May 6, 2009 -Wednesday Raymone Bain Sues MJ!

Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

okay pump the brakes...

as i understand it now...this foo' is asking for $44 million!!

and with that, ladies and gentlemen, my opinion is "CHILD, PLEASE!"
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

That TMZ RB nonsense tells me everything I need to know.

I never trusted RB. Now, I know why.

You think you can play the fanbase against Michael?????

Pathetic! And this was expected!

Rumors, huh? You mean the same ones that mysteriously appear in the news from an un-named source??
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

As long as she isn't on television with all of this...

Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Where was she when there were rumours to deny?
Where was THAT website when there were things to clear up?
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

So in review of the lawsuit, she believes she is entitled to 10% of the MEDIA RUMORED $400 million that the O2 concerts COULD POTENTIALLY yield (if it continues in phases for 3.5 to 4 years)... In addition to 10% of the proceeds from Thriller 25 sales and from the Sony/ATV refinance. That's where she gets $44 million from. Amazing.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

This is a big lawsuit. I imagine the media will pick up this story and it will spread like wildfire over the next 24 hours. $44 Million is a very large amount of money, however the figures are based on media estimates like TSCM pointed out. I wonder how this will play out...Michael does not have time to sit in court, he has a big tour to plan for not to mention working on an album. This is definitely not a good time for this.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

So in review of the lawsuit, she believes she is entitled to 10% of the MEDIA RUMORED $400 million that the O2 concerts COULD POTENTIALLY yield... In addition to 10% of the proceeds from Thriller 25 sales and from the Sony/ATV refinance. That's where she gets $44 million from. Amazing.

thanks TSCM for that review and I can see why Michael has not paid her with those assumptions she's listed...

I will admit I am one of the few fans that wasn't so critical of Ms Bains and asked for fairness regarding her as Michael's spokesperson...

having said that... I wouldn't worry too much about this lawsuit... I don't think it will nix anything with the O2 tour...and from what i remember the media didn't give her much respect and that goes triple for MJ fans...

and just like Ola Ray....she is looking like an opportunist....
I knew Raymone would file a lawsuit. However I hope this can all be settled so both she and Michael can move on. It really bothers me that thing like this keep happening. I like Michael alot. But I wish that he would give people what pay they have coming if all this is legit and stop letting other people whisper in his ear if that's what's happening.
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Hmm, well... the 44 Mio. probably is debateable... but she does have a contract, doesn't she? And if the AEG deal came together due to her initiation isn't she entitled to a cut of the profits (even though I personally think it's madness to give someone 10 % only for negotiations... Michael is the one who has to do the work)... either way... the one who shall remain nameless has been right again, sorta! ;)
No, Hooter is going to file a lawsuit for the unpaid day of work on Captain EO.

@mjfan4ever, he did pay, but some people want more money than what they were supposed to get anyway, she wants that AEG money.

Oh ok. So Michael did pay her then? Then she needs to leave him alone. And she can stop trying to soften the blow of what she's doing by saying she respects him. I'm sorry. I don't buy it. People can get paid what they have coming. But then they can't sue to get more and expect themselves to look like nothing's up with that. This is pathetic.
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I have a sneaky suspicion that Bain maybe trying to get more money than she's actually entitled to. I can understand suing Michael for the money he owes her, if my boss didn't pay me for the work that I did, I'd probably sue too, but still she wants AT LEAST $44 million. I'm not sure Michael owes her that much money... Oh well, time will tell I guess :scratch:

Just one other thing that I noticed in that document TSCM posted. It's totally unrelated but it says Michael sold over 1 billion records worldwide :huh: And here we are thinking the 750 million figure was over exaggerated :lol:
She has a website now? Why she didn't bother to create it when she worked for Michael?
Per Raymone's claims, she communicated with AEG officials about possible concerts and film deals "on several occasions" throughout the year 2007. This was many months (perhaps more than a year) before any contract was ever negotiated and signed between Michael and AEG, and the contract was signed months after Michael had last spoken with Raymone. So, it then becomes a question of...can Raymone PROVE that her "several" discussions with AEG a year or two earlier directly contributed to Michael and AEG's ultimate decision to sign the contract? Of course, even if she could prove that, she would also have to prove that Michael Jackson has already received the $400 million that Randy Phillips told the media he could theoretically make if continuing a series of worldwide concerts and film projects. I wish her luck on that one.
Per Raymone's claims, she communicated with AEG officials about possible concerts and film deals "on several occasions" throughout the year 2007. This was many months (perhaps more than a year) before any contract was ever negotiated and signed between Michael and AEG, and the contract was signed months after Michael had last spoken with Raymone. So, it then becomes a question of...can Raymone PROVE that her "several" discussions with AEG a year or two earlier directly contributed to Michael and AEG's ultimate decision to sign the contract?
Yes, that will be the question... and I'm kinda worried that a jury trial is supposed to judge that... if it gets to that... I think there is a good chance for a settlement though!

Of course, even if she could prove that, she would also have to prove that Michael Jackson has already received the $400 million that Randy Phillips told the media he could theoretically make if continuing a series of worldwide concerts and film projects. I wish her luck on that one.
Oh well... that of course is a totally different issue... I don't get it why she writes 'at least 44 mio' when she doesn't even know what the bottomline will be for Michael!
Well i knew this was gonna come, Raymone has always been useless and bad news.
Im sure if we emailed her she would reply with her apparant proffesional, hardworking reply of "not true"...I hope Mikes team take her to the cleaners, and im sure AEG will be on hand to support Mike
Per Raymone's claims, she communicated with AEG officials about possible concerts and film deals "on several occasions" throughout the year 2007. This was many months (perhaps more than a year) before any contract was ever negotiated and signed between Michael and AEG, and the contract was signed months after Michael had last spoken with Raymone. So, it then becomes a question of...can Raymone PROVE that her "several" discussions with AEG a year or two earlier directly contributed to Michael and AEG's ultimate decision to sign the contract? Of course, even if she could prove that, she would also have to prove that Michael Jackson has already received the $400 million that Randy Phillips told the media he could theoretically make if continuing a series of worldwide concerts and film projects. I wish her luck on that one.

If you just go by what has been in news reports, AEG representatives wanted Michael Jackson; they were the ones in pursuit, not the other way around. If Cinderella had walked in with Michael Jackson the deal would have been done; so I wonder if AEG would say she is responsible for this; actually, they may even say she didn't deliver since there was no commitment from Michael at the time. Factors also involve on what level were the discussions and how close; the negotiations could have been totally different this time. So many variables that it isn't really worth the effort without the facts. But, I don't think the average jury member likes when they think someone is trying to take credit for something after the fact. Remember one even stated that he asked Michael why he finally decided to do the concerts. For all anyone knows, the current deal with AEG may look nothing like it did when R. Bain was in discussions.

But, truly my first instinct is that Michael's attention is on his upcoming shows and that is where the fans' attention will be. Michael pays his lawyers big bucks to deal with these things and don't think they won't whichever way it ends. And I doubt Michael is surprised by any lawsuits at this point. He has always remained on top because he knew where to keep his focus.
$44 million dollars? She was going to make as much as Tobey Maguire doing two Spider-Man films for what? Negotiating some paperwork and making statements that tell nothing to the press?

I wasn't going to say anything until I saw the amount. If this figure is true... no way. No way. A couple million? Sure. $44,000,000? No. $20,000,000? No. Hell, even five million sounds extreme.

Damn, some people want a piece of his pie, she wants the whole damn kitchen.
I think what troubles me the most is that Michael granted this woman so much power. It looks as if she's in control of all his business affairs, including appointing her to the board of Sony/ATV.

If Michael didn't properly terminate her contract (via written termination as required in all states) then she is still his general manager. I wonder who abruptly cut her off? Frank Dileo or Dr. Tohme? And I wonder if they know that they have caused Michael a lot of trouble because if she initiated talks between MJ Company and AEG and if there was any letter of intent, then Michael Jackson is royally screwed. Mum used to say "Too many chefs in a kitchen can spoil the pot" and with the recent tug of war between managers Rowe, Dileo and Tohme, it looks like Michael could be in a bit of a mess.
$44 million dollars? She was going to make as much as Tobey Maguire doing two Spider-Man films for what? Negotiating some paperwork and making statements that tell nothing to the press?

I wasn't going to say anything until I saw the amount. If this figure is true... no way. No way. A couple million? Sure. $44,000,000? No. $20,000,000? No. Hell, even five million sounds extreme.

Damn, some people want a piece of his pie, she wants the whole damn kitchen.
And yet Michael promised her 10% of any profit due to her work for him! But I think that's a general problem in that industry... middlemen (and women) expect too much money when in reality the artists are the ones doing the real work!
I think what troubles me the most is that Michael granted this woman so much power. It looks as if she's in control of all his business affairs, including appointing her to the board of Sony/ATV.

If Michael didn't properly terminate her contract (via written termination as required in all states) then she is still his general manager. I wonder who abruptly cut her off? Frank Dileo or Dr. Tohme? And I wonder if they know that they have caused Michael a lot of trouble because if she initiated talks between MJ Company and AEG and if there was any letter of intent, then Michael Jackson is royally screwed. Mum used to say "Too many chefs in a kitchen can spoil the pot" and with the recent tug of war between managers Rowe, Dileo and Tohme, it looks like Michael could be in a bit of a mess.
Well i knew this was gonna come, Raymone has always been useless and bad news.
Im sure if we emailed her she would reply with her apparant proffesional, hardworking reply of "not true"...I hope Mikes team take her to the cleaners, and im sure AEG will be on hand to support Mike

Since Michael did employ her for a significant amount of time during a significant period of his life, I don't know if anyone can get away with saying she's been useless. If people expect her not to have selective memory, then the same should be true of everyone else. Michael has been handling each of these cases in a way that he did not get steamrolled. I don't think this will be any different.

Besides, don't forget he is going to have some very strong support on his side. But, again, people in general don't like this kind of complaint against anyone if you weren't even around when the deal was actually made. Michael will be fine in all this--as usual.
she doesn't regret it at all.

this is just fucking crazy. as for the biggest way to tell that MJ is at his peak(ala that peak thread). everybody is suing him.

it's hard to believe these people are legit in their complaints, because of the desire that there's never enough money to be paid, if the employer has the success of Michael. and yes, like Michaelsson said, this always happens when he has a successful event. in this case, the o2 sellouts.

as for the idea that all these people are suing MJ because he's stingy? no. na ah.

if that were the case, then there wouldn't be so many sue-happy americans setting up accidents on the road, against people they don't even know, hoping to sue them. people don't sue because the target of the suit is stingy. people sue, because in THIER view, the target of the suit is stingy. they sue for the money chase. for the money for it's own sake. because they love money. and they aren't receiving it fast enough. and they aren't receiving enough, ever, in their own eyes. america is sue-happy. that is proof enough that it's not about MJ being stingy. but of course MJ is the king target of the lawsuits because the attackers see him as the ultimate bank. and too much from him is never enough.

and Raymone's best wishes are fake. her will is ill toward MJ and those he loves. she might as well insult him like the rest.
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