Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I think you have it right. Often times death in dreams means the end of something. So that relationship is probably ending. If so, I'm sure you'll soon find new friends of your own that align more with your this one seems to be going in a different direction now. :huggy:

I've been having weirdness going on with my dreams lately myself... the past 2 or 3 days I've been having recurring dreams from when I was little..or a teenager. And they aren't even important least not the ones I remember. It's just odd... to be suddenly picking right back up on dreams from the past...and many of them. :scratch:

Hope everyone is great today! Love love love~

Yeah, I mean, I hope it's just ending for now ..cos like we're are literally incredibly close and he's been a big part of my life. People mistake us for bf gf. Infact, when I went to a medium, she picked up on this energy and asked if I had just come out of a 2 year long relationship (2 years of being in higher education together) and she felt it had come to an end due to the feeling of jealousy coming into it...(some guy told me he liked me...)
But it was cool the way that came up in my dream, since I was asking, feeling a bit lost, just needing an indication of what was to come. It bugged me all day.
But I think I will start to pay more attention to dreams, cos they do seem to hold the key to questions maybe asked and that.

Hmm, that's odd about your dreams...espesh the recurring nature of them? I wonder what that's about.

I'm having real vivid ones where I often think they are true lol, I did it before when I was napping. I thought I'd woken up and had a whole convo with my mother. V odd.
I turned to Michael and put my hands out. He took my hands and I can't describe the love I could feel. We could all feel the love since he showed up but the undiluted hand-in-hand dose was overwhelming. Everything made sense to me at that moment. It was like everything became clear and "Love is the answer" was all I could hear. I was completely consumed with that thought.
Aww beautiful dream this is! :wub: Feelings in dreams can be so heavy and vivid...when I wake up I always have to get 'down to earth' for like 15 minutes before really realizing what day it is, what I was supposed to do etc. and my whole day can be affected by a overall feeling on that day.

So I think my dream represents the changes occurring in mine and his relationship. If this all makes sense? I think they were telling me in my dream to expect changes? I think they were just giving me the lowdown on what is happening.
Either way it was a really crazy dream lol.
Very interesting! I guess your interpretation is right!

know so well what you speak about... i am trying to be strong and go on. trying to tell myself - everythingwill be ok... but something should be wrong. why? what i did or do... so things go so wrong... the life goes non stop and we never had a chance for this and that... just this is past. i am looking into the future, but there are days i know i want go back. i want have a chance to change the things. well some of them are my mistakes but many are because things i never had a chance to control
maybe maybe one day something ......:puke:
Yeah that's exactly what I feel...I know it will all work out jadajada....but WHEN? There was a time when I thought that I'd must be a monster or something....really lost my whole self-dignity. That's cleared somewhat now but I'm still wondering now and then if there's anything wrong with me. Ah well...can't snap my fingers and change it all so gotta work for it and hope even more!

I love squirrelies too :heart: I often wish I could talk to animals. I've been told I could in a past I just have to rekindle that gift in this life. I've always been very connected to them...I feel compassion for them more than I do for people.
That's cool, Amy! Wonder if you'll be having more experiences with animals in the future. I also feel so much compassion for animals, seeing them get hurt or abused or anything hits me so's like I can feel what they feel. Those innocent sweet creatures are so often mistreated, we don't cherish the nature enough.

I have a little dog and it's so cool how we can actually 'communicate'. He knows right away when somethings wrong or anything.
The looks on his face and his behaviour always say more than 1000 words! Love him... :D
I'm sorry some of you were feeling bad :( I hope everyone's feeling better

Amy I was thinking about what you said about my dream seeming symbolic. It hadn't dawned on me that "Love is the answer" is in a song until this evening when I was listening to You Are My Life but the symbolism really made sense then because the line is 'love is the answer to all that I am' and he was just beaming love in the dream and it was when I held his hand that the words came into my head.

mjbunny I wondered about MLP too but. I know it was hours later but love could still have been floating around. :D btw I wouldn't mind Johnny Depp running after me at all but in the dream he really didn't like me. I started telling the dream where he was just leaving. AND Michael & Jared... I was very lucky!


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Hey everyone!

Unfortunately I couldn't join the MLP prayer, I was in London to that time. Gonna write more about it tomorrow, I need to go to bed real soon.

I'm feeling sad right now, releazing how disconnected I feel. No dreams, meditations doesn't help, but it calmed me down during the flight to London. Geez, so disconnected, I really hope it'll change :( The only thing - and maybe it's not that important, I dunno - I learnt about meditation was in London in the hotel - I even couldn't stop there. You know, you see this flash lights, or white waves, forms and stuff, this time my hotel room was completely dark - black - that's why I opened my eyes while seeing the waves and it didn't change with open eyes - ok, maybe it's not that special and I'm not the fastest lol - but I was like whoa that's cool.

Ok - I'm coming back tomorrow - can't wait to read everything!

Much Love and I will try to meditate in a few minutes - and hopefully feel connected to Michael again someday :(

:huggy: :heart:
Hey guys!
So I was just going to order the TII DVD and when I looked in the info... it said "Running Time: 111 minutes" ...haha. 111, there you are again!! :angel:

I'm feeling rather sad tonight though. I just learned about the Grammies on Sunday and I don't have TV. I hate regular television so I've never had it in my house...but my parents always had it so I would go over there to watch important things. They recently got rid of their cable though so now I'm gonna miss out on the whole 3D experience. I don't even have a Target around here to pick up the official 3D glasses...just to have as a keepsake. :weeping:

I'm having real vivid ones where I often think they are true lol, I did it before when I was napping. I thought I'd woken up and had a whole convo with my mother. V odd.
That sounds to me like your higher self was probably actually talking to your Mother's higher self. :D I've had this kind of thing happen before. I was doing a photo blog project a year ago that was aimed toward working through all of my unresolved issues with the father of my baby - and his new wife. In the middle of my 2 month long project, I had this very vivid dream where me and my ex's wife were talking through our issues. I told her what was bugging me and she did the same...and it just felt SO good to have worked things out like that. When I woke up I just KNEW that it really happened...that our souls met up to talk about what was going on. In fact when I had my last psychic reading a few months ago she affirmed that it really happened. Anyway, just a little personal example from me. :)

Mrs. Music said:
That's cool, Amy! Wonder if you'll be having more experiences with animals in the future. I also feel so much compassion for animals, seeing them get hurt or abused or anything hits me so's like I can feel what they feel. Those innocent sweet creatures are so often mistreated, we don't cherish the nature enough.

I have a little dog and it's so cool how we can actually 'communicate'. He knows right away when somethings wrong or anything.
The looks on his face and his behaviour always say more than 1000 words! Love him... :D
I hope I do have more experiences. I'm very much a "hippie" - connected to all animals and nature. I hug trees, I even talk to them, and my heart literally hurts when I see animals suffering. :cry: Cute about your dog
@FunkeyJay: Welcome back! :huggy: Sorry you feel disconnected.

I almost forgot to tell here that at the Fanday we took a loooooot of pics with orbs in it!!!! You can see the pics in the Fanday thread, it's in the last few pages...surprised me how many people had them but didn't say anything about it, and I have one myself too from the balloon release.

Also saw a pic you took with orbs Jen, but can't see it in your FB album anymore.
Thing is I don't know so much about orbs....hmm.:scratch:
Whoa, I'm behind on posts. Haven't really been on much today. I ended up staying up all night (it's now almost 4pm) to try to force myself back into a 'normal' schedule. I thought a lot tonight/this morning/afternoon about Michael. About dreams of/with him over the years, about the feeling of connection, about MLP, about all of you and our meditation experiments... so much stuff. I cried quite a bit thinking of this last summer and about love. Weird night. Ok, anyway...

I really found it interesting and it's well worth reading.
Haven't read it all yet, but browsed some. Also yesterday I was given the link to the Global Coherance Initiative ( Interesting link (that's a pun). Oh! And also! THIS SATURDAY is the next Intention Experiment in conjunction with the University of Arizona & Lynne McTaggart (author)... we're trying to change the pH of water with our minds/intention/directed thought. Wanna join? Everyone can... but you do have to create a login. It's . Am reading Lynne's book right now (very scientific, so a slow read) and have done these experiments in the past. They get huge numbers of participants because the book is huge, so it feels interesting at the least.

I didn´t feel so much this last MLP (maybe because I was in a bad mood) , but at one point I did see a lion being pulled.. Hopefully, I will feel more the next MLP...
That was like me in December. I was ticked off about my neighbors blasting their stereo at 11pm on Christmas and couldn't concentrate. This time was amazing for me. Being in the mindset and starting to concentrate a few minutes early is really the thing for a massive wave experience :)

I had a horrible dream last night. One of my closest friends died.
I also think it's about the 'death' of the relationship or an aspect of it. I had a close friendship with a man for some years and one night I dreamed that he killed me by stabbing me in the throat, accusing me of betraying him somehow. Huh??? A couple of days later he blew up at me and ended our friendship because he believed for some weird reason that I was the one spreading rumors about him (rumors that in the end turned out to be true, but I swear it wasn't me!). So...the killing me by stabbing me in the throat... death of a relationship caused by supposed speech.

and i never ever had a dream with Michael. :( on 27 june and around 10 days later i felt him in the room.... but never had him in my dreams... even i asked for
I also felt him on June 27th. That was my first 'visit'. And you know, not everyone dreams of the same themes. My husband hardly ever dreams of me or people he cares about. I always dream about him and people I care about. It just depends on the person. And maybe you have dreamed of Michael and just don't remember. In any case... he did come to you last summer. He's around :angel:

I've been having weirdness going on with my dreams lately myself... the past 2 or 3 days I've been having recurring dreams from when I was little..or a teenager. And they aren't even important least not the ones I remember. It's just odd... to be suddenly picking right back up on dreams from the past...and many of them. :scratch:
Weird. Me too! I've dreamed twice now that I'm at my high school (and I graduated 20 years ago, lol) and it was the end of the day. There was a big snowstorm coming and either I'd missed the bus home or didn't have money for the bus and would end up stranded downtown alone with nowhere to go and freeze to death. In one I was trying to make phone calls that wouldn't go through and last night Anderson Cooper (from CNN) was there and gave me a caring hug and was trying to get change for a dollar for me :lol: Always thought AC was a nice guy, so I guess it fits...

I'm feeling sad right now, releazing how disconnected I feel. No dreams, meditations doesn't help, but it calmed me down during the flight to London. Geez, so disconnected, I really hope it'll change :( The only thing - and maybe it's not that important, I dunno - I learnt about meditation was in London in the hotel - I even couldn't stop there. You know, you see this flash lights, or white waves, forms and stuff, this time my hotel room was completely dark - black - that's why I opened my eyes while seeing the waves and it didn't change with open eyes - ok, maybe it's not that special and I'm not the fastest lol - but I was like whoa that's cool.Much Love and I will try to meditate in a few minutes - and hopefully feel connected to Michael again someday
:huggy:Neat about the waves of light! Sorry you're feeling disconnected. Stress does that for me, I've noticed. I think the feeling will come back. Just wait and see. There will be a day when you suddenly feel Michael all around and think, "Why was I feeling so disconnected? I'm not at all!" :heart:

I almost forgot to tell here that at the Fanday we took a loooooot of pics with orbs in it!!!! You can see the pics in the Fanday thread, it's in the last few pages...surprised me how many people had them but didn't say anything about it, and I have one myself too from the balloon release. Also saw a pic you took with orbs Jen, but can't see it in your FB album anymore. Thing is I don't know so much about orbs....hmm.:scratch:
Well, my hubby is a photo nerd and he'd say it's just the flash reflecting off of dust particles and moisture in the air. I don't buy that explanation for everything, though. Orbs have turned up in videos and I've seen stuff like that for real with my own eyes. I guess they're most often dust/moisture, but sometimes there's something else going on as well. My sister went to NYC and to the 'ground zero' site around 2007/2008 and has all these pics with just tons of orbs there. Yet just a block away there were none. Coincidence?
I almost forgot to tell here that at the Fanday we took a loooooot of pics with orbs in it!!!! You can see the pics in the Fanday thread, it's in the last few pages...surprised me how many people had them but didn't say anything about it, and I have one myself too from the balloon release.
How cool! Like mjbunny said, it could also be just dust particles/moisture in the air...but, I'm not buyin' that for these photos. Especially considering what event you guys were at. :angel:

mjbunny said:
THIS SATURDAY is the next Intention Experiment in conjunction with the University of Arizona & Lynne McTaggart (author)... we're trying to change the pH of water with our minds/intention/directed thought. Wanna join? Everyone can... but you do have to create a login. It's .
How funny! Me and my parents were just talking about this last night! I didn't know there was a thing going on now...we were just talking about intention and how there were studies done in big groups about it. I'm totally participating in this! Fun stuff. Thanks for the link!

Oh...another fun experiment that I thought you guys might like to "Remote Viewing". Me and my parents were also discussing this last night and actually experimented with it. Remote Viewing is like seeing somewhere you aren't physically real time. So, kind of like Astral Travel but you are just allowing your subconscious to view. So for instance, say you are sitting in your living room and you want to check up on a friend in the hospital without actually going to the hospital. So you take a minute to meditate/let your subconscious travel to the hospital room where your friend is staying...and you suddenly see all the surroundings. Your friend in the bed, a green vase with yellow flowers in it, a card laying on the ground, and a nurse taking blood. Later you go to actually visit your friend and you see all the surroundings were just as you saw them in your living room...even though you had never physically been in the room until now. This is totally possible. I was reading about it in Sylvia Browne's book... interesting stories in there about Astral Travel and stuff like this. Anyway, so last night I tested it out with my parents by going in their room...and while they were in the living room, they were to move something to the middle of the floor...and I was to feel out/see if I could see what they changed in the room...all while being in another room. I sat there for a minute..cleared my mind...and tried to tune into the living room. I waited to see if anything popped into my mind as being different about the area - and I saw a picture on the floor. I yelled back to them "is it a picture frame?" - they told me to come in and they had in fact laid out this big standing frame that held a lot of pictures in it. I was like :bugeyed...awesome! can do little experiments like that to develop the sense/gift for Remote Viewing. You just have to make sure you can actually test out the area you are envisioning to track your progress.

mjbunny said:
I had a close friendship with a man for some years and one night I dreamed that he killed me by stabbing me in the throat, accusing me of betraying him somehow. Huh??? A couple of days later he blew up at me and ended our friendship because he believed for some weird reason that I was the one spreading rumors about him (rumors that in the end turned out to be true, but I swear it wasn't me!). So...the killing me by stabbing me in the throat... death of a relationship caused by supposed speech.
Wow, what a right on dream! How cool. Though...sucky situation.

mjbunny said:
Weird. Me too! I've dreamed twice now that I'm at my high school (and I graduated 20 years ago, lol) and it was the end of the day. There was a big snowstorm coming and either I'd missed the bus home or didn't have money for the bus and would end up stranded downtown alone with nowhere to go and freeze to death. In one I was trying to make phone calls that wouldn't go through and last night Anderson Cooper (from CNN) was there and gave me a caring hug and was trying to get change for a dollar for me :lol: Always thought AC was a nice guy, so I guess it fits...
LOL @ the Anderson Cooper part...hehe. Cute. Your high school dream...was it a new dream that was recurring, or an old one? See that is what is so weird with mine. I'm not having recurring dreams about my past...but I'm literally having the same dreams that I dreamt when I was little. :mello:

Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to see Avatar with my Dad today...(yeah I'm late in the game, haven't seen it yet)...I'm excited!
I'm feeling sad right now, releazing how disconnected I feel. No dreams, meditations doesn't help, but it calmed me down during the flight to London. Geez, so disconnected, I really hope it'll change :(

Much Love and I will try to meditate in a few minutes - and hopefully feel connected to Michael again someday :(

:huggy: :heart:

Welcome back FunkeyJay! Sorry to hear you are feeling disconnected :(
:hug: I'm sure you will start to feel connected again soon.

That sounds to me like your higher self was probably actually talking to your Mother's higher self. :D I've had this kind of thing happen before. I was doing a photo blog project a year ago that was aimed toward working through all of my unresolved issues with the father of my baby - and his new wife. In the middle of my 2 month long project, I had this very vivid dream where me and my ex's wife were talking through our issues. I told her what was bugging me and she did the same...and it just felt SO good to have worked things out like that. When I woke up I just KNEW that it really happened...that our souls met up to talk about what was going on. In fact when I had my last psychic reading a few months ago she affirmed that it really happened. Anyway, just a little personal example from me. :)

:bugeyed whoa, for real? That is so cool. I never knew that kinda stuff could happen lol. I mean I know that your higher self can meet up with people, but to have a convo with together while you are asleep.. Thanks for sharing your personal example, that's really cool!

I also think it's about the 'death' of the relationship or an aspect of it. I had a close friendship with a man for some years and one night I dreamed that he killed me by stabbing me in the throat, accusing me of betraying him somehow. Huh??? A couple of days later he blew up at me and ended our friendship because he believed for some weird reason that I was the one spreading rumors about him (rumors that in the end turned out to be true, but I swear it wasn't me!). So...the killing me by stabbing me in the throat... death of a relationship caused by supposed speech.

Whoa. That's quite an intense dream & quite symbolic too. Pretty amazing, but sorry to hear it ended your friendship :(

Well today I was thinking a lot about Michael's children. Just reading the thread on whether they are to appear at the grammys, it just made me sad. I can't imagine how they must feel having lost their daddy in June :cry: Then that just got me thinking about MJ again lol. I'm sure Michael will be around his family if they are going to grammys. And I'm sure he's around his children all the time. :angel:

Hope all is well :heart:
Cool about the Intention Experiment :D Ahhh, synchronicity, gotta love it! They did one in early June that we participated in. It's not like MLP with this massive emotion since everyone's just looking at a petri dish of water, lol, but I love this kind of thing. They're starting with small things that can be scientifically measured against controls.

Whoa about your remote viewing experiment! I'm a Coast to Coast AM listener so I've got years of remote viewing info stored in my head somewhere :lol: Never really done it so verifiably, though, cool. In a group I was in we once each took 5 identical sheets of paper and wrote a location, any location, on it. They were all folded up the same and mixed together. Then they were numbered, like 1 through 25. So you had no idea who wrote number 3 or what was inside, for example. Then we'd pick a number and all try to remote view the location. (This is like the blind studies in military remote viewing). We never got through all of them (I still have the unopened papers somewhere, actually! LOL!), but I remember one time I saw a glass pyramid and grass, another saw pyramids in Egypt, one kept seeing dollar bills (consider the pyramid) and another said she was walking down stone and dirt tunnels like in some archeaological site in Egypt. Then we open the target... "the Cydonia region of Mars". Not verifiable, but intriguing.

LOL @ the Anderson Cooper part...hehe. Cute. Your high school dream...was it a new dream that was recurring, or an old one? See that is what is so weird with mine. I'm not having recurring dreams about my past...but I'm literally having the same dreams that I dreamt when I was little. :mello: Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to see Avatar with my Dad today...(yeah I'm late in the game, haven't seen it yet)...I'm excited!
No, I'm not dreaming the same dreams from the past. That IS weird! :cheeky: Let us know how Avatar was. I want to see it like heck but around here it's all dubbed into German. There's one theater in the next main city that plays original versions, but they don't do 3D. Aghghgh. So I either see it and understand it, but without 3D. Or I go for the visual effects and only a 10% clue about what's going on. LOL. The dilemma.
Well, my hubby is a photo nerd and he'd say it's just the flash reflecting off of dust particles and moisture in the air. I don't buy that explanation for everything, though. Orbs have turned up in videos and I've seen stuff like that for real with my own eyes. I guess they're most often dust/moisture, but sometimes there's something else going on as well. My sister went to NYC and to the 'ground zero' site around 2007/2008 and has all these pics with just tons of orbs there. Yet just a block away there were none. Coincidence?
How cool! Like mjbunny said, it could also be just dust particles/moisture in the air...but, I'm not buyin' that for these photos. Especially considering what event you guys were at. :angel:
Yeah that's what I thought too, so don't know how to take it but since it was quite a touching and emotional moment...could be!
Interesting nontheless. ;)

@mjbunny: Nice that Intention Experiment, gonna browse around on that website!

Oh...another fun experiment that I thought you guys might like to "Remote Viewing". Me and my parents were also discussing this last night and actually experimented with it. Remote Viewing is like seeing somewhere you aren't physically real time.
... can do little experiments like that to develop the sense/gift for Remote Viewing. You just have to make sure you can actually test out the area you are envisioning to track your progress.
Wow that's so cool! Gee I feel so 'un-smart' often....don't know there are names for these things and stuff, everytime I read something and am like, hey that's what I do too, or hey that's what I've experienced too! :lol:
But yeah I've seen things in a place where I'm not physically at that moment too. Got that often with my mom, that she's at a place and I have this image of this place and turns out it does looks like that. Gonna try to do it sometimes like you did, really focussing on it.
My mom and I have a strange spiritual bond...she often thinks the same as me, or feels when I'm in trouble etc. Just like when she had her stroke, I FELT there was something wrong with her....I'm glad I went into her room at that night. If I didn't I would be sitting here without a mom. :mello: Still strange to realize that, as well as my 'praying' to heaven & Michael that she'd please be okay...and turning out she's 99% okay, while that's like a miracle for the kind of stroke she had! But yeah I've told that before.

@cyberjackson: Did you actually already had your appointment with the psychic? I'm curious!

Another story, I was sitting in the train about an hour ago and was watching this VH1 All Access of This Is It on my Macbook. Normally I never do this but I thought, I don't have so much time so let's watch it in the train. Was watching it for a few mins and felt a bit down of what I saw...and whoop, there was a ladybug drawing my attention...he was flying around and popped on the window. Then he flew right onto my screen. Just like that.:scratch: I've NEVER seen a ladybug INSIDE a train. Ofcourse it's not hard to get in there for a's freezing..and he just popped on my screen like that! Then he flew onto the window again and when I was finished he was gone...didn't see him anywhere. Couldn't help but smile...hahah!
My mom and I have a strange spiritual bond...she often thinks the same as me, or feels when I'm in trouble etc. Just like when she had her stroke, I FELT there was something wrong with her....I'm glad I went into her room at that night. If I didn't I would be sitting here without a mom. :mello: Still strange to realize that, as well as my 'praying' to heaven & Michael that she'd please be okay...and turning out she's 99% okay, while that's like a miracle for the kind of stroke she had! But yeah I've told that before.

Another story, I was sitting in the train about an hour ago and was watching this VH1 All Access of This Is It on my Macbook. Normally I never do this but I thought, I don't have so much time so let's watch it in the train. Was watching it for a few mins and felt a bit down of what I saw...and whoop, there was a ladybug drawing my attention...he was flying around and popped on the window. Then he flew right onto my screen. Just like that.:scratch: I've NEVER seen a ladybug INSIDE a train. Ofcourse it's not hard to get in there for a's freezing..and he just popped on my screen like that! Then he flew onto the window again and when I was finished he was gone...didn't see him anywhere. Couldn't help but smile...hahah!

Aw, that's really amazing how you felt something was wrong with your mother! I'm glad your mother is still with you, thank god you went into the room that night. I had a similar scenerio happen last year where I nearly lost my mum, and even now I still get taken aback like, whoa :(
I have a strong spiritual bond with my mother I believe aswell. It's similar to the bond you described above; we are incredibly in sync with each other.

Wow, that's cool about the ladybug! Especially on the train? That is cute.
Oh...another fun experiment that I thought you guys might like to "Remote Viewing". Me and my parents were also discussing this last night and actually experimented with it. Remote Viewing is like seeing somewhere you aren't physically real time. So, kind of like Astral Travel but you are just allowing your subconscious to view.

Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to see Avatar with my Dad today...(yeah I'm late in the game, haven't seen it yet)...I'm excited!

lol, this took me a while to get my head around, so I read it twice :lol:
That sounds really cool actually. I might try it, I have kinda tried this before, but always thought it was my brain making it up lol.
Ohh, I wanna see Avatar too! I could of gone today to see it in 3D but I wasn't back from class in time to go with my friends.
Ok I've just spent an hour or so writing this loooooooooong post, replying to the posts I had missed during the past few days and my computer JUST crashed on me! So now I lost my entire post!!!! Aaaaargh I'm SO p.i.s.s.e.d. off right now!!! *sigh* And a few seconds earlier, I was telling myself "I better not lose this one" LOL The irony.

Alright, I need to breathe. B.R.E.A.T.H.E :lol:

Ok, I'm gonna try to start all over again (it will probably be a shorter version though lol).
I love squirrelies too :heart: I often wish I could talk to animals. I've been told I could in a past I just have to rekindle that gift in this life. I've always been very connected to them...I feel compassion for them more than I do for people.

I do need to name that squirrel! Hehe. If I see him/her again I will try to intuit what name he/she already has...if any. lol. Who knows if animals name themselves. :p

You could talk to animals in a past life? ! Wow, that sounds sweet :) I have always wished I could talk to animals .. I´m a bit afraid for some dogs, though.. And cats :lol: .. But I LOVE animals :hug:
I thought I felt Michael's presence last night coming in and out. I wasn't trying to call on him or talk to him or anything, but I was probably thinking of him. I felt that pressure on my shoulder. During the day I feel mostly ok, but at night is when I become sad and just really miss him. :cry:

The remote viewing and intention experiments sound cool. Never underestimate the power of the mind. :wink: I think I've done something like remote viewing before. Just like walking down to the park in my neighborhood, traveling there inside my mind.
Thank you amygrace, mjbunny and darlingdear for your kind comments, try to be patient :huggy:

@FunkeyJay: Welcome back! :huggy: Sorry you feel disconnected.

:huggy: It was great meeting you :) The evening was sooo funny, loved it.
But ooohhh, do you feel kinda sad too? Since tuesday there's this sadness again, I can't help it, and the disconnected feeling doesn't make it better.... wish I could change it :(

I almost forgot to tell here that at the Fanday we took a loooooot of pics with orbs in it!!!! You can see the pics in the Fanday thread, it's in the last few pages...surprised me how many people had them but didn't say anything about it, and I have one myself too from the balloon release.

Also saw a pic you took with orbs Jen, but can't see it in your FB album anymore.
Thing is I don't know so much about orbs....hmm.:scratch:

The orbs! Right! I had no idea what it was, just that it looked kinda strange... google helped me :D

The source is below the text, I've shorten it a bit.

Orbs are believed (by many) to be ghosts in the form of balls of light. They are life forms that travel in groups and are believed to be the human soul or life force of those that once inhabited a physical body here on earth. [...] It is said that they are those spirits that have willingly stayed behind because they feel bound to their previous life or previous location for whatever reason. [...] It should be said that the majority of us when we die proceed gladly and willingly to the next level of existence after saying our quiet good-byes, which means we're off to the spirit world. Then again, as stated, a select few elect to stay behind because of a refusal to move on. Apparently the longer they stay behind, the harder it is to find their way to the next level, which again, is the spirit world.

Ghostly orbs are the most photographed anomalies caught on film by ghost hunters and are quite photogenic (when they want to be). They can be completely transparent or display themselves in a bright solid form. It is not hard to capture them on film in their circular form. It is theorized that ghosts prefer the form of an Orb (ball of light) because it takes less energy thus being the mode of choice among the ghosts. [...]


I don't feel Michael around lately.

Aw, hug and L.O.V.E :heart: :hug:
Neither do I :cry: .. Maybe he is busy helping the souls in Haiti :flowers:

Me too... Love the thought of Michael helping the victims of Haiti :heart:

I had a Michael related dream last night, which I actually hardly remember, just remember with something driving around, checking a list with money amounts you get when you do an interview about Michael... I thought something can't be right... pretty strange and somehow sensless... wish I could remember more.
Let us know how Avatar was. I want to see it like heck but around here it's all dubbed into German. There's one theater in the next main city that plays original versions, but they don't do 3D. Aghghgh. So I either see it and understand it, but without 3D. Or I go for the visual effects and only a 10% clue about what's going on. LOL. The dilemma.
Avatar was THE best movie I've ever seen!!! I'm crazy about fantasy stuff though....anything that takes me to another world and feels magical. So you take this one, where you have all the magic, with not only an insanely beautiful species and amazing creatures...but that connectedness to nature and eachother...and holy crap...BEST MOVIE EVER for me. And you simply HAVE to see it 3D. I can't imagine watching it in just would NOT be the same. Wait till it comes out on DVD to see it if you have to!

Man...I didn't want that movie to end. It was a sad experience leaving the What I would give to live in their reality. I went to the grocery store hours after I had seen it...and it was an interesting experience. I was standing in the checkout line just watching people. It was one of those moments when you feel completely disconnected from the human condition or 'bubble' or what have you. Just realizing the way we live... with all these buildings and streets disconnected with nature and with ourselves even. Looking at all the fluorescent lights, machines, and hundreds of people just going through life like zombies...focusing on materialistic crap, and all these other things that just don't matter and are really just distractions for what really does. In that moment I was just like... why the heck did I come to this planet? I don't belong here. :lol: (sigh)

Mrs. Music said:
I was sitting in the train about an hour ago and was watching this VH1 All Access of This Is It on my Macbook. Normally I never do this but I thought, I don't have so much time so let's watch it in the train. Was watching it for a few mins and felt a bit down of what I saw...and whoop, there was a ladybug drawing my attention...he was flying around and popped on the window. Then he flew right onto my screen. Just like that.
How cool is that? Aww :heart:

Kira - what happened to your post? Were you too upset to try again? I know the frustration. But that's why now everytime I post, right before I click "submit reply" I select all my text and right click/copy. Just in case it crashes...I can just right click/paste back in. :D
Oh yeah Avatar is a really beautiful movie. I like this line Jake says: "Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream." So true.
@Kira: Hope your second post didn't get lost! ;D

:huggy: It was great meeting you :) The evening was sooo funny, loved it.
But ooohhh, do you feel kinda sad too? Since tuesday there's this sadness again, I can't help it, and the disconnected feeling doesn't make it better.... wish I could change it :(
Yeah it was great! :huggy: I feel very lost again too yeah...bleh! Especially after reading things in the Investigate forum last night, read something about the ambulance picture and how it is supposed to be fake...and all these hoax theories. Damn, I just had this major breakdown reading that! It's all so confusing...I began to think about all the experiences I had...was it all my imagination? It can't be.:mello: Could he really be somewhere out there? Did he have to hide to protect himself? But no, that seems really not an option. Then...WHO killed him? What happened there on that day? :( *Sigh*

I really need to read this whole thread again or sth, to read all of your experiences....this is just all so hard to accept when everyone is just speculating and we don't have confirmation on things. And then this story that's there sth to happen at The Grammy's on Sunday..and his kids that might be there....pffft, people think 'Michael will show up'. Too much, too much! :cry:

Sorry for my vent. Kinda lost it all here.

Avatar was THE best movie I've ever seen!!! I'm crazy about fantasy stuff though....anything that takes me to another world and feels magical. So you take this one, where you have all the magic, with not only an insanely beautiful species and amazing creatures...but that connectedness to nature and eachother...and holy crap...BEST MOVIE EVER for me. And you simply HAVE to see it 3D. I can't imagine watching it in just would NOT be the same. Wait till it comes out on DVD to see it if you have to!
Oh wow, I really need to check it out I guess! Still haven't seen it either! Sounds very cool but think I might be needing a week orso to get used to this earth again then yeah. :lol: Mehh.
Kira - what happened to your post? Were you too upset to try again? hehe...

Haha yeah, exactly LOL Well this time I'm writing my post in Notepad AND saving it! :D

Ok, here we go :)

Kira!!!! Omg! I must have totally picked up on your energy earlier...out of nowhere you popped in my head after the meditation and I thought, "Where is Kira? She hasn't been on the thread in awhile! I need to send her a message!" but then I forgot when I got all caught up telling my meditation experience. But here you are! Yay!

Awww that's so sweet you thought of me :hug: Well, you know what, I actually "said" your name in my head during the MLP. ;) I always try to think of everybody's names during each MLP to see if anything "special" happens (like the time when you and, I think it was Mrs Music (?), "bumped heads" :lol:) :D

BTW, sorry to hear you won't be able to watch the Grammys live, girl :( I see people are already selling the "official" 3D glasses on Ebay. So if you wanna have them as a keepsake, there's always that option ;) And of course you can always watch the Grammys special later on with those glasses (the special should be online soon enough).

This is totally unrelated but in another post you and Mrs Music were talking about your feelings towards animals. I'm the same, can't stand to see animals get hurt either, especially dogs. My heart just breaks for them and it kills me inside :( I get so emotional when it comes to dogs...

Oh...another fun experiment that I thought you guys might like to "Remote Viewing". Me and my parents were also discussing this last night and actually experimented with it. Remote Viewing is like seeing somewhere you aren't physically real time.

WHOA, that's AMAZING!! I love reading about this type of things!! Will definitely try it :D

I'm crazy about fantasy stuff though....anything that takes me to another world and feels magical.

What I would give to live in their reality.

Oh God, same here! I just love fantasy stuff as well! :) *looking forward to Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland with my Johnny :D I'm a big fan of Tim's movies*

mjbunny - That's so comforting to read you felt Michael during the MLP :angel: The experience you had was amazing! Thank you for working so hard on the whole MLP project and for bringing so many people together through something so positive :heart:

Oh and thanks for the links to the Global Coherance Initiative and Intention Experiment. The latter especially sounds very interesting. Will check it out :)

I didn't get to join with the MLP prayer since everyone in my house was screaming. Urgh.

So I went to bed crying.

Aww, sorry to hear that :( I hope your experience next month will be much better :hug:

FunkeyJay - Welcome back!! It's so great you and Mrs Music got to meet :) I understand you're feeling sad, with the rollercoaster of emotions this London trip must have been. :( Hope you feel better soon :hug:

WhoAmI - Your dream featuring Johnny Depp, Michael & the toilet was hysterical!!! :lol: Plus Michael AND Johnny in the SAME dream?!! Wish I could be that lucky :D Too bad it involved a toilet though, must have kinda ruined the mood LOL

CaptainEoLove85 - Thanks for the link to the "Unitive Consciousness" website. Very insightful.

BTW thanks to the person (so sorry, I can't remember who it was) who gave us the link to the "Inner Michael" website. What an amazing site.

darlingdear - Regarding your friend dying in your dream (must have been hella upsetting :( ), yeah this is definitely linked to how you've been feeling lately about that relationship. Doesn't necessarily mean the relationship's doomed though, IMO. It simply expresses how you feel. Hopefully the two of you can find a way to reconnect :)

Mrs Music - Your pictures from London were adorable, thanks for sharing them :) And cute story about the ladybug :)

I'm sorry you miss Michael so much...hope you will feel a bit better soon, and good night! :huggy:

Thanks sweetie :hug:

My mom and I have a strange spiritual bond...she often thinks the same as me, or feels when I'm in trouble etc. Just like when she had her stroke, I FELT there was something wrong with her....I'm glad I went into her room at that night. If I didn't I would be sitting here without a mom. :mello: Still strange to realize that, as well as my 'praying' to heaven & Michael that she'd please be okay...and turning out she's 99% okay, while that's like a miracle for the kind of stroke she had!

You're so lucky to have such a strong bond with your mom. Indeed, thank God you felt something was wrong! I like to think that your prayers to Michael had something to do with it too :angel:

I really need to read this whole thread again or sth, to read all of your experiences....this is just all so hard to accept when everyone is just speculating and we don't have confirmation on things. And then this story that's there sth to happen at The Grammy's on Sunday..and his kids that might be there....pffft, people think 'Michael will show up'. Too much, too much! :cry:

Sorry for my vent. Kinda lost it all here.

Awww girlie, don't apologize, this is perfectly understandable, the situation we're in is still so surreal in many ways... I mean it's so hard cause Michael is gone (physically) but it's almost like he's never been more "alive" than he is today, ya know? With all the tributes, the movie, the rumors and all the media hoopla.... And then there's this constant ambivalence in terms of what we feel. On the one hand, there's this horrible pain inside and on the other hand, some kind of "excitement" with stuff like the Grammys' tribute, the DVD/Blu-Ray release of TII coming up, etc. It's all so disturbing and it can really fu*k you up... :(

In all of this, the good thing is that we all got each other. :heart: And I'm so grateful for that. Hope you feel much better soon, girl :hug:

Much L.O.V.E to everyone :heart:
Yeah it was great! :huggy: I feel very lost again too yeah...bleh! Especially after reading things in the Investigate forum last night, read something about the ambulance picture and how it is supposed to be fake...and all these hoax theories. Damn, I just had this major breakdown reading that! It's all so confusing...I began to think about all the experiences I had...was it all my imagination? It can't be.:mello: Could he really be somewhere out there? Did he have to hide to protect himself? But no, that seems really not an option. Then...WHO killed him? What happened there on that day? :( *Sigh*

I really need to read this whole thread again or sth, to read all of your experiences....this is just all so hard to accept when everyone is just speculating and we don't have confirmation on things. And then this story that's there sth to happen at The Grammy's on Sunday..and his kids that might be there....pffft, people think 'Michael will show up'. Too much, too much! :cry:

Sorry for my vent. Kinda lost it all here.

I saw the videos of the 'fake pic' story. I have to admit there's something strange, because in the video they show 2(or 3?) videos of people around the ambulance, but there are different numbers of people around it. That's strange. But the picture is real, I don't doubt that anymore. It hurted me, but I was looking at the 'proofs' that it should be a fake pic, like the little face that is upside down on the bottom of the pic and stuff (- If I remember correctly it was meant to be a proof that it should be 'fake' in one video), so I looked several times at the 'famous' video, and when I paused the vid there was this little face - so it was clear to me that it's not fake - but I believe they edited the picture.

I respect all fans, but this beLIEve stuff is too much for me. I think they are living in deep denial. I watched some videos with 'clues' and 95%+ is just -sorry- BS! For example 50=O2 is not a clue! And all this Gretchen Sims stories make me sick. Michael taught us to not believe everything and these people are playing with the feeling of them. Sure, the beLIEve people could say we shouldn't believe in Bonnie either, but no one forces to believe her, spirituality is just our way of life. But even if Michael faked everything -which I highly doubt- I hope these fans will accept that Michael will never ever come back, because if he had to fake it, then he had to have a GOOD reason like serious death threats and if he'd come back, everything would have been senseless.

FunkeyJay - Welcome back!! It's so great you and Mrs Music got to meet :) I understand you're feeling sad, with the rollercoaster of emotions this London trip must have been. :( Hope you feel better soon :hug:

Thank you :huggy: I'm feeling a bit better, hope it doesn't go downhill again. I think I saw several angel lights yesterday, at least I saw a lot of flashing lights which made me feel better :)
Awww girlie, don't apologize, this is perfectly understandable, the situation we're in is still so surreal in many ways... I mean it's so hard cause Michael is gone (physically) but it's almost like he's never been more "alive" than he is today, ya know? With all the tributes, the movie, the rumors and all the media hoopla.... And then there's this constant ambivalence in terms of what we feel. On the one hand, there's this horrible pain inside and on the other hand, some kind of "excitement" with stuff like the Grammys' tribute, the DVD/Blu-Ray release of TII coming up, etc. It's all so disturbing and it can really fu*k you up... :(

In all of this, the good thing is that we all got each other. :heart: And I'm so grateful for that. Hope you feel much better soon, girl :hug:
Yeah it's just not a normal grieving proces on itself, and then to have so many questions unsolved about his death and all the circumstances is so f*cked up indeed. But yeah...we gotta be strong and don't let people mess with our minds. I'm glad I can still 'feel' him and stuff...:) And to have wonderful people around who feel the same.
Thanks girly! :huggy:

I saw the videos of the 'fake pic' story. I have to admit there's something strange, because in the video they show 2(or 3?) videos of people around the ambulance, but there are different numbers of people around it. That's strange. But the picture is real, I don't doubt that anymore. It hurted me, but I was looking at the 'proofs' that it should be a fake pic, like the little face that is upside down on the bottom of the pic and stuff (- If I remember correctly it was meant to be a proof that it should be 'fake' in one video), so I looked several times at the 'famous' video, and when I paused the vid there was this little face - so it was clear to me that it's not fake - but I believe they edited the picture.

I respect all fans, but this beLIEve stuff is too much for me. I think they are living in deep denial. I watched some videos with 'clues' and 95%+ is just -sorry- BS! For example 50=O2 is not a clue! And all this Gretchen Sims stories make me sick. Michael taught us to not believe everything and these people are playing with the feeling of them. Sure, the beLIEve people could say we shouldn't believe in Bonnie either, but no one forces to believe her, spirituality is just our way of life. But even if Michael faked everything -which I highly doubt- I hope these fans will accept that Michael will never ever come back, because if he had to fake it, then he had to have a GOOD reason like serious death threats and if he'd come back, everything would have been senseless.
You're so's just awful all these theories they're making up. However, I do think there's a lot more to his death than just one stupid doctor, but it's not that I believe these hoaxes and stuff...not at all so don't get me wrong haha...but it's so irritating that they are made up because we have so many questions about all that happened. These fans are in such deep denial that I think they might be falling hard when they find out what's the truth. This waiting for the LAPD research and stuff is taking way too long as well. It's just hard to 'accept' it all when there's such a chaos still all around us.:(
You're so's just awful all these theories they're making up. However, I do think there's a lot more to his death than just one stupid doctor, but it's not that I believe these hoaxes and stuff...not at all so don't get me wrong haha...but it's so irritating that they are made up because we have so many questions about all that happened. These fans are in such deep denial that I think they might be falling hard when they find out what's the truth. This waiting for the LAPD research and stuff is taking way too long as well. It's just hard to 'accept' it all when there's such a chaos still all around us.:(

Oh no, I didn't think you'd believe that hoax stuff - I was just in full flow lol
I believe it too, that there is much more. It's so hard to believe that it was just an accident. There are too many things that are strange, beginning with the fact that Murray called for example his girlfriend and other people when he had to watch Michael. It's too strange.
I think so too about this fans, they really believe Michael will come back this summer.. for them it will be 25 June all over again - in case they REALIZE that Michael will not come back - or Gretchen will tell them that he'll come back this christmas. Geez, I dunno if I should feel sorry for them or shake them to bring them to terms!
I really hope that justice will prevail as soon as possible. It's making me sick.
Ok, Dream Alert!

The day before yesterday I dreamed of skiing down this lovely small mountain with you know who! MJ! We were just laughing while skiing together and then we would run back up just to go down the slopes again! It was a ton of fun.


I remember going into the ski lodge with MJ and I looked out the window and first saw a cute deer on one side and then wolves on the other!!:unsure: I just remember keeping MJ inside until it was safe again, I don't know, the wolves were lurking around and it was a few of them out there. I just know that we didn't go back outside again.

Maybe the wolves were some sort of symbolism for the media and how I wanted to shield him from such harm and negativity. I don't know, that's what I gather.

Edited to add: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this dream of MJ and I skiing happened maybe a week before but without the wolves.
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Hey guys!
I had a dream with Michael in it last night. :wub: I don't remember most of it ...but I do remember the end. I was sitting in a car with Michael, it felt like we were maybe on a date...and we were about to lean in and kiss eachother...ON THE LIPS!!! :dropdead: But then I realized I needed to brush my teeth :)lol:) So I ran off to do that...and then the dream just took on a whole other direction. Damnit! :doh: I realized I was dreaming soon after and was like and Michael were going to have an intimate moment! Must...go....back.... ... so I tried to imagine it back but it just wasn't the same. LOL. Figures. :smilerolleyes:

I really need to read this whole thread again or sth, to read all of your experiences....this is just all so hard to accept when everyone is just speculating and we don't have confirmation on things. And then this story that's there sth to happen at The Grammy's on Sunday..and his kids that might be there....pffft, people think 'Michael will show up'. Too much, too much! :cry:
Sorry for my vent. Kinda lost it all here.
I hear is all too much. I won't even look into those kinds of conspiracy threads anymore though...about him still living because it's just inconceivable to me, no matter how many "clues" or "signs" they see. I understand people have a hard time accepting that Michael is really gone, and I always try to keep an open mind about all things presented to me....but the lengths that this has reached is bordering on delusion to me. I don't want to get sucked into that.

Mrs. Music said:
These fans are in such deep denial that I think they might be falling hard when they find out what's the truth. This waiting for the LAPD research and stuff is taking way too long as well. It's just hard to 'accept' it all when there's such a chaos still all around us.:sad:
Yeah. :cry: ....

Kira said:
Well, you know what, I actually "said" your name in my head during the MLP. ;) I always try to think of everybody's names during each MLP to see if anything "special" happens
Hah! Well cool...I probably picked up on your energy from that then. :D

Kira said:
*looking forward to Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland with my Johnny :D
Oh me too! I loooove Johnny Depp :wub:

Gina_Marie said:
Maybe the wolves were some sort of symbolism for the media and how I wanted to shield him from such harm and negativity. I don't know, that's what I gather.

Edited to add: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this dream of MJ and I skiing happened maybe a week before but without the wolves.
Yeah that's what I gather too. Interesting that you had the same dream before but without the wolves... hmmmm