May 6, 2009 -Wednesday Raymone Bain Sues MJ!

Well if it's true that Michael owes Raymone money, then I agree, he should pay up. It shouldn't have to get to the point were employees or ex-employees have to file lawsuits to get what they earned and what they're entitled to. However, Bain is asking for $44 million dollars for negotiating a contract...the amount she is asking for is beyond ridiculous and the timing of all of this makes me question whether she is trying to get more then what she's worth. She's been out of MJ's life for 2 years now, all of a sudden when MJ is about to make a lot of money all these people from Michael's past come out of the woodworks and sue for whatever they can.

Amen! Two years, this woman has been gone. And all of a sudden, when she sees the deal between AEG and Michael, she wants to file a lawsuit? I don't care what anyone says, Raymone must have been getting paid something during the time she was around Michael, else she would have filed a suit a long time ago. And I don't care if she was still under contract with him.....if she was not sitting at a table negotiating this deal with AEG, it Phillips or someone else over there will be able to attest to that. And I doubt if they will not jump to the opportunity to help Michael with this lawsuit. They worked too hard to get him to do this concert and they don't want anything to mess it up.
$44 MILLION! Come on now, she is calculating money that has not even been earned yet, and may never be earned.

AEG is the only one talking about a possible 3 year deal, MJ hasn't confirmed that one way or another. If anything Ms. Bain should be working with what is confirmed.

Like many others, I see a problem because the AEG guy said on many, many occassions that MJ turned them down for 2 years straight. For all we know there was NO deal on the table at that time, just some "kicking" around of different ideas, all of which MJ turned down.

I also believe that AEG approached MJ and not the other way around. Ms Bain has named 3 persons from AEG, and I'm sure they all have a story to tell, which may or may not match up with her's. It's also interesting that she did not mention any specifics regarding any talks she may have had with AEG. For example, the every other day schedule. Who's idea was that?

I have no dog in the race, just putting out a few opinions, but I gotta tell you, I really can't take Ms. Bain seriously now, only because of the way she is presenting herself. That NEW website is totally unnecessary and sort of belittles her claims. She is putting herself too out there and it makes her look like she is trying too hard. WAY, WAY TOO HARD!
I have no dog in the race, just putting out a few opinions, but I gotta tell you, I really can't take Ms. Bain seriously now, only because of the way she is presenting herself. That NEW website is totally unnecessary and sort of belittles her claims. She is putting herself too out there and it makes her look like she is trying too hard. WAY, WAY TOO HARD!

you have a point but as I try to do is wait for the facts... and something tells me this won't go far...and as someone said before .. Michael usually don't give up much with these lawsuits...

Raymone.. though protest too much...
Amen! Two years, this woman has been gone. And all of a sudden, when she sees the deal between AEG and Michael, she wants to file a lawsuit? I don't care what anyone says, Raymone must have been getting paid something during the time she was around Michael, else she would have filed a suit a long time ago. And I don't care if she was still under contract with him.....if she was not sitting at a table negotiating this deal with AEG, it Phillips or someone else over there will be able to attest to that. And I doubt if they will not jump to the opportunity to help Michael with this lawsuit. They worked too hard to get him to do this concert and they don't want anything to mess it up.
I'm with you AllTheLovelyFlowers.

AEG is going to protect their investment and maybe Ms. Bain should not have named those 3 AEG fellows in her lawsuit.

Another thing, when she talks about the Thriller 25 project. For some reason, I don't think Sony needed anybody's help, putting that package together. LOL! I mean, it's not like there have not been 20 million re-releases of Thriller already.

I also noticed that she did not mention that fan party, which was held in Japan a few years back. Did she put that together also? Did she get paid for that?

How many years have we discussed on this very board, how SONY saved MJ from losing the catalog. Many, many times! Now Ms. Bain is claiming that she was the saviour of the catalog. I wonder what the folks over at Sony think about that particular claim.
you have a point but as I try to do is wait for the facts... and something tells me this won't go far...and as someone said before .. Michael usually don't give up much with these lawsuits...

Raymone.. though protest too much...

Exactly! the full on assault she is taking with this is very suspicious. If she starts doing interviews about this I am just gonna puke!

Is there anybody who works for Michael that he can truly say 'that person will never sue me..?'.....'cause I don't think so!
mo money mo problems.

if these suits didn't happen everytime a new success attached itself to MJ, the aggressors would not look so stupid.

"hmmmm...o2 sellout. let me see how i can partake in MYYY part of this gravy train!"

gimme a break.

these lawsuits will always be suspect, when aimed at Michael, because nobody(apart from his fans, and the general public that keeps mobbing him, whenever he goes outside) ever believes he will be successful, when the page turns, because they are media lemmings. nobody would've believed o2. and you can bet your bottom dollar when he sells out in the usa, other lawsuits will follow, because nobody believes he will sell out in the usa.

oh, they relax cus they think Michael's not going anywhere, when it comes to new successes. then when the 'surprise' success keeps hitting, they are taken by surprise and immediately knee jerk to get their piece of the gravy train.

Michael has been getting sued even when things were quiet around him though, it's not just because of his deals. Are you really of the opinion that Michael just gets played by all these people every time? That there's no chance that maybe, just maybe, he's just not handling these kinds of things well?

I just don't buy it. It wouldn't be the first time we hear about Michael just suddenly cutting contact with someone. I"m not saying Raymone is 100% right here, but this is not happening without sound reason.
I"m not saying Raymone is 100% right here, but this is not happening without sound reason.
In my opinion, you really can't say how SOUND the reasoning is, until you hear what the other side has to say.

She already losses sound reasoning points, for claiming he owes her $44 MILLION, when he ain't sang a note yet. LOL!
Yeah I get what some of y'all are trying to say about Michael and the contracts he signed with these people BUT the other coin's side is even more ridiculous and thing is Michael is NEVER told about what these people are until later on.

As of now, her word ain't really bond to me.
The below statement sure sounds like a personal threat to me.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

When I say personal, I mean that she knows a lot and might be threatening to tell things which are personal to Michael. Cases involving big money like this are frequently settled out of court, but she deliberately mentions "court" as if she would carry it that far if she doesn't get what she wants be it fair or not. All I can say is "GREEDY".
^^ Exactly. Right now I can't see anything REASONABLE in what she says. Yeah Michael probably shouldn't have re-hired her but just like everybody else, he didn't know until last minute. It's "nobody's fault" right now but the way she's going about it she may reveal some tabloid sh*t to the court to get them to pay Mike all the money.

Like I said, I see a settlement coming.
The below statement sure sounds like a personal threat to me.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

When I say personal, I mean that she knows a lot and might be threatening to tell things which are personal to Michael. Cases involving big money like this are frequently settled out of court, but she deliberately mentions "court" as if she would carry it that far if she doesn't get what she wants be it fair or not. All I can say is "GREEDY".

I think what she's referring to is other people. This lawsuit becoming public will result in rumors and speculation about them. She's right in that.
Michael has been getting sued even when things were quiet around him though, it's not just because of his deals. Are you really of the opinion that Michael just gets played by all these people every time? That there's no chance that maybe, just maybe, he's just not handling these kinds of things well?

I just don't buy it. It wouldn't be the first time we hear about Michael just suddenly cutting contact with someone. I"m not saying Raymone is 100% right here, but this is not happening without sound reason.

there has never been sound reason till now. why should i believe different. and what quiet time? more often than not, it's not quiet time. let's just say, i believe that some may be tired of MJ winning all the time, and now they're all attacking at once.

let's just say that if i were a vegas bettor, i'd feel comfy betting on Michael. any takers?:)
And notice how she mentions several times about how she "helped" Michael handle other "settlements'. Not making it clear what type of settlements she is talking about, I don't like that she revealed this because it gives fodder to the media to make claims that Michael had other settlements of the sort I won't mention here.

I just don't like the way she is doing this. And I also don't think that Raymone is qualified to handle all the things she was assigned to handle in this shot gun contract. If she were, she would have laughed at such a contract. Someone of her caliber, with all the lawyers she is close to, should have known that a one page contract doesn't even begin to address all the issues that need to be addressed in order to make it clear what her duties, responsibilities and expectations are. I can see Michael signing it because I personally don't see him being as savvy a business man as some fans do. For too long, Michael has had other people doing this type of stuff for him. But someone like Raymone should have known better. If she were so smart, she would have rejected the contract all together. But it looks to me like she wrote this thing up just to get a quick signature. I don't see Michael's logo on it. And if she did, then she is not as savvy as I thought she was.

And please don't jump on me for what I said about Michael. I believe that Michael is a visionary and a creative genius. He is a very curious fellow who watches and learns from others and goes out and does what they do and ends up making a lot of money doing so. But it is the execution or administration of it that I don't think Michael is good at. Michael listened as Paul Macca told him all about song publishing...then he went out and bought his own songs. But it was John Branca who brokeerd the now famous deal between Michael and Sony. And he must have served Michael very well because Michael has been able to hold onto the deal so far.

But I truly don't believe that Michael doesn't like paying people whom he owes. I just don't believe that he is used to the daily grind of handling bills, invoices and the like. And I don't think he likes doing it. I think he is way to much of a free spirit. And all of this causes people who work with him to take him as a push over and try to get all they can out of him. These people don't respect Michael. I know that because notice how hard Raymone was trying to convince the fans that she really cares about Michael. Why did she feel the need to do that? Because she knows that Michael is a good person and doesn't deserve this. But she sees all that money coming down the pipe and she wants to see if she can get a portion of it. I know she claims to have worked with all these people, but what I noticed is that when Raymone was publicizing for Michael, she wasn't working for anyone else. I always thought it was funny how this so called business woman dropped everything to go and work full time for Michael. Must have not been leaving much behind, if you ask me.
The below statement sure sounds like a personal threat to me.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

When I say personal, I mean that she knows a lot and might be threatening to tell things which are personal to Michael. Cases involving big money like this are frequently settled out of court, but she deliberately mentions "court" as if she would carry it that far if she doesn't get what she wants be it fair or not. All I can say is "GREEDY".
She knows all too well that we MJ fans have discussions amongst themselves and she's learned a lot about MJ's fans just from many of them emailing her whenever they were panicking about something. She's also aware of the way that the media likes to run with things and make some stories seem bigger than they actually are. I think this is what she is referring to.
if she wasnt paid - she needs to be paid. but $44 millions?! isnt it a little bit too much? :) i think T Mez who saved Michael's life didnt get anything close to that.
If TMez didn't get paid, I doubt if he would ever handle it the way this woman is handling it. Way too much class for that.

If she shows up on the media circuit, I will just throw my hands in the air.
i just think that sometimes, people see the big doe eyes and him and will i am picking apples and think, awww cute... naa...he's not that great a businessman. he's been the consistent centerpiece thoughout forty plus years. and while it's easy to say the other men around Mike are the true businessmen cus they look like businessmen, or businesswomen, Mike's quiet voice which has said he does pay attention to the business end of things, is too easy for some not to believe.

looks can be deceiving, IMO.

MJ will handle his business here, as he always does.
This has nothing to do with how the men around him look. Nor does it have anything to do with whether Michael is capable or not. What it has to do with is my belief that Michael doesn't like doing this type of stuff. If he did, his bills would always be paid on time. Geez, Michael is not 100% blameless in all these lawsuits. Either he or someone he can trust needs to handle his business, plain and simple. If he is good at handling it, then handle it.

I guarantee you when this is over, we are gonna see reports that the matter was settled and both parties are happy. When this happens, both sides got something they wanted. I doubt if Raymone is gonna get anywheres near $44 mil, but I can easily believe that she will walk away with something.
Hell nooooooooooooo
a lot of people in america don't pay their bills on time. or..perhaps they do, and then there is interest added.

perhaps Michael does, and the collectors are just not satisfied. as for me, i'll just give MJ the forty plus year benefit of the doubt.
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And please don't jump on me for what I said about Michael. I believe that Michael is a visionary and a creative genius. He is a very curious fellow who watches and learns from others and goes out and does what they do and ends up making a lot of money doing so. But it is the execution or administration of it that I don't think Michael is good at.

well i remember TMez saying something similar "visionary and genius but not good for plans or contracts" so what? a person cannot be everything at once - a great artist and a brilliant accountant. Michael is perfect is his area - music and dance. But yes i agree he needs someone savvy and honest to manage his business.

If TMez didn't get paid, I doubt if he would ever handle it the way this woman is handling it. Way too much class for that.
i co-sign to that. and it was T Mez who fired her in June 2005

anyway 44 millions is too much. it's not a salary :cheeky: or may be she knows it's too much and she wants a bargain so this is a starting price? it would be funny if it wasnt so sad
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well i remember TMez saying something similar "visionary and genius but not good for plans or contracts" so what? a person cannot be everything at once - a great artist and a brilliant accountant. Michael is perfect is his area - music and dance. But yes i agree he needs someone savvy and honest to manage his business.

You are right, T Mez DID say that in court. And I don't think that it is a negative thing. I think that Michael just doesn't like dealing with things like this because he likes doing what he likes to do which is focus on his music. And you got to know that when you have had people doing this sort of stuff for you for over 40 years, you get spoiled.

And I agree with you too that Michael needs someone in his employ to handle this stuff for him. But I think that it really needs to be someone that he fully trusts. Someone who isn't going to have their hands in his pockets. Then he can focus on the things he loves the most without worrying about details like this.