May 6, 2009 -Wednesday Raymone Bain Sues MJ!

Oh oh I don't wanna say I told you so
But...I did and have done for years about Bain.

Where is katie?

See thing is the plan didn't work out for ray ray, smarter business people got hold of michael and got her out. Can I get a "woman scorned" up in here.

I'm not gonna get into it but bain was a bloody cancer, messing with fans, lying to michael, feeding friedman. I agree if she is genuinely owed money then mike gotta pay up. But I knew her ass would do this I knew it way back in 04/05. And there are people on here who know what I'm saying..other fans and you
Know who you are too acting like she was the best thing out. Well, now the truth is coming. I predict a counter sue as well, would be a great tactic. London hasn't got shit to do with ray

Oh and yes, by far the most concise/prof statement she has EVER done.

SoMeone pm me her email addy I've got some things to say to this 44mill retard.
You know I had heard a few months ago that she was feeling some type of way about the 02 shows and that she might sue. Although she was very happy Michael was back on stage. Looking at all of this makes me think that Raymone is hurt by something not because she was not paid but something else. It runs deep with her for some reason. He is not the only former client she has sued but I am more then sure she never went to this extreme.
Hmmm.. I wonder how long she's been trying to get "paid"? Since she heard the O2 announcements? Now she thinks she is entitled to some other monies apart from what she's already gotten??

I'm disappointed.

How about Grace? When and why (this may be a bit presumptious) did she leave? I miss
Well ain't this just FREAKIN' UNBELIEVALBE .....NOT!

How convienent for her to SUE michael AFTER the "This Is IT" deal is signed. Who she think she's fooling. Talking about she tried to get in contact with michael. oh pleeze. First ola now this mess. She must be Smokin that good CRACK if she think she's worth or entitled to, 44 million. This suit clearly is coming from the fact that she thinks she can get broke off a piece, of michael's pie, for the AEG contract. 44 million (that michel probably don't even have yet from AEG) proves she ain't up to no good. so every time michael makes money, off the time you worked for him, you think you supposed to get broke off, bcuz of it. Nooo hon, you do a job get paid and move on. Michael ain't giving you workers royalites. Or what I coulda, shoulda, woulda, mighta made, in the future FEES! Get out here with that.:rofl:

What she should be sueing michael for, is for an all out all expense paid, trip to LA's hottest SALON to get her hurr' did.....with her TACKY behind self:doh:. Mike hook her up..fa real :rofl:
Oh oh I don't wanna say I told you so
But...I did and have done for years about Bain.

Where is katie?

See thing is the plan didn't work out for ray ray, smarter business people got hold of michael and got her out. Can I get a "woman scorned" up in here.

I'm not gonna get into it but bain was a bloody cancer, messing with fans, lying to michael, feeding friedman. I agree if she is genuinely owed money then mike gotta pay up. But I knew her ass would do this I knew it way back in 04/05. And there are people on here who know what I'm saying..other fans and you
Know who you are too acting like she was the best thing out. Well, now the truth is coming. I predict a counter sue as well, would be a great tactic. London hasn't got shit to do with ray

Oh and yes, by far the most concise/prof statement she has EVER done.

SoMeone pm me her email addy I've got some things to say to this 44mill retard.

right here, love...gaz made the wonderful woman her own thread! lol :doh: peep what was said about her there
He is not the only former client she has sued but I am more then sure she never went to this extreme.

Spill the beans. What other clients has she sued?

Well ain't this just FREAKIN' UNBELIEVALBE .....NOT!

How convienent for her to SUE michael AFTER the "This Is IT" deal is signed. Who she think she's fooling. Talking about she tried to get in contact with michael. oh pleeze. First ola now this mess. She must be Smokin that good CRACK if she think she's worth or entitled to, 44 million. This suit clearly is coming from the fact that she thinks she can get broke off a piece, of michael's pie, for the AEG contract. 44 million (that michel probably don't even have yet from AEG) proves she ain't up to no good. so every time michael makes money, off the time you worked for him, you think you supposed to get broke off, bcuz of it. Nooo hon, you do a job get paid and move on. Michael ain't giving you workers royalites. Or what I coulda, shoulda, woulda, mighta made, in the future FEES! Get out here with that.:rofl:

What she should be sueing michael for, is for an all out all expense paid, trip to LA's hottest SALON to get her hurr' did.....with her TACKY behind self:doh:. Mike hook her up..fa real :rofl:

You got me laughing so hard, I am in tears! I had to get up from the computer! For real, though, you are telling the truth. :yes:
What she should be sueing michael for, is for an all out all expense paid, trip to LA's hottest SALON to get her hurr' did.....with her TACKY behind self:doh:. Mike hook her up..fa real :rofl:


God that is true :lol: :toofunny:
SoMeone pm me her email addy I've got some things to say to this 44mill retard.
dont temp me lol

Oh and yes, by far the most concise/prof statement she has EVER done.
LOL yeah she never put out statements like that for mj lol she did have it in her after all lol
Oh oh I don't wanna say I told you so
But...I did and have done for years about Bain.

Where is katie?

See thing is the plan didn't work out for ray ray, smarter business people got hold of michael and got her out. Can I get a "woman scorned" up in here.

I'm not gonna get into it but bain was a bloody cancer, messing with fans, lying to michael, feeding friedman. I agree if she is genuinely owed money then mike gotta pay up. But I knew her ass would do this I knew it way back in 04/05. And there are people on here who know what I'm saying..other fans and you
Know who you are too acting like she was the best thing out. Well, now the truth is coming. I predict a counter sue as well, would be a great tactic. London hasn't got shit to do with ray

Oh and yes, by far the most concise/prof statement she has EVER done.

SoMeone pm me her email addy I've got some things to say to this 44mill retard.

I know she's always been vague in her statement and I hate it. But I didnt know she fed friedbrain and lied to MJ. What exactly did she do?
Unlike Schaffel, Weisner and the others, Raymone was actually working her butt off on various things, and we all should continue being thankful that she was there for MJ while he was in an all out fight for his life and freedom.

Is Raymone entitled to $44MM now that MJ is about to step back on stage? Hmmmmmm... The amount sounds like it is way too much. Yet, whatever she may be entitled to, if anything at all, depends on the order that things occurred, including when the deal that was placed on the table had wet ink applied to it.

If Raymone no longer worked for MJ because she left on her own before he eventually signed the contract with AEG then it doesn't seem like she will get much, if anything.

Can she come back and say she was never officially terminated and is still MJ's General Manager? Doesn't seem like it. If she felt she was still in the General Manager role, then she would have come out a long time ago and made a big fuss about it when the world was introduced to Dr. Tohme Tohme. But, it doesn't seem like she did that. We would have heard something about it. She probably would have gone public with her complaint just like she did back during the court days when there was confusion about her still working for MJ then.

This situation still isn't something to go into a full blown panic over. Raymone is nothing like Schaffel, Weisner and the others. Schaffel and the others were straight up thieves and thieves do not have morals. Thieves do not have names to mess up because their names are already messed up by their very own doing. Raymone seems like she'll go about this matter much differently than those others because she is a legitimate business woman that will want to keep her name and reputation in tact for future business opportunities with other clients. Having Michael Jackson on her curriculum vitae/bio is a major accomplishment. Trying to take him through the ringer often backfires on those that go that route. Therefore, dealing with him in a professional manner and keeping things as low-key as possible is the best way for her to resolve this. It will just be another thing that he will quickly get off of his plate. It really ain't no thang.

Should we ever think that, that certain fired columnist should be listened to now more than ever just because he's done more of what he's been doing? Certainly not. And especially not when everyone knows that listening to him makes many MJ fans extremely upset. As long as that fired columnist feels that latching on to MJ's life and business affairs is a quick and easy way to blow up his own name, he'll keep trying to do it. But, do not fall weak to him and start validating him. Again, the only reason why this fired columnist can be heard right now is because MJ is not yet going full throttle. The good thing is MJ is gearing up and he is much more closer to having the curtain go up than he was four years ago. It's just months away now. So hold on, stay strong and stand firm on what we all have been waiting for.

Once the curtain goes up, MJ's music will be turned up full blast and we won't be able to hear that fired columnist. There's no way the music of the most famous entertainer in the world will not drown out the sound of that fired columinst. Some fans are only able to hear the squeaking of the fired columnist because the KOP isn't yet ready to do his sound check. But, stay ready. The clock is still counting down to "This Is It!"

And don't worry about Raymone. AEG has a lot invested in the upcoming concert series and MJ has invested a lot of his time and energy in prepping for opening night. They will come up with a way to resolve this matter as quickly and quietly as possible. It's gonna be okay.
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some pp will do anything to get a ticket for opening night
That's what I was thinking.

You know I had heard a few months ago that she was feeling some type of way about the 02 shows and that she might sue. Although she was very happy Michael was back on stage. Looking at all of this makes me think that Raymone is hurt by something not because she was not paid but something else. It runs deep with her for some reason. He is not the only former client she has sued but I am more then sure she never went to this extreme.
Spill the beans. What other clients has she sued?

You got me laughing so hard, I am in tears! I had to get up from the computer! For real, though, you are telling the truth. :yes:


God that is true :lol: :toofunny:

ATLF lol! It's the straight TRUTH! Nobody with half a brain is gonna take her serious after that video. Looking like she just got off the ghetto-fied set of baywatch and threw on a suit (a red one at that). She look straight TACKAFIED with all that caked on make-up and horrible blond/fake yellow lookin' wig...not that those long, from the horses' behind micro-braids were cute either...but that cheap 2-bit wet and wannabe wavy wiggy has gotsta GO :bugeyed! Some PROfessional she is. :doh:
Well, I never did like her hair. For someone as professional as she is supposed to be, I would think that she could afford to get her hair done by the professionals in LA. Looks like she went to Tamika's cousin around the corner!

Anyway, yall need to read the contract. Her contract with Michael is up this month. It was only for 3 years.
I think we all saw that. I don't know why you made the last remark.

Well, I never did like her hair. For someone as professional as she is supposed to be, I would think that she could afford to get her hair done by the professionals in LA. Looks like she went to Tamika's cousin around the corner!

Anyway, yall need to read the contract. Her contract with Michael is up this month. It was only for 3 years.