I always knew losing MJ would be :cry: but it really is :( everyday.. I mean before June 25th, I wouldn't say I was an absolute die-hard fan, e.g. like now. I always respected and admired MJ, his music was around in my childhood, but there was something cosmic about him, and my soul feels connected to him, even though physically I wasn't. I dunno if that makes sense.
I didn't expect myself to feel like this, I always knew losing MJ would be :cry: but it really is :( everyday.. I mean before June 25th, I wouldn't say I was an absolute die-hard fan, e.g. like now. I always respected and admired MJ, his music was around in my childhood, but there was something cosmic about him, and my soul feels connected to him, even though physically I wasn't. I dunno if that makes sense.

I feel the same ... :cry: But when I was a little kid I heard all these crazy tabloid news , But I never believed them .. I was born when all these crazy news started, but my soul just knew that these news was just tabloid , and that he was innocent .. And I know how you feel about feeling connected to him... Oh God, I miss him so much :cry:
Just poppin' in to say hello and see what everyone is up to. I'm doing the MLP at 10pm. So that'll be good.:angel:

Amygrace - ^As amazing as Human Nature is..and as much as I feel connected to it...I still rarely listen to it...because I feel so connected. It's weird..but makes me sad when I feel that connection...almost like an incredibly "homesick" feeling...of missing the other side, and Michael, and...I don't really know. It's like I love it so much to the point that I can't listen to it I know...I'm not making sense.

:better: Yea you make sense. I second that. I looove that song.. it's such an emotional song. He also sounds very sexy in it.:wub: There are those times where I'll listen to it and just want to burst into tears.

Hey.. does anyone have (or know anyone who has) the "I'll Be There" commercial that they could send me? (The one with Michael at the piano and he sings with his childhood self.. it's on the Dangerous short films) I am making a video and have to have it done by this Sat. I know it's kinda off topic, but I know there are a lot of cool peeps in this thread that may be able to help me out:D. I went to the 200 Watts section but dunno how to searach for it. Any help or where to go would be sweet! I am stupid at making vids:doh: so I hope it comes out well. just pm me or reply to this message!

Major Love Prayer tonight!:yes:
I didn't expect myself to feel like this, I always knew losing MJ would be :cry: but it really is :( everyday.. I mean before June 25th, I wouldn't say I was an absolute die-hard fan, e.g. like now. I always respected and admired MJ, his music was around in my childhood, but there was something cosmic about him, and my soul feels connected to him, even though physically I wasn't. I dunno if that makes sense.
It totally makes sense. So many if not all of us feel connected to him in this way. In one way it's the most wonderful thing in the world...but in another, it's the most heartbreaking. To feel that connected to someone you can't be close to... it's exquisitely painful. :cry:
It totally makes sense. So many if not all of us feel connected to him in this way. In one way it's the most wonderful thing in the world...but in another, it's the most heartbreaking. To feel that connected to someone you can't be close to... it's exquisitely painful. :cry:

*Sigh* I so feel the same way. :cry:
Thanks for sharing the pics! Wish I could've gone! I know it would've been pretty tough too though. It made me sad looking at you guys with your hand up in hearts...:cry:

Last night I had bad dreams...I woke up at like 5am and stayed up for an hour or so. During that time I was looking at the pic I did of Michael as an angel...and listened to the song "I will come to you" by Hanson...and I suddenly felt Michael's spirit. Maybe it was in my head...but it's been awhile since I felt that "connected". I went back to sleep and dreamt of him... can't remember what the dream was though. I just remember my daughter waking me up asking what I was dreaming about and I said "Michael" without a thought about it...but when I tried to recall it, it just drifted away.
Aww I'm sorry! It was hard...but like I said I felt more numb and it's only hitting me by now. It's just really hard to be at a place where he once was you realize realize time has flown so fast. Hard to believe I will never ever be able to go to a place to actually MEET him...see him in person. Heard some stories from the others out there and...oh my. Guess I'll never really 'get over it' or's too big and too deep. :cry:
How cool would it have been to meet up with the people from this, wonder how a meeting would work out for the meditations and stuff. And ofcourse it would be awesome to meet up anyway! Who knows, someday!

Interesting you felt so connected for a little while...sorry it drifted away though, but maybe you'll get a similar feeling during the MLP.

^As amazing as Human Nature is..and as much as I feel connected to it...I still rarely listen to it...because I feel so connected. It's weird..but makes me sad when I feel that connection...almost like an incredibly "homesick" feeling...of missing the other side, and Michael, and...I don't really know. It's like I love it so much to the point that I can't listen to it I know...I'm not making sense.
LOL, enough sense for me 'cuz I got the EXACT same thing with Human Nature. It's the only song I can't listen to, getting that homesick feeling indeed. Dunnow how to describe it but yeah, that's exactly it.
This does make me wonder. I mean, if Michael didn't die...I would still be oblivious to the man. Or did that have to be the case? Why couldn't something have brought my attention to him in another way? But hell, looking at it that way - why couldn't I have truly 'discovered' him when I was little?! I guess...some things really do have a special order... "meant to be". However it may seem utterly heartbreaking and I wish it could've gone another way - I think his death was necessary to reach so many. Like you mentioned about having the feeling that something huge was going to happen last year...that there would be a sort of awakening for everyone (which is amazing you intuited that, btw).

Amy, I feel the same way. I wish I truly could have discovered him much sooner than I did as well. :( I think since discovering him though my life has started to turn around more for the better. So maybe it is "meant to be" as you say.

I thought I might have felt Michael last night too. I was tearing up, listening to his music. Watching his videos. :cry: I was watching the Earth Song performance from Munich I think it was, and I just felt a surge of energy.

I did have an interesting dream last night, but Michael wasn't in it. All of my followers from Twitter were in the dream, most of whom are MJ fans. We were about to take a group photo. We were all lined up and this guy came around telling us he was going to get these skulls that would match our heads. He was taking measurements and I guess the skulls were going to be part of the photo somehow? (thinking of this now, it sounds really creepy :bugeyed.) I stood there in the big room with the other fans and looked at them. They were all dressed up like Michael. There was even a girl there wearing the gold leotard from Michael's Dangerous tour, but that's about all I remember.
See, this is why I love this thread.
We all understand each other :)

I love it in here.


Co-sign. No matter what kind of day I'm having, this thread always makes me feel better about things. :heart: :hug:
It's just really hard to be at a place where he once was you realize realize time has flown so fast. Hard to believe I will never ever be able to go to a place to actually MEET him...see him in person. Heard some stories from the others out there and...oh my. Guess I'll never really 'get over it' or's too big and too deep. :cry:
Oh I hear you...just thinking about being in a place that Michael was before and now he's no longer here is just...:no:
I don't think I'll ever "get over it" either. All my life I will regret never meeting him in person when he was here in this life. And all my life I will miss him.

How cool would it have been to meet up with the people from this, wonder how a meeting would work out for the meditations and stuff. And ofcourse it would be awesome to meet up anyway! Who knows, someday!
That would be cool indeed, if one day we all were able to actually meet...outside of meditations. :p

LOL, enough sense for me 'cuz I got the EXACT same thing with Human Nature. It's the only song I can't listen to, getting that homesick feeling indeed. Dunnow how to describe it but yeah, that's exactly it.
Good I'm not the only one! It's hard to put into words. It's just all feeling.

CaptainEoLove85 said:
Amy, I feel the same way. I wish I truly could have discovered him much sooner than I did as well. :sad: I think since discovering him though my life has started to turn around more for the better. So maybe it is "meant to be" as you say.
Yeah. *SIGH* My life truly made a turn for the better in discovering him...and it's like it happened at just the right time in my life...when I needed him most. But that sucks. When I need him most he enters my life by leaving his. :(
Interesting dream btw...sounds like an army of fans!

darlingdear said:
See, this is why I love this thread.
We all understand each other :)
I love it in here.
Hear hear. :group:
I would write more, but I'm feeling under time pressure at the moment... Twitter, Facebook, gotta eat dinner, lol... prayer in less than 2 hours. Don't wanna be stressed out before it this time! :)

Last night I had bad dreams...I woke up at like 5am and stayed up for an hour or so. During that time I was looking at the pic I did of Michael as an angel...and listened to the song "I will come to you" by Hanson...and I suddenly felt Michael's spirit. Maybe it was in my head...but it's been awhile since I felt that "connected". I went back to sleep and dreamt of him... can't remember what the dream was though. I just remember my daughter waking me up asking what I was dreaming about and I said "Michael" without a thought about it...but when I tried to recall it, it just drifted away. Hope everyone is doing good today. Love you guys :group:
Interesting. Do you know what time that was? Not that the times have to line up, lol, just wondering. For me I got a visit around 4am (give or take an hour?), which would be 9-11pm Eastern. Could see blue light through my eyelids (very bright almost whie along my right eye) and even heard a sound like a distorted radio signal in my right ear! I was like, "I heard that!" but I couldn't get more :doh: I know it was Michael. Not only was the warmth and presence sensation there, but I had literally just... asked for him :unsure: ... which is something I try no to do, but I needed to ... Ohhhh, Michael, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so sweet :wub:
I thought I might have felt Michael last night too. I was tearing up, listening to his music. Watching his videos. :cry: I was watching the Earth Song performance from Munich I think it was, and I just felt a surge of energy.

I did have an interesting dream last night, but Michael wasn't in it. All of my followers from Twitter were in the dream, most of whom are MJ fans. We were about to take a group photo. We were all lined up and this guy came around telling us he was going to get these skulls that would match our heads. He was taking measurements and I guess the skulls were going to be part of the photo somehow? (thinking of this now, it sounds really creepy :bugeyed.) I stood there in the big room with the other fans and looked at them. They were all dressed up like Michael. There was even a girl there wearing the gold leotard from Michael's Dangerous tour, but that's about all I remember.
Do you remember what time for you? Wouldn't it be wild if it was around the same time? It's crazy about the skull measuring dream because I swear I remember my husband saying he had a dream like that recently! He's at the store or I'd ask about the specifics.

But I can't get my head around the fact that Michael would do this. The legal side of things and just everything. But something definately is not right about June 25th. But it's a free country, I'm not hatin' on those who believe he's alive. But just my personal opinion is he isn't :( and something baaad happened that day which resulted in MJ leaving us all and his children prematurely!
Agreed. He wouldn't. I can't imagine it. Putting everyone through all this pain. He's stronger and braver than that. He stayed for the trial when he could've faked his death then or run away, right? I mean, I can't comprehend it. But ... also don't want to argue about it, which is why I don't hang in the conspiracy threads... ;)

I didn't expect myself to feel like this, I always knew losing MJ would be :cry: but it really is :( everyday.. I mean before June 25th, I wouldn't say I was an absolute die-hard fan, e.g. like now. I always respected and admired MJ, his music was around in my childhood, but there was something cosmic about him, and my soul feels connected to him, even though physically I wasn't. I dunno if that makes sense.
It makes perfect sense somehow. I've felt that way since I was a kid. I suppose we won't understand it until we get to the other side ourselves (at which point we'll probably be like, "Hi Michael! :doh: Doh! I totally remember now! Good grief :smilerolleyes:" lolol)

Hey.. does anyone have (or know anyone who has) the "I'll Be There" commercial that they could send me? (The one with Michael at the piano and he sings with his childhood self.. it's on the Dangerous short films) I am making a video and have to have it done by this Sat.
Try youtube for the commercial. Some copies are really excellent. Use a service like to save in MP4 format.

I'm running out of time, lol... see you all during the prayer!!! :) :angel: :love:
mjbunny - Try youtube for the commercial. Some copies are really excellent. Use a service like to save in MP4 format.

I'm running out of time, lol... see you all during the prayer!!! :) :angel: :love:

Thank you mjbunny! I didn't know I could use a vid from youtube. Thanks! I'll be at the MLP!:angel:
Interesting. Do you know what time that was? Not that the times have to line up, lol, just wondering. For me I got a visit around 4am (give or take an hour?), which would be 9-11pm Eastern. Could see blue light through my eyelids (very bright almost whie along my right eye) and even heard a sound like a distorted radio signal in my right ear! I was like, "I heard that!" but I couldn't get more :doh: I know it was Michael. Not only was the warmth and presence sensation there, but I had literally just... asked for him :unsure: ... which is something I try no to do, but I needed to ... Ohhhh, Michael, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so sweet :wub:
Do you remember what time for you? Wouldn't it be wild if it was around the same time? It's crazy about the skull measuring dream because I swear I remember my husband saying he had a dream like that recently! He's at the store or I'd ask about the specifics.
That's so cool he came when you asked for him! Aw.
Well I just got done with the MLP…and had a very interesting experience this time. 2 minutes before it was to start I went into my room and this time felt like instead of laying on my bed closing my eyes like I usually do, I would sit in front of my window. I pulled up the blinds and there was this little squirrel sitting on my windowsill. There are always squirrels around here but usually if they are by my window and I pull the blinds up they scurry away. This one seemed younger and just stayed there. I even moved my head in close to the window to look closer and the squirrel just starred. I was pretty focused on the squirrel for a few minutes…it felt like he/she was there for a reason. Anyway, after about 5 minutes or so I started on sending light and love to the planet. The usual routine..I imagined us all connected and loving energy surrounding the entire planet. As I was doing this, suddenly it got really bright outside. It’s been overcast all day…but at this moment it was like the clouds shifted and the sun came through everywhere. At that point, I started thinking about how all days are like this to the squirrel. Every day is sunshine. It lives it’s life with the same joy and carefree happiness everyday – much like we did when we were children. And I saw all this crap piled up on me…that came from all my years of growing. I felt I needed to clear it so I imagined all negative energies and baggage I had just dropping to the floor…as if I was shedding skin. Then I imagined this happening to EVERYONE all over the world. Everyone’s ‘crap’ just falling to the floor… then gathering in one pile, and being thrown out in the universe where it could be transformed into light. Once that was done I envisioned a blanket of pink light, then white light, then healing green light infusing the planet and all the hearts of people who lived here. .. while chanting some mantras “we are one” “we are healed” “we are all brothers and sisters” “we are a planet of love”.

After I was done with that I put my attention back on the squirrel. I saw it was shivering so I sent it some light that would warm and protect it… and then I felt like we really connected….like there was a psychic/spirit connection between me and this squirrel. I was talking to it psychically and it was transferring energy back. I got teary eyed at one was just beautiful. I had nothing but love for this squirrel. Then I thanked it for showing up to share it’s energy with me. I put my hand up to the window and amazingly the squirrel put it's hand up to the screen...and opened it's mouth as if to say something. We locked eyes with our hands up like that for a few minutes. It was intense…I just felt so connected with it, like we were family.

And that was my experience. *
So, I finished the prayer not long ago, but then managed to knock over a whole tub of bath salts onto my floor. :doh: So, I've spent the last half hour trying to clear them up. :lol:

Anyway, for the prayer I layed on my bed and was listening to Will You Be There on my iPod in the background to help me focus. I saw some white lights about 5 mins in, and then got a strong tingling sensation down my left arm. I felt a really strong sense of love if that makes sense? :lol: But yeah anyway, it felt pretty good.

@amygrace Aw, wow, great experience! :hug: